
I myself seriously try never to work more than 4 or 6 months of the year, this way I pay less tax . . .

Of course my lady does not consider Steemit a legitimate form of " work ", sometimes females just do not understand ' work ' : )

/ hugz ; )

Sometimes I earn enough in those few months to allow me to be ' semi-retired ' for a long while . . .

I would love it if either my husband or I only had to work a few month out of the year. If we can all work it right, hopefully Steemit is lucrative enough to be a "legitimate form of work."

Truth is I had to alter my lifestyle to avoid as many regular bills etc. What I like about steemit is that for visiting a website and working around others I gain some small tiny shares in the platform.

By helping others achieve things they in turn get further, thus their rewards increase; when their rewards increase my own shareholdings increase ever so slightly as well.

This way helping others achieve something for themselves also rewards and enriches me. Plus when I am not on steemit or am asleep etc. others are working to make steemit more productive and lucrative and so by simply not even being here my dividends go up slightly.

Even if the value of steem falls by helping others my own tiny little voice slows and arrests some of that falling steem value. This means just by being here and working on the platform I am helping make steemit and the world a slightly better place : )

/ hugz ; )

plus sometimes I even meet nice people and occasionally have some fun and even learn something new . . .

Steemit gave me my very own tiny shares portfolio, something I could never have earned significantly in ' traditional ' " real life " : )

I'm still learning how the whole Steemit system works. My small holdings are gradually growing, thanks to those 2 or 3 cent payouts, and the occasional post or comment that earns 19 cents or more. I do hear what you're saying about being able to have a portfolio where IRL that hasn't been possible. I have holdings in other crypto-assets, and I built them up pennies at a time. Cryptocurrencies in general have provided that opportunity where fiat investments have tended to favor the already wealthy.

Yes I could never justify outlaying real gold into the stock market, especially since it works successfully via insider trading, I would always be at a disadvantage.

Crptocurrencies have let me pretend to be a Wall Street Banker and Stock Broker with essentially Monopoly money.

My lady refuses to believe any of this is real till I turn some of the BTC I earned from steem as an experiment early on. her opinion is until she sees it in her hot little hand as real green cash, it is all smoke and mirrors...

I defend my side of the situation; saying yes I have real currency, but see no point in cashing out US$ 4.72 worth of Bitcoin : )

/ hugz ; )

I bet when you start leaving her presents of flowers and chocolate paid with Bitcoin she comes around :)

In my family, it's the lady of the house who is all into crypto. My hubby is very supportive, provided I still get my other work done.

Yes I am thinking you are right . . .

At the moment with steem price falling I am trying to twist her nails to buy into steemland. The trouble is she feels steemit is ' smoke and mirrors ' so somehow I must build up enough " brownie - points " to change her mind . . .

/ hugz ; )

memo to self ; using the lady's cell phone as a coffee coaster is NOT the way to build up brownie points . . . : )

Oh, now I feel bad if I gave that impression. My husband is truly amazing in so many ways. We had a lot on our plate this weekend and some things slipped through the cracks, like a whole box of noodles getting dumped into the crockpot rather than a single cup. I got annoyed, but really the worst that happened is we now have chicken NOODLE soup :D

Thanks so much for stopping by :)

I was joking hun. mine too has his good days

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