Bridge Run on Blustery Day (#runforsteem post)

in #runforsteem6 years ago

This is my #runforsteem post. If you want to make cash for a weekly run follow @jumowa and see his Weekly Run for Steem Challenge Mar 13th - Mar 20th & Payout For Last Week.

Also check out @runningproject where I am leading a 5k Training Program. We are just finishing up a four-week prep period and the real fun starts next week.

Alright so here's the deal. I am a straight up 20 pounds overweight. I don't know how it happened. Okay, that's kind of lie. I know it had something to do with the quantity of beer I've consumed over the last couple of years, but other than that, I don't eat sweets or junk food, and I don't snack much between meals. What just seems so crazy about this is that for years I couldn't gain weight if I tried. This extra ballast is much more noticeable since I am working to go from casual jogger/walker back to runner/racer. So, I am now using MyFitnessPal (yay - now I can obsess over food and weight on an hourly basis), and I will be using public self shaming to try to stay on track. As of this writing I weigh 190 pounds. The goal is 170.

Okay, so no big deal. I've dropped weight before. When I first began running again seriously about 13 or 14 years ago, I wasn't quite this off the chart, but close. It took some effort, but once I got on a program, I chipped away steadily until I was back to 5 pounds over my college weight, which suited me just fine. The key was that I was sprinting a lot, and doing at least one fairly intense middle-distance interval workout per week.

Fast forward a couple of years, and now I am trying to get back into shape after too long of a break. I have hinted at this in some posts and comments, but if anyone actually cares to hear this narrative, here it goes.

A few years ago I started having intense pain in my groin in the middle of the night. On the pain scale from 1-10, it was an 8. I have felt 10+ pain before. This pain would cause me to bolt up in bed from deep sleep. The really strange thing about it was that simply walking around the house would relieve the pain. The only problem was that it would be 3 or 4 in the morning. At the time I was in decent shape. Not top racing form, but close. I was doing workouts like 12x400 at decreasing times from 1:30 to 1:00 on increasing rest intervals. Pretty much all out efforts, and I wouldn't feel a single bit of pain during or after such workouts. To make a long story short, an MRI showed that both of my labrums, a tendon that keeps your hip in its socket, were torn, along with having impingements in both hips, a birth defect where the hip socket grows too much around the ball joint.

I consulted with a surgeon that does a lot of work on NHL hockey players. He laid it out to me plainly. He said I needed surgery, but that it would be a year before I could run again, and another year minimum before I'd be racing again. I just couldn't go there, at least not right out of the shoot. So I went with his second option, deep rest for 3 months (literally, I didn't even kick a soccer ball with my kids), then cortisone shots, followed by 6 months of rehab. It actually worked fairly well. A couple of years later, I only experience a very small amount of pain now and then. The only problem is that the rest and rehab completely broke my routine, and I haven't been able to pick it back up since. It's amazing how things change. My kids are a couple years older, and there are that many more activities to keep up with. My wife, on the other hand, continued her own running routine and hasn't skipped a beat, but in numerous subtle ways the intricate balance we had in supporting each other shifted. It is so easy to take things like how a couple supports each other's running routine for granted.

So here I am, more or less demoralized as I try to do a continuous run of more than 20 minutes! How did this happen??? When did it get so hard?! For now I am going to chalk it up to that extra 20 pounds and how much harder my heart and lungs need to work to get enough oxygen to all that blubber.

In the midst of this sorry state, I started getting more active on Steemit, and who new that social networking could have any actual human value! I read these great posts every day from people crushing it like I used to, and it seriously helps. And then there is @jumowa with his awesome #runforsteem challenge, which is honestly making a difference.

And on that note, enough gazing at my navel. Here is my #runforsteem submission for this week. A very blustery day, but all the more of a challenge to get over the bridge from Pennsylvania to home state of New Jersey. It's a great route. I can do several different distances and hop on the train to get the rest of the way home. This run was 3.36, but I can make it 4.5, 6.5, or 8.5 by hopping on the train at different stops or just running all the way home. The Broad Street Run 10-miler is coming up in May, so I will definitely be doing the full route a couple of times in the coming weeks.

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It doesn't take much to forget where you are at and fall off the map! I love the initiative you are doing and it'll be great to see the involvement of others to #runfor steem.

I really enjoyed the writing. It was a very conversation like and a nice easy read. It's also good to get a little backstory into some of your past.

Your buddy @robmenzies posted this in BuddyUP!

I wish you success in losing weight. Just don't make too much restriction to yourself. Make changes with the food you like to eat, don't force yourself to any regime. Eat regularly , focus on vegetables, fruit, grains, milk products, fish..
About the groin pain. I had an injury in May last year, that included groin area, hamstring, and pain in hip. And, In my case, with walking was just opposite. It was painful to walk, to have a balance, ...also, lifting weights coused me pain often, ...every single move.. Luckily I've recovered completely (after almost 6 months). Getting back in my case, sometimes seemed kind of more difficult than starting with running (regarding speed for instance). But, be patient, that is all you can do.

Thanks for the suggestions. I definitely want to just alter my diet in a long term, sustainable way. I know I can drop weight relatively fast with discipline, but have learned that doesn’t set up a new long term habit.
In regard to being patient . . . yeah, you’re right. As a coach I know to trust the process, but it’s so different when I’m the subject :/

Good luck with your running it's hard to start again. Takes time to build up that base again. I have done it a few times after a few c sections and seriously torn hamstrings. Just a matter of sticking with it, because it's worth it when you get back to it. Let your wife do her thing look after the kids when she wants to run. People that run really need it that's why they do it.

Thanks for the support! And my wife and I have a very clear understanding about how we support each other’s fitness. I could write a book about how important that is.

lol my comment was coming from some personnel experience.

I found this really reassuring. I don't understand all the charts or technical detail, but I do get the words aging, incapacity, subtle changes in relationships, struggling to run longer than a certain time, managing weight/life/everything else.
I was incapacitated for ten weeks after two eye operations - I had to stay face down for 45 minutes in each waking hour and a close approximation to face down when I was sleeping - and again this past ŵinter for about six weeks through an infection. It was hard last time and its certainly harder this time to re-build things I took for granted.
I agree, though, that engaging through social media is a great way of getting support - and inspiration! I love reading about everyone's amazing runs in amazing places, and how people are overcoming trials and tribulations.
Good luck with MFP, I had to abandon it in the end, the fat police ("your goal is to stay under ?gms of fat a day") drove me crazy.

Don’t worry about all the technical info! We have to include date stamped proof of work for #runforsteem, so that’s why I use Strava. Thanks for the support. I am a little self conscious of sharing on this level, so I’m glad to hear that you, and some others, appreciate it. I think your ordeal with the eye surgery might make for an interesting post.

That's the spirit! Wishing your hip and the rest of your body best wishes.
I too had hip pains for years and not eating pork helped. It's weird, I didn't believe it so i tested it and yea, whenever I ate pork, I starked having joint pains and pains that were present anyway would get worse. Sth to do with the food pigs get.
You and all other runners motivate me as well. You all are my personal trainers - thank you for that.

I definitely need to look more closely at the food I eat. On one hand, the damage is permanent, and unless I got surgery will always be there, but I believe nutrition can effect how I compensate. Thanks for the note!

What a great idea @cstrimel, i will definitely have to check out @jumowa and the #runforsteem challenge.

If you want some more accountability you can add me on MFP as we battle to knock the pounds off!! It might even encourage me to get back running again!!

Remember, the feeling you get from a good run is far better than the feeling you get from sitting around wishing you were running.
Sarah Condor

*Resteemed by @runningproject

Oh, I don't know. That lying on the couch looks enticing at the moment :)

I didn't know about #runforsteem yet - so much happening on Steemit! Good luck on your goals!

Thanks! So, do you run?

I had an accident 2 years ago and on some days unfortunately can't even walk :-) I will never be running anymore! But it's good to set goals, mine are to be able to walk daily again, yours will be to run 10 miles :-) We're both doing great! :D

Goals are good. I used to be a ChiRunning/ChiWalking instructor. It’s a phenomenal program. You might want to look it up and see if there is an instructor near you. They are all over the world now.

Never heard of it, but I will look into it! If there's a way of walking I can do I'm all for it. Thanks!

Let me know if you have any questions. I’m happy to help.

Awesome, I wish you success in losing weight.. I wonder if they have a swimforsteem...

Maybe you are just the person to do it!

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