LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 01 - post093

Startled I asked, “You did not?”
She giggled. “Got you!”
I gave them a little squeeze and let them go. “Enjoy yourselves, just be careful you don’t spoil it for the two of them.”

Previous Post 092


“Silly, how can we spoil it for them? By loving them!?” Before I could carry on being pedantic they were gone. I now found myself in the rare position of being the one watching the others loving each other. I guess I’ve been spoilt by the girls, for I did not enjoy it and in a way I felt lonely. Perhaps they should do this more often so that I stop thinking of myself as being the center of their world.

*You hold us?* *Rosie that you?*

They were both awake, their eyes smiling at me. One in each arm I returned to the bed and setting them down as I lay at the bottom of the bed, I placed them tummy down on my chest, loving the baby smell, the small wriggling of their bodies. I kissed the tops of their heads and shut my eyes to bring Cherine(young Robert) more clearly into my mind.

Obviously the Dommi of our time is affecting the Dommi we are seeing, for she did not react as she should have, if she were only the child we see - after all, little Dommi did not know Wendy and Diana.

I could feel the ache in young Robert, his need, but there was no need for me to intervene and somehow I knew there would be no need, the meld of the minds of the actual young Robert with Cherine was a mixture of two caring hearts that always put the other person first. I could relax and just enjoy participating.

The pleasure of seeing the tiny Dommi from my past was something special. Perhaps it is the nostalgia we have for our own childhood, or perhaps it is just that Dommi was my first love.

Young Robert was beginning to include Wendy and Diana, caressing, kissing and fondling them. It built up a knot of excitement in me even though I was amused. Cherine is used to seeing me make love to three or four girls in one night (thanks to my healer) and thinks it is normal for men. Without being concerned, I wondered how I’m going to cope with the expectations I’ve taught them, when I get older.

He was a virgin and desperately wanted the experience of making love, of being inside a female body. It was pure need, not directed at anyone in particular. I should not have been surprised therefore when I became aware he has Diana under him and is entering her body. Yet I felt an unbelievable surge of jealousy and anger - how dare he! she is mine! - the kind that comes, I suspect, instinctively within us. I had to remind myself this is my Cherine, but even then, the truth is, the jealousy did not totally fade away, but it was no longer strong enough to matter. I know they sensed me and that Cherine will not be unwilling to tease me about it.

The unnatural sensitivity between Diana and I did not exist between her and young Robert. The feelings I got from him, overpowering though they were, were the normal lust of a young man. I was also able to feel that though he was in love with little Dommi, with Wendy and Diana he only loves them.

This was the first time any of my girls have orgasmed without me sharing. This time, the stupid lingering seed of jealousy had cut me off from them, as I had not wanted my feelings to spoil it for them. I knew I was wrong to feel any jealousy, but could not seem to control it.

Watching without sharing and participating was making me feel like a voyeur so I closed my eyes - mentally also. Holding my babies to me had been a pleasure that helped distract me, but now they were growing heavy. I grunted in shock. Even as I sat up, hanging on to them, all activity came to a halt.

I was holding two young girls of about ten in my arms. They stared back solemnly at all of us and then looked at each other, a smile twitching their lips.

“Hello Robbie, I am Rosie.”

“And I’m Tina.”


I must have been operating unconsciously, for I withdrew my projections from Cherine and Dommi. They were the mothers, they had to be here.

“It is alright, you don’t have to be afraid of dropping us.”

“You are both projecting?”


“Then you both are in reality still babies. I cannot let go, you’ll fall.” They giggled at me. In panic Cherine and Dommi had come along to catch them should I drop them.

Rosie patiently explained, though we could also sense a tiny bit of amusement - because of me I guess, not because of the anxiety in their mothers. “We are not babies. You are wrong Robbie, you call it projecting, but it is not. You did change our mothers when you thought you were projecting. We are and have the bodies you see, if you let us go, you’ll see that we can stand up, walk and even run.”

“That cannot be. My healer said it is impossible!!”

“Well it was wrong. Robbie, daddy, your healer, it only knows what you do. It doesn’t have any special knowledge or instinctive knowledge, apart from that of healing.”

Tina nodded her head in agreement. Her little hand was busy caressing her mother’s face. Now they both turned to me. Tina spoke, her big eyes drowning me as I felt myself drawn into her honey-wild beauty.

“We want to love you. We need to.”

In unison they threw their weight at me, knocking me back onto the bed. Rosie bit my ear while I felt Tina running her hands over my chest and down over my stomach. Rosie, her breath tantalising me, whispered loudly in a semi-teasing tone, “Do we have to rape you?” She lifted herself so that her face was in front of me. She added, her voice serious. “We will make love to you, you know. Robbie, we did wait to be strong enough to grow our bodies for you.”

“Girls? Cherine, Dommi?” They just sat as if paralysed. Only Diana accepted their presence without shock. She smiled at them and leaned over to kiss each of them.

I sat up, knocking my daughters over. “This is not how I do things. You do not suddenly turn up as ten year old strangers and expect me to make love to you.”

“We are not strangers, you can feel it.”

My body was on fire, mostly because of their emoting, which they were concentrating on me. I forced myself to control my hands, to pretend indifference.

“I need some time please,” I weakly begged. “Let me, us, first look at you, talk and get to know our daughters…to us this is a moment of magic you know.”

“We cannot stay too long. Our baby bodies cannot sustain us for long.”

“How is it you speak so well?”

“We have had all the knowledge you and our mothers have used from before we were born. Robbie, you knew we would want you to make love to us. We are one circle of love.”

Tina piped up. “That is why it was silly of you to feel jealous Robbie. It was you, Diana, Wendy and Cherine were loving. They stayed inside the circle.” The two of them glanced at each other and giggled. “If Diana had been ready, she could have had your baby from little Robert and you would have been the real father.”

Why weren’t the girls talking, helping me? I looked at Cherine and then at our Mother. Surely her instincts would help me stop them?


Yeah, sure! As if Cherine would help me in the way I want! She grinned happily, “I told you I would make you a baby, a daughter for you to love and be loved by.”

“Yes Cherine, but this is happening too fast, too suddenly.”

Dommi answered me, “Not really. They have been waiting for you to call them, for you to grow up. Guess they could not wait anymore.” I stared at Dommi, she was actually on their side!

“Dommi, where is that conservative little Greek girl I fell in love with.”

“Oh, she is gone. Once I became part of the circle of love, I had to lose her…well, most of her, this is a new world we are exploring, Roberto. New rules; you said so too.” They were all nodding in agreement with her.

“True. But we have to decide for ourselves and make our own rules. We cannot say, it is a new world, so we do whatever we want to.”

Next Post 094

For those readers who have not understood, when they speak using telepathy, what they say is enclosed within stars, and the thoughts exchanged are in italic.
e.g *Hi, I bet you are wishing you could read thoughts.*?

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love. Yes, most of all, always of empathy and love.


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