Utopian Statists And Their Dreams Of A Risk Free World With 'Free' Shit (like a guaranteed basic income)

in #science8 years ago (edited)

Statists seem to have a rule that they must include the word "utopia/n" when discussing the concept of a society w/o rulers: "Your anarchic utopia sounds good in theory but would be a disaster in reality", etc., sayeth the statist w/his ability to see into the future.

However the reality is that THEY'RE the utopian dreamers who actually believe that empowering a small group of rulers with, literally, the ability to destroy much of the life on Earth can and will lead to a risk-free society! THEY'RE the ones who want a small group of power-seeking strangers to provide them with 'free' healthcare, 'free' education, and are increasingly demanding a 'free' guaranteed basic income from their masters...THEY actually believe that if we can just give the masters enough power and control over us that they'll create a risk-free utopia where we can have everything we want for 'free'!

“The government is good at one thing. It knows how to break your legs, and then hand you a crutch and say, 'See if it weren't for the government, you wouldn't be able to walk.”

― Harry Browne


well the main difference between statists and anarchist utopia is that statist utopia is used in some place: for example in france you have basic income for jobless people.
So at least they try to make in application things, while you, you are just criticizing not doing shit at all to improve the situation.

And yes I am in favor of 'free' helathcare (there is no such things as free healthcare, this is basic healthcare for everyone and everyone contribute to it... ho that's so bad... you won't get any fancy dentistery implant or shit, you'll just get basic stuff, and it is up to you to pay more to get upgrades.... ooohh this is so bad, this is so communist.... NO this is leaving in a society where people care about others...)

ps: "they" don't believe, those things exists in many countries... at that level the US are way beyond western countries standards (even Canada has that)

There's one now...because ONLY a ruling-class can provide charity...you just have to surrender 50%+ of your freedom in order to gain utopia!

This isn't charity, you pay for it.
Being part of a nation, is like being member of some club. You pay a fee and gets advantage being member of it. Some rich people may not need it, but will help lower class people: That's called SOLIDARITY... that's not charity...

No, but I realize you must rationalize your enslavement in order to make yourself feel better...Stockholm Syndrome...

“The government is good at one thing. It knows how to break your legs, and then hand you a crutch and say, 'See if it weren't for the government, you wouldn't be able to walk.”

― Harry Browne

Utopia wont be handed to us by our rulers. This is true. Instead we will create it for our selves.

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