Little Cherine Book 06 - BPost023

“You are braver than I am memsaab, I could not have let him take my soul.” Robbie jerked his head around.

Previous: Book 06 - Post 022


“What are you talking about John? Stay a while and tell me what happened.” For once, demure, Haven did not speak as John told him what she had done for Robbie.

“To start at the beginning, why was it you who came?” She explained about the local Cherine not sensing her. He nodded, approving her decision. “And then you say you followed me? I must have been very deep in my thoughts not to sense you. Haven, I owe you my life, how can I ever repay you?”

“You don’t owe me anything, I only did what I had to.”

“Are we allowed to do what we have to?”

“Of course!”

He grinned and pulled her to him. As he bent his head she realised he was about to kiss her. She stared at his face as it loomed closer and as his lips touched hers softly, she burst into tears. He sat down and pulled her onto his lap, cradling her so that her head rests on his shoulder. He was about to tease her and then changed his mind.

“You do know that I love you Haven? You are the strangest of all the girls I love, the most different, and yet I love you. You are harder and tougher then both the protector and I together and if I were to guess that you would love one of us I’d have expected it to be someone like Manoli. He is a true warrior, not soft like me. Haven, I can see behind all the warrior strength of you, the innermost part of you that is pure and tender, true and loyal and though I love that part of you, I also love the warrior part.” He stroked her back a moment, perhaps not realising he was doing so. “I guess we both know you are going to break my heart, but it will be worth it for me.”

She pulled back. “Why are you trembling?”

“My body is still weak. My healer cannot work miracles if I don’t help it. I need food and water. I also stink, I’d like to wash first.”

She said, “I’m also trembling.”

“You are? I thought it was me. Why are you trembling?”

“Because Empathia was right, I’ve lost.”

“Making me love you means you have lost?”


“Your sense of dignity and pride are stronger than I’ve felt in anyone. Haven, I am at a loss, I don’t know how to react to you. With Sol I know she is Solomon, but when she is Sol I do not think of her as an alien, I see only the girl I love. With you I see a girl that makes my heart ache with love, but I am also aware all the time of the real person you are. They do not become one.”

“You love the girl you see, the body you made for me?”

He laughed and it was a sound of delight. “I love the person you are, alien or not.”

“What do you mean ‘or not’?”

“Parts of you are the same as my girls, mostly like Empathia, but also uniquely Haven.”

“And Robyn?”

“She is just a person, neither alien nor not, just like Sol is. You are the only one I sense both in.”

“I don’t think I understand.”

“What I am trying to tell you is, stay as you are Haven. Don’t let go of any part of you. I love it all.”

“Even if it makes me fight you?”


She sat up straight and looked him in the eyes. “I am still partly the Avenger. You want that?”


“We all are Haven. What I did, killing that man, you cannot see it?” She nodded. “What makes us Cherinians and gives us hope that our future will be more promising than that of the Normals, is our ability to see what we are and what we want to be. I did not prove I am not human by killing that man, but I did prove I am not a Cherinian. Killing can never be an option for a Cherinian.”

She nodded at the body on the bed. “We killed him.”

“There was nothing sentient left of him, or if there was, it was not much. Mostly we killed his body and the gift he had. It was not a bad gift Haven, if he had been helped and taught how to control it, he could have used his gift to help others.”

She shuddered. “How could it help others?”

“I intend asking Themi that question. Any gift or power has the potential for good or bad. We must discover how his gift could be for the good and then find a way for him to harness it so that it does not get out of control.”

“But he is dead!”

Sadly Robbie nodded. “Yes. I will search for an alternate of him that is still a child. We will teach that child.”

Her voice was sharp, irritated. “You think there is good in everyone!”

“Both good and bad Haven. It is not possible to be only one of the two.”

“Cherine is also bad?”

“All of them, even my little Candy.”

“Is there a lot of bad in me Robert?”

“Hmm, I think so. I think the bad part of you is very unhappy that the good part is so much stronger.”

Robbie went for his shower. In this heat there was no hot water, as Dimitri had never bothered to put in a boiler. He was lucky, the water pressure for once was good and the water stung his skin. He stood with eyes shut, slightly moving his head as he allowed the stinging spray to massage his scalp. With a shock he felt hands touch his chest. Haven had joined him in the shower. He looked at her face and then down at her pert little breasts.

She laughed as she saw his penis rising. “I came for a wash only.”

“You are a tease Haven? Good, I like a tease now and then.”

Eddie returned as he’d promised. “John has offered to cook us the best steak we’ve ever eaten. Shall we go to the hotel?”

The staff knew Eddie well enough for them to get a bottle of good red wine.

“Drink up Robert, red wine and the meal John has promised will get the blood flowing again.”

“I thought the two of you did that? Thank you.”

“Why are you thanking me? Now I can boast that the Robert and I are blood brothers.”

“Hmm, because we shared a bottle of red wine?” He grinned. “You are trying to make it difficult for me?”

Innocently he asked Robbie what he meant.

“Your Robert and Cherine have offered to return Hettie and you to your original bodies?”

“They did. Hettie and I saw your Eddie and Hettie and we were tempted for a while. We are comfortable with ourselves and each other as we are Robert.”


Haven saw how bleak Robbie’s face was and recognised something in his eyes as sadness. She thought to herself, I’m beginning to know him.

“I am not asking you Eddie, I’m telling you, take your own bodies back.” Haven felt at a loss. She could not understand why they were sparring and what had made Robbie demand he have his way. “Your Robert and Cherine have been overwhelmed with problems, but still, they should have dealt with this matter years ago.”

His anger visible, Eddie asked, “You are ordering me?”

“I don’t have a choice Eddie, you owe it to the children whose bodies you took. Let me get you your own bodies back so that I can bring their souls to their bodies. Do as our Eddie did, take them as your children and help them grow up to become Cherinians.”

“Jesus! You only had to explain, there was no need for you to put my back up by ordering me! Of course we will.”

Robbie should have settled for that, let the matter rest, but he began to tremble. “Don’t push me Eddie, don’t push, I’m ready to explode, I’m fighting to control myself.”

“Explode! You are threatening me?”

“No, not explode, implode. I am struggling to recall why I am Robert of the Cherinians, why my Cherine and all my girls love me. Don’t push me to forgetting it. I am fighting to convince myself I deserve to live Eddie. At the moment I don’t feel I do and all that is keeping me going is my commitment to help so many species. We have to bring them back before I allow myself the choice.”

Eddie turned to Haven. “For god’s sake, change into a small girl and sit on his lap - you can do it openly, on this world everyone knows of the Cherinians. Make him hold you.”

Not understanding what was happening she obeyed. As his arms went around her he bowed his head over hers and a tear of his fell on her face. Suddenly she understood he had not resolved the matter of his killing, that he is still torturing himself over it and she moaned, “Oh Robert!” He squeezed more tightly for a long time and then sat back, the tension flowing out of him.

He cupped her chin so that she looked at him. “I’m sorry Haven.”

She saw he was depressed and asked herself, what would Athia do?

Cheerfully she said, “Robert, did I tell you what Cherine did?” She told about the storytelling and the discussion Cherine provoked. “They are going to judge you when you return.”

He thought about it. “Yes, it was the right thing to do.” A sadness clouded his face, but it was different, not the same weariness to it she’d seen before. “My poor little girl, she is having to grow wiser all the time for my sake.”

Haven recalled some of what she’d understood from the telling on Freddie. “You mean it is the protector in you that forces you to do things so that she will grow wiser?”

Eddie chuckled and Robbie smiled at her. “That is not an excuse I would dare try to use. No Haven, I manage to mess up quite well on my own.” He asked Eddie, “Isn’t she something special?”

“Anybody that would let themselves be sucked into that hellhole you were in to save you would have to be a pretty special person.”

Robbie gave her a grin. “It looks like you have a fan club of two. No, three, John should not be excluded.”

She thought about it as the food was served. Soon as the waiters were gone, she asked. “Do you think Athia will really love me now?”

Robbie placed her back in her chair. “Eat before it gets cold. Haven, do you remember when you wanted to cut her head off and she offered her heart instead so that you don’t kill her? Why do you think she did it?”

“Because she is brave.”


“That is a sort of shallow answer my love. Think, why did she have to be brave, what did she stand to gain or, rather, what was she hoping to gain?”

“You mean she loved me - even then!?”

“I will not pretend to understand Haven. I think all the Cherinian born are growing beyond me. She did not love you then, she loved you the day you attacked her. I know, she explained that she saw pain behind the hate, but two things confuse me. Why love you because there is pain and, even stranger, Haven, you are not the same creature that attacked her. I changed you, trying to create a new melded soul that would be uniquely yours.”

“But she loves me!”

The little minx was still being Athia, playing with his heart and he could not see it. As she manipulated him it affected her. According to the old Aven she should have despised him for allowing her to manipulate him, but as Haven she felt her heart opening to him and she felt shamed by what she was doing. Robbie smiled as she thoughtfully bent her head over her plate.

That night, Haven sensing Robbie is still weak, avoided arousing him and chastely slept in his arms. After an enormous breakfast Robbie decided he wished to walk along the beach. To us that means he needs to be alone, but to her it was an opportunity to spend the day with him alone. She wanted to get to know him a little better.

Eddie promised to call on us in a few days with Hettie and after hugging Haven and calling her his friend he left for Zurich to speak to Hettie.

The two of them spent the day walking or sitting in the shade. She was a little confused by the time jumping and not certain when she will have passed the hour she can ask Robbie to unblock himself. To avoid having him ask her and shame her for not knowing the time, she kept on asking him questions and talking non-stop. Robbie found this a strange side of her. She is not a great conversationalist and to find things to talk about she revealed more about herself than she would have normally.

“Haven, I am having to nurse the two souls within me. Feeding them so that they grow stronger is sapping me. Can we sit under a palm for whatever time is left to us without talking?” Soon as they sat he pulled her to him and with her head nestled against his shoulder she stared out at the sea. The oceans on her world were the same colour, so she found her mind drifting away to those days so distant in time. She does not have the comfort of memories that flow; disjointed flashes coming to her from five different lives, but those flashes were vivid. With tears in her eyes she whispered, “Oh Robert, life was so good, why did it have to happen? Why did my people have to die?”

His heart ached for her so it forced him to try and find an answer that would comfort her.

“Think on this Haven. If your people had had their time, that time would have ended a long time ago. From what we have seen it is not possible for any civilisation to exist for millions of years. By your people being brought back at this time, with the promise of Cherine they will have all of eternity. What was a disaster could be seen by your people someday as a disguised blessing. I feel proud of and for you, that my sweet Haven will be playing such an important role in making that dream come true.”

“You will not give up and die?”

He kept his face averted, looking up at the too bright sky. “There never was a question of that Haven. I only ask whether I should remain leader.”

“Would you remain the male of Cherine and Sam?”

He grinned. “You think they would let me go?”

“No. I meant if you are the male of their family, then you are the leader.”

It was as if everything moved around in his mind so that he saw how true her words were. He was stunned. He’d thought he was leader because of being the protector and now, thanks to her, he saw that he is the leader because of Cherine.

“You just robbed me of my illusions. I had not thought of it that way. I don’t know whether to thank you or not.”


She took him literally. “You do not need to Robert, the truth was obvious.”

He laughed. “Not to me baby. Not to me.”

The shadows of the palm and coconut trees stretched across the beach, trying to touch the water when we all jumped to them. Even the youngest did not run to him. We waited for Cherine to be the first. He kissed Haven on the top of her head and stood up.

“My loves, I was hoping you would come.” He took Cherine into his arms, his face adoring. “So much to share with you my love. We have discovered a new kind of gift.”

She laughed. “You scared us to death and all you have to say is you found a new gift?”

“I’ve also been scared to death. Haven saved me. Why don’t you all sit down and enter my mind?”

He had lifted his block as soon as we appeared so we joyfully entered his mind. We saw his memories and were horrified. We’d nearly lost him!!

Soon as we could we asked Haven to share and she gave a weak grin as she agreed, nervous of our reaction to her memories. She was right to be nervous. She was flooded by our love and gratitude. As if Robbie could save her, she looked at him, and without a second’s hesitation he picked her up.

“Feel my love also sweet Avenger.” With Cherine’s help his love flooded her, was added and returned and then returned to her again. Cherine then added our feelings and it was too much for her. The last secret part she’d been trying to hold free of us opened and Cherine linked her. Our circle snapped out to her and our family grew by one/five.

Dommi went to her and taking her hands told us. “It is time we go home. We must take Haven to the void and help her soul become one as it is meant to be.”

Haven panicked. “Not the void. Not yet! Robert is too weak.”

Dommi stared at her sternly. “Our Robert is a warrior of love, he is never too weak for that.” Our giggles gave the game away and Dommi smiled. “He now has one more girl to take care of him. None of us will let anything happen to him. Haven, …can you feel her heart?”

Dommi let her go and she shyly went to Athia. “You made me win and lose. Athia, you will always be special to me.”

Athia sobbed. She had not allowed herself till now to admit to herself how afraid she had been that she would fail. They clung to each other as we jumped home.

We did not only go to the void for Haven. We also had the two souls Robbie was holding to help. They had originally been natives of Dar and we had their terror to deal with first. It was not only that they were uneducated, we also had to contend with their superstitions. Explaining was not enough, so we asked Jo to join us.

Jo decided the only way she can help them is by taking them to the Sparkler World. She said they need to have bodies so that they could relate to her, weep and listen once their terror abates. Solomon took them.

Cherine insisted we do not flood Haven with love motes and we were not allowed to dance with her. Dommi sent her special motes of motherly love, until Haven relaxed and then began the long job of healing her. There is less resistance than we’d expected, but we still have to endure the fear and the ‘dying’ of each soul fragment as it tries to cling to its identity. We did not succeed in finishing the job, but Haven was much stronger by the time we returned to our bodies. We were a miserable bunch as we each tried to deal with our feelings of having ‘killed’. It is good that we know the original personalities still exist, but as far as the slivers were concerned they existed as individuals (partly, since they had been integrated to an extent).

From the next day, Robbie wanted us to call for a meeting of the Cherinians, but we refused. He was still weak and underneath his teasing, loving of us and warm welcome of friends we could sense…I’m not certain how to describe it, it is a little bit as if his soul was trembling. The way he had talked to Eddie, asking not to be pushed, showed our senses were right in warning us.


Both the families of Alki and Allan joined us at our home so as to go out for supper. Everybody’s little darling of the moment is Haven and she is joyfully soaking in all the love being sent her way. She surprised us by asking Cherine to do as Robbie asked and call the meeting.

“It is not time yet Haven. We need to go to the void another time or two and build him up first.”

Alki said, “I have a feeling Haven may be right Cherine. You cannot build him up if he has not resolved this issue in his own mind.”

“How would the meeting help?”

Alki spoke slowly. “He needs to be judged. Your instincts were right Cherine, do not allow his apparent weakness make you deviate from your original plan.”

No more was said about it as we walked to the taverna. As we sat at our tables Cherine told Robbie she has called for the meeting in two nights. He nodded, but did not make a comment or refer to it again.

Each reality was asked to send one representative who is not allowed to be a Cherine or Robert. Our present aliens and those from the void have a seat as representative also.

Cherine took the floor.

“This is a moment of great importance. Robert set up the Council to control him and it has been asked to debate many instances where one or the other of us felt something Robert had said or done was contrary to our beliefs - sometimes Robert initiating such debate.

The Council has never presumed to judge Robert and is not allowed to. For that reason I had to call you here as Cherinians. If we are a people similar to how a nation is made up, then we as its citizens bear ultimate responsibility for our future and what we dream of becoming and are not allowed to delegate that right to anyone.

Some have claimed that the accusation against Robert is for an act perpetrated on this planet and only those of this planet should have the right to judge him as guilty or innocent. They say that Robert holds two positions at the same time. As leader of our Cherinians of this world and separately as leader of all Cherinians.

I am uncomfortable with these distinctions, but I agree that you all have the right to choose. If we first debate such distinctions this meeting will evolve beyond my intentions and we could lose sight of why we are here.

Cherinians of this Earth may decide on a leader to represent them, but they shall do so at another meeting specifically called for that purpose. Representatives of other Cherinians should be allowed to participate so that they can make their arguments, but the final decision will be by those of this planet.

Today we are here to decide on two issues. Firstly, has Robert committed a crime against our beliefs. I must point out that whatever is decided, such a decision does not automatically mean the second issue is settled. The second issue is whether Robert should be our leader, irrespective of whether he is found innocent or guilty.

Not all of you are aware that the charges against Robert have grown. Robert did not agree to this, he felt the other charges should be dealt with separately so that decisions on one do not affect decisions on the others. Unfortunately for him the choice is not his (There was some nervous laughter.).

To recapitulate. Robert is charged with the following. The death of the Sparklers. Deaths of many Inguel. Deaths of the species we named the Teddies, with in particular the death of one of them, the reason for that will be made clear. Finally, the murder of the father Robert found raping his own three year old daughter. These charges must be accepted as including all other deaths he has caused to date.

I suggest the following procedures. To start off, anyone who has something to argue may do so. After we have heard a number of points of views we then allow one to argue the cases in defence of Robert and one to act as prosecutor. We will not be following normal court procedures and we will allow both great latitude. The judgement and sentence, if any, will be decided by all of us by majority vote.


The decision as to prosecutor and defence is mine. I choose Perikli as prosecutor with a person of his choice as his assistant. As for defence, I had great difficulty in deciding. I wanted it to either be Alki or Allan. I have chosen Alki as the person to chair this meeting and keep us in order, so Allan will have to defend Robert, with any one person he chooses as his assistant.

In a sense you are all of you members of the jury, but contrary to what the judge usually says, I would ask that you do discuss the case with anyone you wish to.

These two judgements are likely to take up a lot of your time and cause some of you problems with the lives you live among our Normal population. We will have to choose a planet where we can do this in the future so that no ‘real’ time is lost from your lives, but for now there is nothing we can do about it.

Alki, would you take over please?”

As Alki took the floor, Sol let her body collapse to the floor and within seconds Solomon appeared. His arrival startled many, so Alki waited, without speaking.

“Alki, I apologise for rudely speaking before you even have time to greet everyone. I came here as Sol, representing the Sparklers, but I felt it was necessary for me to come in person.

Whether you call this a tribunal, court or meeting, I contest your right to judge Robert on behalf of the Sparklers or any other species. My people have already made their judgement of him and I demand to know of Cherine, are you asking those present to claim the right to override our decisions?”

She stood up again. “Of course not Solomon. We are not deciding anything on behalf of other species, but we do have the right to decide as Cherinians what our opinion is, regarding his actions.”

“To judge him innocent or guilty there has to be a charge. Are you charging him for protecting your species and the Anadir or are you charging him with the death of Sparklers?”

“The second.”

“You do not have the right! Your answer that you are judging him as Cherinians, is it meant to imply the Sparklers are not Cherinians and therefore do not have the right to decide for themselves with regard to actions taken against them?”

“No. Solomon, you know we consider you Cherinians…”

“I know no such thing Cherine. Robert is always warning us that what we do today affects the future. You assume a right today or imply we do not have our rights, and if we do not contest your words we are establishing precedence for unscrupulous persons in the future to use. Please state clearly where you stand so that it sets the correct precedence.”

“You are saying that if your people have a complaint against Robert, or any other Cherinian, you have the right to judge them, regardless of what species they are?” Alki asked.

“I think the correct way that would be handled has been established by your own governments and lawmakers Alki. If we consider a crime has been committed against us we would lodge a complaint or lay a charge with the leader of that species or the leader of all Cherinians. Then they would have the right to judge that person or species. If there is no complaint, then no such rights can be assumed by others.”

“Presuming there is someone of your species able to make such complaint?”

“You are thinking of the Teddies? If genocide has been committed, then I would presume that any Cherinian or even non-Cherinian has the right to demand justice on their behalf.”

“Cherine,” Alki said, “I have to concede his points. We may not try Roberto for any crimes against the Sparklers or Inguel unless they request it. I presume your presence and objections indicate the Sparklers do not wish to lodge a complaint?” Solomon agreed. “Do the Inguel wish to press charges?”

“We do not.”

“I will allow the charges with regard to the Teddies to remain. May I assume you agree?”

Robert spoke, his voice cutting across the murmur of surprised voices. “Neither of you have taken the matter to its logical conclusion. Solomon, I concede your points and let it stand so for all time. However, the same applies to an individual? If that individual, the victim, is alive and able to lodge a complaint but does not do so, does anyone else have the right to do so on behalf of the victim?”


“You’ve insisted each individual has the same rights as any nation or government.”

“True. What if an individual has not lodged a complaint because of fear? The person who victimised that individual for instance employs that person?”

Alki asked, “Robert, you have insisted we do not create a heavy body of laws like the Normals have done because it then creates windows for lawyers to save the guilty on technicalities. What are you suggesting?”

“I don’t know. What I do know is that whatever laws we have, they must first concentrate on protecting the victim and only thereafter on protecting rights of the aggressor. The question I asked about individuals applies to countries and species. Allow me to create an imaginary situation to illustrate my point.

Say a planet has suffered a terrible catastrophe and a neighbouring people rush in to succour them. So far, everybody is on the side of the angels. However! Those in need are renowned throughout the galaxy for their works of art and the neighbours systematically steal their art. The desperate need of the victims would mean they dare not complain or else most of their population starves. I think there has to be some body that acts as the conscience of all sentient beings, Cherinian or not. They must be in a position to examine the situation and act on behalf of the victim, whether the victim wishes them to or not.”

I called out, “Robert, any such body would become the equivalent of social workers! Are you certain you would want that? What if they act on behalf of the victim and the help and food stops coming? This social services body you speak of, they would insist they acted as they are authorised to and refuse responsibility for the starving millions. Is that not how it is on Earth?”

He looked as if he was about to change his mind; I knew how he abhorred the idea. “No Samantha, we must be careful here. Social workers on our world have too many rights in many ways and not enough in others, or should I say, not enough responsibility for their actions, the worst of it being that they are not forced to consider practical matters affecting the mental and physical health of those they are empowered to help, because they are not held accountable for the results as long as they have followed the procedures as set out in writing.

We must not create the same monster for our people. At the same time we have to provide some protection for the weak. My main concern is that as Cherinians grow stronger on many planets, those of the old species, the Normals as we call them, will be made victims of the arrogance or beliefs of the Cherinians. You know that not only each species takes its own path, so do nations and planets within that species. The way we are growing as Cherinians on our planet, no person becomes a Cherinian without the gift of empathy. That is not the case where the people become Cherinians in the millions.”

The arguments went backwards and forwards for hours and when we ended the meeting we had not touched upon the real purpose of the meeting. Nothing further had been said against or in favour of Robbie. We’d spent the night arguing abstract and theoretical matters. We sensed the amusement of Robbie, but when he chuckled in his sleep we began to suspect we were all being ‘had’ by him in some way.

We all met the next evening. Alki took the floor again. He gave a rueful grin. “Instead of judging Roberto we got caught up in arguments about creating precedence and matters dealing with governance. I’m not quite certain we achieved anything. Every argument seemed to have a counter argument with reason on both sides. I would suggest we leave such matters for another occasion and concentrate on what we came here for.”

“May I presume that we did settle the matter with regard to some of the charges Alki, at least those dealing with the Sparklers and Inguel?” Solomon asked.

Robbie saw the thought in my mind and with a wicked grin nudged me. Hiding my own grin I stood up.

“I’m not certain that has been settled Solomon, despite what Robert said yesterday.” We could hear groans from all sides as Solomon turned to me, surprised. “To dismiss the charges against Robert with regard to the deaths of your people would only be possible if it is accepted that you are not forced to avoiding a charge against him because you fear him.”


Luigi interrupted me. “He does not have to prove that Samantha, the converse would be true, it would have to be proven that he fears to speak for his people because Robert is a threat.”

Solomon glared at me, recognising Luigi had given me the perfect opening. “I make that assertion then. The Sparklers fear Robert could annihilate them and therefore they dare not make an accusation against him. We must assume the responsibility on their behalf, so that Robert has no reason to retaliate.”

“We have no such fear! Samantha…”

“If I may interrupt?” Robbie grinned at Alki who was looking disgusted at the way we’d high jacked the proceedings again. “For Samantha to make the assertion that I would not retaliate is wrong. It could give my so-called victims a false sense of security. Alki, if I am found guilty, what would the punishment be? Would you strip me of the ability to become the void for instance? If not, how can you offer reassurance that I would not retaliate? What if I left here angry, shamed and embittered? Do you dare claim to know my mind well enough to offer the Sparklers comfort?”

“How could we strip you of the ability? Are you saying we dare not judge you because your powers could be used against us?”

Robbie shook his head. “Forget that I am the Robert you know. What if I am…Donald, a man of terrible powers and with a tendency to fly into violent rages? Would you dare allow any accusations against me since you know that a public humiliation, which a verdict of guilty implies, would have me seeking revenge?”

“You are posing a theoretical situation not likely to occur.”

“It is very likely to. Alki, friends, are we to become like the Normals? Throughout history the powerful have got away with murder, figuratively and literally, because the law feared them. Either because of fear or because of self-interests. These questions are even more pertinent now that we know what the Cabal are trying to do to all of Mankind. Are we going to fight them, but then decide there are going to be Cherinians above the law? Do we decide to forget about equality for all? I will not allow us to hide behind fancy words and pretend.”

Perikli said. “It seems to me that with many Cherinians having powers others do not, we could end up depending on the criminal allowing the others to pass sentence on them. We are depending on Roberto allowing us to judge him, but in the long term I would not expect it to work with many others. There may be minds born with powers we cannot fight or control, what do we do then?”

Candy piped up, “Robert will force them.”

“Candy, I will not always be here, we have to find solutions that enable us to function as a society without it depending on any one person.”

Keith stood up. “To a certain extent society is able to police itself because the ultimate power rests with the government, whether we think of the government as being made up of those we voted into power, or those who are the real power, the Cabal. They have a police force and army. Under normal circumstances no criminal can be more powerful than the government. In our case the criminal could be. Take Robert for example, should we have a police force of a million men, how could we enforce anything on him if he disagrees?”

I answered Keith. “You will have to depend on Cherine staying as she is. If she knows Robert is wrong and harming Cherinians, she will cut his link.”

“It is too late for that Sam.” Cherine said, “His powers have grown through those that Eddie gave him.”

“Those powers are limited Cherine. He cannot jump, move across realities and various other gifts that he needs from you.”

“As the void he can Sam.”

“If you cut your link, how could he get there?”

Robbie laughed. “Would you like me to demonstrate Sam? What if I kill myself, go to the void, become the void, return to place my body in stasis? As the void I could return to Earth, take on any form I want or destroy anyone who opposes me. If you are to look for a solution, then find one that works.”


We were shocking everyone, including Alki and ourselves by discussing so openly the possibility of Robbie becoming an enemy and of our need to be able to stop or at least control the damage he could inflict. To a certain extent we were robbing everyone of an innocence and comfort they’ve had till now. Like children they had believed in Robert, the mature and cynical ones even more than the actual children.

When we took a break, Alki joined us at the coffee shop. He sat down with a grunt. “Another night will go by without us discussing the murder you committed Roberto. Is that what you wish?”

“I doubt there is a man in this or any other world who knows me as well as you do. Do you think I am trying to avoid being judged?”

“What are you doing then?”

“There is a feeling among all Cherinians that these meetings are pointless, a sham. They may not say it in words, but I think they all feel, what is the point, even if we find him guilty, what then? We cannot replace him with another and we may need him if there is another catastrophe. Good or bad, he is all we have.” His eyes darkened and even without our gifts we heard the tinge of sadness in his voice. “Many also fear me Alki. They may not admit it to themselves, but I see it in the way they avoid my eyes, in the way they talk to me as if afraid of giving offence. I would tell you what I want of the case you are meant to be discussing, but it would not be right so let me explain what I am doing.

I am trying to force all of you to face what seems to be the unthinkable. Robert who did this, Robert who did that, Alki, where is that Robert who only wished to paint and love his family and friends? Even you have changed my friend.”

“Me! You are saying I am not the friend I was?”

“Alki, friend you will always be. Somewhere the awe of what I do or can do glazed your eyes so that you no longer see into my heart. To me you were a father, caring for me, speaking out when you felt I was straying from what you perceived as being the best I could be. It is rarely so now.”

“It is not only I who has changed Roberto. You have grown into a man, you have matured, more cautious and sensible. Those are not the qualities that invite a fathers’ reprimands, only his pride and respect.”

“You think I have changed because of my responsibilities and fear of what dangers could come to us?”

“They must have contributed, making you the man you are.”

“I doubt it. Alki, my gifts and powers have made me arrogant of danger from others. I fear that arrogance, for it will change me, if it hasn’t already, in ways I do not like. I fear myself and what harm I could cause to our Cherinians.”

“Arrogance? Roberto mou, you were arrogant even before you met Cherine. Power has nothing to do with it. You have always had a tendency to disregard threats to you.”

“I never disregarded threats to my loved ones!”

“The way you fought your battles with Hettie, there was no arrogance? Roberto, where do you think you found the craziness we loved in you?”

Robbie was silent for a long time, not even smoking, his eyes half closed, deep in thought. Not even darling Candy dared intrude upon his mind. For some reason, Cherine was also blanking his emoting from us.

“Alki, allow me to play my games. We must force them all to think of how they can protect themselves from me. There are ways and if they remember who and what I am, they would know it. The ways cannot just be told to them by me or my loves, they have to realise the truth on their own.”

Alki’s face reddened. “If there truly are ways, then they must not be allowed to find them!”

“Alki, the knowledge is not dangerous to me, help them.”

Haven was staring intently at Alki and he turned to look at her. She hardly blinked as they stared at each other, but it was obvious he did not understand why she was staring, so she gave up.

Next [Book 06] - Post 024

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

12th December, 2019

  • posted: 12th December, 2019

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