[cathub] ... more of the same wreckage huh ? wake me when the price is right, i'll be here doing nothing

in #rudyardcatling6 years ago (edited)

the one man thing, ergo-therapeutic brainrot prevention, post number two (three this week, i think i can manage one a day , now ... about the money ?

Trying to look like a pro yet i'm not, out of the chaos comes creation, i am Random of Amber ... not mister Formal Ed

hm ... create account auto-delegates 10sp ... which stays gone for a month even if you unlink it, but when you unlink it its no longer anwywhere so thats 10sp in the void for 30 days OK ... got it

someone's still trying VERY hard to make none of this worthwhile i see ... competitive psychopaths i suppose .. all the more reason to sit on my ass and do nothing then, no pay no play, saves me the trouble of socializing, no love no life ... wake me when the price is right, i'll be playing dark souls ... solo ... offline

i noticed the linked account in steempy is GONE today ... and i am pretty sure i didnt do that :) SO, because i don't know what happens i fear i'll have to re-install the whole system again ... YO LO

the blo-gang is noisy outside again, is this gonna be all summer ... i wondered where but since i let out a batsound i think someone saw something they're technically not allowed to see and now has to prove it ... locked and stuck behind enemy lines in a place i hate since i was 15

oh well, gives me something to pass the day with ... i SAID it would be hell wednesday and here it is, but that's ofcourse the law of attraction, what else could that be huh ?

ah yah, i dont what ? appreciate ? i HATE belgium if thats what you're about but i just keep repeating that because it keeps short-circuiting me, i say like i'm trapped behind enemy lines so i keep repeating the same shit like a p.o.w. ... name, rank , serial number ... i hate this place, i can't give in, i have to get out, do or die

so the distro and raffle account arent built for communication, they're built for distribution ... i think i communcate more than enough on the main, more than i should if i were to take an average, i give 10% , i distribute with two accounts, WTF YOU ON ABOUT, HIPPIES ?

m hm, the more stressed i get the more i regress into paranoia and the more tourette i develop (according to hippies who thinks you can hug the bullet to make it go away)

uhuh, i doubt i'll ever talk like phoneboy for the rest of this life ... i'm not marketing dept. and i'm too damaged, if you can't stand it the mute button should be top-right somewhere

found something USEFUL

the curse of open source is the hogging ... people either expect you to just get it , to rtfm or they treat it like long john silvers buried treasure ... so i finally found a list of nodes

in a 7 month old post


Steem API nodes ordered from the nearest to farthest (based on your location: Invalid IP address., Invalid IP address.).

Last status check: 2018-06-20 12:30:37 GMT
│ steemd.steemgigs.org │ @surpassinggoogle │ YES │ YES │ 80 │ 443 │ DOWN │ 2018-02-18 04:50:03 │
│ appbasetest.timcliff.com │ @timcliff │ YES │ YES │ 80 │ 443 │ DOWN │ 2018-06-09 06:50:50 │
│ steemd.minnowsupportproject.org │ @followbtcnews │ YES │ YES │ 80 │ 443 │ UP │ 2018-05-29 04:02:02 │
│ steemd.privex.io │ @privex │ YES │ YES │ 80 │ 443 │ UP │ 2018-06-20 12:10:17 │
│ rpc.buildteam.io │ @themarkymark │ NO │ YES │ -- │ 443 │ UP │ 2018-06-20 07:24:03 │
│ steemd.pevo.science │ @pharesim │ YES │ YES │ 80 │ 443 │ UP │ 2018-06-20 02:42:44 │
│ rpc.steemviz.com │ @ausbitbank │ YES │ YES │ 80 │ 443 │ UP │ 2018-06-20 02:08:04 │
│ rpc.curiesteem.com │ @curie │ NO │ YES │ -- │ 443 │ UP │ 2018-06-20 12:30:07 │
│ gtg.steem.house │ @gtg │ NO │ YES │ -- │ 8090 │ UP │ 2018-06-20 12:08:09 │
│ api.steem.house │ @gtg │ NO │ YES │ -- │ 443 │ UP │ 2018-06-20 04:48:05 │
│ seed.bitcoiner.me │ @bitcoiner │ YES │ YES │ 80 │ 443 │ UP │ 2018-06-04 19:38:04 │
│ rpc.steemliberator.com │ @netuoso │ YES │ YES │ 80 │ 443 │ DOWN │ 2018-04-22 18:42:04 │
│ api.steemit.com │ @steemit │ NO │ YES │ -- │ 443 │ UP │ 2018-06-19 23:48:13 │
You can also run curl geo.steem.pl in your terminal ;-)

/* created by @jamzed | please vote for me as witness */

and will vote for the man as witness now too

01:23 am, just batched the payout for @ubasti #20 , ... i didnt use time ... gotta use time command to check but that was 25 payments in i think about 1:30 minutes, including typing the passphrase every time ... clear improvement lol

the things and stuff

folder structure :

it's actually supposed to be a folder structure you can unzip anywhere and use as is without installing anything (you know how to rightclick/view image i suppose). Basically just a bunch of snips i scribbled up to do some things and view some things but, structure might be possible

commands available

  • parseaccounthistory_wrk.sh (several subroutines to parse data from an account history kept locally)

  • pretty_please.sh (something i got from stackoverflow that strips .json data into separate lines without having to install extra packages, which is the intention and so far, other than curl seems to work)

  • updatehistory_rudyardcatling.sh / updatehistory.sh (gets an accounts full history , incrementally depending on how much is already stored locally)

  • wurdamoney.sh0 [accountname] calculates the worth of a 100/100 vote on any given account (not counting delegation, only 'own' power)

  • findeligiblevoters.sh0 (parse list of accountnames (gathered from a post voted on in this case so far) check one by one the time of latest root post, it time <7days add to list of eligible) used to simplify finding the random people to vote on who participated (a LOT of accounts are stale, bots or re-steem only)

  • batchpay.sh0 using steempy make batch payments from flatfile listing accountnames

  • batchupvote.sh0 using steempy to vote on post (=top line from flatfile)

  • vote100notify_wrk.sh use with watch -n to have espeak every x seconds how many seconds left until next 100/100 vote

  • runallvotevoice.sh0 (start all votenotify on all accounts from this script)


the point would be to as many of these since they don't require separate PIDs

composemainbody.inc split from ubasti/ubasti, used to get all the necessary variables to include in a pre-formatted text body, can now be used for multiple types or repeating posts with changing vars

functions available

under /include ... well its not really /include but the intention is that it is , its not all functions it might just be sets of variables or ENV_VAR declarations for use in multiple scripts or commands with the linux shell source command

  • formatname.inc (used to make it independent wether user inputs @accountname or simply accountname

  • getacctvars.inc (basically meant to store lots more but atm only gets last tx , last tx number and last tx id of account)

  • getSP.inc (gets steem power of account by calculation (delegation not included) )

  • votersfrompost.inc (gets all voters on a certain post from the post.json and puts them in a nice small flatfile)

  • getvoteworth.inc (gets the sbd value of a 100/100 vote from accountname) <--- alarming downtrend


steemterm : the eventual compilation , commands for now : help, clear, reload, sbi, upvotes, downvotes, transfers , display [on/off]

ubasti / sakhmet : used to generate the main body of the daily post and pick out the voters and non eligible voters from the last paid out post
  • well, python crud ofcourse, so far nothing really but i think the generated script from topline of file should be handy


  1. 20/06/2008
  • changed sakhmet mainbody text

  • changed batchupvote.sh0 to open browser to post voted on (to check)

  • changed batchupvote.sh0 to ask confirmation to delete top line(link) from input file (after checking vote in browser)

  • reinstalled system b/c funky with steempy ...

  • put steem-python install in script like

sudo apt install -y git
git clone https://github.com/steemit/steem-python.git
sudo apt install -y python3-dev
cd steem-python
sudo apt install -y python3-setuptools
sudo apt install -y libssl-dev
sudo python3 setup.py install

does this thing have tab indents in markdown ? gotta check

  • added script to run all vote timers at once


gnome-terminal -x bash -c 'watch -n 900 ./vote100notify_wrk.sh rudyardcatling'
gnome-terminal -x bash -c 'watch -n 900 ./vote100notify_wrk.sh ubasti'
gnome-terminal -x bash -c 'watch -n 900 ./vote100notify_wrk.sh sakhmet'


  • nada for now ? lots of daily deardiary pics ofcourse but how boring is that?

things to do ? (lots)

  • switch as many commands as possible to includes (no new processes spawned while running, not much difference on todays machines but i like it and i will try to keep it built for speed and minimal network load)

  • split up functions as small as possible to make sure no network access is made that's not needed, network is the bottleneck for speed here after all

  • add env_vars include to make it easy to use relative paths within the main folder and get rid of the symlinks which dont work when its copied to another place

  • find out what i need to get a localnode up and running (hopefully 240 gb is enough)

well ... 204 actually

  • see if i can make transactions like payments on the local network while that one syncs to the blockchain so the actual keys never have to leave ... IF POSSIBLE :p (or is that already happening with steempy?)
  • euhm ... now we filtered out the root_posts, maybe check for comments that arent stale yet in case someone quit trying because of (you know, why, elitist bastard) and just interacts a little here and there, but that will be for later, re-steems wont count and ...

  • ofcourse, randomize the processs BUT id need to see vote value for that , i dont wanna elect anyone who will get a vote that turns to dust, thats an honourable mention with zero practical use, pragmacticalists like me (not a spelling mistake) cant have that ... i'm sure its possible but as i dont count this as getting paid it will happen in my time on my tempo, im sure no one has any reason to complain so far

  • switch pretty_please to include function

  • split up accounts when they reach treshold due to the lousy security one factor password system to spread assets over multiple 'vaults', it will lose on curation and probably look like you're upvoting with a whole system, but one compromised password doesnt mean losing everything that way, MUST DO !

  • ponder specific vars in composemainbody on flag or switch to relative project and put them there like

  1. if [ -n "$RAFFLEVOTES" ]

can be put in either ubasti/ubasti without the conditional or in the mainbody where its conditional depending on flag $2

  • put composemainbody.inc autodeclined / non eligible in separate file

  • start my own bookmarks folder on alleycat.be this is how many times now ? trusting third parties and that cloud-shyte never works out

  • finally start that appgamekit thing simulating population and put that here too ...

  • yes, thats not half a bad idea precious ... script a script that generates python code and picks permlinks from a list ... i can set up the list in advance and just run the command and enter the passphrase on alarm-time-is-now ... not quite supreme but timesaving, good let me write this down in the middle of my laundry before i forget it, m-hm, it wont work to keep up the 100% votes while sleeping or afk but for now its a timesaver, GUD, downwritten

  • check if i can pipe an OTP into the batchpay script that would solve most of my moral dilemma on storing unencrypted passphrases locally on disk or in an env var ... GOOD IDEA, PRECIOUS, TWICE A DAY AND WITH A BLEEDING HEADACHE LIKE THIS, we might get it up and running and get to the appgamekit after all ... now where's my money ?

  • something i just thought of but forgot by the time im typing it , the bende van blo is breaking my focus at 60 interrupts per second atm, i hate this fucking place

  • and euhm ... yea switch runallvotes.sh0 to read from inputfile , yess and put a timer in between so they don't talk all at once ... good thinking, precious that sounded like a mess

  • and also : spend less time on posts and more on code and comments ... spending three hours on a post for some layout and some stuff seems a total waste of time over time statistically speaking, since i'm not the norm and i dont do monkey dance it doesn't work like that for me

  • and also : get some of this to-do shit done first LOL

  • and also ... use sakhmet/ubasti style script to render this from files so there's consistent layout

  • put batchupvotes to append the name of the author of last post voted on into -> rafflevotes (with distro number ofcourse)

  • make enough money from one post per week to not make more than one post per week and focus on other things that do not require phoneboy and/or suitman to have the illusion to be the boss of me (cos thats never gonna happen again, im damaged)

  • get independent from handouts by government, employers lobby and benevolend enlighters

  • get rich or die trying

  • hunt down and exterminate whoever has been wrecking the sbd price fro a month now

  • never go for witness on steemit

  • much much more

  • get catfood

  • dont trust dogs

  • avoid humans

  • live by night (because i couldnt even type this post by day)

  • and so on ...

if you feel like this is @utopian-io go ahead but its one-man team so i dont know how open source that is lol

it's ergo-therapy

i need it for my epic, i'll never be you, i'll never be teamplayer, if i ever had it in me, they ruined that and damaged me too bad ... if you can't see past the middle finger its best we dont talk too much


well ...

celeroncat@cerebro ~/Documents/steemUX/ubasti $ steempy config
| Key                 | Value                    |
| nodes               | https://rpc.steemviz.com |
| default_vote_weight | 100                      |
| default_account     | ubasti                   |
celeroncat@cerebro ~/Documents/steemUX/ubasti $ steempy listaccounts
ERROR:root:Downgrade-retry rpc.steemviz.com
| Name | Type | Available Key                                         |
| n/a  | n/a  | STM7rqwdzTXQLjJhcixtg1BNbwDRNgkbuevd7CPZiKrpYAKCCshkq |
| n/a  | n/a  | STM7FZ5JSHzuHVQ2pKrdZCDS6NbmY1oM89cSr6TqTrbs6XvkPbZmQ |
| n/a  | n/a  | STM8fMwDjKWqACnkGwqVp7uU3U5X64ABh9xo2RtFVeMVBbdoGeQLK |
| n/a  | n/a  | STM6p23FVQN3kfLiTG1BdN5k5WKpbqi5oCgYCgopmrmCvsbHGBro4 |
| n/a  | n/a  | STM7wcSkPfEYe9PRMHfYSH4DenbqBMPfJoGrTHwBGwz2au8xNqFyR |
| n/a  | n/a  | STM8ETYqqaftaxtov67EwKK7BPoDiS52t7f2ZUbuGjoyzpc58fNf2 |
| n/a  | n/a  | STM8XU9J49KBKYLKDbPrhh1ybAm49dJeojGKdH1xeux7msX18kTc1 |
| n/a  | n/a  | STM7F57UQdUKi4ve7jyovwqC44LsTDSgbNn8tQB1DSLSbX9eTrb8p |
| n/a  | n/a  | STM5kCofcJaYsN3H7ma11q9qP3SfdMCTJAwCFQ1dSfrnkjcMyC4yS |
| n/a  | n/a  | STM5RPoha4tLy1SVWLXBmgkv6HcJdcjx8gugyZm8k9cwaWE2rWTj8 |
| n/a  | n/a  | STM8YBrJpJYhUV69mXJxHbfGjjmQMgbyuQhWFCBkchVZunBLAAAKh |
| n/a  | n/a  | STM7z7EpnogUTKaivASvdG2KSnTTX1oySAmquu56JbdinEKKJPUon |
| n/a  | n/a  | STM7v5Dwx4fp5t479uKAFEvnUwLygd3s2qHMTmz3aGAEaMtFHjSvZ |
| n/a  | n/a  | STM8HM8vKGKiPSBjCwjdWFSmQeebQiFqp43r3dEoA63C188ibsF7u |
celeroncat@cerebro ~/Documents/steemUX/ubasti $ steempy listkeys
| Available Key                                         |
| STM7rqwdzTXQLjJhcixtg1BNbwDRNgkbuevd7CPZiKrpYAKCCshkq |
| STM7FZ5JSHzuHVQ2pKrdZCDS6NbmY1oM89cSr6TqTrbs6XvkPbZmQ |
| STM8fMwDjKWqACnkGwqVp7uU3U5X64ABh9xo2RtFVeMVBbdoGeQLK |
| STM6p23FVQN3kfLiTG1BdN5k5WKpbqi5oCgYCgopmrmCvsbHGBro4 |
| STM7wcSkPfEYe9PRMHfYSH4DenbqBMPfJoGrTHwBGwz2au8xNqFyR |
| STM8ETYqqaftaxtov67EwKK7BPoDiS52t7f2ZUbuGjoyzpc58fNf2 |
| STM8XU9J49KBKYLKDbPrhh1ybAm49dJeojGKdH1xeux7msX18kTc1 |
| STM7F57UQdUKi4ve7jyovwqC44LsTDSgbNn8tQB1DSLSbX9eTrb8p |
| STM5kCofcJaYsN3H7ma11q9qP3SfdMCTJAwCFQ1dSfrnkjcMyC4yS |
| STM5RPoha4tLy1SVWLXBmgkv6HcJdcjx8gugyZm8k9cwaWE2rWTj8 |
| STM7z7EpnogUTKaivASvdG2KSnTTX1oySAmquu56JbdinEKKJPUon |
| STM7v5Dwx4fp5t479uKAFEvnUwLygd3s2qHMTmz3aGAEaMtFHjSvZ |
| STM8HM8vKGKiPSBjCwjdWFSmQeebQiFqp43r3dEoA63C188ibsF7u |
celeroncat@cerebro ~/Documents/steemUX/ubasti $ 

see ?
none of those keys are ubasti ... i did try to create an account , its says account creation fee 0.100 then it says at least 1.000 needed ... and leaves me with a lot of keys, i get the impression the keys arent even randomized if i try to create same account/same passphrase it says "key already there or something" ... scary ...

but i'm also sure it said ubasti there in the tables before today

call me paranoid, but this has to be formatted and reinstalled

previous post(bottom up .. or was that top-down?) -> should link back all to the first one at the bottom








theres a lot going on never thought poloniex(goldman sachs) was such a big reserve but things are moving there hmmm ...

i havent logged in in over a week , i see my account value and my vote value and i can kinda see how its been ... from almost 0.06 to nearly not dividable 0.04 in a week ? i wish someone would have the formula there ... well i do, cos i have the algorithm to show me the exact value down to the 12th digit and i see only 10% decrease in a week but thats a lot more decrease on my vote value so i must be missing some financial wizard thing here. Mt. Gox did a funny to,, years and years i hear nothing, last week there's a mail in my inbox ... all in japanese ... so i guess i could get my 1.5 mined BTC i had back then back ... but at prices back then i hear, i wouldnt get any damage for the money i couldnt make because of it ... so even if microsoft didnt ban my login .. which i dont have anymore and even if i did i wouldnt have the email anymore i couldnt even apply for it because i thought the suit was pretty much dead since after the first postcards i received when the fucker ran off with the money i heard nothing, i know law is slow but this ?

the $500 would be a what ? 0.005 increase in vote power here ? but it would be something, right :p

its not very motivational to put effort into it like this but i guess theres only one thing to do : keep going ... gives me time to reply hahah

mh , i dont even know what exactly is on poloniex but it wont be more than a few ETC worth anyway ... didnt know that was goldman sachs btw, but i guess that means they will at least not run off with it HAHA, what i do know is that for the time ive been registered there steem and sbd "wallets" havent worked ... where the idea was to catch the overflow to get a little bit of other currencies gradually, that kinda makes it expensive if i have to pass through another exchange to exhange steem for btc then btc for something else on poloniex : double fee and even IF, at current prices its just not worth exchanging

double whammey, i wish i could say i made bad choices all back then but i didnt ... i got fucked from mt.gox to brussels and flanders-hickville in everything i tried, makes a person slightly a-pathic over time ...

BTC was the RIGHT choice, right ... clearly was ...
but well, i'm not gonna hang myself over it, when all else fails i can always go to the doc for drooling pills and apply for a nice seat in the psych ward and let the state do the paying :)

it did something to my sense of humour too i think .. i mean its not just financially its literally about EVERYTHING i tried over the last years, if not decade, that for some reason gets twisted by third party interference at a level where theres nothing i can do about it but, my decision's been made so long ago there's no alternative (as you heard me say here a few times) ... if i'm to be stuck in this hellhole then i might as well be already dead and just sit on my ass :))

your little ray of sunshine for the day ...

i think your right MTGox strikes again these guys(the lawyers) have worked that cow up and down, the exchanges have an instrumental role in the prices, for example Upbit traders moved all their Steem out to other exchanges, MTGox traders will finally get their coins back good for them, twenty minutes before the market crashed a coincidence maybe.
my intuition says buy now *this is not financial advice, i will probably get more SBD's cause the price is right and since the payout rewards have changed seems like the SBD's are having a shortage could it be? Now payouts have more Steem hmm ..

This post received a $0.011 (3.23%) upvote from @upvotewhale thanks to @rudyardcatling! For more information, check out my profile!

This post has received a 1.04 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @rudyardcatling.

This post has been upvoted by @minibot with 9.0%!
You want higher upvotes?

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Did you know, that you can make some profit with your witness vote?
More profits? 100% Payout! Delegate some SteemPower to @minibot: 1 SP, 5 SP, 10 SP, custom amount
You like to bet and win 20x your bid? Have a look at @gtw and this description!

This post has been upvoted by @microbot with 4.5%!
You want higher upvotes?

Vote for my creator @isnochys as witness!

Did you know, that you can make some profit with your witness vote?
More profits? 100% Payout! Delegate some SteemPower to @microbot: 1 SP, 5 SP, 10 SP, custom amount
You like to bet and win 20x your bid? Have a look at @gtw and this description!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 59067.30
ETH 2504.47
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.44