Project Support & Review: Fundi Kipusa | selfmade Community Based "Permaculture" Organisation | Steemit Helps

in #selfmade6 years ago (edited)

Time to help the helpers.

Today I want to introduce you to a Project you probably do not know yet.

Better to say, a Organisation from Mtwapa, Kenya.

I am hereby launching a new series in which I support unknown Projects. The whole project is under the #selfmade. And you, dear Steem Community, are invited to join us and to contribute something. It is open to all the aktions that enrich the individual. From photography to painting to dance and music. And also Projects like this. Help is help as long as it is per life.

Fundi Kipusa introduces himself:

Fundi Kipusa is a community based organization in Mtwapa, Coast of Kenya. Our core focus is to use engineering to provide solutions to common recurring problems in Africa. We started as a Girl Child Education Programme and have since grown to educate the public and come up with simply designed products that work for Africa. Over the years, we have come up with products and ideas that have been tested and proven to work. With food insecurity, we are now working to develop solutions to this. Everyone working with Fundi Kipusa does so on a voluntary basis and we were able to form a well-rounded team. With our modest means we are constantly searching for simple yet functional solutions with the aim of helping the ordinary citizen to keep pace with the developments here, which are vastly too fast and lacking coherence.

My support actions are always about supporting life, whether it's the life of one, or several. And that's why I think this project fits perfectly into my category. Because Fundi Kipusa is committed to sustainable living in the form of knowledge and competence. They do this by teaching people how to effectively farm, thus creating a livelihood. And also because they simply grow plants and thus support life itself. Likewise, craftsmanship skills are shared and passed on to the younger ones, and, above all, a healthy life.

Since Fundi Kipusa is also very active on the net, I immediately seized the opportunity and introduced them to Since I think that just such a project should benefit from it. That's why I did not hesitate and made a message via the contact form.

If I understand correctly, the founder of the organization is the so-called "Heino", who also introduces himself in one or the other video on YouTube. A very authentic looking guy who seems very dedicated. Here is a video where Heino explains his concern:

And at the end of the day, when the kids are laughing, you know you did everything right.

I appreciate it when people create things on their own or in a team and stamp it out of the ground, I think it is worth appreciating this achievement. If you like it and you can take something for yourself. #selfmade

stay tuned for more...


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Wieso wurde dieser Artikel unter deutsch (Tag) geposted?

Weil ich auf meinem Kanal auch viele Deutsche Einträge schreibe. Und weil der Gründer des Projektes mal in Deutschland gelebt hat.

Ok, ist ein Argument... ;)

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