LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 01 - post092

I cupped little Diana’s chin in my still trembling hand and gazed into her eyes. “If my protector had not stopped me and I had hurt you, I would have wanted to die. I still cannot bear the thought of what I nearly did.”

Previous Post 091


As her eyes grew afraid for me, my unsubduable (αδάμαστη) Cherine laughed. “Don’t be afraid Diana, he dies on us every so often. We will not let him stay dead. He belongs to us, not the void.”

“The void?”

Cherine said, “The place of death.”

“No Cherine, it is not the place of death, it is the place of life for us. I think I have learnt enough about it to begin to formulate certain ideas about it. Diana, if we go to the void because of us dying, the void seems to consume us. I’ve been wondering whether it just sends us somewhere else, which would explain why so many people claim they remember previous lives. However, if we go there to dance or be the Kaleidoscope World, then it is a place of life. Never fear it.”

“It seems to me Robert, when you wish to make love with Diana, all of us must stay away from you.”

“No Dommi. The two of us managed the first time with all of you present. I need a shower.”

When she finally lay down on me, within my arms, both of us exhausted, I gently caressed her, my heart bursting with love, delighted by the warmth of her lithe body, the feeling of her heartbeat against mine. We lay for a while, but I could feel the suffering need of my other girls, so I gently placed her next to me. I saw Wendy was totally wasted from her sharing with Diana. She will still need to be held, cuddled, but first I needed to love my Dommi and Cherine.

“Cherine baby, our Dommi first?”


“You can be sweet. Okay, time for your gift.”

Dommi faded from view as she became my little girl friend and love of long ago. As Dommi felt herself change to the memory of that little girl, we sensed her wonder and excitement. Then I felt her impish humour fill her. “So Roberto. You finally managed to get rid of the only woman in your bed, now you’ve only got little girls.”

“Yeah. It’s great! Maybe I should keep it this way, my own mini harem.” I grinned at her.

It was funny seeing the fierce look on her little girl face. “You leave my babies alone.”

“How? You think they going to let me?”

Ruefully she grinned. “Guess not.” I deepened the projection.


I remembered how I had felt as a little girl, how I had gradually slipped into thinking of myself as one, how different my thinking became and knew Dommi is releasing herself into her role so that she too will soon benefit from the projection.

The knowledge that she is thinking like an innocent child was making me tender, mushy, as the sight of her brought back yearnings for my own days of innocence. For the sake of my girls I was having to wait, give them the chance to enjoy her first, but it did not matter, for all I really wanted was to look at her.

So it was not with pleasure that I responded to Cherine. She placed her lips by my ear, knowing Dommi might pick up a sending. “Please, please. Just for me? Make me the Robert of that Sunday. Think what it will be like for her also. Please?”

“You will not be able to control my young body. You have no idea, you would end up hurting little Dommi. Cherine, understand one thing, she is not our Dommi. What you are seeing is mentally also the little girl of long ago. With the projection comes also the little Dommi of that age from inside Dommi. You do anything to hurt or frighten her and that little girl will live inside her with the fear or pain you caused her as if it had really happened to her at that age. Can you imagine how that poisoning could percolate through her and change our Dommi of now? Maybe even make her hate me.”

Her face had paled as she stared at me. She struggled with her childish wish to have what she wanted, but then her love won. “Then you better be that Robert.”

“It was your idea, and a damn great one too. It would not be fair to steal it from you. I promise I will become the little Dommi for you and you can be the young Robert. I know it will not have the sweet edge of knowing it is actually the Dommi you love, but that is the best I can offer.”

She nodded in acceptance.

“Cherine. Now that I think of it, there is a way, if you are willing to make a concession.”


“You become young Robert. But you also allow me to come into your projection, be with you. I will only be there to help you control me. Otherwise I will try to stay in the background, but I suspect you’ll be able to sense my presence, especially as I respond to Dommi and you.”

As I saw her eyes brighten, I added. “One thing more. Be very clear about this. She stays a virgin. Whatever the temptation, we do not make love to her.”

Her voice was husky, “Oh yes Robert. I swear.”

I had to search Dommi for how she remembered me, from the physical to body odours. I wanted to be as real for her as possible. I slid into the mind of Cherine and found my memories of that age which she has stored in her - it was easier than trying to find them in my own mind. I layered them over her mind and withdrew into the background of her thoughts, as I had promised. I heard little Dommi gasp.

“You came Robert!! You remembered me!”

“Yes my love, I had to come to be with you. You still love me?"

“Ollo kosmo (the whole world).”

I wanted to leave Cherine to continue on her own, but a new ‘problem' developed. We had not anticipated the reactions of Wendy and Diane. To aid my concentration I had closed my eyes. Now I had to open them to handle the girls.

Even though I was expecting it, had created the projection, the first sight was a shock. I stared at my adolescent body, that young childish body which no longer felt as if it is mine.

As young Robert gently caressed little Dommi and talked, easing her with words of love, I saw Wendy and Diana, both of them, their eyes a black purple darkness with the swirling fiery flash that spoke of their passion. Though they struggled to control themselves so as not to spoil it for Cherine, they could not stop their hands from darting out and touching young Robert.


“Diana, Wendy,” I whispered, “come to me.” They both ignored me.

I lifted Wendy to me and she whimpered a low wail which sounded as if it came from her heart. Trying not to disturb the young couple I clambered over to Diana and lifted her in my other arm. She shuddered when I touched her, but did not resist me, just turning her eyes and face to keep young Robert within her sight.

As I held them I felt Wendy begin to sob as if her heart is breaking. Diana was less obvious, but it did not need me to be a genius, or to probe too deeply into Wendy to know what has happened. They have both fallen in love with young Robert.

This was not supposed to happen, I kept thinking, as I tried to decide what to do. In desperation, not having Dommi to help me, I tried something I had never done before. I called to Marian.

There was some resistance, but my desperation helped me break through. *Marian. I need help.*

I explained to her what we were doing and told her about the unexpected outcome. How do I stop my little angels from being hurt. Her ‘voice’ was tender as she responded, nothing in it to make me feel I’d been foolish, telling me there is nothing I can do. I must allow them to work their own way through their heartache. She also insisted I never do this again, so as not to keep reminding them of what they can never have.

Cherine had the sense to play with Dommi and as I heard their childish giggles they brought back memories in their full bitter-sweetness. I needed to get out of the room, but could not decide whether it was fair to the two in my arms, would it be better for them not to see more of him, or should I let them enjoy it for this brief time.

Diana’s slim fingers turned my face to her. “Can you also become…like him, you know?” Wendy also looked up eagerly. My heart was breaking.

“I’m sorry. I really am. Maybe if it would have just been for the fun of it…I’m sorry.”

Diana showed her disappointment, yet, strangely, Wendy only stared at me, her fingertip running little circles on my chest. “Robbie?” she asked so softly I could hardly hear, “is this how I should have felt when you loved my little Wendy?”

“I’m only afraid of you two getting hurt ba…”

“Not true. You are jealous also.”

“I am?” I looked at them while searching my own feelings. I smiled at her. “Guess I am a little lacking in confidence. Sort of, if you love him then you won’t love me.”

“I am only a little girl so maybe I was stupid. When you loved little Wendy I was happy. It made me feel you loved even more of me. I really was stupid Robbie, wasn’t I? You fell in love with her, not just a part of me.”

I recognised the inevitable, but could not stop myself from taking a little dig. “I bet you are going to want to be a lawyer one day.”

Diana came to Wendy’s defence. “Robbie, that is not fair, you are treating her like a child, fobbing her questions off with a patronising comment.”

“You too Diana? No, I’m sorry, you are right. She is pointing out truths to me and to you it must sound as if I fobbed her off. Ask Wendy, she will tell you, I was not. You only heard the verbal side of it. She felt the effect of her words inside me. She knows I have accepted that I was being foolish. She also knows my so-called patronising comment was applause for the way she put her case, gently as always, but clearly.”

With wide eyes Wendy asked, “Did I Robbie?”


Startled I asked, “You did not?”

She giggled. “Got you!”

I gave them a little squeeze and let them go. “Enjoy yourselves, just be careful you don’t spoil it for the two of them.”

Next Post 093

For those readers who have not understood, when they speak using telepathy, what they say is enclosed within stars, and the thoughts exchanged are in italic.
e.g *Hi, I bet you are wishing you could read thoughts.*?

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love. Yes, most of all, always of empathy and love.


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