Recently @ballinconscious nominated me to join in, so I jumped at the opportunity. Thanks for thinking of me. You know I love some good community interaction and creativity, and I haven't taken some black and white photos in a while!



  • Take 7 black & white photos that represent an aspect of your life
  • Present one image every day for seven days
  • No people
  • No explanation
  • Nominate someone every day. Although anyone can join in
  • Use the tag: #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five tags


Now it's my turn to nominate another Steemian to keep this moving forward.



My Canadian Homesteading Homie @canadianrenegade! I think that he'll be up for the challenge!


In case you missed my first post in this challenge:

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with

GIF provided by @orelmely



Papa - how are you making them black and white? I see with your fowls, you also have the photos in color - is this something I should be doing on my computer after taking a normal photo?

I use a free online editor to turn them Black and White, which can be as simple as adjusting the saturation.

That is the one that I use, and it works really well for me. Good question!

Thank you! I am wary of filters because I want the original photo too!

Be funky Papa! Will give it a go ;)

Yup, just a saturation adjustment can keep the photo "original."

See my comment to @ecoinstant. LOL!

Just reducing saturation is not the best way to do black and white photography. I happen to be just preparing a post about that. The only original photograph in digital is taken with a camera that is capable of photographing in Camera Raw! LOL! When you have a jpeg image, the camera has thrown away pixels randomly. With Camera Raw, the photographer has control over which pixels to keep and which to throw away - just like in REAL darkroom processing. Same goes for the Saturation slider. In the real B&W darkroom, the photographer decides where the lightest and darkest areas should be- not a saturation slider. LOL! Filters are actually better than the saturation slider at getting true black and white representations! Good filters allow the photographer to make the decisions!

Fantastic - make the post because you are the expert!

We learn from you Diane!

Working on it! I need to do some more research to help people like you who are not using Adobe Photoshop and Camera Raw! In the meantime, don't feel like you are cheating when you use a filter program of some sort. You have much more control with a filter (normally) than with a saturation slider. The better ones allow you to make adjustments where YOU want them. don't be afraid to experiment! There is a misconception that black and white photographs were simply captured on film and printed. The results depended on many, many different factors, which I will cover n my post!

I use to work in a Flexo Stripping department and every once and a while we would do hand developing of negatives. I learned from the old union men I worked with.
It's amazing how you can change a negative by hand developing them. But also good to know when the machine developer broke on a rush job that was due yesterday lolll

That sounds like fun. Lol! The machines change negatives too. It all depends on what the machines are set to do. And how a negative looks in the first place depends on how it is processed! Many factors control that too. So, even a negative is not exactly what a camera captures. It all depends on the chemicals, temperature etc. Lol! Just talking about this brings back the smell of all those chemicals. I loved working in the darkroom. I had my own one at home for years! Now I use the digital darkroom. 😂😂

We live and learn right? I'm learning about selfies. LOL! :-) :-)

most phone cameras have a filter and one of the choices is Black and white.

but play with the contrast and other things too. :D
you know fiddle around a bit and don't over analyse.

My specialty is over analysis!

When you use the camera, the camera makes decisions for you about which areas to keep light and which to keep dark (not the way it was done in original black and white photgraphy) , and you lose the control of proper black and white photography. It's a good place to start, though.

Nice photos!

I want to enter this contest. . I started the first day. @papa-pepper

very nice

Very interesting photo! Upon first glance it looked like a close up of microscopic bacteria haha! Especially the black and white version.

I agree! Interesting fruit, but very tasty and easy to grow. These were just harvested.

VERY cool black and white photo!!

I find it fascinating how all the photo's are turning out

But what is it that you are holding?

Very cool! I checked them out. The taste sounds interesting and with various health benefits. I will try it if I run across one. Thanks.

Very cool B&W Images!
Thanks for sharing this awesome post.
Steem On :)

Thanks @jcsteem!
I am glad that you think so!


I have to ask... What is that thing! lol

Oh wow! I have never seen one of these before! Is it like a pomegranite?

So that's what it is! :-)

ooooo! that's what was it!!!!!

wow.... this is a very beautiful black and white photograph.

Thanks! I thought so too!

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