Finland is doing an experiment to hopefully eradicate poverty. - Through a universal basic income.

in #science8 years ago (edited)

This will be for all those living on unemployment, they will measure the effects of it over a two year period. It will replace all current unemployment.

They hope this will be the next step in eradicating poverty.

The amount will be 560 Euros a year (or about 600 dollars for you Americans.)
They will measure

  • poverty
  • social exclusion
  • bureaucracy
  • amount unemployed

Basic income is a major discussion point today.

Many other countries are talking about it including Sweden and the Netherlands. While Finland is just testing it with a few thousand people the other countries tried to vote in large scale reforms and failed.

They hope to address job loss from automation and large inequality.

Those are hotly debated topics in politics today. When machines automate to the point where the poor have no possible jobs and starve to death while the rich get all the resources is not a good outcome, who was it who really created the machines.

They are also pushing automation.

Because of crafty lawyers, self driving cars can hit the streets with no new legislation needed. Because it never says anywhere that the "driver" needs to be in the car at the time it is moving. They are looking out for the common man more than any other country.

As the human race becomes more automated we have one choice, give it to everyone or let the rich take it. The choice is yours.
more info:


The coming robot and AI revolution guarantees that we will globally need something like this. Good on Finland for getting the ball rolling on this. Bring on Renaissance 2.0 and a world where we can focus on self betterment and artistic expression!

The UK did toy with this, but the public deficit is too large for it! GRRRRRR! I hate politicians!

Scandinavia is always ahead of the world. J.

I really don't think that the welfare state is a long-term solution to promoting human progress/success..

Yeah getting everything you create would be a better system but we are locked in capitalism until a revolution.

Actually we are in a crony capitalist system.. which is more aptly described as corporate fascism than actual free market capitalism :D

I think innovation and serving the needs of others voluntarily is a much better avenue to eradicating poverty than using extortion/theft/force via the welfare state :D

congrats on your post doing well!

The rich making money off the work of the poor is theft. The working class made the tools, maintained them and labored on them. The rich only move capital around. "crony capitalism" is the choice of the rich as it gives them power more easily. You can't let them keep their power and try to change the system.

I agree, what we need is a communalist,post scarcity society. But certainly not an anarcho-capitalist society,that is my worst nightmare.
As an anarchist, I want to get rid of the state, but as an anti-capitalist (and post capitalist) I see that the market forces need to be under some kind of public scrutiny. The state provides this, with varying efficiency depending on the country. AS of now, without a state, market forces would run rampant, and we get oligarchy. All decisions would be made by the 1 percent of the one percent, they would have all the power, and the money to hire armies and security guards.

The state is the tool by which the 1% of the 1% screws the rest of us over...genius....

I have friends in Finland and they say everyone is lazy AF. People just game the system already and no one will work for under 15 Euros / hour. The younger generation has no interest in having a car or any possessions besides a phone, tablet, and laptop. They have no hustle.

anecdotal evidence. Also since when is "hustle" a good thing. They should get more actually 15 an hour is still low. They don't need a car or anything it hurts the environment etc.

Yeah, let's work to make people TOTALLY dependent on the state and 'rich' people for their livelihood...fantastic idea...

Are you fucking autistic? 1. Most of it is automated. 2. This is an experiment to see if this actually makes it possible for them to get a job. 3. If most of it is automated and no real labor must be done why the fuck can't they get their share of it.

An 'anarchist' who wants people to be reliant on the state for their livelihood...LMFAO

Are you that fucking autistic. I want a civilization that will not fucking collapse and cares for its people. Anarchy is the best form that can achieve that. Do you want to just fucking kill people and sell cocaine to kids, is that your version of "anarchy"?

They will curse the day when the Russians next door decides to test their laziness and grabs their rich asses.

The goal of communism is getting the full results of your labor.

BI will never come from Government-they are centralised. Crypto currencies could supply it globally yesterday without all the fuss of experimenting for two years. People have been exploited for too long.

"people have been exploited for too long" "Capitalism will fix that"

huh. Hard to imagine that world. Love the concept of everyone having a basic right to life amount received by all, and then allow room to grow above that with basic entrepreneurship. very provoking thought.

Yeah that thought is usually prevalent in market socialist societies.....which sadly the united states bombs over and over again....

Very interesting. I find the Scandinavian countries to be very forward thinking.

there was a study done in Dauphin, Manitoba back in the 70s. The study was shelved and never really looked at. Many of the details I've read of it was positive in regards not only to how people engaged in the workforce and the overall cost of administration versus the various social programs that receive separate admin but could be potentially eliminated with one minimum income level.

I'm curious to see how this plays out.

I've never heard of that study I'm going to check it out later, thanks!

Hi @anarchyhasnogods, I thought I'd stop back and let you know that of the more than 30 posts I read today, yours was one of my favourite reads. I've shared that with others here

wow thanks bro I upvoted the post

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