Being Objective or Subjective and Will It Change Our World?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #science7 years ago


I have been thinking about this for a couple of weeks now and I wanted to express my feelings on the matter.

This article is subjective.

Here are the definitions of Objective and Subjective


(of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.


based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.

A mathematician, a doctor, a scientist would use objective reasoning to reach a conclusion, whereas your favorite ice cream flavor would be subjective.

One could also describe Objective as tangible and subjective as intangible.

There is a lot happening in the world these days and I see most of what is going on as discouraging, for me at least!
I see SJW's, politicians, news media, etc. as becoming more subjective and less objective and this disturbs me.

The news media such as CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CBC, BBC, etc. are not reporting facts as they should be, but rather reporting opinions.
Politicians, especially the Democratic Party, and to a lesser extent the Republican Party, seem to be able to tell citizens what they think instead of what is real and truthful.
Now I may be naïve to some degree and I know a lot of you would tell me that politicians have always told citizens a bunch of lies just to get elected and that may be true, but is it right and is it good for the nation?
We have crazy Nancy Pelosi saying strange and untrue things as well as the crazy Maxine Walters and a lot of other Democrats.

We have the SJW's that say they believe in the freedom of speech, yet they shout down anyone they disagree with or that have a different opinion than they do.

We have the UN that don't do anything except bash Israel, which is the only real democracy in the middle east.

We have the Canadian Liberals and the NDP parties that push a carbon tax on us even though we now know that CO2 has very, very little to do with climate change (the climate has always been changing).

In Canada we just paid a known terrorist, Omar Kader, that confessed to killing an American soldier and wounding another one, 10.5 million dollars!

There are many more cases I could cite, however, I think you are getting what I am trying to express here.


Please comment on this and let me know your opinions!

Thanks, my friends!



Hi @acwood, my husband @sashin speaks about you all the time!

Hi @acwood, I think she is jealous. LOL!

Haha! I feel like I have been adopted!
Love you guys!

Hi @acwood, I am being totally honest, you really have become part our family, there is not day that goes past that @sashin doesn't boast about his friend @acwood from Canada. I am his elder brother , @sashin is the youngest and we have an elder brother , who hopefully will join steemit soon. Whenever you find yourself in South Africa be rest assured you have family here!

Haha! This seems funny. It is almost like I have been adopted.
I talk about @sashin a lot to my wife.
I sure wish I had enough money to take a trip there. It sounds like a great place.
The same goes for you guys too. If you ever get to Calgary you have family here too!
I am following you now. Let's all make a bunch of STEEM!!!

Well, Hi!
I didn't realize you where on steemit! That is totally awesome and I will certainly be following you and keeping my good eye open for your posts! Haha!

Heya @acwood, Thank you very much:)

Hi @acwood my friend, This is a touchy issue in my opinion and opened to so many different points of view. When it comes to Politics , in my opinion the only people that benefit from politics are politicians, and the cycle continues.

Hi @sashin. Yes politics. There have been a few good ones but I agree with you. Most are in the "game" for what they can get and not what is good for the people they are supposed to be serving!

thanks for the info. very useful :)
followed and upvoted !
pls visit my blog @swssmarketing too :)

positive thinking every day and good feeling good life

This is true! One must always stay positive!

Good post. Our world is in a sad state of affairs with all the SJW's running around and destroying everything in sight. It seems to me that the world has completely lost objectivity all together, and with that the ability to cope with things that they may not agree with. I'm not sure where this will end, but I don't think it will be anywhere good.

So am not the only one that sees we re heading down a slippery path?

That's good to know.

Hi @acwood

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