Profile Of A Communist (so-called 'AnComs' included!)

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

It always gives me a chuckle that most wanna-be communists I come across are rich (relative to 90%+ of the rest of the world), white, spoiled (most are either young punks and/or college students still living on mommy and daddy's dime or overpaid/under-worked college profs. w/cushy, tenured, high-paying positions who haven't spent a day in the real world), Western suburbanites who actually believe they're being 'oppressed' by the 'rich'.

These out-of-touch and spoiled douchebags live the kind of comfy 1st-world lifestyle that the VAST majority of humanity can only DREAM of having, yet all these d-bags do is complain about how awful capitalism is (as they fiddle w/their iPhones, drive their nice cars, live in their nice homes, and try to decide whether they'll have steak or lobster when they go out to dinner tonight). Especially galling are the mega-wealthy Hollywood d-bag types (like Seth Rogan) who try to be cool and edgy by saying how great communism is. Do these rich d-bags ever give their fortunes away to the poor they claim to care so much about? NOPE! Its just SO much easier to hand-wring and pay lip-service in order to appear trendy!

Talk about a disconnect from reality! More and more I'm coming across these spoiled brats who don't even think they should be required to work (promoters of the Guaranteed Basic Income)...and, of course, these children believe that working people should also provide them 'free' college and healthcare so that they can remain children well into their 20's! Predictably, these d-bags claim they're for all of this 'free' shit because they just care soooo much about 'society' and the 'poor', but who the hell do they think they're fooling?! C'mon, you lazy d-bags, just admit you're too lazy and unmotivated to take care of your own business and that its way easier to use the political system to just steal other peoples' shit!


GLOBAL RICH LIST (see where you rank you poor 'oppressed' Westerners!):

“When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.”

― Frédéric Bastiat

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