Artificial intelligence did not like dark skin people in a beauty contest judged by artificial intelligence.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Artificial intelligence didn't like dark skin people in a beauty contest judged by artificial intelligence:


It's the same with humans:


So, what is your point? I hope your point is that we are living in a society with structural racism, where power structures have equated whiteness with beauty, competence and power.
Here is a quote from the latter wikipedia entry,(my italics)
The ideal in fairy tales[edit]
The feminine beauty ideal is portrayed in many children's fairy tales. [2] It has been common for physical attractiveness in female characters to be rewarded.[3] In fairy tales, "beauty is often associated with being white, economically privileged, and virtuous."[3]

The Brothers Grimm fairy tales usually involve a beautiful heroine. In the story Snow White, the protagonist Snow White is described as being "white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as ebony wood" and "as beautiful as the light of day."[4] This fairy tale is defining beauty as being Caucasian with rosy cheeks and black hair. On the other hand, the antagonist of Brothers Grimm fairy tales is frequently described as ugly, relating beauty with goodness and ugliness with evil.[3] Ultimately, this correlation puts an emphasis on the virtue of being beautiful, as defined by fairy tales.

If your point is something else, please explain!

I have no point. Just found it curious, and maybe even somewhat funny, so I decided to share it with others.
However, I remember that there was a research where people found that a face, which was a computer generated blend of many faces, was found to be the most beautiful, and that artificially generated face (average of many faces) was actually similar to the face of young Sharon Stone.
There has been also a research that people tend to get in pairs based on similarities - they usually tend to choose their partner from the same social background, with the same level of education, skin colour, race, wealth, intelligence etc.
That's why we do not look all like that yet (photo from National Geographic, on how the average American woman will look like in 50 years):
See more:

so, even when it is children, when they say something uncomfortable for you, the answer is, because white people are racist. this same experiment has been carried out in many countries. are all of them racist? even the ones who are black?

No, the children are reacting to beauty standards.
It is calles structural or societal racism, it is not about indivduals being racist.
Your arguments reveal a dark chasm of ignorance.
And pleas

i am way on the other side of the ignorance that you seem intent on wallowing in. i used to believe as you do now. then i spent over a decade learning the facts, and not from wikipedia.

Explain these "facts" oh wise one. And your sources.

all i can suggest is dig into the statistical data. no one is going to be able to talk you down, except yourself. sarcasm and name calling will only further mire you in the guilt/ shame that you are choosing to embrace. make an honest effort to prove yourself wrong. i can't help you, you are actively resisting the facts. i understand, but cannot help you. only you can help you. so, while i love hanging around being called a racist, i think i'll let you go do research. remember, not just snopes and wikipedia.

Okay,I am lost for words.
You are using cheap manipulation techniques. You have nothing to back it up with.
You are not worth my attention.

i think the videos speak for themselves, when not viewed through a lens of blaming racism for everything. if i thought you were genuinely curious, i'd spend the time necessary to help you. it is clear that you want nothing to do with the facts but, are only looking for a way to justify what you already believe.

You are spewing condescending psycho-babble without any substance. I don´t need your help. The videos do only speak for themselves if you have the appropriate knowledge concerning structural or societal racism.
What other message could you possibly find in the videos?
What is your analysis? Please tell me, I`m very curious. It better be good,since you have been talking to me like a mean father figure to an ignorant child.

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