wiser participates in Science in Anarchy's first experiment

in #sa1g08 years ago (edited)

There's an experiment going on, starting today, to test the hypothesis that taking an OTC anti-inflammatory pill can help you feel better after you've eaten food that the body deems is hostile or poisonous (such as processed food). You can read the details here.

So I thought I'd participate by being in the control group #sa1g0. I need to eat what I normally eat but document it, so that's what these posts are about. I won't be offended in the slightest if you don't want to read them, but please don't downvote them thinking it's trivial stuff. It may be boring, but it's science. Actually it's #scienceinanarchy.

I'm starting this post now and adding onto it throughout the day, taking advantage of the fact that I can edit my posts up until the time of payout, approximately 12 hours.

I started my day by taking four pills of the Green Pastures brand fermented cold liver oil and butter oil blend, chasing them down with a glass of homemade lime-aid. I had three slices of homemade quiche for breakfast. Ingredients are whole wheat flour, olive oil, salt, eggs, milk, ground beef and cheddar cheese. I don't have the package to photograph since we already subdivided it, but here is a link to the product itself. I also had one or two slices each of red delicious apple and yellow bell pepper.

I haven't had lunch yet but will have a bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup. Ingredients include boneless skinless (and cut up) chicken breasts, carrots, celery, homemade chicken broth, yellow onion, garlic powder, dried basil, dried oregano, bay leaf, ground pepper, and whole wheat noodles. 

As a snack while cooking lunch I had three Hershey's almond kisses. Here is a picture of them before I ate them and the wrappers.

My mood and interactions today were pretty typical of what you'd expect trying to get the family to a church service on time when you overslept and had to rush everything. A little frazzled and tense but civil. My interactions with people at the service were unremarkeable. A slightly tense interraction with my husband when he realized he'd forgotten his computer, which he needed to take with him afterwards. I was also a bit annoyed when I found out he'd dumped the entire box of noodles into aforementioned soup when we slow cooked it yesterday rather than one cup as the recipe called for. The same old "Didn't I tell you it was only one cup?" followed by "I don't remember."

Having to document more details about my social interactions is going to make me be more thoughtful about what I say and how I say it before I open my mouth. This could be some good accountability, but not exactly the purpose of the experiment.

By the way, not sure if this is important to the experiment, but I am a nursing mother. Partly why I'm reluctant to put myself into a group that requires me to take an OTC drug just because I feel ill or depressed, though I will not hesitate for a full blown headache.

More to come later when I eat more. Now off to enjoy that chicken noodle soup.


After eating the chicken noodle soup, I am enjoying a pomegranate Outshine popsicle for dessert along with some more lime-aid. The ingredients in the lime-aid are limes, water and white sugar.

I am feeling sleepy, so will now try to catch a nap while the baby is still sleeping and before the rest of my family gets home and makes the house noisy.


I had three slices of home made pizza for dinner. Ingredients include whole wheat flour, olive oil, water, tomato sauce, ground beef, mild cheddar cheese and canned black olives. Finished off the lime-aid.

Next I went to pick up oldest daughter from youth group. We then worked on invitations for her upcoming birthday party. During that time I had some gastro-intestinal distress. Oops. I remember there was milk in the quiche and straight milk does not agree with me, something I've only recently admitted (because I really, really like milk). I can drink cream, so no need to sacrifice my occasional cup of heavily creamed coffee. But straight milk, even unprocessed raw milk, causes all kinds of intestinal rumblings. I'm hoping to eventually try some different enzymes, but in the mean time I avoid it, except when I don't.

When my daughter and I got home, the baby was fussing, so I nursed him. I always feel on edge when he's upset and today was no different. It's a relief to me when he latches on and is no longer fussy. Nursed him for about 20 minutes until he got sleepy while working on writing this. This was about 8:30 pm. I will next make sandwiches for children's lunches tomorrow and eat some leftover lettuce, then call it a night.


Nursed the baby to sleep at 10 pm. (hopefully he'll sleep for a good four or five hours). I just finished some leftover salad consisting of yellow peppers, lettuce, carrots, and Ranch Dressing (oh no, do I have to photograph the bottle?). I'm feeling tired and slightly annoyed that I can't just make some quick peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the kids. One of the classmates is anaphylactically allergic to peanuts so all food containing peanuts is banned from the school this year. I get it, but it's still annoying. I made sourdough bread earlier, so now I will slice it up and make the sandwiches. Cheese and butter because I think we're out of lunch meat. I have to volunteer at the school so I'll be fixing my lunch as well.


Sandwiches are made. I had a slice of fresh sourdough bread with butter. It was yummy. For the past two weeks I've been making sourdough bread for my family. I got the starter from a friend. Several weeks ago I stopped by his house to pick up a tablet I'd ordered, and walked out with the tablet and some starter. I fed it for about a week and then made the first loaves. They were so easy to make and delicious I decided to make a set of loaves every week so the kids could have home made bread for their sandwiches. This bread has only three ingredients: flour, water, and salt. I use whole wheat flour. 

I found another half gallon of lime-aid hiding in the back of the fridge. That made me happy. I thought we'd run out. I will definitely have to make this again. I made a whole bunch last week because I needed two limes for a make ahead crock pot recipe. You don't just walk into Sam's Club and buy two limes. So I made lime-aid out of the rest of the bag.

I have to wake up early tomorrow so I need to call it a night. This has been fun. We'll see if I can keep it up for thirty days. It's for science :)


This is the perfect amount of information and detail.
Mostly what we're looking for on these interactions are things like...
"My supervisor at work really made me angry because..."
If an interaction is unremarkable for you, don't stress trying to include it for oursake. However this is your journal You are certainly encouraged to put anything you want in.

You're doing great with the whole thing.
Nursing mother is important here for 2 reasons.
#1 As a new mother you are likely to encounter issues with PPD.
#2 As a nursing mother you will be producing an excess of oxytocin,

Sooo, one other bit of detail and you can just put it in summary form. Nursing time of occurance, length of time and how you felt both before and after.
Baby woke up at 1AM, I fell asleep nursing so I dunno how long, but I woke up at 5AM and she was still attached, I looked down in amazement.
Is just fine.

I nurse on demand so might be tough to record every occurrence. It could easily be 15 or 20 times a day. I'll do what I can.

My significant other keeps those Hershey kisses on her workplace desk; whenever I am there i "gobble" these little chocolate teardrops . . .

This she seriously dislikes; these are wrapped in PURPLE foil, so seriously intense and conflicting discussions ensue. For my part I am simply concerned over her health since if these chocolates sit there for months and months they have the potential to become "contaminated" or 'unhealthy'.

This is despite the fact ( I think; from memory chocolate actually lasts a very long time before "going off " or becoming inedible ) , but I have no intention of letting my ' life partner ' know that : )

/ hugz ; )

I know what your problem is as I have the very same problem... A hubby who is useless lol

I myself seriously try never to work more than 4 or 6 months of the year, this way I pay less tax . . .

Of course my lady does not consider Steemit a legitimate form of " work ", sometimes females just do not understand ' work ' : )

/ hugz ; )

Sometimes I earn enough in those few months to allow me to be ' semi-retired ' for a long while . . .

I would love it if either my husband or I only had to work a few month out of the year. If we can all work it right, hopefully Steemit is lucrative enough to be a "legitimate form of work."

Truth is I had to alter my lifestyle to avoid as many regular bills etc. What I like about steemit is that for visiting a website and working around others I gain some small tiny shares in the platform.

By helping others achieve things they in turn get further, thus their rewards increase; when their rewards increase my own shareholdings increase ever so slightly as well.

This way helping others achieve something for themselves also rewards and enriches me. Plus when I am not on steemit or am asleep etc. others are working to make steemit more productive and lucrative and so by simply not even being here my dividends go up slightly.

Even if the value of steem falls by helping others my own tiny little voice slows and arrests some of that falling steem value. This means just by being here and working on the platform I am helping make steemit and the world a slightly better place : )

/ hugz ; )

plus sometimes I even meet nice people and occasionally have some fun and even learn something new . . .

Steemit gave me my very own tiny shares portfolio, something I could never have earned significantly in ' traditional ' " real life " : )

I'm still learning how the whole Steemit system works. My small holdings are gradually growing, thanks to those 2 or 3 cent payouts, and the occasional post or comment that earns 19 cents or more. I do hear what you're saying about being able to have a portfolio where IRL that hasn't been possible. I have holdings in other crypto-assets, and I built them up pennies at a time. Cryptocurrencies in general have provided that opportunity where fiat investments have tended to favor the already wealthy.

Yes I could never justify outlaying real gold into the stock market, especially since it works successfully via insider trading, I would always be at a disadvantage.

Crptocurrencies have let me pretend to be a Wall Street Banker and Stock Broker with essentially Monopoly money.

My lady refuses to believe any of this is real till I turn some of the BTC I earned from steem as an experiment early on. her opinion is until she sees it in her hot little hand as real green cash, it is all smoke and mirrors...

I defend my side of the situation; saying yes I have real currency, but see no point in cashing out US$ 4.72 worth of Bitcoin : )

/ hugz ; )

I bet when you start leaving her presents of flowers and chocolate paid with Bitcoin she comes around :)

In my family, it's the lady of the house who is all into crypto. My hubby is very supportive, provided I still get my other work done.

Yes I am thinking you are right . . .

At the moment with steem price falling I am trying to twist her nails to buy into steemland. The trouble is she feels steemit is ' smoke and mirrors ' so somehow I must build up enough " brownie - points " to change her mind . . .

/ hugz ; )

memo to self ; using the lady's cell phone as a coffee coaster is NOT the way to build up brownie points . . . : )

Oh, now I feel bad if I gave that impression. My husband is truly amazing in so many ways. We had a lot on our plate this weekend and some things slipped through the cracks, like a whole box of noodles getting dumped into the crockpot rather than a single cup. I got annoyed, but really the worst that happened is we now have chicken NOODLE soup :D

Thanks so much for stopping by :)

I was joking hun. mine too has his good days

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