LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 01 - post158

That evening we had a kleftiko, a Cypriot dish that comes from the days when the ‘antartes’ (guerrillas) fought the British, living in the mountains. They would dig a hole, make a fire and place the coals in there, put the meat (lamb or goat) with potatoes, onions and so on, wrapped up in newspapers, close the hole and leave. That way, if smoke was seen they were no longer there. Twenty four hours later they would return and collect the food. The meat is so tender it hardly needs to be chewed. We had a bottle of red wine with our meal. Claudia held up her glass, looking at the lights through the red wine.
“I presume you will want me to change back, will my eleven year old body be able to handle this wine?”

Previous Post 157


“Enjoy it love. The healer will see to it.”

She laughed, “You know that we Swedes love our alcohol. Is there any danger I could become addicted to it?”

“No chance. Part of the healing and rejuvenation is the correcting of genes that cause thing such as drug or alcoholic dependence.”

“Then why do you enjoy smoking?”

“I do not. I actually hated it. It was probably a way of saying, look, I want to kill myself…I’m sorry, I was being self-defensive. I cannot explain why, but I do enjoy a cigarette now and then, but as the healer does not allow the chemicals to remain in my body, I am not physically addicted, probably just psychologically addicted…whenever I have a serious problem or I’m feeling depressed - even, sometimes, when I’m too happy for me to handle it, I feel I need a cigarette.”

“It is amazing. People are so complex, half the time not even understanding themselves, and yet we are still able to fall in love.”

I kept my tone light, “Are you telling me you are in love?”

“Oh yes, that I am. Whether I am eleven or twenty five, I keep falling in love with this same wonderful sweet man.”

“He is a lucky guy.”

“Isn’t he?” She smiled at my game-playing. “Actually Robert, I am the lucky one.”

“Can I ask, why do you call me Robbie as a child and Robert now?”

“I didn’t think about it - it just feels right.”

“I like the Robbie name when I feel it is an expression of love, an endearment.” I laughed. “Do you want to know something funny? I do not like it if a man tries to call me Robbie, not even my best friend.”

The healer left us alone so that we both ended up with a warm glow and a little tipsy. We walked over to the hotel under a full moon, its pearly glow doing strange things to her eyes. When we entered our room I closed my eyes and lightly ran my fingers over her face, creating a map of her fine features for my fingers to remember forever - or at least until she really is a twenty five year old. When I opened my eyes again, hers were fixed on mine with a warm glow of love.

“Claudia, my love grows for you all the time. Thank you for being so special.” I kissed her tenderly and left her, going for a shower I did not need, to give her time to change.

My heart lurched as I returned to find her sweet eleven year old body bare and golden, lying on the bed. I saw the slight swelling of the breasts just beginning to blossom, the fine satin skin and the firmness of her taut young flesh. As I stared she stood up on the bed and turned around for me, offering the sight of her, her waist, with the slight curve inwards on the outer sides, the two dimples above them, the sculpted shoulders with the ripple of movement as she raised her arms above her head; the grooves down her spine that curved in at the waist. She turned and I saw her abdomen pulled in by the raising of her arms, the rib cage softly outlined.

I removed the bathrobe and knelt on the bed in front of her.

“Do you like me Robbie?”

“You are glorious. They should make a statue of you to represent the ideal of adolescence. But then how would any artist capture the soft golden glow, the warm satiny feel of your skin. You have a body to be adored my love and so I will. Oh god, yes I will.”


I ran fingers lightly up and down her skin and though she trembled like a doe she turned for me to feel all of her beauty.

“Damn, I had heard that Swedish girls are beautiful and when I saw your sister I was captivated by her lovely features and skin, but you put her to shame. I never imagined anything so lovely. I could delight in just feeling you like this forever.”

It has become accepted that they answer my clichés of endearments with a cliché, instead of kindly ignoring them. Shyly she giggled. “I hope not Robbie.”

I pulled her to her knees and bending my head down to her I kissed her full soft lips. The inside of her arms caressed me as she moved her fingertips over my back and her lips parted in invitation. I was truly spellbound by her lovely skin and my lips trailed their way in adoration over her cheeks, to her eyes, to the soft firm lobes of her ears which I sucked and gently nibbled on. She startled me when she pulled away.

“Robbie I don’t want to come from you making love to my ears and face.”

“Why not my love? You can come as many times as you want. Each one will be better than the last one.” As I returned to her ears, gently breathing into them her hand slid over my chest and down over my belly. She gave a low moan and her body arched in spasms that were more like a yearning than the red flowering explosion of passion. I held her to me while my hands rubbed at her body, kneading and pinching her firm warm flesh.

She wanted to collapse onto the sheets, but I held her up. Tenderly I warmed her with loving hands until she was able to stand for me upon the bed.

I felt the thrumming within her, she was as tightly strung as a piano wire. I raised myself and kissed her neck, nuzzling my way until I was behind her and was kissing the nape, pulling her long hair up so that my lips could taste the back of her neck. I slowly ran my tongue down her spine.

I pulled back and looked at her, just thrilling to the sight of her sweet lithe body and limbs. “This is the first time I have ever asked anyone to stand for me. Usually this all happens with my sweet lover lying down. I am enjoying the sight of your perfect body so much I just had to make you stand. Come my love, lie down.”

“No. I think it is my turn now. You have been driving me crazy with your lips, now it is my turn.”

Obediently I stayed upright as she too ran her soft fingers over my body and her lips and tongue teased the nerve endings of my skin so that I was soon one hard knot of aching desire and need. I cried out to her what was about to happen and she clamped herself to me. As the pressure subsided she echoed my words, lovingly teasing me.

“Don’t worry love. You can come as often as you want.” There was a gleam of naughtiness in her eyes so I decided to play with her.

“It is not the same for a man my love. Once the semen has spurted out the pressure and ache it causes is gone and hours are needed to refill…”

She laughed at me. “I felt how many times you made love with the others. You are not just any man.”

“I am my love. I am just lucky that I have the healer to help me.”

Next Post 159

For those readers who have not understood, when they speak using telepathy, what they say is enclosed within stars, and the thoughts exchanged are in italic.
e.g *Hi, I bet you are wishing you could read thoughts.*?

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love. Yes, most of all, always of empathy and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
22nd June, 2018
* posted on Steemit 22nd June, 2018

For those who wish to be notified of any sequels
If you wish to have your name added, I would be honoured.

Good evening friends hope you're fine, you wrote so beautifully that your blog is very good to me. I have learned a lot from you, thank you so much for writing so beautifully

καλησπέρα μολις το διάβασα.... αμε θέλω να προσθέσεις το όνομα μου... δικό μου τιμή θα είναι...

Efharisto -to onom a sou to eho valei - aplos prosfero so opoion allo thelei na mpei stin lista. Ean metaheirizese to
tha se pliroforei kathe fora kapoios se kanei 'mention' se comment i se post.

δε το ήξερα... θα το παρακολουθώ τωρα..

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