Seven Day Black & White Challenge Day 4 - You say hello and I say goodbye - @steemitri The Mannequin


This is my entry for Day 4: "You say hello and I say goodbye"

Thanks to @onceuponatime for nominating me for the Black & White Photo Challenge!

The rules :

  • Take 7 black & white photos that represent an aspect of your life
  • Present one image every day for seven days
  • No people
  • No explanation
  • Nominate someone every day. Although anyone can join in
  • Use the tag: #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five tags

I'm nominating @doctorcro to take part in this challenge...

Here my other entries:

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


Poor @steemitri! Used and abused!

I had a bad day!

Carina questa idea 😁😁😁 ciao bel manichino!

Ciao Sara! Mi hanno nominato per questo #sevendaybnwchallenge ed effettivamente è molto interessante... ti nominerei, ma penso che sei nella lista automatica :-(

Perché non posso partecipare se sono in lista automatica? 😔

Dovresti chiedere a Night... penso che va contro il regolamento di "SteempostIt".
Si tratta di post corti e senza troppe spiegazioni (ma sono le "rules" di #sevendaybnwchallenge).

Chiederò! Credo non ci siano problemi dato si tratta di un contest.

Hey @roused!!!! How are you?!?!

Is your life going down the toilet?!

Just toilet-deep-diving ;-)
No fish... No dolphins... No whales...

hahaha! noooooooo! Que passe hombre!?

Come back Steemitri!

No worries... will be back tomorrow with another photo for the #sevendaybnwchallenge ;-)

Steemitri's journey through the sewage 😂

Haha, this is hilarious!

Thanks Dan!
Big hug from Switzerland!
Steemitri the unlucky Mannequin!

The hugs, although coming from a mannequin, are appreciated! :)

NO NO NO,.. dont pull me there as well .... NOOOOO!!!!!

Haha... lol!

what happen this mage, I do not understand your photos. thanks for sharing


This is "modern-art", haha ;-)

good topic.nice photography.

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