Mars ! How Will We Live There, How Will We Go ! 1 Million People To The Mars , You May Be One Of Them !

in #science7 years ago

We have been hearing a lot and lot about Mars and it's one million people mission by Elon Musk. What exactly is it? How are we even going there and how are we gonna live there?

Welcome to my blog, here you can get a pack full of knowledge in an incredibly simple way. Today we are gonna discuss about all the things going around in Mars community.

We all know mars is not as habitable as Earth because of many reasons. The reasons are

  1. Oxygen

  2. Radiation

  3. Temperature

  4. Pressure

  5. Liquid Water

Since gravity and time of day and night are not a big problem in Mars, as it is similar to Earth the planet is the best starting for our interplanetary mission.


To live there we must solve the problem of above mentioned problems. Just living in a dome or living underground may be the solution for initial visitors but for long term it does not work out. So how are we gonna fix all those problems. Let us first discuss with temperature.


The temperature of the mars is freezing cold and is totally unfavorable for any life to support. To make mars a livable place we must heat the planet. Heating a planet looks impossible but we can. Just think of what we have done to our own planet. We have already heated the planet more than an average of 3 degree in hundred years, which is incredible amount of growth. So we can do the same with the planet mars. What we need to do is just convert solid into carbon dioxide gas and let global warming or green house effect do the job for us. Doing that we can increase the temperature of mars from freezing temperature to 10 degree Celsius in just few decades.


Oxygen is the main gas required for survival and even for other aspects including flame. So, how are we going to produce oxygen then. It is the simplest of all. Just take soil from the earth and plant trees. Trees will produce a lot of oxygen because they will get sufficient carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. They will produce oxygen required for both human and for themselves.

Atmospheric pressure

The problem is automatically solved from the above two process. The question may arise can mars gravity hold this atmosphere? Yes it can and the pressure may be around from 0.7 to 0.85 atm. Where the pressure of the Earth is 1 atm.
Not very far though but we need to adapt to this as well.


There are many radiations hitting the earth continuously. Ozone layer protects us from the radiations around us. But there is no ozone in Mars. Then we ca produce ozone by the process of ozonolysis. In this process nascent oxygen is reacted with molecular oxygen to form ozone. Then the ozone layer will protect us. The layer must not be as thick as in Earth because the radiation coming there is of less strength than in Earth, a little bit less but it is less.

Liquid Water

It is believed that there are many sources of frozen water in Mars and the process will again be automatic because when the planet is heated then the solid water will turn into liquid.

Now let us discuss about how will we reach there. There are many robots which has already landed there. Out of all curiosity is the most famous robot and it is even the most advance robot ever created for a space mission. It took 9 months to reach and costed about 1 billion dollar. It is expensive right ? Yes, it is but we have our savior. This man below, you may guess his name.


Yes he is Elon Musk and he has drastically reduced the cost of travelling to Mars. He says the final cost of a single person to travel to mars will be around $2000, which probably you can afford. He made it possible by reusing the rocket. I have a full article about this plan and his space-X mission.

Here is the link to the post

So, that's it. Thank You for reading. You can follow me to get more posts about science and technology.

Good Bye My Friends

Links to my other post

What antimatters are and why are they amazing

What light is and what is fascinating about light

How gravity works


Great read on a fascinating and very current subject. It is exciting to think of our future where these hurdles may be overcome and interplanetary travel may become a real thing for humans. A NASA engineer who gave a talk at our Civil Air Patrol Squadron brought up another big issue which is our insufficient current propulsion systems. Moving people, equipment, soil, etc... means moving mass. The more we transport, the more mass. Current hurdles are getting there fast enough to limit radiation exposure during the journey. Radiation shielding for the craft must be considered, but at the cost of even more mass. Fuel to increase the speed means more mass. Getting all of this free of Earth's gravity is currently a huge stumbling point that will require better, more efficient propulsion systems than we currently have, even if we stage materials in space to be picked up and then moved during a second stage journey. All possible, but not yet a reality. We're counting on Musk to help solve some of these challenges in physics.

Elon Musk is one of the smartest people of our generation. Because of him I am hopeful for the possibility of humans living on the red planet

Lets hope he will do it ! As he is saying "I wanna die at mars not on Earth" we may be very serious about it.

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