Evidence that the Earth is a Globe!

in #science8 years ago

Occasionally as I've surfed around on Steemit, I've found posts by people who claim to believe that the Earth is not a globe. I've been very clear on my own beliefs on the matter - for example, I discuss in this post a few tidbits that help me believe in the rotundity of our planet.

First, I want to make clear: I have no doubt that the Earth is a globe. There isn't a single part of me that says "well, maybe there really is a grand conspiracy, involving many millions of people, to convince me that the shape of the Earth is one thing and not another." I just don't buy it.

But ever since I discovered that some people actually doubt the Earth's roundness, I've found that gathering direct evidence for a globe Earth is a delightful personal hobby, because it heightens my awareness of the world around me. Today I'd like to share a bit of simple evidence that I collected recently.

One of the most difficult problems for a flat-earther is to explain why ships on the horizon disappear hull-first. I suppose their best attempt to explain this damning phenomenon comes from Samuel Rowbotham, the 18th-century charlatan and fear profiteer who explains it via something he calls the "law of perspective." He uses many scientific-looking drawings and technical-sounding language to obfuscate his fallacies, and his explanation might just be believable to someone who either does not live by the sea or does not have a telescope.

As it happens, I live by the sea, and I do have a telescope (well, not quite - it's a high-powered pair of binoculars. Same-ish thing).

Without further ado, I'll give you the photos I took yesterday. I snapped these with my smartphone held up to the eyepiece of the binoculars, so the quality isn't wonderful.


The subject of this first photo is Platform Holly, a major source of oil production just off the coast of Goleta, California. The platform is about 2 miles off shore. In this article, I'm not going to try to measure the curvature of the Earth; I don't know enough about correcting for refraction error to do this properly. I'm just going to look for qualitative evidence of curvature.

I took that first photo from the cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean, at an elevation of 20-30 feet above the water. Look carefully - you can see the horizon through the legs of the platform. If the Earth is flat, then no matter what elevation you're looking from, you'll always be able to see the horizon through the legs of the platform. That is, my second picture would not be possible:


I took this photo standing on the beach below the cliffs at an elevation of about 5 feet. See? The platform appears to be standing directly on the horizon. Remember, if the Earth is flat, you'll always be able to see through the legs to the horizon. You may not be able to see much horizon, but you'll always see some. Here, you can see none.

For my next pair of photos, I'm looking up the coast at a point of land that protrudes into the ocean. Again, around 2 miles away. This first one is taken from the clifftops:


Notice there where a tiny thread of land sticks out into the ocean? You can see a dark horizontal thread below a light horizontal thread; the dark thread is a rock jetty protruding into the water and the light thread is the water that we can see behind it. If the Earth is flat, then as I descend to the beach, those threads would simply become thinner. Instead, this is what happens:


The threads disappear completely, and the protruding cliffs appear to meet the water at the same level as the distant land in the background. A flat Earth should still show separation between the foreground cliffs and the background cliffs. What you're looking at in this photo is this: the foreground cliffs are standing almost directly on the horizon, so any water behind them is behind the curvature of the Earth.

For my last set of photos, I'll show what you've all been waiting for: something receding past the horizon. I took the following photo from the top of the cliffs; you can see two very distant oil platforms (not the same as the one in the first two photos).


Look at the one on the right: You can just see the sky through its legs. Just barely, but it's there. This platform is sitting directly on the horizon, or perhaps just past it. Now look at this photo of the right platform that I took from the beach at the bottom of the cliffs:


It has very clearly fallen behind the horizon. On a flat Earth, this would certainly not be possible. I must be very clear on this point: I have not changed my distance to the subject, I only changed my elevation. Rowbotham's "law of perspective" offers no help to the flat-earther here. If the Earth were flat and I could see the sky through its legs from the top of the cliffs, then I absolutely must be able to see the sky through its legs from the bottom of the cliffs. Instead, I can't see its legs at all.

Here is a photo of the left-most platform taken from the beach:


Again, it's clearly disappearing beyond the horizon.

A few parting thoughts before I wrap this up: In this article I've looked for qualitative evidence of the Earth's curvature. I don't have precise-enough instruments to gather quantitative evidence, though I'd love to acquire some. If you're a flat-Earther and you've made it this far, thank you! I hope this has been enlightening to you and will provide much food for thought. I encourage you to think critically about the flat-Earth conjecture; never forget that science is about disproving false things more than it is about proving true things. That is, if you really want to believe in a flat Earth, it is your responsibility as a rational and skeptical person to try your damnedest to disprove its flatness, however counterintuitive that may seem. In this article, my evidence is valuable as evidence against a flat-Earth conjecture; it is far less valuable as evidence for a globe-Earth conjecture.


Nice post @biophil, I don't know why people get attached to the flat earth hypothesis, it isn't supported by even simple to do observations.

Not everything is a conspiracy. Shrug

Thanks. A globe-earth conspiracy would have to be one of the greatest conspiracies of all time. There are so many people in the world who know the truth, one way or the other:

  • anybody who has ever sailed a ship any reasonable distance
  • anybody who has ever piloted an airplane
  • anybody who has ever been involved in military artillery
  • anybody who has ever created a map larger than a single city
  • anybody involved in any navigation system of any kind
  • any world leader, and many high-ranking government officials
  • anybody who has been to Antarctica
  • any astronomer

There must be 10's of millions of people whose livelihoods depend on knowing the truth about the shape of the Earth. I may write a post about this, just for fun.

You know: you can lay down and watch the sun set once then stand up quickly and watch it a second time.

Yes, good point, but don't look directly at the sun or else you will see it a third time for an extended period, once its image is etched forever into your retina.

I should have tried that tonight as I watched the sunset from the beach! But I didn't really want to get all sandy and wet... But one day, I'll give it a whirl. :)

I think I can settle this! The earth is neither flat nor round, it is actually both at the same time. It all has to do with your perception or environment and how far you are willing to do to bend the earth in your mind.

Seriously though, I sometimes pretend to be a flat-earther or a round-earther and (in this case) both! I do this just because I can .. and it makes me laugh. It is not about winning it is about the debate. It is also about staying neutral and not having any knee jerk reaction.

Finally consider this, maybe this is a relatively neutral topic. This makes it an interesting metric to see our-self or how someone else is going to deal with conflicting beliefs and information. The implications of believing one or the other are probably not going to make a huge difference in the lives of most people. So when I see a strong emotional reaction rest assured I'm scratching my head. Anyways, I'm sure you can debate me here but that is how I see it so far.

I think the majority of the people are pretending just for the fun of it.. And it is fun.. So party on, hope your having fun too!! After all that may just be the test to see if you'll pass.

The implications of believing one or the other are probably not going to make a huge difference in the lives of most people.

That's a great point, and it's part of what makes the earth-shape debate so interesting to me. Regardless of what side you're on, you're being hopelessly petty if you believe that the debate is important because of the actual facts you're debating. Round? Flat? Unless you're an airline pilot or a mapmaker, it doesn't even matter a tiny bit.

What really matters about this debate, in my opinion, is that it's all about where you get your information, who you trust, and how well you can evaluate the reasoning that someone tells you to accept. If fear profiteers on Youtube are able to convince people that the Earth is flat using videos they created in Microsoft Paint, what hope do we have that people will be able to see through the lies of a malicious government? Or a well-funded ad agency? Or a radical racist or religious organization?

hope your having fun too!!

I am, actually. I hope I don't come across as too angry. :) I'm having a ton of fun, and hopefully in the process I'm giving people a few more tools they can use to evaluate the ideas that come to them. Because that's what really matters.

Occasionally as I've surfed around on Steemit, I've found posts by people who claim to believe that the Earth is not a globe.

You wouldn't happen to be referring to my Top 10 Crazy Things I Believe are True blog would you?

I appreciate your contrary views even though we disagree.

I hadn't seen your particular blog post.

So you believe the globe earth conspiracy was created by NASA? Are you forgetting the centuries of scientists preceding NASA who believed in a globe earth?

Yes, I am well aware of all the disinformation humanity has been fed throughout history.

Ok. cool. I don't understand you conspiracy-fetishists at all.

I saw a video somewhere where they took a bunch of people, a laser level and a boat on a large inland lake. The further they got from the level the more the red dot moved it's position on the target on the boat to show how the lake surface isn't flat but curves proving the Earth isn't flat but a large globe.

That's very cool! I'd love to do that myself sometime.

Once in a while, flat-earth conspiracies always come back to Steemit... Am so tired of that...

Thanks for your post!

How did this flat earth thing became so popular????! :( #disapoinment

I don't know. It makes me worried about the state of science education.

reallly i think it has to see with that, kids dont totally bealive what teachers say, so when they grow up, hear something like this, and easily trust them...

Yeah. It seems very much like the kids are being raised with a false sense of skepticism. They're very skeptical of authority figures and experts, but very ready to believe some schmuck on Youtube who shouts enough scary words at them.

man! you get it!

A good test for the most virulent flat-earthers is to ask them to prove their point by walking in a straight line. If they never make it back to their point of origin, then they win!

Yes, this is what I think, another thing is I have read an airplane takes less time travelling from New York to LA than from LA to New York because of the earth's spin. If it were flat this could not happen, if it spins it has to be round or close to round.

To be precise, the airplane travel-time thing is not directly because of the spin - it's because the prevailing winds blow West to East (which, by the way, means that LA->NY is the shorter trip, not the other way around). The wind direction is certainly influenced by the Earth's spin, but not necessarily in ways that are obvious to a layperson.

My point is that you need to be careful when using arguments like these; an experienced flat-earther will likely be able to turn a not-quite-precise argument like this against you if you're unprepared.

No, what I read is since the airplane is flying at 30,000 feet, the earth's movement does not influence it so much so the earth spinning from west to east makes the distance shorter when going westward as the west is coming towards the plane when the plane is going to the east the target point is actually moving away , I think I would have to go into diagrams to show this, but you can look it up.


Im so tired of those flat earth theorists.....

No logic at all...

Like, if the earths flat, can you please go and take a picture of the edge?

How do they justify that the earth is flat?

If its "flat" how do we experience night and day?

If the earth was flat we would be two dimensional....wed literally be lines lol

I'd encourage you never to say "flat earth theory." That dignifies it and makes it sound like it's been subjected to rigorous scientific analysis. It has not.

A more correct term is "flat-earth hypothesis" or "flat-earth conjecture."

So what is the definition of a theory exactly?

Hmm. I've never heard the word "conjecture" to be honest.

Its definitely a more beneficial term.

The scientific process works like this: First, I propose a hypothesis or conjecture - this is something I want to check about the world to see whether it is true or false. An example of a hypothesis or conjecture is "the Earth is flat." Typically, you'll have some evidence supporting the conjecture.

The next step, where the flat-earth community has gotten it horribly wrong, is that you must attempt to disprove the initial conjecture. This attempt must be rigorous. Your methods must leave no doubt that you were genuinely trying to disprove it. The conjecture cannot progress to the level of "theory" until you have convinced the scientific community that it cannot be disproved.

That's what separates "theory" from "a collection of conjectures." In my understanding, a set of ideas can't reasonably be called "theory" until it has survived the scientific process for a long time. This definition doesn't work perfectly, because you still have various things out there called Theory that contradict each other - you actually see this quite a lot in theoretical physics.

It is my belief that the earth is round but it is bigger than we are being told. You need to show exact distances to your objects on the horizon in order that we can make accurate calculations using earth curvature charts. If you look, you will find many people doing similar experiments, proving that yes there is curvature, but it is less that it should be based on standard earth curvature charts.

As I mentioned briefly in the post, light refraction effects make this difficult to do. According to Google maps, the nearby oil platform is about 2 miles offshore. It appears to be on or past the horizon when I measure from a crouching height of 4 feet. However, the horizon should be closer to 3 miles away according to the generally-accepted size of the Earth. So my photographs actually suggest a much smaller globe, maybe more in line with the size Columbus is reported to have believed in. It's possible this is caused by the ocean's swell, but I can't say for sure.

The main point is this: light often bends around the horizon due to temperature gradients, making the horizon appear more distant than it "should" and thus making the Earth appear larger than it is. I've actually witnessed this phenomenon; a few years ago, there was a partial lunar eclipse in Colorado which happened exactly at sunrise. As you know, a lunar eclipse happens when the Earth is positioned exactly between the Sun and the Moon. But on that morning, the Sun appeared in the sky at the same moment as the eclipsed moon. If light were not bending around the horizon due to atmospheric refraction, this would not have been possible.

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