LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 01 - post156

I felt it was too early, but now that the cat was out of the bag I was forced to explain that all the girls are my lovers, the four girls that is. It upset them deeply.

Previous Post 155


“Yiayia, you saw Tina as a grown up, would you like to also see me? Then you can maybe understand how I could be making love with our husband.”


“We did not marry with a priest mother, not the traditional way. We did marry each other in a church and gave our vows in front of God.”

By the time we were ready to leave, her parents had more to digest than they could handle. Nicko stayed behind to talk with them. I was relieved it was over.

Back at our hotel rooms I turned to Dommi. “My love, we had organised such a wonderful birthday party for you. Your favourite singer had agreed to come...”

Quick as a wink she cut in, “You mean Wendy? Of course she would come.”

I tweaked her ear. “You are pretending to deliberately misunderstand me. Don’t worry, the girls had also prepared a show for you, I am guessing it would have been something like the fairy dance you girls did for Meli and I.”

“Oh come on Robbie. You think I would copy myself, do the same again?” Meli pretended to look hurt.

I offered her a smile and told Dommi, “I am trying to say love, that I still want to have a party for your birthday, even if we are late for it...”

“…and even if you were dead on that day…” Wendy looked at me, suddenly afraid at what she had said.

I nodded. “You only said what we were all probably thinking. As far as I am concerned, none of you were dead. You all had moved temporarily to our World, to wait there for me, and we are having a party. We can have it here, at our house, with just our friends.”

“Talking about friends Robert. What do I say to my friends Maria-Elena and Pavlo?”

“We will have to stick to the story Savva made up. Keep it simple love, don’t embroider it with fanciful twists and turns as you love to.”

“I don’t!!”

“You do!” all the girls gleefully shouted at her, for once taking my side.

Cherine looked hurt. “When did I ever.”

“Didn’t you tell me a story about a magic garden and the monster that…” Cherine hit a laughing Claudia with a pillow.

Chapter Sixty Six

We were at our home early next morning and by afternoon everything was back in place and the house was clean - it still amazes me when I watch the girls using their gifts to clean the house so quickly. I was relieved to see Alki walk in with a young man from his office who was carrying my computer.

“Alki, I need the phone back again, as soon as possible. I have to be able to access the internet.”

“OTE promised they will reconnect you on Monday.”


I took him aside so that his employee would not hear us. “I hope you will not be too busy this weekend to look after our girls.”

“What are you talking about.”

“Claudia and I are going away for the weekend. She deserves some special attention…”

“Sooo, now you want me to look after them they are suddenly ‘our’ girls?”

Instead of leaving on Saturday morning, we jumped on Friday, early afternoon. Soon as I could I changed our appearances so that I look about thirty five and Claudia about twenty five. She was stunning so I had to experiment until she was less memorable. We took a taxi to Paphos and booked in at our hotel. We then walked around until we found a flat in lower Paphos and prepaid the rent for a year under an assumed name. Now we have a base to jump to.

I could feel that Claudia likes the way I look and when I asked, she responded by telling me I look more distinguished; she likes the mature look with the grey on either side. Because she made me feel good about myself, I rewarded her by changing her back so that she looks as she actually will when twenty five - which means I ended up rewarding myself also.

Claudia was puzzled by all the changes, so I teasingly told her, “You do realise this is not a good idea? People are going to wonder what such a beautiful woman is doing with someone like me. By the way, you still have that amazing complexion which made me first notice your sister. You are going to be thoroughly hated by a lot of women tonight.”

It was too chilly to sit outside, so we went to a fish taverna, had a bottle of wine with our food and then moved to the coffee shop/bar at the old port. It was cosy and warm, with a real fire in the fireplace, and we spent a few delightful hours listening to the singer. As he sang and strummed his guitar many of the patrons sang along with him, which was what actually made it feel so good to be there. My arm stayed around her waist and Claudia cuddled up to me, her head on my shoulder. Before the evening was over I had kissed and tasted the sweetness of her mouth. It was with regret that I dampened myself as we arrived back at our room.

“But I want to make love with you. Why must we wait for tomorrow?” She was upset with me.

“I do not know, it is just a feeling I have.”

“Well, I have a feeling that we should!”

I tried to analyse what my feelings were. Hesitantly I tried to explain, though I doubted she would understand why I felt this way.

“Tonight feels like a night of passion. I have a need to hold my little Claudia with tenderness. I want our first time to be a night of sweetness and love, not this overpowering passion which is a fever in my blood.”

“I have the body of a woman, I need you now Robert.”

I nearly reacted by changing her back, but that would have been a terrible mistake. To try and distract her I suggested, “It is still fairly early. Why don’t we find your sister and go to a disco? I’m sure she would enjoy seeing you like this.”

“Stuff my sister…”

I grinned. “Okay, though I had thought you wanted me to stuff you…” I ducked as she swung at me in anger and frustration. Suddenly all passion was gone. I was cold with anger. She sensed it and pulled back.

“Never, not once have I or any of the girls hit out at each other. That was not in play, it was in anger.”

She began to cry and apologised.


“It is not good enough. Maybe you did it because you have seen it happen as a child. It is not how we behave. You do not hit; you do not throw and smash things. You do not say things to hurt as deeply as you can. That kind of behaviour belongs to that class of persons who do not respect each other and have no self discipline. You ever do it again I walk away from you. I swear by my love for you, I will walk away forever.

Claudia, I am not just threatening you. There will be many times that I anger you, or one of the others do, but our reactions must always remain within civilised proportions. Even anger, a fight, are part of a relationship. However, all relationships must obey fundamental rules or they get eaten away by the acid of too many ugly memories. I treat you like a lady and expect you to act like one.”

Next Post 157

For those readers who have not understood, when they speak using telepathy, what they say is enclosed within stars, and the thoughts exchanged are in italic.
e.g *Hi, I bet you are wishing you could read thoughts.*?

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love. Yes, most of all, always of empathy and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
20th June, 2018
* posted on Steemit 20th June, 2018

Καλησπέρα, μόλις το διάβασα. Μπερδεύτηκα λίγο στο τέλος δε κατάλαβα γιατί η Claudia είναι θυμωμένη…

Na sou po tin alitheia, otan to egrapsa, den pira to meros tou Robert. Giati?

I Claudia einai 11 hronon. Opos polla koritsakia, oneirevetai oti otan megalosi kai ehei soma gynaikas, tha tin theloun oi antres.

Epeidi afti tin imera ehei soma gynaikas, nomize oti o Robert tha tin thelei poli. Ekeios opmos tis leei ohi, perimene gia avrio. Oti prospathi na ton peisie, ekeinos tis leei ena anosto asteio (stuff to metaheirizontai san leksi oi neei gia 'have sex').

Opos megalose, ehei dei tin mitera tis kai allles gynaikes tis geitonias na antidroun me via otan thimonoun, kai etsi, horis na to skeftei, prospathi na ktipisi ton Robert.

Pou na deis ti tha ginei otan o Robert antidrasei se kati aschima kai propathi na metaheiristi via....

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