Little Cherine Book 06 - BPost022

in #sfandf-fiction5 years ago (edited)

Annette walked at their side as they entered the room. They no longer knew what to do; cry or laugh or both. Erica’s eyes lit up when she saw her sister.

Previous: Book 06 - Post 021


“You are well Annette? Really well now?”

“She is healed daughter. It is as you said. Erica, tell us again, what was it you prayed for?”

Even weak and in pain as she was, she beamed with happiness as she told them and then ended off in a happy voice. “Mummy, daddy, now you will have at least one of us forever.”

“Oh my baby! My sweet little baby.” Her mother bawled her eyes out, holding tightly to Annette since holding Erica would have caused her pain. Snappish, nasty little Annette began to cry and her heart filled with love for her sister. The father gently took Erica’s hand.

“I cannot understand why Mother Mary would take away such a sweet soul. How could she accept your offer? You will always be in my heart my darling.”

We let them cry and say all the things Erica craved to hear them say. When they were ordered to leave the room, we left her to her thoughts, curious as to whether she would now become envious of her sister. Her mind did not flow in that direction. She was terrified of dying and pleaded with Mother Mary to be with her.

“I swear, I won’t be afraid if you are with me. Please?”

Dommi projected her ‘Madonna’ shape. *It is not time for you to die yet. You will see your parents again. Sleep now and be at peace. I will come to you tonight, we have to talk.*

She sighed. “Thank you.”

Cherine did not remonstrate with Dommi for interfering and not to waste our time here, we went to check on the other children in the hospital and then moved on to another smaller clinic not too far away. In the early hours of the morning we returned to Erica.

*You have come for me?*

*Take my hand Erica, I want to show you something.* She took her to her garden in her mind.

*Is this heaven? Have I died?* She was not afraid, just sad that she would not see her family and friends again.

“You have not died Erica. Sit by me, I have a lot to explain to you.”

The nurse refused to take out the needle from her arm or to disconnect any of the apparatus that was keeping a watch on her. She could see Erica is beaming with health, but insisted the doctor has to check her first. The doctor was almost unpleasant in his disbelief, but thanks to tests they administered, he had to admit she seems to be cured. Annette had not been discharged and hearing of the miracle she came running in. When the parents arrived and found Annette on the bed with Erica and they both seemed to be healthy, they broke down and wept. Erica told them that the Mother Mary came to her in another vision and told her that yesterday had been a test to see if she really was willing to give her life for her sister and she also will now live a long and healthy life. She cried out to her mother, “Mother, I can also have children and they will all be healthy!”

We promised to stay in touch with Erica and withdrew.

“Aren’t you glad you came with us Haven?”

She was in awe of what we had done, but could not reconcile the way she felt with her beliefs. Jade found the right words for her.

“Haven, a warrior is not the one who fights and kills an enemy. The true warrior is the one who defends the weak and fights death.”

Her words sank deep into Haven and she spent a long time thinking on it. She came to Cherine and knelt before her.


“I kneel to you as Cherine, but also in place of Robert. I have been wrong and said much to hurt you. I am sorry.” Cherine made her stand up and then hugged her. Haven went to Athia. “I owe you more than I can speak of my little sister.” She turned to Shiyra. “It is time for us to talk and find a way to fight death together, for all our people. May Athia be with us?”

If only our Robbie would return to us now, our lives would be perfect.

I’m adding this in later. The doctor who had been in charge of the two girls does not believe in God and he was angry, as he feels that he, and those of his profession, have been made to look unimportant and even foolish.

A bemused media reported that the doctor is suing the Catholic Church, claiming that since the Virgin Mary claimed she can heal the girls, her tests caused the hospital to incur extra expenses, while also using the time of professionals who could have been more productively been concentrating on other patients who needed them, who obviously were not of interest to her (he somehow convinced himself that the report of other children, even a few adults, almost recovering their health has nothing to do with the Virgin Mary).

The amount he was suing for was trivial, but he was hoping the Church would fight the case or else, disown the miracle, which he felt would teach the Virgin Mary not to interfere with his patients. While many found it funny, our family just found it unbelievable that any person who has dedicated his life to healing the sick can actually be so petty and small-minded. It is a pity we are not allowed to examine his mind, for I bet he is one of those doctors who sold out to what is commonly known as Big Pharma, more interested in his benefits than in curing his patients.

We had to celebrate the birthday of Noelle without Robbie. It looked like she was enjoying it, but when we sang for her to blow out the candles, she burst into tears. Irene was the one she needed to be held by, even though she was also crying. They both turned to Aganthi for comfort. I emoted my love to them and all others who were now in tears, but I kept a close watch on Cherine. I think she is getting close to her breaking point. She never was very strong on the trust thing, needing to have Robbie where she can see or sense he is safe. The rest of us are not agonising over his disappearance because of her calm acceptance and certainty he is well. If she breaks, it will hurt us all.

Tasso and Manoli, representing all the others who had become shareholders of the Luna venture wanted to celebrate the tenth anniversary of their business.

“Kyria Cherine, we owe everything we own to Roberto and you and we wanted to celebrate in a way that would show how grateful we are to you, but, how do we do so with Roberto missing?”

“The two of you are very dear friends of ours. When Robert needed your strength and loyalty you stood by his side. If he was here he would have told you that we are in your debt, not the other way around. I would suggest you celebrate your making a success of the business. You all worked hard enough to deserve it.”

When Cherine heard what they had planned she broke down and cried. They have not been taking all their share of the profits, setting aside most of it for a fund they created to help any group of children Robert and Cherine choose.

Dommi suggested they donate about a quarter of it to the schools of Aganthi and keep the rest for Robbie and Cherine to decide on when he returns. They were grateful to her for her advice and agreed. They wrote out a cheque as first payment and gave it to Aganthi. She sat staring at the cheque with tears pouring down her cheeks. Later she began to make grand schemes of all the things she can do with the money for the kids, but by the next morning her normal common sense had taken over and she threw most of her ideas away for more practical ones.

I asked the girls to stay home and give us privacy, taking Cherine, Dommi, Aganthi and Alki for a coffee.

I explained how we are all leaning on Cherine and what I think the consequences will be if she breaks down. I could see they all agreed, Cherine looking desperate as they did.

“I did not ask you here to point out what we all know. Cherine, it is time we look for him. Knowing we are doing something to find him will make it easier to bear the waiting.”

She shook her head, refusing. “No. He needs to be alone and we must respect that.”

Everyone had agreed with me and now they agreed with her. Even Alki. That showed how distraught we all were.


“I do not mean we should go to him Cherine. As long as we know he is safe, we can wait for however long it takes him. Before you shoot down my suggestion again, I have something to say I’m certain you’ve thought of, but did not want to face. Robert could have stayed away for ten years and still have come back within the hour. Why hasn’t he? We have to know Cherine.”

When everyone agreed with me, though the idea I’d mentioned frightened Cherine, she also felt relief. In her mind we now have a good reason for searching for him. We decided the first step will be to ask all the Cherines and Roberts. He has to have gone to one of their realities, otherwise he cannot jump back. There is also the fact that his piece of the protector would have automatically returned to the protector if he’d gone to a world without a Cherine, so we knew we were right.

Within hours we were all back. All the Cherines claimed Robert had not come to their reality. We were really stumped now. The protector insists he does not know where Robert is.

“Should we go back in time and one of us follow him?”

“I don’t like that idea. Robert will sense it.”

“Ordinx would have told us if he were on their Noelle world. We better check with Freddie.”

The protector assured us, “You don’t need to Sam. I visit Freddie at intervals to check he has no problems. Robert is not there.”

Cherine asked me, “What now Sam?” My heart sank when I realised even Alki was looking to me for an answer.

“I only have one idea. We have to ask Lynda to help us. She must search realities for him.”

That cheered them up; they were all convinced Lynda would find him within hours. Lynda was brought into our privacy shield, not that there was much point to it anymore, all the girls had guessed what we were discussing. Lynda began her search and the rest of us returned to explain to our loves. Being told the truth made it easier for them to bear their fears. Jade sat painting furiously and Wendy with Candy stayed for hours in their studio writing music. I brought my diary up to date. Each of us looked for something to be our crutch.

Lynda was merciless, pushing herself far beyond what she can normally endure, so by the second day we had to stop her.

Alki came with Marian, but also brought Savva and Perikli. He wanted strong practical men with us, he said. Cherine told us what she believes. “There can only be one reason Lynda can’t find him. He does not know he is Robert. He has blocked off his memories and assumed another personality.”

“Why would he do that Cherine? I thought he left to consider his actions on his own. How would forgetting who he is help him?” Marian still thinks in terms of what is logical, despite having seen what Robbie is capable of doing to himself.

The meeting did not produce any concrete results and only had the effect of frightening everyone. I am surprised that adult mature men do not get fed up with us and Robbie. It seems that not only they don’t, but they are actually very understanding.

Cherine drives herself, almost every night travelling to hospitals to help children. Only when Dommi puts her foot down does she allow herself a normal night of sleep. We now have consensus on the belief that Robbie is in trouble. I am convinced he decided to block his gifts so that he cannot kill again. It does not make sense, Robbie would have told us if he planned to leave forever, he would not be so cruel to those who love him and leave them worrying. Perhaps he set up a temporary situation and whatever key he set to remind him of who he is, failed.

With Cherine, I went to every reality again, asking each Cherine to examine their memories minutely for even a split second feeling of him appearing. Again total failure.

Hours after we returned home Cherine from the reality where they had declared themselves with Robbie backing them, came to us.


“I’ve been thinking and re-examining my memories. I have hundreds of millions of people linked to me Cherine, it is difficult for me to tell if one is added or who it is. However, my Robert had gone to visit another Robert on his world. He returned for a few minutes and left again. I thought nothing of it, but after your last visit I asked why he had returned. He told me he did not return.”

“Then it must have been our Robert!”

“Don’t get too happy Cherine. When I felt him leave it did not feel as if he had blocked me, it was sudden, as when jumping. If it was your Robert, he has moved on.”

Cherine gave a grim smile. “Our Robert would feel different, he has had a lot of experience in blocking me so you may be wrong. At least we have somewhere to begin searching from. Can you give us the exact time and date you felt him?”

She did so and we now had a problem. Do we arrive there before he does to watch where he went? If we do, the local Cherine of that time would sense us and this one had not, so we would be creating another reality.

“The only one who can move across without being sensed is the protector, he must go.”

The protector protested that Robbie is sensitive to him and will sense his presence upon his arrival. That left us at an impasse. The same applies to Solomon and Ordinx, either their Cherine would sense them or Robbie would.

“Cherine,” our Cherine said, “we will have to create a new reality then. I cannot let our Robert stay lost.”

“It feels weird to know there will be another copy of me, but I suppose you have to.”

Suddenly Haven asked, “Would Robert sense me? I know she would not.”

“You would do this for us and Robert, Haven?”

She shrugged. “I would. It is no great adventure just to trail one man and see where he goes. That is what you want me to do, you prefer to bring him back yourself?”

“She is not linked to you Cherine?”


“That explains why I can only vaguely sense her, perhaps because I see her. Would Robert?”

“I don’t think so.”

“She is your best choice then.”

Athia stood rigidly as she asked, “Haven, do you give your oath as a warrior to find Robbie and help us get him back safely?”

Haven smiled. “It is not necessary Athia, but if it pleases you, I give my oath.” Athia burst into tears and hugged Haven who looked a trifle discomfited by her emotional outburst. We will be breaking our own rules, opening doors in Haven’s mind to powers she does not already have, before she became a Cherinian, but none of us are worried about it.

“Wait, let me call my mother.” Natalie came to us. “Mum, can you teach Haven how to stay unnoticed?”

I think Haven liked the sweet gentleness of my mother and went into her mind gently. She then allowed Natalie into her mind and they both then opened their eyes. “I like her Sam. Her mind is clear and vibrant.” Natalie said.

Haven then had to be taught how to jump on her own and how to time her arrival to the moment she wants. It looked as if we would have a problem when Cherine asked that she take a part of the protector with her and Haven refused. Once the reasons were explained and we promised the protector sliver would be removed from her on her return, she acquiesced.

“I better go now.” Before we could react or wish her well, she jumped.


Chapter One Hundred Seventy One

Haven waited as close as possible to the point that the local Cherine had sensed Robbie. She waited behind a tree ignoring the occasional passerby. Just when she became convinced she had missed him, she saw a flicker and then he stood before her, his face showing he is lost in thought. She saw him turn away from her and she rushed to be close. The fact that he stood still made her realise he intends jumping again. If she touched him she could follow, but he would know she is with; if she does not she would lose him. She did not have time to think it through, so she tried to catch his thoughts with her mind. She sensed Africa and the word Dar. We have never taken her there so she could not follow. As he disappeared, she jumped back to us.

“He is on the same world, but he went to a place he called Dar? I could not follow.”

Her news was greeted with great joy. It was obvious just about everyone wanted to jump there. Quickly Alki shouted at us, ordering us to wait.

“What are you thinking you should do? He went there to be alone!”

“But pappou something will happen and he will not return, we must get there first!”

Cherine had looked into my eyes and thoughts, so she spoke for me. “No, we want our Robert back, not an alternate of him. No jumping without my permission!”

Once you have seen and felt Cherine in a fury you do not easily disregard her orders. Everyone stood looking lost and upset again. I decided I better explain.

“I am troubled by what could be. Say we go to get Robert. We arrive as he does and persuade him to return with us. Then he did not return earlier because we hijacked him and brought him to this time.” I had their full attention now, even Alki. “What do we do then? He went to great trouble to mask his whereabouts and, but for Haven, we could not have found him. If he still needs to be alone he cannot be caught out the same way again, he will be on the lookout for Haven. It makes more sense to me that we allow him time on his own, but send Haven, if she will go, to watch him for us. When she knows why he has delayed returning, she can jump back to us and we then decide what must be done.”

Haven volunteered again and since Cherine gave her support to my suggestion, it was decided. Haven first had to be taught how to change her appearance so that she can move openly without him recognising her. She enjoyed learning that trick and tried out various disguises. She settled on a rather ‘butch’ appearance in her effort to look like a female warrior. I was careful not to show my amusement.

“Haven, you may need to befriend him. He will not find your appearance attractive as you look like a female who does not like men, only females.” My meaning took a few seconds to filter through. “Yes, I meant sexually. I know you do not intend having sex with him, but men avoid such women. It might be better you appear as a young girl who is weak and may need his protection. You must appeal to the protector in him.”

We mollified her by promising to go to Kefalari with her as she looks. With our help she changed to a dainty dark haired girl. We had to insist she change her green eyes as they are a giveaway. With dark, warm blue eyes and her almost black hair she was stunning, while the fragility of her will definitely appeal to Robbie. She was given enough money for the hotel and anything she can possibly need.

We had to go back in time again to when Cherine was with us on a previous visit, not on her own world and Alki arrived in Dar and booked her a bungalow, giving a large deposit and taking a receipt. Claudia changed the name and photo of her own passport - she told us it will revert in a few weeks (I want to learn how she did it). Armed and ready now with knowledge and images of Dar from our memories, Haven left us again.

Haven appeared about a kilometre from the hotel and walked to the entrance. The staff were perturbed to find out that she had not been able to find a taxi from Dar centre and had hitched a ride, having to walk the last three kilometres. She told them she left her baggage in town and she will collect it the next day. They made a big production out of explaining and showing their bus to her and explained how and where she can find it in Dar. They took her passport, accepted a hand full of dollars and she was shown to her bungalow.


Haven had never been in such a hot climate before and she found the humidity very unpleasant. We had not thought to teach her how to adjust her body as we have not given her a healer. The healing powers she had are very rudimentary and not of much use for such fine adjustments. The bungalow has an air conditioning unit, but she did not know what it is or that she should turn it on.

She went for a walk down by the beach, saw people in the water and touched it. It was warm, so she decided humans are crazy. She did recognise where she could get drinks and ordered a chocolate milkshake. They had to explain to her they do not have any, but they can bring her some ice cream. She enjoyed the chocolate taste, but was even thirstier now. The waiter brought her a glass of cold water and that helped her.

While doing all this she wondered how she can get to Robbie. There was not much she could do if she remains kilometres away from him. Sipping at her water, she delved into our memories.

“Jumbo bwana mukuba.”


“I speak English, go to school four years.”

“That is good. What is it?”

“My name is Samuel bwana. I am hungry, so I said I must come work for the big bwana and then my belly is full, so I come.” His cheeky smile was calculated to touch Robbie’s heart and it did. As for Samuel - that was blatant tugging at what she knew were recent happy memories.

“I can give you some food, but as for a job, I don’t know that there is anything for you to do.”

“I can do very much bwana. I am good weather man, I can tell you what weather will be so that you not make bad plans. I can keep you company when you eat, my grandmother says it is not good for a man to eat alone. Lots of things, you see.”

Despite himself Robbie chuckled. “Yes, I do see. So, what will the weather be like tomorrow?”

“Very hot bwana.”

“It wouldn’t happen to be like that every day for the whole month?”

“I don’t know bwana. When my belly is empty I only see for tomorrow.”

“Where the hell did you come from? I’ve never seen you around here before.”

“That is strange bwana, I’ve never seen you around here before also.”

“Do you know the old man who lives here?”

“Bwana Dimi… Dimirt….”

“Where do you live Samuel?”

“I sleep out here bwana.” He pointed at the dusty end of the road before the house. “Then I be here to help you with breakfast.”

Samuel is in appearance a boy of about nine, maybe an undernourished ten, but his eyes danced with the life in him. Robbie fed him and told him to sleep in the house. Samuel refused.

“House is too hot bwana. Better outside.”

Poor Robbie did not realise that Samuel is using the personality of Athia, so he did not have a chance.

The next morning Robbie had to get to town to buy a few necessities. Samuel insisted he had to go with. He solemnly avowed he will prevent the bwana from getting cheated at the Indian dukkahs.


They walked around to buy a toothbrush, toothpaste and that most basic commodity of all - toilet paper. Samuel had to remind him he needs food also. As they walked, Robbie took a shortcut down a rubbish filled lane, where white tourists don’t usually go. At about a third of the way, Robbie edged into the road to skirt a beggar who was sprawled in the dirt. As they came up to him Robbie glanced at the beggar, something troubling him. The beggar looked up and though Robbie had blocked himself from the local Cherine, he automatically tried to sense what the beggar is emoting for he sensed there is something strange about this man.

Samuel stared in shock as Robbie’s body collapsed in front of him. He tried to feel for Robbie, but there was a blank, no emoting or thoughts that he could sense. Incensed he demanded of the beggar, “What did you do to him?” The beggar gave him an idiot’s grin and looked elsewhere.

Samuel did not know what to do. He touched Robbie and though he had never jumped with a load before, he took him back to the house.

He sat watching Robbie, hoping for some sign, but there was no movement at all, not even the flicker of eyeballs moving in a dream. Haven decided there is no purpose to keeping this projected body and she changed back to the appearance of a girl. She leant over Robbie to put her cheek before his nostrils to be sure he is still breathing. His breath was faint. She put the back of her hand to her own nostrils and then to his and panicked, not knowing whether it was natural for him to breathe so shallowly. She was about to jump to us for help when the door opened.

“What has happened to Bwana Robert?”

“You know him!? I don’t know. He collapsed suddenly.”

The man, his name John he said, explained that he is a chef at the hotel and a friend of Dimitri. The Robert he knows, Haven realised, is of this reality. He asked for details and she told him about the man, the beggar, in Dar. He put his hands to Robbie’s head, concentrating. He looked troubled.

“We know of that man, he has done this to many others. He should not have been on the street.”

“What did he do?”

“He stole the soul of Robert.”

“I’ll force him to give it back.” He quickly put his hand on her shoulder to stop her jumping.

“You would lose your soul to him. There is a badness in that man, it first stole his soul and then whenever a mind is curious about him and the eyes meet, it steals that soul also. How do I tell Memsab Cherine her man is lost to her forever?”

“This is not her Robert. She must not know he is here.” She had to explain and the poor man began to tremble.

“This is the Robert of the first Cherine, the one that saved our world? Mama yiango! Everyone will kill me if I let him die! We must call Cherine.”

“I have come from the future where I met your Cherine, she did not know Robert is here. We must not tell her!” She spoke in a tone that would have been offensive to most men, but he is used to white people, especially the tourists, speaking to him as if their wishes are commands.

“I know nothing memsahib of these things, I only understand souls. His body is dying without its soul, we need Cherine, only she is strong enough to help.”

“Then I will return to get his Cherine.”

Robbie’s body shuddered and his hearts stopped beating. She put her ear to his chest and with a stricken look up at the black man, she threw herself over him. He thought it was out of grief, but she was using what little power she has to force his body back to life. The old man sensed her life force draining from her and touched Robbie alongside his neck and felt the soft strange heartbeats of a Cherinian of our family.

“John, I cannot leave him, his body will die again, what must I do?”

“What gifts did your link to Cherine give you?”

“None, I am not linked to her. John, I am not of this world, this body was made for me.”


“This Robert has shown us aliens of other worlds. If you stay you will both die, his body is taking your power from you.” He meant her energy.

John took her money to buy food, cooked for her and even fed her. She had to leave him whenever nature called and she would then have to fight to bring life back to him. After this happened twice John brought her a pan for her to squat over, leaving the room when she needed to use it and taking the pan away afterwards without making any comments. That way she was able to squat next to Robbie’s body and keep contact. After three days of this she felt she cannot last much longer.

“John, what if I go quickly and kill that beggar, the devourer of souls? Will that release his soul?”

“You’re able to kill? Of course, you are not a Cherinian!” He reconciled himself to the idea and then thought about it. “What if his death releases that darkness in him and it leaves to wherever it belongs taking the soul of Robert with?”

Haven had not thought her body could become such a disgusting and unpleasant object, stinking after one week of laying by Robbie. John finally felt her plight and brought her a pan with water and a towel. “I am sorry, I should have thought of this before.”

When she had washed herself as well as she could, she asked him to undress and wash Robbie. Despite reducing the unpleasant stickiness and smell, it did not help reduce the effects of lying with little movement for a week. She felt she would go crazy if she has to continue like this. She also ached all over from the inactivity.

“Why am I doing this? He can create a new body for himself.” Despite her words she did not move away from him.

John told her about Eddie and she recalled him from the storytelling. He suggested he call for Eddie, but she worried he might let his Cherine know what is going on. On the eleventh day she gave in and let him call Eddie. He arrived within the hour.

First John spoke to him in Swahili and then Eddie asked Haven a lot of questions. She explained why they cannot call Cherine and he agreed.

“There would be little point in doing so, it will create a new reality, but in this reality Cherine will not be called and will not know about him. If we are to save him, we have to find the answer ourselves. Haven, let me take over, my healer is stronger than yours and you need a rest.”

Despite the fact that she had grown to loathe the body she was caring for, she was reluctant to let go, as if it was property of hers. It took her a short while to realise that to her it was as if his body has become a child of hers, for she had given it life, again and again. With John helping her she moved away as Eddie sat next to Robbie and placed his arm over his chest.

“His body is starving. I will feed it. John, lots of food for me please.”

Over the next few days Haven, Eddie and John got to know much about each other as they talked. Haven decided she likes both of them. They have an inner strength she admires and yet both are exceedingly gentle. Eddie refused to even consider her idea of killing the beggar.

“Have you thought it through Haven? You told me Robert came here because of his killing a man in anger. That man did not deserve to live and was guilty, the beggar is not. Whatever power it is he has, he is a victim of it also, it has consumed his own mind or soul. He is not to blame for what happened. Think how Robert will react if he returns and learns his salvation was bought at the expense of an innocent life.”

She took on that stubborn look of hers. “I don’t care! Robert is worth a thousand men like him.”

“To us he is, I agree. Not to Robert though. One innocent life taken to save his, will destroy him.”

John asked, “Bwana Eddie, is not the man already a victim, perhaps it would please him to die. I worry though, what will happen to the souls his power has stolen? What will happen to the souls, will they be released or will they be destroyed?”

“Final death?” Haven asked.

Eddie nodded. “That is what John fears. If the force is so powerful that it can hold Robert, when it is released it will be destructive beyond belief.”


“Robert was not powerful here. He blocked himself from your Cherine, so he had no powers.”

Eddie gave a short bark of laughter. “Haven, this Robert without powers? He no longer needs the link, he is a power in his own right. There are certain gifts he needs a Cherine for, but if he needs to battle an enemy he has powers that could tear this planet apart.”

“Why would he think he has an enemy to battle?” John softly asked.

Eddie was willing to be patient, allow the three weeks to pass by so that he can call on his Cherine. Haven for some strange reason seemed to have turned away from the possibility of calling our Cherine and the rest of us. Eddie was puzzled about that until she explained that for Cherine to come here, his Cherine will sense her.

Glumly he nodded. “It could be that the fear Robert has of creating a paradox has a reason. Many Cherinians are puzzled by his fear of paradoxes.”

“It is because of Sam. Her soul is caught in a loop and to try to break her out of it will create a paradox Robert says might affect time itself.”

Two days before they would be free to call for help, the healer of Eddie reported it can no longer prevent the decay that is destroying Robbie’s body and brain. Things will be rapidly going downhill from now on.

Haven gazed down at his face for a while and then went to stand outside under the stars. Eddie could see her face tilted up to the sky and wondered what she was thinking. When she returned he saw she had been weeping. He had grown to admire her spirit and his heart reached out to her, filled with wonder that she is grieving for Robbie.

“John, can you bring the beggar here? Should I come with to help?”

“I can do it on my own. How will that help memsahib?”

“Please bring him. I will not try to kill him, I promise.”

When he arrived with the man, Haven asked him to make him lie down next to Robbie. “They must be touching.”

“But he is filthy! He stinks.” John was offended at the idea of Robbie touching the wizened body that stank of faeces and urine.

“Just do it please.”

The old beggar was like a doll, not moving once he was made to lie down. His eyes closed as if at rest. Haven leant over and kissed Eddie on his cheek. “Tell them I do love them.” Fast as he is, she was faster. She slapped the face of the beggar and as he opened his eyes she reached in. Eddie was nearly sucked in too as he reached out to her mind to save her.

I have watched through both Robbie’s and Haven’s minds. It is almost impossible for me to make sense of anything. There was one important though slight difference; Haven entered prepared for battle while Robbie was not. Robbie did not realise what was happening until it was too late. Haven went in fighting, lashing out and resisting what felt like the pull of a black hole. She was sucked in, but she caused damage all the way in. She held herself tightly in a sphere of energy that seemed to waste itself on attacking the formless darkness around her.

The beggar screamed and sat up suddenly, a look of anguish on his face. John and Eddie restrained him, forcing him back down so that he remains in physical contact with Robbie. They pulled Haven on to him also.

“John, I am passing on my healer to you, use it to keep them both alive. I’m following her in.”

Eddie did not need to look into those vacant dark eyes. He had sensed where Haven had gone and followed. The spirit of Haven had been her greatest weapon in fighting the dark and destructive gift of the beggar, but Eddie was far stronger, powers that are not Cherinian lashing out. As he too was sucked in, he left a trail of damage behind him.



*Where are you?*

*I don’t know. Robert, Robert!* she called, again and again. Eddie added his voice to hers. Eddie stopped resisting the pull until he became aware of the energies of Haven before him. He fought his way to her and used his powers to bind her to him.

*He must be deeper. Let it take us to him Haven, don’t fight it.*

With Eddie directing them, they increased the rate they were descending into the stygian darkness. They kept on calling for Robbie and finally they heard a weak response. It was now Haven who guided them to him, Eddie willingly following.

*You are alive Robert! Why didn’t you fight to get out?*

*That has to be Haven! How did you find me? I’ve been lost in here forever!*

*Three weeks Robert.* Eddie chuckled grimly. *Can you sense us? Try to move to us.*

It felt as if it took forever, but they managed to reach Robbie. They could both see his ‘energy’ form that represented his soul was much weaker than theirs. They drew him in so that the three of them became almost one. Robbie was full of questions, wanting to know what had happened and where he is. Haven was more interested in fighting their way out then and there, but Eddie was answering Robbie so she made patience.

*I thought I sensed others in here. Eddie, we must try to find them. We cannot allow the souls to be destroyed.*

*You are weak Robert, we must get out.*

*Help me find them then.*

They found two, but they could not make sense of them. They had been in there far too long and all reason had fled. Robbie had the others help him anchor them to their group and not able to sense any others they now turned their thoughts to finding a way out of there.

*Just before you arrived there was a great disturbance. What did you do?*

Eddie showed how he had attacked the darkness. Robbie was about to suggest Eddie use their joint powers, but instead he asked Haven. He suggested she create a cone of light, the tip facing against the pull. As they fought their way, the tip of the cone sent out flashes of blinding lightning that were aimed to the side, not ahead. One such flash caused turmoil again and Robbie had her concentrate on striking the same area again and again. Use of their joint powers was draining them, but they had to gamble and struck as often as they could.

John could hardly hold down the crazed body as the man screamed in agony. Suddenly the body collapsed, the face totally at peace and with no signs of life. As John felt a terror of superstitious dread growing in him, he shouted with sudden glee. His friend Eddie was back!

They all returned to their own bodies, Robbie holding the two damaged souls to him. Soon as he was able to, Robbie wanted to jump back to us. Urgently Haven explained the time problem and insisted he keep himself blocked.

He gave her a smile. “Then we have two days of being normal people. I’m glad, I need some time alone with you.” He asked Eddie, “Can you stay awhile?”

“I would like to bathe and change my clothes…I’ll be back soon.”

Haven quickly went after John who was trying to leave quietly, unobserved. “Wait. I have something to say to you.” He stopped, politely turning back to her. “May I call you a friend?” She put out her hand and he took it.

“You are braver than I am memsaab, I could not have let him take my soul.” Robbie jerked his head around.

Next [Book 06] - Post 023

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

12th December, 2019

  • posted: 12th December, 2019

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