I Buried My Pet Alive

in #science7 years ago

Yes, you read it right, I really buried my pet alive in cold, wet, sticky clay. Before you burn me in stake please know that I really had to. I found out that he's actually a spy from a dark planet outside the Milky Way pretending to be the cutest critter on Earth so he could monitor this Venusian 24/7. (ha ha!) Enough BS and let's cut it to the chase.

the evening before he gets buried alive...

Before burying him alive, I've decided to check whether the process was complete but I had to do it later on because I was worried that if the process wasn't complete, the daylight may not do it good.


I guess, he took off his mask before shape shifting I mean morphing. I wonder how they do that. I've never learned it in school so I thought of using the til tag for this one except for the t kind'a stands for "the first time".

Although Biology is one of my favorite Science subject next to Chemistry, I am not a biologist and they never thought us in school that they actually shed their skin from their 6 upper legs to their helmet like head coat before they shape shift. That's new for me and it still makes me wonder what happens next after that cause I didn't get to see that part. Well, he was all wrapped up in the kitchen towel and I have to respect that. I guess, he just forgot to hang that sign; "do not disturb morphing in progress ey?


I guess my pet is going to a gala so he's put on his evening dress. You and I have to admit, he looks classier on his day wear doesn't he? I still feel pretty protective about him though because he sneaked into my box of harvest and gave me the chance to these information. They're all new to me and I don't regret taking care of him.

My grandfather used to say back then; creatures like roaches, no matter how ugly and disgusting play a very important role in our ecosystem whether we hate them or not ." I hate roaches and back when I was younger, I wasn't a fan of moths even though the moths in the Philippines are really huge and colorful compared to what my pet may turn out to be later.

I have to admit although I have an idea of how... he's not going to turn out the way I wish he would .. but I'm still attached to it I didn't really want to let it go and I wanted to just wait and let it hatch and place him in my strawberry greenhouse but I have to take his "nature" into consideration. By nature, he should be sleeping and completing his morphing process buried alive so I had to .. with pain in my heart.(sob)

Since, we're going to the garden to collect and harvest our food stock for the week, I've decided to bury him in there because I think he has a bigger chance of surviving there than in our backyard. Since we're letting go of the rest of the zucchini plants for that week, I've decided to bury him where the red berries are because they won't till that part of my garden meaning... he has a bigger chance to evolve and complete his morphing process there.

Just in case you were wondering what happened to him the morning after this. He actually made a web like fence on the clearing of his kitchen towel cave which I took a pic of and forgive me if it wasn't clear but it was before my breakfast and I had to do it speedy quick because am worried his transformation wasn't complete yet and I didn't want it to get interupted or anything. I don't know anything about metamorphosis and I don't have the luxury of gadgets to observe one 24/7.


If there's one thing my shape shifting pet taught me - it's that ... I have to take his likes into consideration the next time we till our garden. I surely wan't to let them survive every living thing is entitled for a chance of life no matter how not pretty we think they are - insect, too.

Having my shape shifting pet show me the beauty behind his nomnomnoming agenda which could do potential damage to my crop but actually give the promise of pollinating crops that still flower and fruit in the veggie garden, my husband and I committed to take all the creeping critters, butterfly and moth eggs and even their cocoons into consideration and collect them if we ever find one and move them to a place where they won't be bugged to finalize their metamorphosis next time.


When we got back home, as if the universe wants to kid and tell me; "here, have another one", I found him while I was cleaning the kale we harvested that night. I guess its to remind me, I really have to look underneath them next time we go back to the garden. No, I won't be taking care of this one, he shall be brought back safely this weekend. The kale could survive the winter so he has a better chance to living the life he wants in our kale plants there.

Are you an organic hobby gardener like I am or an organic farmer/ homesteader? Would you please join me to help the likes of my shape shifting pet, butterflies, lady bugs and every insect by taking them into consideration whenever we are gardening? I believe that I could be the change I want to see happen to mother nature. I dare you to do, too.

This content's 100% mine. I took the pics and video with my Samsung Galaxy A3 2016. Disclaimer : No shape shifting creature on that video was harmed nor hurt in making this post.

by the way.. I tried posting this earlier.. it was loading and vanished .. what's going on ?

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Thank you for posting @englishtchrivy.

Lovely update......it all seemed to go so fast......and now the caterpillar is doing what caterpillars do.....naturally.

Wishing you all the best....mon ami....A bientot.

indeed :)
in as much as I wish that he didn't have to go to his gala yet because it was exciting to see and observe him in the morning .. he was on schedule I suppose
that probably explained the nomnomnoming galore and the orange gifts on his first day here
I hope you've had a great weekend Mon Ami
just logged in to keep my promise of resteeming a friend's post
sleep tight and I wish you a very safe you know what <3
Take care and remember I love you much!

Life is amazing no matter what we are on this planet


exactly ^ ^
thanks a lot!
I've managed to keep my promise sorry it's pretty late
I had a great weekend - my only excuse he he
I hope you did too!

Have had friends visiting this weekend and we fed ourselves with good food drinks

Gecondoleerd met je beestje :-(.

hahaha hij is niet echt dood
I just used click bait :D

That's so considerate of you to bury him alive :))
I'm joking. I wonder how much time until he transforms.

hahaha .. the horror of the thought if you're not a moth :D
me, too .. unfortunately I won't get to see it but its for the best :D

Well, I'm sure it will be just fine. He'll wake up with a new pair of wings. :)

probably :D
am off to bed
sleep tight!
and have a great sunday!

interesting post! The morphing process is really fascinating for me, even if I don't have pets like these in my backyard ^_^

very detailed writing. i like your post. i always follow you. thanks my friend. by, @boyasyie

A detailed explanation @englishtchrivy. I love it :-):-)


Excellent post

i hope you vote me..please

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