Seven Day Black & White Challenge Day 3 - Self-Driving Car - @steemitri The Mannequin


This is my entry for Day 3: "Self-Driving Car"

Thanks to @onceuponatime for nominating me for the Black & White Photo Challenge!

The rules :

  • Take 7 black & white photos that represent an aspect of your life
  • Present one image every day for seven days
  • No people
  • No explanation
  • Nominate someone every day. Although anyone can join in
  • Use the tag: #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five tags

I'm nominating @lellabird60 to take part in this challenge... if you have time ;-)

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


Funny as usual!

Thanks @steemitri for nominating me...I'll give it my best shot

Oh great!!!

Elon Musk non ci aveva ancora pensato!

Mi metto a disposizione per il prossimo modello della Tesla ;-)
... ma non per fare il "crash test dummy"!

Ahah ti capisco....

hilarious dear steemitri!

OMG @steemitri ! You can drive too !!!! What a wonderful mannequin !

Oh... merci beaucoup @roxane :-)

I love this . The mannequin hand is superbly placed. Creates the mood to combat the traffic !! 😎 😊

Mannequins driving cars... the future!!!

Oh sure. 😊.. we already have flying cars and AI.... Mannequins driving cars cannot be far behind 😊😊

Almost without hands ......

Only a small (footless) step to take

Finally Steemitri can buy a car :-)

You bought a car with steem money ? :D @steemitri ?

Haha... that's my goal :-)

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