Little Cherine Book 06 - BPost021

She was careful not to say it to Robbie though, so we allowed her to speak her mind and we argued with her, hoping we can teach her a little about the sanctity of life.

Previous: Book 06 - Post 020


Our holiday over, we returned home. Our days, and often parts of our evenings are spent with friends. These are some of our best times, maybe because we cannot indulge ourselves this way, that often. There were so many questions about our time on Meli’s world that we gave in and agreed to do a storytelling on Monday night.

On the Sunday before the telling, Robbie went out searching for children to help in hospitals. He helped a number of them, chose two to become ‘cocoon’ Cherinians and was about to return when he felt the terror and pain of a small child. He entered the home and this is what he saw. A man, the father, had set up in his garage a camera which was recording. He had a small thin mattress on a table and on it his daughter of about three or four. They were both naked and his penis was being forced into her. She was crying and screaming, “It hurts daddy, it hurts!” but he ignored her, tearing her little body even further as he forced his way in.

The way she cried out showed that she loved and trusted her father and was bewildered by the way he was hurting her. I think that was what broke Robbie - perhaps his having been a little girl recently may have affected him too. He went into a cold fury, a rage he could not control.

He sent his healer into the girl, instructing it to put her to sleep and heal her, while he grabbed the father, jumping with him to a deserted piece of ground within the city. There, he killed him as painfully as he could.

He stood over the body without moving for a while. His mind clamped shut, blocking us all out and then he returned to the child, picked up her sleeping, almost healed body and put her in her own bed. He entered her mind to remove her memories of the night. Desperately he called to Dommi and Cherine and they went to her and took away the memories, leaving her with a sense of having a normal sleep. He smashed the video camera, throwing it in the city dump.

Robbie disappeared.

Cherine insisted he is not on Earth, he must have jumped to another reality. We wanted to go search for him, but Dommi and then Alki insisted we let him be alone. We were anxious, a little sickened by the feelings we’d felt in him, but we also understood the pressures which had brought them on. Haven and Shiyra think he has done what should be done, Haven now admiring him. Chantel however was sickened and has no wish to see him again - for now, at least. Robyn still adores him, but is also a little afraid of him.

The telling was cancelled of course, but we had friends with us all day and someone slept over every night. Alki as usual is our strength and the only one we can really discuss our problems with. He insists we must not blame Robbie, calling in Themi to spin some explanation of how seeing children hurt night after night would affect any person.

Cherine was not that easily affected by their words. “What we think is important to him, but what he thinks of himself is even more important. We know our Robert, he will not forgive himself. I trust him not to try to kill himself, but he will look for a way to punish himself. How do we convince him not to? Feeling Haven and Chantel will not help. I think they should be taken back to Freddie before he returns. He has to be helped and surrounded only by those he loves - not people who rejoice or condemn him.”

Claudia disagreed. “It might help him having them here. What they feel, the way they are reacting might force him to examine his actions in a more dispassionate way. The two extremes are needed to help him find a balance.”

“Cherine?” She saw my question, but nodded for me to ask it anyway. “Will he feel in your mind that you see an ugliness in him?”

“Years ago I might have. Spending night after night sharing with him his pain at seeing so many children suffering or their innocent minds being twisted has sickened me too and I’ve often wondered how he can control himself. It had to happen sometime. I’m sorry for Robbie, not the man he killed. He was not carried away by lust, it was purely the possibility of selling the tape that prompted him to destroy his daughter. He was already planning future tapes. My empathy has to be for the daughter, not for him.”


“Alki, I would like to set up a small fund for the family so that they do not suffer because we took away the father.”

“We have to be careful how we do it Dominique. Why would a woman in Athens be interested in them, how did you hear about the death in a distant city? The newspapers are unlikely to mention the family and the death has only taken up a small column. We have to arrange a reason for you being in the area they live and contrive a way for you to meet them. Once they tell you of their plight, we can then arrange something.”

“Please arrange it then. It would be something our Roberto would want.”

Cherine surprised us by calling for a telling two days later. As the Cherinians gathered she instructed Meli, Jade and Wendy.

They told of our adventure, bringing it alive for everyone. As Meli brought us back to our bodies and our minds, the story stopped suddenly. It caught our friends by surprise.

“Take a break, jump somewhere for a coffee if you want. In an hour we will continue.” The absence of Robbie, what they had heard of the events, of his murdering a man and the terse command by Cherine soon had the hall empty of them as they jumped to discuss it away from us. We looked at each others’ faces and drew in together, each holding on to the closest member of our family. Alki and his family, Nicko and his wives and children and Keith with his two lovely girls stayed with us. Allan hugged Cherine and then took his two loves for a walk on the beach in Cyprus.

“You all know what has happened since our return. Let us do a storytelling about it. There will be no golden circle of love afterwards, there never will be while our Robert is not with us.”

They started from his swim, went to the saving of the man in Nicosia, which provided a little light relief. Then they heard the questions and felt the impact on Robbie. Thereafter, without withholding any of the accumulating pain they made them share his roaming as the void from city to city, night after night, sharing the emotions and the pain of the children he helped. Many times they cried out at some of the unbelievable ugliness they were forced to witness. Then they were made a part of the night our Robbie killed a man. It ended with his shutting himself from us and disappearing.

Alki stood up, his voice strong. “Judge him as you will, according to your own conscience, his family do not ask that you forgive him. Be honest in your judgement, that is all they ask and what you owe him. Do not ask whether you, the person you are would do the same, for then we all would say we would have. Ask, should a man like Robert, the protector of all life have done this and are we comfortable knowing a man with his powers can kill?”

Allan stood up. “You heard Alki. Now let me ask you, should a man like Robert be a god or do we want a Robert who is a man, a man who protects life, but remains human, who witnesses one too many senseless cruelties against a child and snaps? As for his being able to kill, all men can and his powers make it easier for him. Does he abuse his power? Do we fear he could be encouraged by our approval and acceptance of who and what he is, of what he did, and go out on a killing spree? Do we agree with his condemnation of himself or do we disagree, showing him we want and love the man he is?”

Anna called out. “We do not have the right to sit in judgement of him.”

“We do.” Perikli stood up. “Not only we do, but we have to. I am not Perikli a man, a police officer; you are not only the person you are, we are all a part of something new, another way of looking at ourselves in the hope we grow to be better than Man has been. We must decide, does a Cherinian have the right to kill another human being, whatever the reasons? If he does, under what conditions? If not, what do we say to Roberto, how do we accept him as a leader and example for all of us?”

Cherine had what she wanted, they were discussing it with vociferous differences of opinion. We kept our faces and emoting as neutral as we could, but we worried. What if they decide against Robbie?

Luigi brought the arguments to a close a few hours later. “We have not heard from the one man we need to. Robert must stand before us and tell us what he feels, how he stands.”

As everyone returned home Dommi invited Lua to stay the night. Coral looked stricken, as if Dommi had betrayed her. Though Coral masked her emoting, we saw it is time we talked about her problem. It could be that Lua needs help also.


At home we sprawled all over the lounge, but though we looked relaxed, we were not. We felt we needed an explanation from Cherine as to why she had initiated the judgement of Robbie.

“I’ll save you from asking. I did it because that is what Robert would want. If we had not done it while he is away, he would call them together to judge him and he would try to sway them into finding him an unfit leader. They would have not had time to think of the ramifications and would have expressed opinions based on emotions of the moment. Now they will come when he returns and their judgement will be, I hope, a little wiser. Does anybody disagree?”

“I do.” Jade was angry. “Tonight was a farce and not done the way Robert would have wanted it done. First you had us tell his story with as much of his emotions and the suffering of the children as possible which would affect their thinking.”

“That is true Jade. I had to do it now because Robert would not have allowed it. I refuse to allow any judgement that excludes what you all call my gift. They must stand in his shoes for a moment so that they can judge fairly.”

“You call it fairly! You know they will strongly empathise with him and find him innocent. Robert will not accept their judgement as reflecting the truth, as he will feel their decision was biased.”

“It is up to us to convince him we did the right thing Jade.”

“Perhaps we should clearly define what we are arguing about Jade and Cherine. You might be talking at cross purposes.” I took a moment to think how I should phrase my thoughts. “I think there are two matters we have to deal with. The first is that Robert killed a man. He has to be judged on that by itself; did he have the right to, was it correct or did he assume rights he does not have; among Normals murder is acceptable under certain conditions, our conditions are not the same. For instance, if you kill in defence of your life or that of another it is enough to secure you a non guilty verdict. Not always so with us. So, what are the conditions acceptable to us?

The second matter for us to consider, and I am not certain how it should be affected by the first one and our verdict on it, is whether he should be allowed to continue as our leader. He will remain the protector of life, any verdict made by us cannot affect that. He is the protector and it is a fact, not a decision. Leader though, that is a matter of decision. If the person who leads us, guides us, does not have the morals we demand or should demand, then his leadership will be flawed, taking us as a people in directions we should not go. Flawed government produces flawed citizens. Or is it the other way around?” I ended with a smile, trying to lighten the mood.

“I don’t see it Sam.” Maria said. “Whatever is decided on the one will affect the other, so why make them separate issues?”

Cherine said, “Sam is right Maria. It could be decided that it was not humanly possible for him to control himself and that the man deserved to die. Empathy could force that decision on us. We should ignore our decision on that and decide as a separate issue whether we want a man who kills to be our leader. Should a leader be allowed to kill? If so, under what conditions?”

Jade stood up, her eyes blazing. “In that case I will add to the accusation against him. When we were attacked by the Teddies one rose into the air with us. When it fell off the platform we were certain it was to its death. Whether that one died or not, Robert must answer for its death since it was the intention to cause it death.”

“But that was self defence Jade, we were attacked!”

“Sam just said self defence cannot be allowed as a plea for Cherinians.”

I’d forgotten, or rather, not thought of that! Other possibilities came to my mind. “Then we are also to be accused of deaths caused among the Inguel, especially the children. Where do we stop Jade?”


Haven was extremely angry, but thought she did not have the right to interfere. Shiyra was upset also, for the opposite reason, but wanting the same result. We ignored them, they will be dealt with later. We all looked to Cherine for a decision.


“Jade did well to widen the discussion so as to include previous deaths. I will not allow the matter of Richard’s death to be added. At that time we were not Cherinians, we were still new to our gifts and Robert had never known such evil, it was as protector that he acted, also needing to make Wendy feel safe. As for the other deaths, by all counts, add them in. Let us deal with this once and for all.”

“That is not likely to happen Cherine. We can clear the air with regard to all past killings or deaths caused by Robert, but we cannot licence him to kill in the future. Saying we have dealt with this once and for all implies that.”

“I meant it as you just explained Sam!”

“Your words will be written, I had to be certain of what was being sent on to the future Cherine.”

Haven could not restrain herself anymore. “Is there not one of you that see he did the right thing!?”

I grinned. “We should have kept this a purely family discussion, there go our masks, we now have to speak openly.” Only a few of them chuckled, the rest worried. Puzzled Haven looked at me for an explanation.

“Haven, if you were sharing our minds as we do, there would have been certain feelings or words not needed to be spoken. You would have seen that the judgement of our Robert is only for other Cherinians. In our hearts, not one of us thinks of him as being a murderer or guilty of murder. You know that I write a diary and we expect our descendants to read it. Robert fears that any words or decisions we take could be used by them to justify their doing things that are wrong. That is why none of us have applauded what he did, whatever our feelings are.”

“Oh!” She thought about it, not really worried about our stupid diary, as she thought of it. For us to change the way we are, to hold back words because of the diary was silly. “In that case, don’t write about it Sam.”

“I have to Haven, including this conversation, not to do so would mean the diary no longer reflects the truth. I refuse to censor what I write.”

“I don’t see that. Surely if you all censor the words you speak, or thoughts you exchange so that they are not written in your diary, your diary is dishonest?”

I laughed. “Of course there is an element of dishonesty Haven. There is in all of life. If I feel the need to make love, but sense my man is worried and exhausted, would it not be dishonest of me to hide my need just because I care for him? What each of us think or feel are not always public property. Why should I be judged on that basis? Surely it is the words I speak or the action I take or don’t take that matter more? I do often speak in the diary of my thoughts, but that is my choice because I want to be known as I really am or I use it as a diagnostic tool for learning about myself. I may even infer that the others feel something, but I do not have the right to put those feelings in my diary as fact. Anybody reading the diary would automatically infer what I just spoke of.”

“You use words to make everything unclean Sam.”

I decided not to let what she said ‘get’ to me. If one of ‘my’ girls had said that…

The unforgiving attitude of Haven meant we could not speak of Coral’s problem. One wrong word could have caused more harm. It was late, the telling had been exhausting for many, so we went to bed. Lua had the sense to ignore that Coral showed she wants (to talk) and shushing her, took her in her arms to sleep with.

“How long do you think Robbie will stay away Cherine?” Candy asked.

Cherine answered her, “We should give him a couple of weeks, maybe three. If he has not returned by then I’ll ask the other Cherines if he went to their worlds. He has to be on one of their worlds and I bet you he sends the protector to report on how we are.”

“You really think he went to a world with a Cherine?”

“Yes my love, he would not place us in danger because he needs time alone.”

“Oh, I hadn’t thought of that.” Candy and many of us were soothed by Cherine’s reassurance.

I suggested Athia, Haven and Shiyra come with me to Kefalari. The next two series of events happened at the same time, but I’ll not try to describe them simultaneously.


When we were gone it was Coral who brought up the subject.

“Mother, it must have been weird for you having me fall in love with you.”

“It was flattering.” She shook her head. “No, that is not what you need to hear. Coral, you were a good looking young man and charming but, apart from my knowing you were my daughter, and apart from the fact that I already love three men deeply, I would have had difficulty in loving you as you were. For one, he was not a Cherinian. Second, he was a soldier. Just the word ‘soldier’ means ‘killer’ to me. I could not love a killer. What did confuse me was the fact that I do love you more than my upbringing allows me to show you.”

“Even as a Cherinian, Lua?” Dommi asked.

“Even, Dommi. I was born a Cherinian, but who was it that influenced my thinking as a foetus? Charlie, Wing, my mother? Had they not all grown up as typical Chinese with the culture of our people?”

“That is strange. The children of Tasso, even those not born Cherinian, blossomed as Cherinians and dropped most of what they consider wrong or inappropriate to them as Cherinians.”

“They live here Aganthi, they see your family often, you do have an affect on all those around you. What about Keith and Annabelle? They come from a more enlightened society than ours and yet Annabelle and her daughter spend such a large part of each year as adults because of Keith, even though he and they prefer them being young girls. We are affected by those around us, even when we see they are wrong.”

Wendy asked, “Coral, all this is besides the point. Why don’t you tell us what has been worrying you?”

“It felt strange when I realised I’d fallen in love with my own mother as a young man, but she was so beautiful to me and her being my mother without me knowing it, I felt might have attracted me to her.”

Dommi gently asked her, “You seem to have coped with the situation very well. Coral, what is it that has been worrying you?”

Tears came to her eyes. “I was the only one to betray Robert. All of you were so busy loving him as a little girl you ignored the women, only I didn’t.”

Cherine burst out laughing, to be followed by some of the others. “Oh sweet Coral, you have our memories, we did share with you. Didn’t you examine any of them?”

“Only Robert’s.”

“Check them out my love, it would not be fair of me to mention those who lusted after Rose, Marian and the wives of Nicko.”

“I don’t mind admitting it. I was keen on Marian.” Jade said. As others told of who they were attracted to, Coral let go of her guilt. Then a voice shyly said, “I loved the Lady Melina.”

Meli was startled. “Robyn, I never sensed it!”

“I thought you were a goddess, so I had to be very careful not to insult you.”

“Oh Robyn, I would have been flattered - I am flattered.” She gave her a hug.

I’d asked the three girls out so that Coral could speak freely, but it seemed too good an opportunity to miss, I wanted their reactions to our adventure. I preferred the direct approach.

“I would love to know how the two of you have reacted to being on Meli’s world, since our return. I have your memories, but we have found that borrowed memories do not have the same colouring that our own minds give to them. Would you mind talking about it?”

“I am puzzled. Why did Harvey and I become best friends? Was that arranged by Melina?”

“I doubt it Shiyra. It could have been that subconsciously the two of you felt you were different from us, felt like outsiders and that would have drawn you to each other.”


“Why did I like you so much then?” Haven asked me.

I blushed. “I was also the odd one out.”

“No. I liked the way you questioned everything and you were not afraid to take a stand, even if it meant you would be tortured and killed when we returned home.”

“May I join you? I’m not interrupting?”

“Anna, nice to see you, please do.” I indicated a seat and she sat down.

Haven said, “You were the one who said we do not have a right to judge Robert.”

Her face hardened. “I still think so. That scum he killed did not have a right to live and Robert has saved so many lives, I don’t know how many billions, and yet they think they have the right to judge him! What I find difficult to understand is that his own family asked us to judge him. That is not right!”

“We had to Anna, if we Cherinians are to have any rules or laws, not one of us should be exempt from them.”

Haven’s face became red with anger. “It is not a matter of rules, what Robert did was right. Because the rest of you are not able to stand up for yourselves, you want Robert to be a coward like you.”

“What courage does it take to kill another if you are so powerful, Haven?”

Athia disagreed. “You are wrong Sam, it does take a courage of sorts. Even among the Normals it is difficult to kill, even if they can do it safely, because it is difficult to kill, the taking of a life is so final that most people shrink from the thought of doing it.”

I smiled. “Anna, Athia is our devil’s advocate. She argues against everything we believe in.”

“That is not true!” She was genuinely upset so I had to explain to Anna why I’d said that, making clear the role she had played with Haven.

Anna squeezed her hand. “You must be a very brave girl.”

Haven added with force. “The only one among them. She is braver even than Robert.”

“You think Robert is not very brave?”

“Not like a warrior. He worries too much about how he might hurt his enemy.”

Anna laughed. “Did they not tell of how he helped my daughter and me?”

“Most of the details are usually left out Anna.” I said.

“Let me tell you then.” She told of how Robbie hurt her daughter and all of what happened thereafter. Haven and Shiyra were fascinated by this aspect of Robbie. When she spoke of what he did to her ex husband it was obvious Haven approved.

Athia explained. “Haven, what Robert did, it was because of the child. I do not think he would have involved himself to that extent if he had not felt a child was being hurt and betrayed.”

Anna nodded proudly. “Yes, he has a soft spot for my Smaragda.” Her comment shows I suppose that being a Cherinian has not helped her to face reality as much as it should have, her pride still important and blinding her to the truth. I’m not saying he does not love Smaragda, but then, she was a little girl and he had hurt her thoughtlessly. Of course Robbie would have a soft spot for her. ((Dommi - you are missing the point Sam; Anna is a mother, think how you react to us showing Gina love.))

Nicko with his wives and two daughters arrived so they joined us. Then Angelo and Smaragda. This was turning into a Cherinian get-together. I gave up on the idea of chatting with our two little alien girls. Since it was topical, everyone hashed and re-hashed the rights and wrongs of our judging Robert. Haven mostly sat politely without commenting, but after Nicko spoke she could not contain herself.

“To think that I liked you on Meli’s world!”


Sweetly he replied, “I liked Harvey too.” She was quick to get the point. Unfortunately so was Athia.

“If you are suggesting Haven is not as likeable as Harvey was, then you are shallower than I’d thought. Harvey was just a plain young man without strong beliefs and unless you are a vlakas (stupid) you would know he represented a simple version of what she is like inside her. Just because you do not agree with her it does not mean you should make that kind of comment. I think you owe her an apology.”

“Athia, calm down. Nicko had a right to reply as he did. She insulted him first. Haven should expect to get as good as she gives.” I smiled. “I’d think Haven would not only expect it, she would demand it. Athia, apologise to Nicko for calling him stupid.”

“I did not call him stupid. I only stated a fact.”

I got very angry. “Athia, you apologise right now!”

Nicko laughed. “Let it go Sam, I know how she meant it and she is right, I am not a vlakas and knew what she told us. Haven, I apologise. During your adventure I was given the opportunity to get to know Harvey. I’d love to get to know you as well as I knew him.”

With that sometimes almost malicious humour of hers, Cherine sent to Nicko’s family, *Haven has not joined our family. Is Nicko hoping to charm her and expand your family?*

Haven was confused when the four girls burst out laughing and Nicko blushed as they teased him.

Elia and his family joined us. “We thought we sensed you all close by.” The waiters rushed to join another table and bring chairs. Then they took our orders.

“Elia, how do you and Claire get away with looking so much younger?”

He grinned. “I am a shipowner Sam, so everyone automatically presumes we are taking some new kind of expensive treatment in Switzerland or Rumania. Having Despina as our daughter is another excuse. We tell everyone how much younger we feel having a child in our home again.”

*Dommi, I just realised, it is funny. Despina!*

*What is funny Sam?*

*Shit! I just realised, I can’t say.*

That made her laugh. *It’s okay, I got the point. You are right, it is ironic…you and your diary Sam!*

Savva was passing close by in a police car and he asked, May I join you for a coffee? We welcomed him and suggested he gets his family. As our group grew, more and more Cherinians sensed us and asked to join us. The coffee shop did not have anymore chairs for us as Tasso and his family arrived and the owner came over to apologise.

“If I want to buy your shop, how much would you ask for?”

“Kyrie Spiropoulo, why should I sell? What would I do with the money, the shop is profitable and it gives me something to do.”

Soon as we were alone Savva asked him whether his question had been serious.

“I was. I thought it might be a good idea to buy this place for Cherinians to meet here. I could then rename the place to Café Cherine and if anyone heard us talking about Cherinians we could say that is what we call regular customers of this café.”

As I’ve said, we had drawn the attention of Cherinians, so I was not surprised when Alki turned up.

“Sam, what do you think, should we buy this place?”

“No. I don’t like the idea and neither does Cherine.”

“We don’t ask Cherine, Sam. We would expect her to be negative, it embarrasses her.”


I was the only one allowed to, so I said it. “It would almost be worth buying just for that reason,” and they all laughed.

It was good to sit with friends, talking both verbally and by mindspeak of nothing important, just being sociable. We were in a very good mood and our emoting attracted people to the café and the owner and staff stood bewildered by the sudden popularity of their shop, unable to handle the crowd.

Savva chuckled. “It looks like I’ll have to call in a riot squad. Elia, your idea may be a good one, we need somewhere to meet like this without causing a disturbance.”

“Create a private club?”

“Private, but something casual like this.”

I grinned and sent to Cherine, *Looks like you are about to become famous. Should we call you Cherry baby from now on?*

*No, call your club Cherry Baby then all the members can also be cherry babies.*

A flower girl wanted to come to the tables, but could not get through. Aganthi jumped up and went to her. She bought all her flowers and convinced her to take a look at their school. They drove off in a taxi. We paid and walked over to the house of Elia. As we settled all over his veranda and garden he said to Alki, “This area has become too commercial. I’m thinking of selling the house to a property developer and moving further away, probably Politia or Ekali.”

“Why not turn this into the private club then? Your garden is beautiful and the members would enjoy the swimming pool. I’d hate to see a beautiful old house like this one being replaced with some modern concrete and glass office block.”

It was decided the club will be named Club Cherinián, with a coffee shop for its members at garden level and a restaurant upstairs. We soon expanded it to include a pool table, table-tennis, electronic games and a library. Claire pointed out they will make a lot of enemies.

“How do we explain to friends, ministers and others why we do not give them membership? They will feel insulted.”

I had an idea that amused me. “Why not make membership subject to them passing a test? We test them for their beliefs to do with love, empathy, charity and so on and then include with it the most difficult Mensa questionnaire. They’ll just be grateful to get out of the exam room.”

Alexis (Nicko’s) laughingly suggested we make it a rule that no member is allowed to park his car within five blocks of the club. Nicko and Angelo found that very funny, knowing that no young Greek socialite would find the idea of walking acceptable.

“Add in our tests questions to do with the environment.” Pearl said. Not that we will, it is too much of a PC question, we’ll help Pearl see why once this meeting is over. It is odd, I had thought all Cherinians know about the globs.

Savva said with amusement, “You’ll soon have people paying not to join us.”

I asked. “We have the name for our club. I think we should give names to the different parts of it. I suggest we call the coffee shop ‘Haven’.”

Before Haven could protest, Nicko called out, “And the library we call Samantha’s Room’.” They cheered his suggestion while I sat with burning cheeks. The truth is, I felt this was a beautiful thing we were creating and enjoyed the high spirits everyone was in.

Smaragda shyly asked, “Can we have an art gallery with paintings special to Cherinians? I’d like to call it the Roberto room.”

That sobered everyone, reminding them of his absence. Her motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

The girls, Alki and I, arrived home tired but excited. As we appeared in the lounge we did a double take. Erin stood in the centre of the room.


“Samuel, I can’t let you out of my sight for a moment without you causing a disaster!”

“Aye Captain, this was a grand disaster. I really enjoyed it.”

After our teasing and laughter, Dommi told us there was no food prepared, so Alki invited us to a taverna. We went there as a mixture of ages and had a great time. As it came close to time for returning home, Candy began to cry. Alexis, Nicole and Diana joined her. “I miss Robbie.”

Alki and some of us tried to soothe the girls, but in the end all of us were teary and Alki gave up. When he left us, we saw he is also affected and trying to hide his sadness. We clung to each other in groups of two or three when we went to bed. It is strange to think of a Cherinian bedroom filled with sniffling girls.

The next night Cherine left her body, as Normals call it, using astral projection, except that she can use her gifts, including her healer. She travelled to hospitals and seeking out the children she helped as many as she could. She found one little boy she thought has the sweetest heart and she took him to a garden in her mind where she played with him and made of him a ‘cocoon’ Cherinian.

We were all upset with her the next morning and insisted we all take part.

“It is better that we all go together Cherine. It is safer for us and we can handle all the kids in a hospital rather than choosing just a few.”

She was stern. “Only the hospitals. Helping children that are being abused is only for Robert.” We agreed. Some were even relieved, facing such ugliness is never easy. Shiyra was eager to join us, but Haven was not. Athia was not about to let her get away with it though and pestered her until she joined us.

We were lucky the first night we all went together. We found a girl of about sixteen. She should not have been in the children’s ward, but because her younger sister was there also with the same problem, they’d been put together. The girl has an extremely strong mothering instinct so Dommi was attracted to her.

The sisters had a genetically inherited problem for which there is no cure. For some reason the younger sister was more acutely sick and expected to die before the elder one. The little one thought it was unfair and resented her sister for having so many extra years without suffering as she has. The elder one prayed to God, begging him to take her and give her little sister a few extra years.

We had a quick pow-wow. *We cannot do as we do with the others. There are no halfway measures, either we cure them or we don’t.*

Dommi pleaded, *Please Cherine, we have to.*

*Of course we will Dommi. We just have to decide, does the older sister become a Cherinian?* We all agreed she should. *Then I would rather Dommi does an appearance, not me. Tell her that her prayers have been heard and her sister will be cured. Tell her she must tell everyone she can in the morning and her sister will be cured tomorrow night.*

*You want to test her?*

*It is easier to pray than it is to accept the results of your prayer Claudia. I would like to see how she reacts to her sister being saved. If she reacts as we expect, the next night she is rewarded and we make her a ‘cocoon’ Cherinian. If she is envious of her sister, we only cure her.*

None of us were happy with Cherine’s idea, especially Dommi, but we accept her decision as to the suitability of the person for becoming a Cherinian as being absolute, so we did not argue. Dommi appeared to her as a sort of ‘Madonna’ and told her what Cherine had instructed her to say.

We did not return to our bodies in the morning, waiting to hear what the girl will say. The girl got up joyfully, ready to rush to her little sister and tell her the news. As she sat on the edge of the bed putting on her slippers she had her first doubts. What if her vision had only been a dream; how cruel it would be to give her sister hopes. She agonised over it and Dommi took pity on her. *It was not a dream, here is a token to lend your heart courage.* She teleported a single white rose.


The girl saw the rose on her lap and gave a frightened cry. Then she began to weep. Sobbing she went to her sister and gave her the rose.

“Mother Mary came to me last night and told me my prayers will be answered. Annette, you will be cured tonight. Tomorrow you can go home, you will be well. She sent this rose for you.”

Her sister did not believe her to start with, but soon her need to believe helped convince her. She grew excited. The elder sister in the meantime was telling everyone, the nurses, the sisters of the hospital and then the doctors. When her parents came she told them also. She got into terrible trouble and was accused of being heartless. How could she tell such a lie knowing it will hurt her sister when she wakes up sick the next day. They convinced Annette that her older sister had lied. We were pleased when she stuck to her guns and refused to admit she had lied. At the request of the parents she was moved to an adult ward so that she cannot hurt her little sister again. She hugged her conviction and memory of the face of Dommi to herself and continued to believe, imagining with delight everyone’s reaction the next day when Annette is cured

We had to leave her then as our bodies had to be taken care of also. We had to tell Allan we cannot see him and the girls when he asked to visit us, as we wanted to return to the hospital early that night.

*You have done well Erica. Take my hand.* Dommi took her soul with her to the side of Annette’s bed. *She will wake up fully cured with a chance to live a normal life. If she has children they will also be normal. Erica, are you happy?*

*Yes, very. Mother Mary, I will do anything you say, I’ll pray to you every day till I die, I promise.*

Dommi laughed. *I think you have done enough praying for now Erica. Or were you thinking of praying for yourself to be cured?*

*No! I meant it, I will not mind if I die earlier as I asked.*

*We’ll see.*

She’d won all our hearts and none of us could do as Cherine wanted. Athia was the only one strong enough to do it for us. She sent her healer in to Erica’s body and made her illness progress rapidly. She will wake up knowing she is about to pay the price she’d offered.

We did not want to just be linked to her. We wanted to actually see and hear her while sharing her secret feelings and thoughts. We returned home and got out of bed. We kept ourselves busy during the remainder of the night and went to bed in time to be by her when she woke up.

Erica moaned and opened her eyes. The woman in the bed next to her asked, “Did you have nightmares dear? You were moaning all night.”

“No. I am dying.”

“Nonsense, the nurse said you still have a long time.”

“No, I can feel it, I’m dying. Mother Mary kept her word. Can you please find out how my little sister Annette is?”

“How dear, I can’t walk you know. What do you mean ‘Mother Mary kept her word’?”

“I prayed to God that he makes my sister well enough to live a few years and offered to die now instead of her. Mother Mary came and told me my prayers have been answered. Please, I want to know if Annette is well before I die.”

The woman pressed the bell for a nurse. She took her time coming and then listened to what the woman told her. “Annette in the children’s ward is your sister? Her doctor has been called, everyone is excited about her, she seems to have recovered completely.” Erica collapsed back on her pillow and the nurse went to examine her. She then took a look at her chart at the foot of the bed. “What has happened? You are not supposed to be in this condition. Hold on, I’ll get the doctor here.”

What ensued was total bedlam. The parents were called and they arrived early. Erica had been moved to a ward by herself and her parents were solemnly told she is close to the end and could die at any moment. Annette walked at their side as they entered the room. They no longer knew what to do; cry or laugh or both. Erica’s eyes lit up when she saw her sister.

Next [Book 06] - Post 022

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

12th December, 2019

  • posted: 12th December, 2019

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