LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 01 - post155

As the steel band cast itself within, altering me, the girls did not block themselves as they softly sobbed for the Robert they have lost.

Previous Post 154


We returned home to Alki a sad and depressed group. I could not afford to indulge myself at this moment, there were far too many complications and issues to be dealt with. I phoned Savva to apologise for any problems I caused him and offered to return. He soothed me, apologising for his own thoughtlessness. He informed me that he has set the wheels in motion to have the graves opened, based on information he has that they do not contain any bodies.

Thinking fast he had put down a reason. He wrote that I claimed a threat had been made against my daughters and I had created this charade, hoping the publicity would convince the would-be assailants that there were no victims available to them. He referred to the previous case of a foreign young female child being abducted (our Wendy) and expressed the opinion that if my claim is fact, it was probably the same group and as it would appear they must have killed the first girl when the father died, and he felt the department should do all they can to apprehend them. He hopes they’ll ask him to head the investigation and with a smile in his voice reassured me that for the first time in his career he will not mind failing.

“Savva, what about the morgue, the post-mortem. Won’t they contradict the story? I mean they did have bodies they worked on.”

“Leave that to me, the documents no longer exist - the man in charge is doing this for me, he is my brother in law.”

“I do not know how to thank you. Soon as I have my furniture back, would you and your wife call on us? Savva, I hesitate to be the one to say it, but if one good thing can be said to have come out of this, it is the knowledge that even death can now be cheated, I want to be certain that both of you can be brought back should an accident occur. If not for you Savva, then for your wife?”

I realised we are now going to need substantial funds. I want from every person we have ‘touched’ with our gifts to deposit cells from their bodies in a number of locations around the world. I had no idea with what or how I would do it, but I was determined to keep such cell banks without costing Alki any money. I’ve presumed on his love for us too often already and the truth is, I feel a bit uncomfortable with him. I still love him, but I can’t help wondering whether he has really let go all of his anger with me.

Now came the difficult part. Alki phoned Nicko, requesting him to come over as he has important information for him. When he arrived we all withdrew, giving Alki the opportunity to prepare him for our return. When Alki called us in, Nicko was in tears. His fervent embrace of Dommi, his trembling as she held him showed what this had cost him and of the deep love he has for her. He had the grace to give each of the girls a hug and kiss on the cheeks. When he finally stood in front of me, I saw anger in his eyes.

“Nicko, it was my fault, my disappearance caused their deaths. It was not my fault though from the point of view that I did not disappear due to any decision of mine. We still do not understand how it happened.”

He showed he sensed me, for he shrugged aside my explanation. “Dominique says you re-created their bodies. That is the anger you see Robert, my anger is mostly fear at what you have become.”

I told him the full story of why and how I vanished in my sleep and of what happened on the other world. To him this must have sounded like some kind of fairy story. Sometimes I forget how, even as a child he was able to empathise and feel my pain.

“So Robert, things are not so different on that world, your father is a shit on that one also.”

“I have been wondering about that. What about me. What of myself, what happened to him when I arrived there and what now, since I have left. When I arrived here, I no longer had the envelope with a hundred quid that my father gave me - could it be that I really was there in an alternate body? Then where did my body wait? As you can see Nicko, nothing makes sense to me and I have the feeling that I never will understand.”

“I can live without knowing. Do not try to return there.”


I frowned and allowed my emoting to show I am sad. “I’m not convinced it would be the right thing to do, I must be very unhappy there. Here I found a way to use my talent and have gathered so much love around me. There he was incarcerated in a lunatic asylum, his talent with no path of expression yet. It seems to me he has somehow tapped into my life here and wrote our story. It can’t feel like fiction to him, it must be very confusing for him.”

I wasn’t certain Nicko was teasing when he said, “Please Robert, we do not need another Robert here, one of you is bad enough. With what you put us through, we could not survive a second one.”

I tried to respond with humour, though I was not in the mood for it. “I think the girls would love to have a second one - then they could play us off against each other and always get their own way.”

Cherine responded promptly, “We do anyway.” Then as Nicko and Alki laughed, she repented and came to hug me. She could feel the love in me and lack of any hurt as I hugged her.

I whispered, “I see things are quickly returning to normal, I am glad my love.”

The front door bell rang. Alki returned with a smile. “The truck has arrived. I gave them the keys to start replacing your furniture.”

“Thank you. We better spend tonight at the hotel, the house must be cleaned first.” I turned back to Nicko. “Your parents, how do we tell them?”

“The best I can think of is to use the same story Savva is using.”

“You need not fear them having a heart attack or anything. We will be monitoring them. Soon as you are ready we will jump into Dommi’s room and walk in. Not the lot of us, just Dominique, Cherine and I.” Dommi arched an eyebrow in enquiry at me. “Yes love. I think we will have to come clean with them. That way we can bring them to us, just one dance and you can relax.” The brother and sister hugged each other.

It all went pretty much as expected and after Nicko had prepared them and we walked in, the mother still fainted. Once we were over the tears and finished with the hundreds of questions and had drunk our coffee and everyone was more relaxed, I turned to Elia, her father.

“You are a very astute man and certain things are still puzzling you. I bet you have more questions. For instance, how is it that we appear from the bedroom, instead of entering the house from the front door.”

His face did not betray the agitation he was emoting as he nodded. “I think the story about pretending to disappear was also just a story. You have decided to tell us the truth?”

“Yes, we have to. Elia, you will find our story very difficult to believe, but we will prove everything. Claire, are you also ready for the truth? Do you want to know why your daughter had my baby, but we refuse to marry?” I felt that question would bring the matter to a level she would want to understand.

As I talked there was the arched eyebrow of disbelief, the pale faces of belief as it sank in and the fear and awe as they stared at their daughter, trying to imagine their baby having all these amazing powers.

“I think a demonstration is now called for and I can think of nothing you would enjoy more than to see your granddaughter as nearly an adult. May I call her to jump here for a visit?”

Tina appeared. “Pappou, it is I, Robertina. Yiayia, please do not be afraid.”

“Tina love, sometimes what the eye sees cannot be accepted by the brain. It would help if you reverted to being the baby they recognise.” That did the trick and they both now began to believe. We talked about the effects our gifts have had on us, of our projected long life-span. It was easier for Elia to understand, but it was Claire who rejoiced at the thought of her children and grandchildren living for so long and being so special.

“Where is my other granddaughter, Rose?”

“Mother, we had to lie to you. Rose is not your granddaughter. Cherine is her mother.”

I felt it was too early, but now that the cat was out of the bag I was forced to explain that all the girls are my lovers, the four girls that is. It upset them deeply.

Next Post 156

For those readers who have not understood, when they speak using telepathy, what they say is enclosed within stars, and the thoughts exchanged are in italic.
e.g *Hi, I bet you are wishing you could read thoughts.*?


I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love. Yes, most of all, always of empathy and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
19th June, 2018
* posted on Steemit 19th June, 2018

Kalimera, pws eisai simera? me ti doylia pou tha ksekinouses eixes kania ekseliksi?

Elia kai Claire einai oi goneis tis Domini?

Gia tin douleia, akoma perimenoume - mas eipan tha hreiastoun allous 2 mines gia na mas apantisoun. Kathe toso mas zitan kai allo harti, i alla stoiheia...Opos lene, anamenoume sto akoustiko

Nai, einai oi gonies tis Dommi kai tou Nikou (oho esena, vevaia)

Tora pou tous eheis gnorisei ligaki...tha eitheles na zouses sto kosmo tous?

ante ola na pane kala me tin doulia!
nai omorfa tha itan na zoyses ston kosmo toys!!! :)

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