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RE: Tricks of the Trade, Part I - This Might Sting a Little.

in #sex7 years ago

Hi @
What an interesting subject and even more interesting post. I have learned so much, just by reading your post about male genitalia.

humans have evolved a penis shape which works as a scoop
I read that not only humans have that but also cats
t’s perhaps useful to reflect in closing on cat penises. Like human males, male cats possess remarkably specialized penises. They come equipped with a band of about 150 sharp, backward-pointing spines that, literally, rake the internal walls of the female cat’s vagina (hence the deafening yowl that often accompanies feline sex). This both triggers ovulation and displaces the sperm of prior males that may have recently mounted her.

We should give thanks—and I say this as a gay man, and one not without some stakes in this whole painful affair—that evolution took a somewhat gentler course in our species.

as for

Each individual participates sexually in various ways, rarely confining their sexual practices to but one method. In fact, people that use only one type of sexual interaction are considered to deviate from the norm, and have a mental disease listed in the DSM-V as paraphilia.

I haven't found anywhere that engaging in only one way of sexual experience is known as paraphilia!

How are you doing by the way?

I have a special edition of SBD and love share for Christmas. Hope you will join it ;)
Sharing the love in advance :D


It is a bit of an exaggeration. Paraphilia is more precisely being unable to have sex without some particular, some fetish item, specific interaction, or participant. As this limits paraphiliacs to but one means of sexual interaction, that was the intent and meaning I had.

Most folks are a bit more flexible in their needs, and their interactions more varied. It is variability that most marks human sexuality, in contrast to other species, and I really merely wanted to highlight this.

" not without some stakes in this whole painful affair..."

It would seem a rather painful affair even without the barbs, to me! Cats sometimes stay 'locked' for some time, due to the difficulty of withdrawal, and this is yet another strategy to lay exclusive claim to the charms of a female, as it prevents any other participants from interjecting their contribution.

As with many other sexual polymorphisms in the animal world, humans also undertake similar practices. Certain tribes in Africa, as I recall, pierce the penis with bits of wire, stones, and the like, and leave the items to heal into the flesh, presenting an organ 'ribbed for her pleasure', like a Trojan condom. I am quite certain similar devices are available at many tattoo parlors and bodyshops in the West today.

There is an amazing variety of techniques, forms, and methods of delivering sperm to ova, from pigs, which have primarily right-handed corkscrews, both male and female (pity the poor lefty pig!), to bedbugs in which females don't have any kind of vagina whatever, and males simply impale the females with their lanceolate organs, sometimes even killing them.

This, at least, isn't common in people! However, there are several medical cases where human females with imperforate hymens (no opening of the vagina, or one completely closed by tissue), undeniable virgins, have become impregnated via similar unfortunate accidents to bedbug sex. One woman had become skilled at compensating for the unavailability of her nether orifice with her mouth. Upon ministering to a man whose significant other was disturbed by this, she was stabbed multiple times in the abdomen by the jealous girlfriend.

A tough girl, she recovered full vigor, but later was worried about abdominal swelling, and suspected infection.

The doctor who saw her was shocked beyond belief upon discovering she was pregnant, and had no vaginal opening whatsoever! Upon learning the story of the attack, he realized the sperm were able to travel through the stab wounds to her fertile ova.

Stranger things still, remain to be told, but I shall presently forbear. Perhaps the discussion exceeds your level of interest =)

I'm slowly recovering. It's been more than three weeks now, I think, that I've been too ill to work. I have work backed up, and will probably find out tomorrow that I have missed out on some, as broken gates needed fixing, and there are others who will do the job. It isn't common that someone is under the weather for so long, and no one wants to wait for weeks for a handyman.

Thanks for the kind consideration, and the invitation!

Thanks for the discussion.
Honestly, despite it being kinda weird for me to engage in such subject publicly ( just due to the conservative upbringing), I cannot but find it fascinating and highly educational.
Thanks for the discussion again and I am happy to share with you the SBD (how is this for a more proper closing? ;))

I can only imagine the cognitive dissonance such a conversation must engender. I suspect that but encourages fascination, and this also is something that deeply affects society. A prime example of this is the phenomenon of the Preacher's Daughter/Son.

Patty Hearst, that Getty kid that was kidnapped (actually, the whole family), and many more examples abound of kids rebounding off the limitations imposed by their childhoods.

This is why I wouldn't let my kids cut their hair growing up, and otherwise must have seemed a real jerk to other parents, and I certainly did to my kids LOL

However, they now are quite clean cut professionals, completely in charge of their own lives, because the ways in which I restricted their freedoms were intended to produce rebellion.

Parenting, BTW, is hard =p


"how is this for a more proper closing? ;)"

I prefer hugs to SBD =D

This is why I wouldn't let my kids cut their hair growing up, and otherwise must have seemed a real jerk to other parents, and I certainly did to my kids LOL

Ouch! LOL
They must have thought you are such a mean father! Hope they know better now and they appreciate your teaching ;)

I prefer hugs to SBD =D

I am happy to share the SBD and the hugs with lots of love too, so visit the sharing posts for more ;D

I have been told by my kids that, now they are old enough to understand why I sacrificed so much to drive them to become men they will admire is something they are very grateful for.

What they hated most at the time, even more than being called 'hippy', was that I cut off the cable tv service - however they are noW grateful for that too, cuz it made them become readers of books.

The way the brain reacts to TV and books, despite they both tell stories, is practically opposite.

I am surprised that they do not either have TV service today. I thought they'd go there, but be better informed than most to deal with the propaganda. Turns out they just aren't interested in propaganda =D

An amazing father and amazing children :D

Hope my future mother-self will be able to be as good as you and my future children will become as great and grateful as yours :D

The hard part is accepting what they believe is justifiable hate for you - like when you shut of cable tv. You love them, and that is why you do things like that, but they can't see it, and that can really hurt a lot, when all you really want to do is make them happy.

It requires an ability to take abuse - which kids can sure dish out - and still love them unconditionally, while refusing to do things that will make them happy, even if it's bad for them.

I had to really deeply search my soul, and question my motivations: was I a tyrant? Did I not care about what they wanted? etc...

Nothing was ever harder, until it was =p

"Sharing the love..."

What an appropriate closing for a comment on this post! =D

I know right! =D
I left the hugs I usually give out of it deleberately though (smart eh?) :P

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