
I'll jot down something based on some ideas my 15 year old self developed as I still hold all the basics:
During the evolution of biological species "The mind" developed to a certain level that the psychology became a parallel form of evolution to the biology. H. Sapiens are not a single species but a result of 2 tiers of species; one biological and another psycho-spiritual.

This is what eventually led me to the concept of Human 2.0
H. Sapiens have 2 layers of evolution and most of the differences compared to other biological species happen due to the second layer. We moved beyond survival.

To animals sex is an act of survival. To humans it's enjoyment. Some humans work and earn money to survive and some just work as a hobby or for the fun of it. Some work hard to learn something and others "Just get it".

2 dogs from the same species aren't that different psychologically. But humans have lazy bums and great heroes. There are hopeless idiots and genius minds like Tesla.

Human sex is incomparable to animals just as the life of a college snowflake cannot be compared to a dropout like Steve Jobs. The higher the mind evolve; the less dependence on biological elements. The high evolved H. Sapiens use sex purely and I mean purely for the enjoyment with few exceptions here and there where they decide to procreate. In simplest terms;

I fuck. It feels good. Therefor I keep fucking.

That's my take on Human 2.0 sex. Most H. Sapiens would fall into a middle between the above statement and biological/animal instinct.

Good post. Resteemed.

"The higher the mind evolve; the less dependence on biological elements."

This is my hope, and my intent.

I observe, however, that was sex merely about feeling good, we'd just masturbate constantly, until our hands and skin peeled off. There's more to it. Status and the social order is intrinsically linked to our behaviour - but we can transcend our mere biology.

That is what can make us saints - or devils.


merely about feeling good

A car isn't about just going from point A to B. A person would prefer A/C, GPS, Comfortable seats, Safety features and even self driving. If masturbation was good enough people wouldn't have sex at all just as there wouldn't be steemit if Facebook was good enough.

Species with psycho-evolution are transgressors. H. Sapiens can evolve out of desire and thus came spirituality(Psycho-Engineering), technology, bio-engineering etc.

Well, using the car metaphor, considering the purpose and draw of sex merely the physical sensations is comparable to considering a car merely transport from point a to point b.

The AC, stereo, comfy chair, etc., are aspects, metaphorically, of sexuality that isn't about the physical sensations - and those aspects are the more important aspects of sexuality for H. sapiens.

those aspects are the more important aspects of sexuality for H. sapiens.

Exactly! It's like the blockchain becoming more important than the internet itself despite being built n the foundation of internet. This is a form of self-evolution as it's evolved without having any need for such a system. Humans have already transcended the requirement of reproductive sex in the name of survival of the species. We have no predators that endanger us. Our only threats are our own species, apocalypse and invasive species (ETs).

We have no natural need for most things we have in our lives. But we have created those needs. We have built our own tier of evolution on top of our biology much like the blockchain built on top of the internet.

We must accept and understand our animal nature before we can begin to control it. We needn't transcend it. We will always depend on it and in the end, our biology transcends our illusory mind. As a species, without a sex drive we would soon cease to be. But as humans, we need to have a clear understanding of what our sex drive is all about before we can rationally control it.

"...we need to have a clear understanding of what our sex drive is all about before we can rationally control it."

This is what I consider to be transcendence, in this regard. To not merely play the game, but to rationally control it.

I don't mean to abandon sexuality, but do mean that simply because we have an urge does not mean we have to satisfy it. There seem to be many who are in the spotlight today who have not managed that trick.

Sadly, Congress seems to be infested with them =/

This might be what @vimukthi is referring to as Human 2.0

Sex to people in power is about power and not about sex. Psychopaths, approximately 1% of the population, are attracted to positions of power where they can be in control.

In the psychopathic brain, the paralymbic system--particularly the amygdala (which deals with emotions) and the orbital frontal cortex (which deals with decision making and impulse)--does not function the same way that it does in "normal" people.

I had a very intelligent friend who t-boned his motorcycle into a car that ran a red light. Part of his frontal cortex was destroyed. His intelligence was unaffected, but his impulse control was gone. "Lost the filters," said he. Whatever he thought came out of his mouth. He couldn't tell when he was being insulting. His social skills were completely damaged. When his therapist asked him how he felt about having brain damage his response was "liberated." He didn't become a full-blown psychopath, but he did display some psychopathic tendencies.

"Criminal psychopaths are about three times more likely to commit violence than other offenders and about two-and-a-half times more likely to commit other antisocial acts such as lying and sexual exploitation," Newman explained.

What Makes a Psychopath

Personally, I don't think these celebs, politicians, military brass and upper echelon executives can or want to control their urges. Their deviant behavior is biological. That's why society used to castrate and then lobotomize psychopathic sexual predators. Nowadays we elect them to high office.

I think I'd like your friend =p

People without filters can be refreshingly honest.

A rarity these day!

I read a website about psychopathy a long time ago. About all I remember is the scientist who had done the research had recently died, and written a book in which he coined the term 'ponorology' regarding the study of psychopathy.

I found it interesting, as it delved into degrees of psychopathy, and various scientific examinations of inheritance, utility, etc...

You might like it, if it's still around, and can be found with a duckduckgo.


You would like him. He is brilliant.

First Criterion of Ponerogenesis: “One phenomenon all ponerogenic groups and associations have in common is the fact that their members lose (or have already lost) the capacity to perceive pathological individuals as such, interpreting their behavior in fascinated, heroic, or melodramatic ways” (Lobaczewski, 158). When a group has succumbed to pathological influence its members soon lose the ability to distinguish normal human behavior from pathological. This atrophy of critical faculties in relation to such individuals becomes an opening to their activities. It can also be used to identify potentially dangerous groups.


Sums up government very nicely. Thanks for the tip.

Psychopathy is like a good ponzi scheme/scam. It's got enough good stuff to keep the psychopaths ahead the curve. Lots of people stupidly and naively start assuming these great positive traits as evil much like the way people assume nuclear power as evil. Most of the traits of psychopaths are positive ones that's just been applied in negative ways. That's why I called it a form of liberation that is much like a house of cards.

The worst thing is that the society can end up reacting negative to these positive traits making them used against the society turning neutral anomalies into bringers of chaos.

My profile pic Makishima Shougo is one such example who I have much in common with except for the NAP which he disregards. You'd find the anime Psycho-Pass extremly relevant to the discussion we are having. Here is a minefield of spoilers:

I don't watch anime, or even TV, so don't mind spoilers. I also found the topics of the two shows, and the video itself, quite relevant to something I am writing, so very much appreciate it.


Your friends "liberation" was an accidental one. What I see from psychopaths/sociopaths is more of a house of cards liberation. If you look into Buddhism, a fully enlightened person (An Arhat) shares many features that are linked to sociopathy. For an example an enlightened one is indifferent to suffering of their own or other's. Buddhist enlightenment is highly connected to a sort of a cosmic indifference arrived through wisdom and insight. A perfectly enlightened person is absolutely unaffected by anything and everything.

Also an interesting incident:

The sociopaths are much like the nerds I see in school who are not really good at studies but achieve their status with lots of behind the scenes work (even getting people into a party and leaving early for studies etc) or even cheating. These kids were much like the current economic condition of the world. It was built upon hollow foundations.

I read a book on marketing that a friend of mine was studying for an MBA(I think). I read about 50-70 pages and I could summarize it all in 5 pages and make it super clear and easy to understand. Basically 90% of the studying material was drivel.

The book I consider the greatest work of modern literature is The Fountainhead. No literary work had ever had a physical effect on my body. But Fountainhead made me shake for real. The main antagonists are way ahead the general masses but they all know they are not good enough. It's kind of Human 1.5

I sincerely hope your friend would put his new found liberation to good use. I'm nor qualified expert and I'm not in a legal position to advise anything. But your friend should ditch the therapist. He can be more of a help to the therapist.

Also try asking him to review crypto projects if he knows anything about technology. The conditions you mentioned should make him a very good BS detector. Nuclear energy is the most important energy resource on this planet. Much of the world's electricity depends on that. But the same energy can be used for A-Bombs.

For an example an enlightened one is indifferent to suffering of their own or other's.

I do not believe this is so. The noble eight-fold path specifically teaches compassion, not indifference. Without developing compassion, liberation is not possible.

You use the word "unaffected" and the subtle difference is profound.

Ekart Tolle stated that "Emotions are the body's reaction to the mind." Compassion is an emotional response and therefore originates within the mind. An ahrat's mind is still and he no longer identifies with its meanderings. He has passed through and transcended the illusions of the mind/body.

Though it may appear similar on the surface, this state of equanimity is far different than the inability to feel compassion by the organic brain deficiencies of the psychopath/sociopath. The ahrat hasn't lost his ability to feel compassion. The wiring is still there. The psychopath is unable to experience compassion. You are comparing opposites.

My mother was a great fan of Ayn Rand. Then Rand fell out of favor from the 60s through the 90s but became popular again at the turn of the millennium. I've never read her since economics has never interested me very much. I'll see if I can find a copy and read it. I'm always open to new ideas.

Sadly, my friend has sunken into eccentricity. He got a $3 million dollar settlement from the accident. He has a hummer, a new Harley, a new Mustang and another new car that I can't remember. He's alienated most of his friends and much of his family since he is so unpredictable. I don't see him much any more.

He disappeared for awhile. He'd been calling those 800 numbers where you talk to Russian girls. One day, without telling anyone, in the middle of winter, he walked out of the house, bought a plane ticket to Moscow and tried to meet one of the girls. It didn't work out for him. He told me the highlight of his trip was walking way out on the frozen Volga river. Nobody knew where he was until he came home. Sad, really.

I do not believe this is so. The noble eight-fold path specifically teaches compassion, not indifference. Without developing compassion, liberation is not possible.

Compassion is a means to an end and not the end.

A more creative yet widely reported etymology divides pāramitā into pāra and mita, with pāra meaning "beyond", "the further bank, shore or boundary," and mita, meaning "that which has arrived," or ita meaning "that which goes." Pāramitā, then means "that which has gone beyond," "that which goes beyond," or "transcendent."

An Arhat is incapable of acquiring any form of karma. They are absolutely beyond good&evil. They are incapable of virtue according to Abhi-Dharma.

Equanimity would be a better use as I meant Upekkhā when I said indifference. An Arhat is not affected by anything at all. Their mind is in absolute serenity.

The psychopath is unable to experience compassion. You are comparing opposites.

My understanding is that the more you understand, the more indifferent you become. Think about all the things we take for granted like sending enough money to buy a mansion to a friend at the other side of the world in a matter of seconds or talking to that person face to face.

Psychopathy IMHO arise from understanding a human flaw, weakness and developing something opposite to it. Arhats are unaffected by anything. Psychopaths are having an opposite reaction to the same incident out fears and insecurities caused by their own understanding of the said human weakness.

A perfect example would be the MGTOW movement or Islamophobia (in western countries). Both stem from valid reasons and has an immediate net positive effect on those who adopt such views. But they are arisen from fear/insecurity/hate/inability etc. like the nerds who burn the night oil.

Your friend needs some good focus and direction to get the best out of what he has become. I can understand some aspects of him. Generally I tend to do well with those who are with powerful but odd personalities much like the antagonists (note I didn't say villain but used a word with greek origin instead) from Psycho-Pass. Please give the series a watch. It's a real masterpiece with very low episode count.

Also check my reply to @valued-customer.

I fuck. It feels good. Therefor I keep fucking.

It's a bit deeper than that. Intellectually, it would be unreasonable to go sticking our penis into another human orifice, but we must if we are to continue to populate. We need a very good reason to do something like that. Enter the orgasm. There isn't much (anything) more pleasurable than an orgasm. But the orgasm is a biological gimmick designed to trick us into reproducing. Therefore...

I have this strange urge to stick my penis into that other person's vagina. It feels good. Really good. I'm gonna do it again and again and again. Wow, she's swelling up. OMG, a baby! Where'd that come from?

Mentality has very little to do with that. Sex for pleasure only is just the rationalization of a biological imperative. And deviation from the intended purpose of the orgasm is, well, deviant. I'm not saying its wrong, any more than having sex after you've had a vasectomy or sex with a woman on the pill. It's just not biologically effective. It's the beginning of a slippery slope (how Freudian!) that one needs to recognize in order to draw proper lines within social mores. One needs to completely understand what you're dealing with before you can deal with it effectively.

As you yourself mentioned in the comment, humans have already gone beyond what they are biologically programmed. To me the measure of a human being is a measure of transgression. Our history is mainly a record of anomalies. If it was normal, it wouldn't have been included in the history books.

I mentioned the concept of Human 2.0
H. Sapiens are biologically the same species but there is a parallel evolution of psychological sub-species. Jesus and a serial killer belongs to 2 different species. They may have common biology but their minds are wired completely different. H. Sapiens are the only species that force the environment to adjust to themselves going as far as weather engineering and bio-technology and It's all because of this second layer of evolution.

Think of it like a masternode or a witness server.

You've converted me. There most definitely are at least two evolutionary branches on the H. sapiens tree. Please read my explanation in my reply to @valued-customer.

I find your use of the qualification 'at least' very appropriate. While it's uncategorizable at our current point in research, I view such traits as representative of endpoints in a range, rather than merely the only two possibilities.

I have had an interesting experience working for a psychopath. While he had no empathy, he chose to be moral and ethical, due to the societal appreciation of those traits.

He was often far more consistently generous, kind, and community disposed than folks that did such things because they felt they should. Feelings are far more transitory than deliberate policy.

Totally agree. While psychopathy cannot be cured, it can be channeled.

I have some psychopathic traits, probably because my mother bounced my forehead off the dashboard of a '52 Buick when I was 2. I tend toward narcissism and my capacity for compassion is very low. I'm not paranoid (and neither am I), however, so I don't seek any sort of power position. In fact I tend to eschew positions of responsibility.

I have done things in the past that I'm not proud of, but then, neither am I that ashamed. That feeling just isn't there for me. I think that's why I understand the psychopathic mind so well. (see? narcissistic)

They say psychopaths make the best surgeons because their narcissism makes them want to be the very best in their fields and their lack of compassion allows them to do whatever they feel has to be done in order to be proficient and successful. It's not the welfare of the patient that is their focus, it's their reputation as a good surgeon that drives them. And we all prefer proficiency under the knife over politeness, don't we?

Chiropractic was a bit like that. I actually did want my patients to get better, but I had no qualms about poking them to diagnose their pain, twisting them into painful positions and then inflicting a bit more pain to fix their problem. Picture Steve Martin's role as the dentist in Little Shop of Horrors. (only kidding) :)....Say ahhhhh.

" I'm not paranoid (and neither am I)..."

We are taking this under advisement, but I note personality 23 feels it's a threat =p

Clearly I can't know what's in your head, but I find you relate blatantly human traits.

Recognizing my own hubris, conceit, and arrogance has impelled me to value criticism above, even far above, praise. I don't like it, but I am certain I need it.

Shame, also, like the horrified fascination of a bird with a python, is a limiter I profoundly respect, and am grateful for. While we are different in many respects, we both clearly are amongst normal human ranges for these values.

Whatever that actually means.

I have had but one experience with chiropracty, which bordered on epiphany. Could I afford it, I'd get more of it. My back is a broken, tangled mess.

"H. Sapiens are the only species that force the environment to adjust to themselves..."

This is false. Animals of even merely rudimentary form, such as diatoms, modify the environment for their comfort. Corals, snails, everything that digs a burrow, makes a nest, or similar undertakings, is modifying the environment it lives in.

Such modifications are part of their survival. All nests/burrows of the same species is much similar. It's part of their nature and not self-evolved. Compare that to a human habitat from castles, condos, farm houses, various architectural styles etc.

Compared to creating islands, making indoor rain forests, indoor surfing, indoor skiing, living in space and creating entire breeds of animals and genetic engineering; making a nest is like like a single ant's aggression on an elephant. It's still an aggression but negligable.

Burrows, termite mounds, wasp nests, can all be quite monumental, in species like naked mole rats, and some termites, and ants, in particular.

No doubt people do this differently, but it's just a matter of scale, and higher adaptability in humans. Only recently have indoor skiing, etc. become possible. For the great majority of human existence, ants and termites have had us beat.

Ants have modified/co-evolved with trees that provide appropriate gall-like structures for their nests, and American beavers have constructed dams over a mile in length, quite monumental.

I'm not saying there's not a difference, but for most of history the ant/elephant comparison was inappropriate.

Edit: let's not forget parasites, in particular Toxoplasma Gondi, which modifies the behaviour of their hosts - including humans.

The fundamental difference lies in the "why?"
For the great majority of human existence, ants and termites have had us beat. But what changed? The actions of all other animals are reactionary. They more or less react to the environment rather than adapt it to their needs.

For the previous century there were no major outside changes that happened whether it was genetic or environmental. But humanity has greatly changed. This wasn't reactive. People decided to act in this way.

I haven't seen any other species on a mass scale choose to build differently or live differently or not to build at all.

All nests/burrows of the same species is much similar. It's part of their nature and not self-evolved.

When I'm asked about my favorite superpower, my answer comes across as: Absolute invulnerability. To me power is freedom ( 自由 - JIYUU-

Power is not about what I can do but what cannot be done to me. Absolute invulnerability is saying: If there is a God, I'm immune to that.

I've had a certain image of what a hero is and when I found my ideal hero it came in the form of One Punch Man.

I endeavor to, at least try, to recognize my own hubris. I know there is much I will never understand in my present existence, much I cannot, because my physical form is so limited and finite.

Interesting the initial image of the video shows a pot leaf on the characters forehead. I wonder at subliminal influences in media, and this a part of why I don't watch much of it, as I know skilled professionals will surpass my feeble defenses with it.

I know at least higher animals, other vertebrates, aren't merely reactionary. Dogs learn how to smile, utterly contrary to their intraspecific communications, octopi display intelligence surpassing all expectations, particularly for molluscs.


Our hubris regarding our own superlative intelligence, is, I think, more profound than that intelligence, in informing the conduct of our affairs; the self-regard of our philosophies.

We can only be more than animals by first acknowledging we are but animals, but with, just perhaps, a little edge that might enable us to be more.

Hubris prevents this.

Hi @
What an interesting subject and even more interesting post. I have learned so much, just by reading your post about male genitalia.

humans have evolved a penis shape which works as a scoop
I read that not only humans have that but also cats
t’s perhaps useful to reflect in closing on cat penises. Like human males, male cats possess remarkably specialized penises. They come equipped with a band of about 150 sharp, backward-pointing spines that, literally, rake the internal walls of the female cat’s vagina (hence the deafening yowl that often accompanies feline sex). This both triggers ovulation and displaces the sperm of prior males that may have recently mounted her.

We should give thanks—and I say this as a gay man, and one not without some stakes in this whole painful affair—that evolution took a somewhat gentler course in our species.

as for

Each individual participates sexually in various ways, rarely confining their sexual practices to but one method. In fact, people that use only one type of sexual interaction are considered to deviate from the norm, and have a mental disease listed in the DSM-V as paraphilia.

I haven't found anywhere that engaging in only one way of sexual experience is known as paraphilia!

How are you doing by the way?

I have a special edition of SBD and love share for Christmas. Hope you will join it ;)
Sharing the love in advance :D

It is a bit of an exaggeration. Paraphilia is more precisely being unable to have sex without some particular, some fetish item, specific interaction, or participant. As this limits paraphiliacs to but one means of sexual interaction, that was the intent and meaning I had.

Most folks are a bit more flexible in their needs, and their interactions more varied. It is variability that most marks human sexuality, in contrast to other species, and I really merely wanted to highlight this.

" not without some stakes in this whole painful affair..."

It would seem a rather painful affair even without the barbs, to me! Cats sometimes stay 'locked' for some time, due to the difficulty of withdrawal, and this is yet another strategy to lay exclusive claim to the charms of a female, as it prevents any other participants from interjecting their contribution.

As with many other sexual polymorphisms in the animal world, humans also undertake similar practices. Certain tribes in Africa, as I recall, pierce the penis with bits of wire, stones, and the like, and leave the items to heal into the flesh, presenting an organ 'ribbed for her pleasure', like a Trojan condom. I am quite certain similar devices are available at many tattoo parlors and bodyshops in the West today.

There is an amazing variety of techniques, forms, and methods of delivering sperm to ova, from pigs, which have primarily right-handed corkscrews, both male and female (pity the poor lefty pig!), to bedbugs in which females don't have any kind of vagina whatever, and males simply impale the females with their lanceolate organs, sometimes even killing them.

This, at least, isn't common in people! However, there are several medical cases where human females with imperforate hymens (no opening of the vagina, or one completely closed by tissue), undeniable virgins, have become impregnated via similar unfortunate accidents to bedbug sex. One woman had become skilled at compensating for the unavailability of her nether orifice with her mouth. Upon ministering to a man whose significant other was disturbed by this, she was stabbed multiple times in the abdomen by the jealous girlfriend.

A tough girl, she recovered full vigor, but later was worried about abdominal swelling, and suspected infection.

The doctor who saw her was shocked beyond belief upon discovering she was pregnant, and had no vaginal opening whatsoever! Upon learning the story of the attack, he realized the sperm were able to travel through the stab wounds to her fertile ova.

Stranger things still, remain to be told, but I shall presently forbear. Perhaps the discussion exceeds your level of interest =)

I'm slowly recovering. It's been more than three weeks now, I think, that I've been too ill to work. I have work backed up, and will probably find out tomorrow that I have missed out on some, as broken gates needed fixing, and there are others who will do the job. It isn't common that someone is under the weather for so long, and no one wants to wait for weeks for a handyman.

Thanks for the kind consideration, and the invitation!

Thanks for the discussion.
Honestly, despite it being kinda weird for me to engage in such subject publicly ( just due to the conservative upbringing), I cannot but find it fascinating and highly educational.
Thanks for the discussion again and I am happy to share with you the SBD (how is this for a more proper closing? ;))

I can only imagine the cognitive dissonance such a conversation must engender. I suspect that but encourages fascination, and this also is something that deeply affects society. A prime example of this is the phenomenon of the Preacher's Daughter/Son.

Patty Hearst, that Getty kid that was kidnapped (actually, the whole family), and many more examples abound of kids rebounding off the limitations imposed by their childhoods.

This is why I wouldn't let my kids cut their hair growing up, and otherwise must have seemed a real jerk to other parents, and I certainly did to my kids LOL

However, they now are quite clean cut professionals, completely in charge of their own lives, because the ways in which I restricted their freedoms were intended to produce rebellion.

Parenting, BTW, is hard =p


"how is this for a more proper closing? ;)"

I prefer hugs to SBD =D

This is why I wouldn't let my kids cut their hair growing up, and otherwise must have seemed a real jerk to other parents, and I certainly did to my kids LOL

Ouch! LOL
They must have thought you are such a mean father! Hope they know better now and they appreciate your teaching ;)

I prefer hugs to SBD =D

I am happy to share the SBD and the hugs with lots of love too, so visit the sharing posts for more ;D

I have been told by my kids that, now they are old enough to understand why I sacrificed so much to drive them to become men they will admire is something they are very grateful for.

What they hated most at the time, even more than being called 'hippy', was that I cut off the cable tv service - however they are noW grateful for that too, cuz it made them become readers of books.

The way the brain reacts to TV and books, despite they both tell stories, is practically opposite.

I am surprised that they do not either have TV service today. I thought they'd go there, but be better informed than most to deal with the propaganda. Turns out they just aren't interested in propaganda =D

An amazing father and amazing children :D

Hope my future mother-self will be able to be as good as you and my future children will become as great and grateful as yours :D

The hard part is accepting what they believe is justifiable hate for you - like when you shut of cable tv. You love them, and that is why you do things like that, but they can't see it, and that can really hurt a lot, when all you really want to do is make them happy.

It requires an ability to take abuse - which kids can sure dish out - and still love them unconditionally, while refusing to do things that will make them happy, even if it's bad for them.

I had to really deeply search my soul, and question my motivations: was I a tyrant? Did I not care about what they wanted? etc...

Nothing was ever harder, until it was =p

"Sharing the love..."

What an appropriate closing for a comment on this post! =D

I know right! =D
I left the hugs I usually give out of it deleberately though (smart eh?) :P

Certainly, sex and status go hand in hand. A "trophy bride" is a good example.

Women make themselves available to men of higher status. In our culture, that's the guy with the fattest wallet (most power). They unconsciously (an consciously) do this because they want a secure situation in which to raise their offspring. This transcends mentality and is rooted in biology, both genetic and epigenetic.

Once they've landed a secure position, depending upon their own level of status (big boobs, tight ass, pleasing facial features, socially derived positive attributes, etc.), they may then make themselves available to a different kind of man, the buff, horn-dog bad boy who would make a terrible father, but might make for more robust offspring. This is not strictly human as you well know. It happens among animals with little or no intellect. Again, it's pure biology.

I think human beings keep fucking up because we think we're something more than pure biology. Yes, we are capable of directing our urges, but falling into the trap of species exceptionalism, IMHO, is where we always screw up.

"...they may then make themselves available to a different kind of man, the buff, horn-dog bad boy who would make a terrible father, but might make for more robust offspring."

It is surprising how many women are unaware of hypergamy, and thus are unprepared for it, when they discover they are no longer sexually attracted to their mates, and find their needs sated elsewhere.

O. mykiss, the Steelhead, or Rainbow Trout, use an opposite strategy. While most Steelhead venture into the ocean, where plentiful squid and shrimp enable them to grow large and strong, and thus to compete for mates, some males do not leave the relatively safe natal streams. Neither do they grow big and strong, seemingly dooming them from a status/competitive standpoint.

However, when they reach fertility, which they do far more often statistically than their larger oceanic brethren, who suffer far greater predation at sea, they simply skulk about the breeding area, disregarding the competition for status and mates altogether.

When a mating pair commences egg-laying and fertilization, they dart in and contribute their milt, and dash back out, avoiding the vengeance of the cuckolded male, usually more than twice their size.

Need I point out that this is also another strategy people employ? I am sure it is kind of obvious that the
'back door man' and/or the 'pool boy' is a similar strategy in our strange and wondrous species.

Nature is such a wonderful teacher. So many positions.

I've experienced, though never consummated, hypergamy first hand. In my early 30s, as a high school dropout, I started a gardening service. Yes, I was the gardener. People who employ gardeners are either, too busy or too lazy or uninterested in gardening themselves. Being a gardener is a lowly position status-wise. I was mostly ignored and was always subordinate to their wishes and time constraints. Sometimes there were slight flirtations, usually from overripe 40-somethings, but nothing like the Hollywood depiction of that situation.

Though I loved gardening, I was dissatisfied. I went back to Hard Knox College and eventually elevated myself to chiropractor, a "hands-on" profession. What a difference a job makes! It was almost embarrassing. I was the same person but it was the rare woman who didn't flirt within the confines of my office. I never violated my marriage vows (or anyone else's), but the opportunity was nearly constant.

For this reason I take these recent "sexual harassment" charges against celebrities with a grain of salt. Needless to say, my opinion of people in general and women in particular has suffered greatly.

"my opinion of people in general and women in particular has suffered greatly."

Understandable. I take allegations with great heaping buckets of salt, rubbed into my eyes.

Duplicity is a core functionality of our species, and specifically in reference to sexuality.

This is why I am immune to betrayal.

If we can't, or won't, do this, we simply become tools of those we have chosen to support in the quest for social status

damn, way to bring that home. what a fantastic piece for me to read on a sunday evening. thank you. took me there, wunderlist and thought process riding on the back of stilton and port condiments. so thank you.

Well, I'm glad I screwed up my courage and actually posted this. I have sat on it, and wondered if folks would just consider it clickbait, instead of considering our humanity, our purpose; perhaps our destiny.

I'm grateful you gave it consideration =)

Man, I've not had some good cheese in a while. Sounds tasty! Gonna grab me some Ritz crackers and Boursin...


interesting views....

I've tried to look at our humanity from a biological perspective, and it's a view not many undertake in the media, political, and social nightmare unfolding around the country, and the world, today.

I think it's the only way we can do what is reasonable, and possibly successful, to get to where we need to be to survive the challenges we face.

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