
I can tell you that :
a) in paperback form, it is over 20,000 pages and
b) you will not like it.

I started writing the story with a purpose, hoping to influence some people. Later, a number of books later, it changed and became a fantasy/SF story only, but the basis did not change. Most adults readers do not continue reading for long - as Robert is a nerd, an artist and he wears his heart on his sleeve. Not the kind of story most adults enjoy. Unfortunately it is also not a story for children, though my writing, I was told by a reader, may be more suitable for childrens stories.

I had a very good reason for starting the story and it had the effect on a number of people (those I had wanted to affect), so it has done its job. Problem was, I fell in love with all the characters, terrans and aliens, and so could not stop writing....for instance, a large part of the story is dedicated to them travelling to other realities so as to help the local Cherine and Robert meet and love each other, so that their gifts can blossom. This they do even if the local couple are neanderthals.

I use another site for listing/providing the links:
The short story which started me writing is not a fantasy story...but I loved the spirited girl called Cherine, and so I started the novel. You'll see it on the site...

If you want to get a feel for them, try reading first the Boxee story. My love, Samantha Teller was feeling depressed, so I told her a story about an imaginary Robert and Cherine, differeent to them in many ways. She demanded I change it so that they become real, in an alternate I did as she asked, but also created a list of what I call Satellite stories.

Apart from this story teaching my Teller family new ways for handling their gifts, it also is loved by me because of a little boy who is called Bobby - who cannot show love and his frosted eyes only show stronger hate if he loves you. Try to imagine loving someone like him and be honest...could you? If you read this story...keep in mind I have never been in the areas of the USA where it takes place and I had to use maps and google some facts to try and make it more real. I have been to San Francisco, but in the late 1970s, so it does not reflect what exists now.

Let me know if you do read....

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