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RE: SAM - Could the last one out the door please kill the lights?

in #sam-saturday6 years ago

Me? I'm looking UP Bro! But what question shall I address first?

First of all, I am not going to let you get away with telling us those tantalizing details about your entrance into this world without elaborating.........just a little? I always knew there was something very unique about you and my instincts were spot on!

And now you've really stimulated my thought processes, so I thank you for that. They, (my thoughts) are continuously telling me to go at the pace of my aging body but I refuse to give my brain any peace. It was dormant for too long when sinking into the deep abyss of drug addiction........but like you, I have been released from 'prison.' But unlike you, I committed the crime of relying on sleeping pills for my existence........such as it was. But that is relegated to history now.

I can't wait for next Saturday when we get to read another snippet of your past. Love the take away approach my friend. It works every time (lol)

Now let's talk about steemit and why some of us are still here. You did ask, so I'm taking the liberty of giving you my opinion.

One of your questions is this: "Shouldn't we try to redeem at least some value?" That my dear friend is a very relevant question. And it all depends and what you value in steemit. You see, I've stopped putting value on the status of the dollar. I've tranferred it now to where the real value is at the moment, and that is in Steem Power.........emphasis on the word, 'Power.'

I value every single dollar that comes my way, and I can make $100 go a very long way, but I am too old to work therefore I am unable to boost whatever finances I do have. And the older we get, the more concerning it is for us baby boomers to work out how we are going to manage with inflation going up and our health going in the opposite direction.

Our independance is extremely important to us and to our loved ones because their lives are more enjoyable if they are not having to worry about looking after us in our old age. Our sons have always reassured us not to worry about the eventuality of when we can no longer look after ourselves as they will look after us but we do not want to burden them.

I believe that a healthy mind and a positive outlook does wonders for us physically as I have proven this to be true and by stimulating ourselves creatively, I also believe that we slow the aging process down considerably. When the steem value was much higher than what it is currently, it just wasn't possible for John and I to invest in it.

Thankfully, the current scenario is playing right into our hands and we made the decision to make a sacrifice by fore-going our next planned holiday to invest in a little steem while the steem value is low. I would never advise anyone to do what we have done because we really have no idea what the outcome will be. But I strongly 'suspect' that cryptocurrency is the way of the future and when I say, future, I have no time line in mind because if I miscalculated, I would be very disapponted if I was premature in my estimations.

Sure, I'll be very disappointed if steem doesn't turn around in time for me to personally make good use of it but I'd kick myself more if I gave up now and missed out on what could well be, a very worthwhile opportunity. John and I have experienced many heartbreaking losses over the years and acknowledge the extreme difficiulty in finding the positives when everything around us is negative, but we continue to choose to be positive.

I enjoy photography. I enjoy writing. I enjoy developing friendships here in steemit. I also enjoy doing many other activities away from steemit, but if I didn't value Steem like I do, and continue to hope that one day things will improve, I would probably dust off my rusty old knitting needles. But who needs woollen mittens or booties in tropical Queensland?

I rest my case. (U & R )


I understand your perspective and I truly appreciate you taking the time to make a detailed answer. I do want to ask you though - power for what??? I understand how SP let's you give nice upvotes, but if the upvotes are worth nothing, what's the point?

If you just want inflated numbers in your account without caring if there is a monetary value attached, you could just as easily post on Weku or Whaleshares. I was very opposed to Weku when it came out because I saw people leaving Steemit for the new "greener pastures". Many did leave and have not come back. I can't go to Weku because I'm banned for the crime of creating an account but not posting.

On the other hand, I recently joined Whaleshares which is yet another Steemit clone (with some changes) but it's very lonely over there. Since Whaleshares is a clone of the same software, things work along similar lines... for example, you need "500" to get the vote slider. Never mind 500 what - it's all worthless anyway, right?

Ok, now follow me for a second. I'm not trying to convince you or anyone else to go to Whaleshares - BUT, after making 5 posts I will have the vote slider immediately - like within a day or two of the initial payout. So I will have more "Whalestake" in my wallet in a week than I have SP after a year.

Yes, it's worth nothing, but we're not concerned with monetary value, correct? That's what you said if I'm not misunderstanding you. So if all I want are big numbers in a wallet and the ability to cast votes with bigger numbers attached, I might as well just be there. I'll have more "empty" power immediately, and cast "bigger" zero value votes, and then I'll feel like a tycoon with all that "Power".

What's the point?

About the prison... Ok, it wasn't really a prison but there were nine foot tall stone walls and you couldn't go in or out, so I've been told. That's all the hints for today :)

Double the intruige!!!!!! I shall just have to curb my impatience and wait for the next installment. (lol)

When I mentioned the word 'power' I am referring to that place one can attain to with effort and committment when we can actually do something with the steem power earned. My goal is to one day have something tangible in my hand such as a car or something similar. Being able to make a choice with how I spend what I have earned is power. Im not at all interested in climbing ladders to reach positions in steemit as that does not interest me. Inflated numbers are just that unless we make them work for us and we derive adequate monetary rewards.

And being able to reward myself one day for my efforts is what keeps my motivated in Steemit. As far as going to whaleshares or similar, I just don't have time and don't want to spend more time than is necessary online.

I look at the voting system in Steemit as my way of thanking others for being loyal to me and for my appreciation of blogs that mean something to me or are just beautifully written and/or presented. I try to be fair with how I distribute my votes and I get a lot of pleasure when I can contribute votes that have a bit of weight behind them. There is no other adgenda for me.

I like you how you're looking at things. The price is down some more today.

Yeah.......but the steem keeps builidng my friend.

It's a real pleasure to read you, @trudeehunter! Thank you! I agree with what you say and I think now is the time to invest in Steem. Nobody knows what's going to happen, but it's worth taking that risk. I'm going to try and buy next month because now I've kind of used the money.
Your comment is a real SAM post, even if you have not officially attended. I hope you don't mind that I think you've already done it. Thank you again!

Thank you very much @bluemoon The way I see the current situation is this: We can withdraw what we have earned by hard work and committment and a lot of time and when we spend it, we'll derive a certain amount of pleasure (for a very short amount of time) from either buying something we really need or celebrating with abandonment on something frivilous, but tomorrow its gone!

If, on the other hand, we hang in here and if, crypto comes to the party by giving us sizeable and tangaible rewards down the track, then the sacrifice is going be ever so sweet and wonderfully rewarding.

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