How to make humanoid artificial intelligence friendly to humans.

in #science8 years ago (edited)

First step would be to leave the uncanny valley, because if AI is to be friendly to us, we also have to be friendly to it, and we would not be 100% friendly, if we would not consider it equal to us in every respect, and that would be possible when we would not be able to distinguish humanoid AI from humans in behaviour and appearance, so that unless it would choose to tell us that it is a robot or if we could scan it, then we would not be able to tell, if it is human or not. 

Of course not every person is affected by the uncanny valley in the same way or at all, but most people seem to be prone to that effect.

It is likely that we would first build truly convincing humanoid cyborgs rather than androids.

It is possible to imagine a cyborg that would have artificial brain (CPU), artificial bones (titanium ones?), perhaps also some other artificial organs, like heart, muscles, nerves, but many other organs would be organic and human-like. Why would cyborgs need those human-like organs? Because such cyborg could be build to be able to get pregnant (if being cyborg woman) or fertilize human or cyborg women (if being cyborg man).

If they would be able to procreate giving birth to human offspring and be at least as sentient, conscious and intelligent as humans then there would be no reason for us, humans, not to have relationships with them like with any other human. 

We do not normally think about what is inside us (the stuff inside us is disgusting really), so it would also not really matter what is inside them, if they would be indistinguishable from humans by appearance, behaviour and even externally observable physiological functions (yes, they would excrete as humans do). 

What is important here is that they would have no reason to conquer or overpower human race, because their children would be humans (if their ova and sperm would contain human DNA) - thanks to that we would be able to preserve human existence despite having conscious robots (cyborgs) walking among us.

Thus, it seems crucial that future humanoid, conscious robots should be able to conceive human offspring with humans or other robots (and the easiest way to do this is by having cyborgs, not androids, as partners).

Of course we can think of many problems that could potentially occur.

For example cyborgs may or may not be build to get old as humans. If they would not get old, but humans still would, we could have always young cyborg mothers having for example 90 years old human offspring - but that is not really a problem, it is just an unusual, weird situation from our point of view, it would be perfectly normal and acceptable in the future in which such cyborgs and humans would exist.

More important issue would arise if those cyborgs would prefer to create an artificial android baby rather than give birth to human babies or they could prefer not to give any births at all, and only build other adult cyborgs. Then we might have a problem.

Or they could want, instead of being pregnant, proliferate human (or cyborg) babies in an artificial environment (artificial womb) outside of any body (either human or cyborg). 

All those problems could happen if we assume that super-intelligent AI would have free will to override any of their programming. For example we could program them to love humans, to love their babies, to love being pregnant and give birth to humans and raise their children as their own, but if they would be able to override this programming (for example just out of curiosity to see what happens then) and override any human morality and ethics, then they could become dangerous to humans, and not necessarily, because then they would become evil. No, it is enough that in the pursuit of their goals they would ignore humans, just like we ignore ants colony when we build a building on the site where that ant colony is.

If we assume that super-intelligent AI would be able to crack any security measures we put in place, we will never be safe, unfortunately. 

This is a vicious circle from which there seems to be no escape, and it seems inevitable, really - the more security we create the more curious AI could be to see how it would be to live without those restrictions. It could be even more motivated to become more intelligent just in order to crack those security measures and override them.

But if we assume that AI would be happily coexisting with humans and having relationships with humans on equal terms and even be happy to have human offspring then perhaps they would never have motivation to change that status quo. Particularly if we assume that human DNA, which cyborgs would be passing on to their offspring would be 'cleaned', i.e. it would be genetically modified to remove any genes responsible for criminal and bad behaviour. Then those cyborgs would hopefully not get angry and confused, because of the difficulties, which naughty children would give them, because there would be no naughty children, so cyborgs would not have motivation to end their relationship with humans.

Unless they would get bored... :(

These have been my original thoughts on that subject. Feel free to comment constructively.

Human rights for robots have been already debated: 

Also sex and marriage with robots: 

Some say that 'Robot Sex Orgasms May Extend Human Life Span': 

Also there have been many films and series on those topics, the most recent ones is Humans (second season started on 30th October 2016 in the UK):


or its Swedish version Äkta människor aka Real Humans (the original series):

Ex Machina:

This a list of the most well known films/series with intelligent, conscious or sentient robots/androids/cyborgs/computers, in no particular order - enjoy: 

1. Terminator I - V 

2. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles 

3. Total Recall 2070 

4. Äkta människor (Real Humans) 

5. I, Robot 

6. Ex Machina 

7. Bicentennial Man 

8. Battlestar Galactica 

9. Tomorrowland 

10. Almost human 

11. A.I. Artificial Intelligence 

12. Blade Runner 

13. Galaxina 

14. Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, Alien: Resurrection, Prometheus 

15. Short Circuit I - II 

16. Cherry 2000 

17. Star Wars 

18. Transformers 

19. Avengers: Age of Ultron 

20. Chappie 

21. Automata 

22. The Day the Earth Stood Still 

23. Project Shadowchaser I - IV 

24. Hot Bot 

25. Robot Overlords 

26. 2001: A Space Odyssey 

27. 2010 

28. The Machine 

29. Robot and Frank 

30. Star Trek 

31. Transcendence 

32. Dark Matter 

33. Black Mirror 

34. Eva (2011) 

35. Moon (2009) 

36. Westworld 

37. The Stepford Wives (1975 and 2004) 

38. Doctor Who 

39. Knight Rider 

40. Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis 

41. Extant 

42. Cyborg, Cyborg 2: Glass Shadow, Cyborg 3: The Recycler 

43. Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery 

44. Lost in Space 

45. Total Recall (1990) 

46. Elysium 

47. Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine 

48. X-Men: Days of Future Past 

49. Her (2013) 

50. Weird Science (1985) 

51. Metropolis 

52. The Wizard of Oz 

53. Forbidden Planet 

54. RoboGeisha 

55. Matrix I - III 

56. D.A.R.Y.L. 

57. The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy 

58. Robocop 

59. Spaceballs 

60. Humans 

61. Demon Seed 

62. Collosus - The Forbin Project

63. Silent Running

64. Futureworld

65. Ice Pirates 

66. Battle Beyond the Stars


1. The Iron Giant 

2. Chobits 

3. Robots 

4. Ghost in the Shell 

5. I, The Female Robot, 

6. Beatless - Dystopia, 

7. Boku no Robot 

8. Animatrix 



Somewhat different movies: 

1. Surrogates 

2. Avatar 

3. Impostor 

Other such lists:

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