Giving Birth to the Magical Syncosmi of the CherinianssteemCreated with Sketch.

Who are, what are the Cherinians - and do they have a positive role to play in our lives?

I’ve been blithely posting parts of two stories from the main books titled LiTTLE CHERiNE, expecting the power of the narrative to keep my readers interested (hooked). In other words, I’ve been making the same error I warn other writers to beware of: Because I know the history, their background, I am subconsciously expecting my readers to know. You would not believe how often this occurs, but I’m angry with myself for committing such a basic mistake.

It is time to rectify the matter.

So, here we go: Cherine

Somewhere about 1990, in England, a little girl is born. She is named Cherine and at first the parents are not aware that she is different from other little girls. She is a mutant - an ugly word for describing something so beautiful, for her gift is the Gift of Empathy.

Empathy is the ability to place yourself in the shoes (in the mind and heart) of another and feel their pain or happiness as your own. Commonly this is considered by many to mean that we imagine ourselves in the other persons’ place and imagine how they feel. Many who have empathy would dispute it, but Cherine is so strongly affected that there is no doubt as to how her gift affects her.

As a baby she often cried without reason, or would suddenly gurgle with pleasure, making her parents wonder what is going on in her tiny head. She was sharing from the neighbourhood the stronger emotions, which is why she mostly cried.

All creatures have an aversion to suffering and instinctively search for a way to mute it. So did Cherine. She found two methods that worked for her. The one was by actually muting what she senses from others, but the other, ahh, that is where the magic of her gift gives us a story to share in wonder and awe. She learns how to take the pain of another, mix it with her own feelings and send it back, now converted to something less painful, or even to replace the suffering with a joyous feeling. I am talking of emotions, not claiming that if a neighbour fall and hurts herself she’ll make it feel nice, but she will reduce the sensitivity to the pain so that she does not suffer. You see, even babies with empathy are selfish, it is natural.

By the time she is three, her father realises what is the truth about her and starts to warn her, telling her people will think of her as a freak if they realise she can sense their emoting. This grows to become a phobia for her. At the time she is seven, her father dies in a car accident and, to make ends meet, her mother Marian, accepts a job in a shipping company and moves to Greece with Cherine.

Within Cherine, there is a natural affinity for Robert Teller, an English artist living in Athens, for they have shared two previous lives (that we know of) and she sense him in his apartment from the time they arrive to examine an apartment in Kolonaki for rent. They meet and she makes an effort to become more sensitive to his emoting, for she can often guess the thoughts from the emoting, with the result that she affects the mind of Robert, opening him to her.

Over time his mind learns to sense her emoting and due to a strong desire to protect her from all harm, he learns how to use his natural healing power - the same power has another facet to it, when it is needed, it becomes the Protector. Because of Robert's idealising all children, the Protector gives priority to her and to all children.

Robert dies and Cherine leaves her body to rush after his soul. She gathers him in the void, wrapping herself around him, and brings him back. Although Cherine thinks of the void as a place of death, Robert thinks of it as a dimension of energy and life. He not only learns to survive in the void as a soul, but uses it to dance with the soul of Cherine and others he loves, sharing soul motes (they call it soul kissing). At a time of rage, he becomes the void and is its master, able to use its energies as he wishes.

They meet two species in the void and after clearing up some misunderstandings, become close friends.

Robert loves living in Greece and he is lucky in that his boss, Alki Georgiadi, is a strong and remarkable person who loves people with talent (Robert is a graphic artist, designing websites for his company). When he finally meets Cherine, he realises she is gifted and decides to use his wealth to shield her and Robert from Government Agencies. He ends up marrying the mother of Cherine and they have daughters who also marry Robert and Cherine.

All those who know about Cherine are helped to grow their own gifts, which are always strongly affected by her prime gift of empathy. The aliens become part of this growing family and they name themselves Cherinians, in honour of Cherine.

Robert learns to visit alternate realities and meets a Robert whose Cherine died when she was very young, so he desperately searches for and finds a way to return in time, collect her soul and cells from her dying body and he brings her back, thus enabling another reality to become a Cherinian reality.

All the realities belonging to them, countless in number, are named the Cherinian Syncosmi. Ours are named, by them, Arthur’s Syncosmi.

Early on, their story does take an interesting twist. Robert is writing his diary in Word. He realises the words he writes change and sometimes they mess up what he wrote - and, more importantly, they mess up his life, for whatever the changed text says becomes the reality of their past. I realise I am to blame and introduce myself. As you can probably imagine, they are freaked out by the idea of them only being characters in a story of mine. We work out that, as their author, when I write, I am assuming, which is what makes my writing true for them. For a long time, they see me as their worst threat and desperately try to find a way to come to our reality and take me to theirs, so that I stop affecting them. Over the years this has become a dream for us, no longer because of their fear, but because we have grown to love each other.

Especially important in this aspect of our relationship is a girl born to Robert, name Samantha.

Samantha was found by the Teller family about two hundred and seventy odd years in their future, in a different reality and galaxy. Their sun is dying and the harmful rays are killing the local sapient specie. They are plants which are capable of moving about and their lives are extended, I think up to a maximum of two and an half million years. One of them, a child of about 400,000 years, who is curious about everything but dying, is collected by the family and they try to heal the body. This child entity senses the protector of children that Robert is and grows to love him so much that when she realises her body is dying, she aims her soul for the past and the Prime reality, so as to be born at the time Robert and Cherine are first starting out, wanting to be his daughter.

Samantha is a warrior, all her abilities concentrated in protecting her family from all dangers - and of course, she sees me as such a threat, so she fights me for a long time, but in the end we grow to love each other and she promises me that if I manage to crossover, she’ll split her soul and creating a new body, I’ll have a Samantha of mine to love and be loved by. I am troubled by this, but have given up arguing with her, as she always wins all our arguments.

Perhaps the most crucial point in their story occurred when they realised their healers consider ageing a disease and are able to rejuvenate them, giving them the ability to change ages at will. Finally they are forced to face the fact that what seemed to be a blessing is also a curse, for it means they must not have more children. I am currently writing book 14 and we are about two hundred years down the road, and I am still trying, with them, to find a solution. The main problem is that none of them can bear the thought of losing those they love, but they are desperate for more children. The family are nice about it, but the aliens do not accept that the Tellers are responsible and blame me.

That is the important background, but as I post, if you have questions, please ask.

I still have one more point to discuss. At the start I asked, ‘do they have a positive role to play in our lives?’.

I hope they do. If the people in the stories become real enough for you, I’m hoping their way of life, their gift of empathy, will help strengthen your own sensitivity to empathy and I think it can only help make this world a better place.

I have seen empathy described by others in stories and I admit, I do not agree with most of them. Maybe in the beginning I did, but a writer does not write the story, ultimately his characters do and they showed me that I have been thinking of empathy in an impractical and idealised manner. For instance, as Robert learned in an alternate reality, if you have been treated with cruelty as a child, if you are then gifted with empathy as an adult, you’ll enjoy the pain you cause, for it will seem right to you. Also, Cherine herself is no softie and does not allow her Gift to give others power over her. I will not say more, for her thoughts are made clear in the stories you will read.

I have, in lucid dreams, travelled in their spaceship-world with them, shared moments of their adventures. At the end, they managed to grab some of my soul motes and created a body for me. That person is not me, is not even very much like me, but he had a daughter and she and they consider her my daughter. I desperately would love to meet her, but my lucid dreams have stopped.

I hope that Cherine and all my loves grow to become at least half as real and precious for you, as they are for me.

Note: Syncosmi, a word made up for describing a Prime Reality with all the alternate realities belonging to it.


you always have the best content

"Syncosmi" Dolores Cannon could have used this word when she was writing the Convoluted Universe books. Great word! Thank you- Have a great day!

Oh dear, now I'll have to check her books!

I did not get any of her books, but I downloaded a few of her talks on video. She seems to have been an interesting person, so I'll listen to the rest.

Enjoy! She passed away just before I started her material. Yes- Very neat lady. RIP.

"Robert dies and Cherine leaves her body to rush after his soul. She gathers him in the void, wrapping herself around him, and brings him back. Although Cherine thinks of the void as a place of death, Robert thinks of it as a dimension of energy and life. He not only learns to survive in the void as a soul, but uses it to dance with the soul of Cherine and others he loves, sharing soul motes (they call it soul kissing). ". . Just wow. Such creative concepts intertwined with poetic language and vivid imagery. I'm so glad I was able to have this experience. Brilliant. .. just brilliant

I never expected to read a comment like the two I've received today (from you and #branthebuilder ). The two of you have made this a good year for me.

Thank you. I have published a list of links for #branthebuilder, if you want it:

A beautifully written piece . And interesting. Accurate in it's concept.
In a strange way Cherine resonates with me. 😊 And somewhere this story resonates with my recent post on Witches - "I am a Witch. I love Wizards".
Syncosmi is interesting !

Thanks and I hope it means you've now been tempted into reading her stories.

I wanted to take out of a book the adventures of Robert as he is sent by someone from the future, from alternate reality to alternate reality, sometimes with his powers and sometimes with none, always to help another Robert and Cherine, but also so as to learn humility.

I realised I cannot do so, for it strongly refers to various experiences he had previously, so I have started from there: from what I have called The Doris War.

If you do not mind, here is a link to the first episode:

You cannot upvote for giving me money, so I feel it is not rude of me to mention the above. If you read the introduction and 1st post, I'd love to hear from you, as to what you think of it.

By the way, I did read your mentioned post, but there was such a long list of comments, I moved on to your winter painting.

I'll say here what I thought:

I think that witches, as with all other people, are a mixture of talented and those who only pretended and often did not bother to study their art properly and caused harm (with wrong herbs, etc) and are thus responsible for the dislike and fear of powers ascribed to witches, since the victims could not have known that it was the ignorance and stupidity of those women in particular.

I would say that most were normal women with inherited from grandmothers information about healing and thus they became sought out - which means that many then feared them.

Do not forget that often it was the ignorant women of that period who incited the men against the witches.

What does fascinate me is the strong possibility that some of them were women who were born with gifts, whether of empathy, healing or of seeing the past or future. It is, to me, very sad that they felt the need or were compelled to distance themselves and removed themselves in this way from the gene pool.

Imagine men and women of such gifts passing on to their children their gifts, so that Mankind evolved - how much better off would we be now? If not better, then it definitely would be true that life would be a lot more interesting.

I will definitely read the link and send you my feedback . As regards "ignorant women inciting men to go against them", I would like to say this - In a patriarchal society, males don't need a reason to be provoked into hurting others or oppressing free minds. The art of abuse , oppression, subjugation, ego, arrogance, ignorance , persecution, gossip, rumour, misbelief, ulterior motives, politics comes naturally to males and to mainstream patriarchal society ! 😊

I will Definitely read your link. I am curious about Cherine and Robert 😊💐

What a cool background, do you have a chapter list? Life's a little hectic right now, but I generally try and read something before bed so I will put this on my list!

I can tell you that :
a) in paperback form, it is over 20,000 pages and
b) you will not like it.

I started writing the story with a purpose, hoping to influence some people. Later, a number of books later, it changed and became a fantasy/SF story only, but the basis did not change. Most adults readers do not continue reading for long - as Robert is a nerd, an artist and he wears his heart on his sleeve. Not the kind of story most adults enjoy. Unfortunately it is also not a story for children, though my writing, I was told by a reader, may be more suitable for childrens stories.

I had a very good reason for starting the story and it had the effect on a number of people (those I had wanted to affect), so it has done its job. Problem was, I fell in love with all the characters, terrans and aliens, and so could not stop writing....for instance, a large part of the story is dedicated to them travelling to other realities so as to help the local Cherine and Robert meet and love each other, so that their gifts can blossom. This they do even if the local couple are neanderthals.

I use another site for listing/providing the links:
The short story which started me writing is not a fantasy story...but I loved the spirited girl called Cherine, and so I started the novel. You'll see it on the site...

If you want to get a feel for them, try reading first the Boxee story. My love, Samantha Teller was feeling depressed, so I told her a story about an imaginary Robert and Cherine, differeent to them in many ways. She demanded I change it so that they become real, in an alternate I did as she asked, but also created a list of what I call Satellite stories.

Apart from this story teaching my Teller family new ways for handling their gifts, it also is loved by me because of a little boy who is called Bobby - who cannot show love and his frosted eyes only show stronger hate if he loves you. Try to imagine loving someone like him and be honest...could you? If you read this story...keep in mind I have never been in the areas of the USA where it takes place and I had to use maps and google some facts to try and make it more real. I have been to San Francisco, but in the late 1970s, so it does not reflect what exists now.

Let me know if you do read....

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