Week Twenty eight Colonye post: PLAGUE!!!

in #rpg6 years ago (edited)

To the how to jone comment below or go on Discord )

Darkland is sitting at 5200 SP steem power. All players get two post a day, up voted from 30% if u have more then 5 workers you get 6% up vote per worker up to 90%. your comments always get a good up vote. you can make gold in the game to get steembasicincome shares.


all photos from pixabay
you need to expect miss spelling in the post. I am a dyslexic and en English is not my main language. This post is and updated version of last weeks colony post Due do to the amount of information part of the post Copied and Pasted.
The trading outpost.

Gob is safety back in his village. thanked to @methus , @stever82 he got back without any real problems. but his village is under constant attack from the undead and the wood gate was destroyed. the goblins need wood to repair the gate. the goblin will be in your debt if you can help

@hhayweaver was bite by and undead while scouting the tower he most have acquire some kind of plague. one worker from the outpost is already dead. the outpost its not aware how many are sick but gunnar believe using a health potion will heal the sick. but if not all workers are cured if will continuing spreading. we believe its kill fast so 1-2 two weeks. after the workers are infected they are in danger to die. (you the player can not be sick)

the outpost is worry over the amount of undeads in the forest next to the tower and are willing to pay good amount of wheat and silver if you can help clear them out or thin them out except large numbers.

Blacksmith: to put a gem in to a +1 weapon or armor make a ring.amulet it cost 5 silver.
to get better upgrades you need help from a colonist

  • buying wood,stone,1-1 ratio
  • buying 1 wood or stone for 1 any food types.
  • selling 1 wheat for 2 meat,fish,wood or stone
  • selling 1 meat for 2 wheat,fish,wood or stone
  • selling 1 fish for 2 wheat,meat,wood or stone
  • we are buying +3 weapons for 4 wood or stone*
  • we are buying +4 weapons for 6 wood or stone
  • we are buying +5 weapons for 8 wood or stone
  • we are buying hide, studded armor/wood shield for 5 wood
  • we are buying gem weapons/armor any types from 8 wood or stone.

the outpost gold Exchange

  • we are buying five silver and pay one gold
  • we are buying three gems and pay one gold
  • we are selling one steembasicincome share for 3 gold
  • we are selling one 100% up vote for 2 gold

a comment or post (dont need to be yours just link it in your comment)
more info in the darkland wiki under part three:Regions
NB :read the rules on occupation before attacking a region.

All regions are medium quest difficulty

15 of 15 Regions Discovered

  1. Crimson forest weekly bonus : 4 meat and 2 hide +10% up vote owner: @methus,
  2. Shattan lumberyard bonus +6 wood +10% up vote Owner: @Blockurator
  3. Seven Sister bonus +6 stone +10% up vote Owner: @cyber.explorer
  4. Orange hills bonus +6 wheat +10% up vote Owner: The snake clan
  5. Black harbor bonus: special trade agreements +10% up vote Owner: @ecoinstant
  6. Green wally bonus +8 wheat access the Brewery +10% up vote Owner: The snake clan
  7. Shrubs bonus: two workers jone your colony +10% up vote Owner: The snake clan
  8. Lake Sherwood bonus: +10 fish the owner +10% up vote Owner: The snake clan
  9. The iron company bonus: +4 iron can get a gem +10% up vote Owner:@happyme
  10. Seven silver bonus: +8 silver can get a gem +10% up vote Owner: The snake clan
  11. Red clover forest +4 herbs +10% up vote Owner: The snake clan
  12. Depp Cove +6 fish +10% up vote Owner: The snake clan
  13. Shining rock +2 gems +10% up vote Owner: The snake clan
  14. Lambert hunting and hide +8 meat 2 hide+10% up vote Owner: The snake clan
  15. Fungus Tower wizard tower +8 Fish +10% up vote Owner: The snake clan

Darkland wiki

Overview over all Colones. and quest Rules

how workers are working update here is the post on the matter.

new armor classes

Gold if your workers are happy you will get 1 gold/tax a week or by doing the Gold prospector quest or by selling silver or gems to get gold. gold is used to make your colony more profitable
out in steemit. by getting steembasicincome share or extra bigger up votes.
your colony can max have 10 gold at the time.


had a quiet week he build one more housing and unaware of the upcoming dangers around. his alchemist unaware of the inporten work he is doing. workers are getting angry over missing good food.

the outpost: the ally goblin camp need wood if you are able. send 5 wood

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 40SP (three workers)
Silver workers: (five) next one 30 silver
Wood 11 (+6 Region)(-20 construction)(-2 fire)
Stone 62 (+35 workers)(-5 construction)
wheat 28 (+10 worker)(-8 workers)
Fish 0
Silver 40 (-4 potion)(+5 worker)
gem 6
health potion 11 (+2 worker)
iron 0 (-1 trade)
Ale 1
herbs 20 (+6 worker)(-4 potion)
Gold 7 of 10

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty farming)(Shattan lumberyard +6 wood)
+1 Stone -1 wood +1 stone gunnars pickaxe
Workers 0% good)(your workers need two different food (2 of 3 housing)

weapons(+4 iron axe)(+5 iron long sword 3 dam/gem)(+4 bow 2 dam)(+5 bow 3 dam)
(+5 iron sword 3 dam)

armor(+4 armor iron Shield) (2x +2 hide chest)(2x +1 hide leggings)(+1 hide boots)(+1 hide helmet)(+2 studded boots)(+8 studded chest gem)

items(+1 to hit amulet)(ballistic stationed defenses)(+1 hit +1 armor collar for talon)

Production Buildings (all building in the colony file etc more info)

  • Research bench 1 and 2 (need a worker)
  • Silver mine +5 silver (need a worker)
  • Farm +5 wheat (need a worker)
  • Stone Quarry +5 (need a worker)
  • herb cabin (+3 herbs herb Forager)(Alchemist +2 potion a turn)
    see colony file on more info.

Colony Phase:
you can move u eight around if u want.
here are your workers from last week.
0 Lumberjack; 2 farmer; 0 Stone Quarry ; 1 Builder; 0 Scientist; 1 Silver miner,2 herb Forager,2 alchemist

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Lumberyard, House

research (need a Scientist)
buildings:,cabin, Barracks,iron mine,Brewery,Blacksmith,armorer,stone wall,wizard tower

Level 2 buildings: lumberyard, quarry stone,Farm, iron mine ,silver mine, herb cabin
gem mine and cabin

alchemist (need a Scientist)
using astride book discoverer potions 0 of 5.

Gold prospector (easy)
attack the tower (hard)
Hunting (medium)
Enter the spider cave (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)

@cyber.explorer "fyres forest"

is working in his colony a shipment of wheat is coming from @Ecoinstant his workers are pleas over the new food. but the next day a few of his workers dont feel so good.
and new workers is coming to the colony and the Scientist understand now how we can make barbarian and Rouge armor.

the outpost: the ally goblin camp need wood if you are able. send 5 wood

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 160SP (five workers)
Silver workers: (seven) next one 40 silver
Wood 2 (+16 worker)(-20 construction)(-5 fire)
Stone 17 (+7 Region)(-5 construction)
meat 13 (+21 workers)(-15 trade)(-14 workers/dog)
fish 28
wheat 2 (+15 trade)(-13 workers)
Silver 40 (-35 hire new worker)
hide 3 (+4 hunters)(-4 armorer)
ale 1
gem 2
iron 13 (-6 armorer)(+8 workers)
health potion 3
herbs 2
Gold 5 of 10 (+1 tax)

Colony conditions: (plague 4 of 12 workers are sick and need a health potion without its 50/50 chance of dead if not treated it will spread)
Current Modifiers: (specialty hunting)(+7 stone Seven Sister region , stone (gunnars pickaxe)
+2 wood -2 stone )(Cabin +1)
Workers 100% good)(your workers need two different food (4 of 4 housing)

weapons(+5 iron sword gem 3 dam)(+5 iron war hammer gem 6 dam two hands)(+5 iron sword 3 dam)(+5 dark staff 2 melee damage)(+5 crossbow 4 dam)(+5 iron hammer/gem 5 dam one hand)

armor (+2 iron horn helmet)(+4 iron helmet)(+4 studded chest)(+2 studded leggings)(2x +2 studded boots)(+4 iron shield)( +1 hide leggings)(+8 iron chest)(+4 iron leggings)(+4 Iron boots)

items(wolf pelt +1 hit)(+1 amulet)(blazed Spiked collar w/gem +1)(+2 wolf tooth amulet)

Production Buildings (all building in the colony file etc more info)

  • Hunter cabin (+4 food +1 hide (need a worker)
  • Lumber yard +5 wood (need a worker)
  • Stone Quarry +5 stone (need a worker)
  • Armorer (need a worker)
  • iron mine +3 iron (need a worker)
  • Blacksmith (need a worker) (see colony file for more info)
  • Silver mine +5 silver (need a worker)
  • Iron gate

Colony Phase:
u can move your eleven if u want.
here are your workers from last week.
4 Lumberjack; 4 hunter; 0 Miner; 1 Builder; 0 Scientist;1 Armorer ,0 iron minder, 0 Blacksmith,
1 quest.
Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

House ,Research bench two,herb cabin, Brewery ,wizard tower, ,moat,Barracks

research (need a Scientist)
buildings: none

Blacksmith/armorer research (need a Scientist)(see colony file for more info)

Gold prospector (easy)
attack the tower (hard)
Hunting (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)

@creativetruth "Silvery Marsh"

and big Jake went to hunt a Mountain lion. the where success. on they way back the meeting gunnar from the outpost he warning them of plague outbreak after one colonists got bitten by and undead. gunnar wondering if you have a few spare health potion the outpost desperately need them most of the outpost are infected. back at the colony the brewery is up. his workers are happy to get stable shipment of fish in.
the outpost: the ally goblin camp need wood if you are able. send 5 wood

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 80SP (four workers)
Silver workers: (six) next one 35 silver
Wood 55 (-30 construction)(+50 trade)(-4 fire)
Stone 9 (-5 Alchemist)(-30 construction)
wheat 23 (+18 worker)(-10 workers)(-10 trade)(+1 pig)
meat10 (+10 quest)
Fish 10 (-10 worker)(+10 trade)
Silver 10 (-5 construction)
ale 0
gem 9
health potion 0 (-1 used)
Armor Potion 1 (+1 Alchemist)
iron 24
herbs 14 (-2 Alchemist)
Gold 1 of 10 (+1 tax)(-3 gold +1 SBI)
hide 1 (+1 quest)
'animal skull 1 (+1 quest)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty farming)
+1 stone (gunnars pick axe) -1 stone +1 all (Cabin)
Workers 100% good)(your workers need two different food (4 of 4 housing)

weapons/(+4 "Fang")(+4 bow)(+6 hunter bow 3 dam)(+5 iron sword 3 dam)(+5 long sword)
(2x +5 iron sword 3 dam)(+5 Spike club (Barbarian) 4 dam) loot from the quest

armor (+2 studded boots)(+2 studded leggings)(+2 wood shield)(+2 armor horn helmet)( +1 armor hide leggings)( +1 hide boots)(2x +2 hide chest)(+1 hide helmet)(+4 iron shield)

items(+1 to hit amulet)(dark staff)(book)(+1 ring)

animal companion pig

Production Buildings (all building in the colony file etc more info)

  • Research bench (need a worker)
  • Farm +5 wheat (need a worker)
  • lumber yard +5 wood (need a worker)
  • Stone Quarry +5 stone (need a worker)
  • Silver mine +5 (need a worker)
  • Blacksmith (need a worker) (more info see colony file)
  • herb cabin (+3 herbs herb Forager)(Alchemist +2 potion a turn)
  • Brewery (one worker can make 2 ale a turn using 4 wheat.)

Colony Phase:
you can move your ten if u want
here are your workers from last week.
0 Lumberjack; 3 farmer; 2 Miner; 1 Builder; 1 Scientist;0 Silver miner,0 herb Forager,1 alchemist
0 brewer, 1 quest,1 Blacksmith

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Wood wall, Research bench two,wizard tower,
iron mine,stone wall.

research (need a Scientist)
buildings:, Barracks, armorer.

Blacksmith research(need a Scientist) (more info see colony file)
alchemist (need a Scientist) using astride book discoverer potions 4 of 5.

Gold prospector (easy)
attack the tower (hard)
Hunting (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)

@Ecoinstant "Sustainable Acres"

is building a house. a shiment from the outpost is coming he notes the worker from the outpost is coughing offers him a rest time he accepting..and staying the night..the worker from the outpost is still sleeping when @Ecoinstant is checks him he notest his face is blue and he is cold the worker is dead...Ecoinstant standing a few second.then
slowly backing out.. looks around notes most of his workers are coughing..he wonders how did this happen. the worker from the outpost most be the infection one but where did it come from.

the outpost: the ally goblin camp need wood if you are able. send 5 wood

Black harbor

  • selling hide armor set 1 set for 10 silver. (not buying)

Black harbor trade fund 37 stone
Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 320SP (six workers)
Silver workers: (six) next one 35 silver
Wood 153 (-20 constitution)(+100 trade) (-4 fire)
Stone 243 (+36 workers)(-100 trade)(-5 constitution)
wheat 161 (+35 workers)(-12 workers)
Fish 5 (-12 workers)
meat10 (+10 trade)
Silver 57
gem 3 (-3 trade)
health potion 7
iron 4
hide 2
ale 5
herbs 2
Gold 1 of 10 (+1 trade)(+1 tax)(-3. 1 SBI)
animal scull 1

Colony conditions: (plague 10 of 12 workers are sick and need a health potion without its 50/50 chance of dead if not treated it will spread)
Current Modifiers: (+1 specialty farming)( Region Black harbor Special trade agreements)
-1 stone and wood +1 stone (gunnars pick ax) Cottage +1 production
Workers 100% good)(your workers need two different food (3 of 4 housing)

weapons(+5 bow 3 dam)(+5 long sword) (+5 iron spear 2 dam)(+5 wizard staff 2 dam )
(2x +5 iron sword 3 dam)(x5 +4 stone club)

Armor(+2 hide chest)(+4 studded chest)(+3 iron helmet)(+4 iron shield)(+1 hide helmet)(x2 +1 hide boots)(+1 hide leggings)

items(2x+1 ring)(2x+1 hit gem necklace)(wolf scull)

Production Buildings (all building in the colony file etc more info)

  • Lumber yard +5 wood (need a worker)
  • Farm +5 (wheat/food) (need a worker)
  • Research bench two (need a worker)
  • Stone Quarry +5 (need a worker)
  • Silver mine +5 (-2 food) (need a worker)
  • Wizard tower (see colony file on spells etc)
  • Brewery (one worker can make 2 ale a turn using 4 wheat.)
  • Herb cabin (+3 herbs herb Forager)(Alchemist +2 potion a turn)
  • Barracks (hire a Soldier whit a base stat of 5)

Colony Phase:
u can move your eleven workers if u want
here are your workers from last week.
0 Lumberjack; 5 farmer; 0 Stone Miner; 1 Builder; 1 Scientist, 5 Silver miner,0 wizard,0 brewer,
0 alchemist, 0 herb Forager, 0 Soldier

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Wood wall, ,Blacksmith
iron mine,iron gate,ballista,moat

research (need a Scientist)
buildings:armorer,batteling ram, Trebuchet,guard tower

spells: a few more has been added (see the colony file etc more info)
alchemist using astride book discoverer potions 3 of 5.

Gold prospector (easy)
attack the tower (hard)
Hunting (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)


is on the way back from escorting gob it was a long journey but it went well.
back in camp all is normal the food and Resources are coming in from trade agreements and the workers are mining all the stone.

the outpost: the ally goblin camp need wood if you are able. send 5 wood

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 80SP (four worker)
Silver workers: (four) next one 25 silver
Wood 21 (+25 trade)(-4 fireplace)
Stone 48 (+48 workers)(-35 trade)
meat 14 (+4 region)(+8 workers)(-8 workers)(-10 trade)
Wheat 17 (-8 workers)(+10 trade)
Silver 71 (+6 quest)
hide 30 (+2 region)
Ale 1
gem 9
health potion 4
iron 2
herbs 2
Gold 3 of 10 (+1 tax)
animal skull1
barbarian ale 2 (+2 trade)(+2 to hit and a +2 damage in combat.)
Stew 2 (+2 trade)(you feed to stew to your workers its a +3 production and the workers are boost up to 100% happiness)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty hunting)(Region Crimson forest +4 food +2 hide)
+2 stone (+1 stone gunnars pick axe)
Workers 100% good)(your workers need two different food (3 of 3 housing)

weapons:(+3 bow)(+4 bow)(3x +5 iron sword 2 dam)(+4 spike wood club)(3x +3 stone club)(x2 +3 stone ax)(+4 heavy stone spear 3 dam(+4 stone spear)(+6 dark staff 2 melee damage and +2 spell dam)(+5 Bow 3 dam)(2x +5 swords 3dam)(+3 warhammer 5 dam)

Armor(+4 armor iron Shield)(2x +2 wood shield)(+2 studded boots)(+2 studded leggings)(+2 hide chest)(+3 hide chest/gem)(+1 hide helmet)(4x +1 hide leggings)(+1 hide boots)(+2 wizard helmet +1 spell dam)(+4 studded hide boots gem)(+4 studded chest)

items(+1 ring)(+1 hit gem amulet)

Production Buildings (all building in the colony file etc more info)

  • hunter cabin +4 meat +1 hide (need a worker)
  • Research bench (need a worker)
  • Silver mine +5 silver (need a worker)
  • wizard tower (see colony file on more info)can hire a wizard)
  • Barracks (hire a Soldier whit a base stat of 5)
  • Herb cabin (+3 herbs herb Forager)(Alchemist +2 potion a turn)
  • Stone Quarry +5 stone (need a worker)

Colony Phase:
u can move your eight workers if u want
here are your workers from last week.
0 Lumberjack; 2 hunter; 6 Miner; 0 Builder;0 Scientist, 0 silver miner,0 wizard,0 Soldier,0 alchemist, 0 herb Forager

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Lumber yard, Wood wall, Barracks, Research bench two,Blacksmith,Gold mine, and Armorer,guard tower, house

research (need a Scientist)
buildings:, cabin,iron mine, ,iron gate,ballista, batteling ram, Trebuchet, and moat

spells: Roots,Rage,berserk
alchemist using astride book discoverer potions 2 of 5.

Gold prospector (easy)
attack the tower (hard)
Hunting (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)


in the forest around the tower Paradigm42 seeing undead. she is next to hhayweaver and undead jumping him and it bites him in the arm..better get out of here before they all get here. and the rest of the colonist decide to fall back. back in the colony she feel a bit sick.

the outpost: the ally goblin camp need wood if you are able. send 5 wood

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Silver workers: (four) next one 25 silver
Wood 26 (-1 fireplace)
Stone 69 (+24 workers)
meat 24 (+4 workers)(-4 worker)
Silver 40 (+5 quest)
hide 24 (+1 workers)
ale 1
health potion 2
iron 9
gem 10
Cinnamon rolls 1 (+2 to hit +2 production one week)
herbs 6
Gold 7 of 10 (+1 tax)

'Colony conditions:(plague 1 of 4 workers are sick and need a health potion without its 50/50 chance of dead if not treated it will spread)
Current Modifiers: (specialty hunting) +1 stone +1 stone gunnars pickaxe -2 wood
Cottage +1 production
Workers (get activate after 5 workers)

weapons (+4 bow)(+5 long sword)(2x +3 wood spear)(+3 bow)(+5 iron sword 3 dam)(+4 spiked club (Barbarian)(+4 iron battle ax gem 5 dam)(+5 dark staff 2 melee damage)

Armor(+2 armor hide chest)(+1 armor hide helmet)(+2 armor studded hide leggings)
(+1 hide boots)

items(+2 hit bear cape "special item")

Production Buildings (all building in the colony file etc more info)

  • Research bench (need a worker)
  • Hunter cabin +4 meat +1 hide (need a worker)
  • Stone Quarry +5 (need a worker)
  • Silver mine +5 (need a worker)
  • Armorer (need a worker) see colony file for more info
  • Cottage +1 production

Colony Phase:
u can move you four workers move if u want to
here are your workers from last week.
0 Lumberjack;2 hunter; 2 stone miner; 0 Builder;0 Scientist,0 Silver miner

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

lumber yard,, Wood wall, Research bench two, wizard tower,iron mine, house and Brewery

research (need a Scientist)
buildings:Blacksmith, Barracks, stone wall,herb cabin

Armorer (need a Scientist) see colony file for more info

Gold prospector (easy)
attack the tower (hard)
Hunting (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)


is coming back from scouting the towers sadly he did not even come close the forest around the tower is filled whit undeads. back at camp all is normal the workers are unaware of the danger lurking in the forest. back in camp he dont feel well he remember hhayweaver was bite by a undead. one of his workers are also sick.

the outpost: the ally goblin camp need wood if you are able. send 5 wood

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 80SP (four workers)
Silver workers: (two) next one 15 silver
Wood 40 (+8 trade)(-3 fire)
Stone 73 (+32 worker)
meat 40 (+12 workers) (-10 trade)(-6 workers)
Fish 49 (+1 gift from ligayagardener on the trade)
wheat 44 (-6 worker)(+10 trade)
Silver 34 (+5 quest)
hide 25 (+2 workers)
gem 4 (+1 region)
Herbs 2
Gold 6 of 10 (+1 tax)
health potion 1
iron 8 (+4 Region)(+2 trade)
Ale 1

Colony conditions:(plague 1 of 4 workers are sick and need a health potion without its 50/50 chance of dead if not treated it will spread)
Current Modifiers: (specialty hunting) (+1 all production Cabin)
+1 stone +1 hunter +1 stone gunnars pick axe)(+4 iron iron company)
Workers 100% good)(your workers need two different food (2 of 2 housing)

weapons:(+5 long sword 3 dam gem)(+5 bow/gem 5 dam)
(+5 iron sword 3 dam)

Armor(+4 studded chest plate)(2x +1 armor hide helmet)(4x +2 hide chest plate)(+1 hide leggings)(2x +1 hide boots)(+16 iron chest gem)(+4 iron leggings)(+4 Armor iron shield)

items(+1 hit gem Ring)(2x +1 hit gem amulet)

Production Buildings (all building in the colony file etc more info)

  • Stone Quarry +5 stone (need a worker)
  • Hunter cabin +4 meat +1 hide (need a worker)
  • Research bench (need a worker)
  • Cabin +1 all Resources building)

Colony Phase:
u can move you six workers if u want to
here are your workers from last week.
0 Lumberjack; 2 hunter; 4 Miner; 0 Builder;0 Scientist,

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

lumber yard, Wood wall,herb cabin, Research bench two,stone wall,Blacksmith, cabin, house

research (need a Scientist)
buildings: silver mine,iron mine,wizard tower, armorer,Brewery, and Barracks,

Gold prospector (easy)
attack the tower (hard)
Hunting (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)


the workers has got word stever82 is on his way back from helping gob. they are glad he is well. he can come back and do a normal week turn now. back at camp life as been exciting while he was away. his colony has become a inporten trading hub feeding his fallow colonist whit fish

the outpost: the ally goblin camp need wood if you are able. send 5 wood

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 80SP four workers
Silver workers (Two) (next one 15 silver)
Wood 45 (+10 worker)(-10 trade)(-3 fire)
Stone 20 (+10 trade)
Fish 57 (+32 worker)(-6 worker)(-20 trade)
meat 29 (+10 trade)
Wheat 24 (+10 trade)(-6 worker)
Silver 27 (+6 quest)
iron 5
ale 2 (-1 used)
Health Potion 2
hide 6
Herbs 2
Gold 6 of 10 (+1 tax)
Animal scull 1
Barbarian Ale 2 (+2 trade) (+2 to hit and a +2 damage in combat.)
stew 2 (+2 trade)(you feed to stew to your workers its a +3 production and the workers are boost up to 100% happiness)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty fish)
+2 wood -2 stone +1 stone gunnars pick axe)(Cottage +1 production)
Workers 100% good)(your workers need two different food (2 of 2 housing)

weapons (+5 iron axe)(+5 iron spike club/gem 5 dam (Barbarian)(+5 bow 3 dam)(3x +3 stone club)(+4 bow)
(+5 iron sword 3 dam)(+4 stone club 2 dam)(+3 war hammer 5 dam)

Armor(+4 armor large wood shield)(2x +1 armor hide helmet)(2x +2 armor hide chest)(2x +1 hide leggings)(+1 hide boots)(+2 studded hide boots)(+4 studded hide chest)

items(+2 boar fangs amulet)

Production Buildings (all building in the colony file etc more info)

  • Research bench (need a worker)
  • Fishing Cabin +7 food (need a worker)
  • Cottage +1 production

Colony Phase:
u can move you six worker if u want.
here is the jobs your can do

2 Lumberjack;4 fisherman;0 Miner;0 Builder;0 Scientist

Available Buildings see colony file on more info cost etc
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

lumber yard, Stone Quarry,Blacksmith, Wood wall, silver mine , Research bench two,Brewery,armorer

research (need a Scientist)
buildings:,iron mine,wizard tower
herb cabin,stone wall and Barracks.

Gold prospector (easy)
attack the tower (hard)
Hunting (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)



the second house is up whit the wheat in camp his workers are happy.
in the forest a fare bit away from the tower hhayweaver and his fellow traveler meet undeads in the forest. hhayweaver was suprise one of them got so close and he got bite of one. they falling back. the outpost think we need a bigger force to clear out the forest. back at camp hhayweaver
notes two of his workers are sick..he think by giving them a health potion will heal them

the outpost: the ally goblin camp need wood if you are able. send 5 wood

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 40SP three Worker
Silver workers(two) (next one 15 silver)
Wood 3 (+15 Trade)(-20 construction)(-3 fire)
Stone 8 (+16 worker)(-5 construction)(-15 Trade)
meat 15 (+10 worker)(-5 worker)
Fish 0 (-2 worker)
wheat 11 (-3 workers)
Silver 36 (+5 quest)
health potion 2
gem 5
hide 11 (+2 worker)
Herbs 2
Gold 5 of 10 (+1 Tax)
Animal scull 1

Colony conditions::(plague** 2 of 4 workers are sick and need a health potion without its 50/50 chance of dead if not treated it will spread)
Current Modifiers:
+1 stone -1 wood (specialty hunting) +1 stone gunnars pick
(Cottage +1 production)
Workers 100% good)(your workers need two different food (2 of 2 housing)

weapons(+3 war hammer 5 dam (two hands)( +5 iron sword 2 dam)(+4 bow gem 3 dam)(+5 iron sword 3 dam)(2x +4 stone club 2 dam)

Armor(2x +1 armor hide helmet)(2x +2 hide chest)(2x +1 hide leggings)(x2+1 hide boots)(+2 Ranger helmet +1 ranger damage)

items(+1 Ring)(+2 bear amulet)

Production Buildings (all building in the colony file etc more info)

  • Research bench (need a worker)
  • Stone Quarry +5 (need a worker)
  • hunter cabin +4 meat +1 hide (need a worker)
  • Silver mine +5 silver (need a worker)

Colony Phase:
u can move your five worker if u want
here is the jobs your can do

0 Lumberjack;2 hunter;2 Miner;1 Builder;0 Scientist: 0 Silver miner

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

lumber yard,Wood wall, Research bench two, iron mine, house

research (need a Scientist)
buildings: Blacksmith and armorer,Brewery,herb cabin,stone wall, Barracks and wizard tower

Gold prospector (easy)
attack the tower (hard)
Hunting (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)


went down to find more gold, back in the camp the Scientist found out how to build the silver mine. and the farmers are doing good work.

the outpost: the ally goblin camp need wood if you are able. send 5 wood

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 20 SP Two workers
** Silver workers** (Two) (next one 15 silver)
Wood 26 (+3 workers)(-1 fire place)
Stone 22 (+10 stone)
wheat 44 (+14 workers)(-4 worker)
Silver 9
Cinnamon rolls 2 (+2 to hit +2 production one week)
gem 1
Iron 9
health potion 1
Gold 8 of 10 (+1 quest)(+1 tax)

Colony conditions:(+2 specialty farming)(-1 food)(-2 stone)
Current Modifiers: +1 stone gunnars pick
Workers (get activated after 5 worker)

weapons (+5 iron sword 2 dam)

Armor (+4 armor large wood shield)(+1 armor hide boots)(+1 armor hide helmet)(+2 hide chest plate)(+1 hide leggings)


Production Buildings (all building in the colony file etc more info)

  • Bed
  • Fireplace
  • Farm +5 wheat (need a worker)
  • Research bench (need a worker)see colony file on more info

Colony Phase:
u can move your four worker if u want
here is the jobs your can do

1 Lumberjack;2 farmer;0 Miner;0 Builder;1 Scientist

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

stone quarry, lumberyard,wood wall , silver mine

research (need a Scientist)see colony file on more info

,iron mine ,cottage,Brewery,Blacksmith,armorer,Stone wall,Barracks,research bench 2
herb cabin,wizard tower

Gold prospector (easy)
attack the tower (hard)
Hunting (medium)
find out ho is following her (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)


is meting up whit his fellow colonists to scouting one of the towers. but even before they ses the tower the enconter a undead. in fear off getting attacket they fall back and reporting there finding to the outpost. back at camp a new worker is arrives. and the Research bench is done. now the colony can use a Scientist to research new building and get new technology

the outpost: the ally goblin camp need wood if you are able. send 5 wood

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 20 SP two workers
Silver workers (two) (next one 15 silver)
Wood 19 (+5 worker)( -1 fireplace)(-10 construction)
Stone 24
meat 17 (+10 worker)(-4 workers)
fish 9 (-1 gift)
Silver 9 (+5 quest)(-10 hire a new worker)
iron 2 (-2 trade)
gem 1
Gold 3 of 10 (+1 tax)
Hide 7 (+2 worker)

Colony conditions:(+1 specialty hunting) +1 stone -1 wood -1 food
Current Modifiers: +1 stone gunnars pick
Workers (get activated after 5 worker)

weapons (+3 stone spear 2 dam)(+4 bow 2 dam)(+5 Sword 2 dam)

Armor(+1 armor hide boots)(+2 hide chest)(+1 hide helmet)

items(+1 Ring)(+1 amulet)

Production Buildings (all building in the colony file etc more info)

  • Bed
  • Fireplace
  • hunter cabin +4 meat 1 hide per worker
  • Research bench (need a worker) see more info in the colony file

Colony Phase:
u can move your four worker if u want
here is the jobs your can do

1 Lumberjack;2 hunter;0 Miner;1 Builder;0 Scientist

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

stone quarry, lumberyard,wood wall and House

research (need a Scientist)see colony file on more info

silver mine,iron mine ,cottage,Brewery,Blacksmith,armorer,Stone wall,Barracks,research bench 2 , herb cabin,wizard tower

Gold prospector (easy)
attack the tower (hard)
Hunting (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)


is meeting up whit a few colonists to scouting one of the towers. they can see to tower its in a forest but before they even can see the tower the ses undead roaming the forest. and they are unable to get closer. iven if it was a fail mission the outpost appreciate the info. and paying 5 silver. gunnar giving him a ring, you need it more them me, back at camp the fire please is up. the basic need in the cam is meet.

the outpost: the ally goblin camp need wood if you are able. send 5 wood

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0 SP
Silver workers (one) (next one 10 silver)
Wood 12 (-5 construction)(-1 fire)
Stone 7
Food 4 (-1 worker)
Silver 15 (+5 quest)
Gold 2 of 10 (+1 tax)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (+1 specialty fish)+1 wood -2 stone
Workers (get activated after 5 worker)

weapons (+4 sword 2 dam)(+4 bow 2 dam)

Armor(+2 hide chest)(+1 hide leggings)(+1 hide helmet)(+1 hide boots)

items(+1 Ring)

Production Buildings (all building in the colony file etc more info)

  • Bed
  • Fireplace

Colony Phase:
u can move your worker if u want
here is the jobs your can do

0 Lumberjack;0 Forager;0 Miner;1 Builder;

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Research bench 10 wood
Fisherman hut 20 wood 5 stone +7 fish(food)

Gold prospector (easy)
attack the tower (hard)
Hunting (medium)
kill the bandit (medium)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)



Hi there @darklands. Interesting game you have here.

I wondered if you would be interested in coming on The GAME Show on MSP Waves one Thursday to talk about it?

Message me on Discord if you are interested - Pennsif#7721

Hi @pennsif! I'm enjoying playing this game

Posted using Partiko Android

good day...yes a will it can be a bit complicated whit time zone etc but contact you to morrow but now its bed time over here.

That will be great, thank you.

hmm a cant see to find you..but a give it a go when a get home from work

What is your Discord name?



2 will forage for herbs, 6 will mine stone

Send 5 wood to the goblins to help rebuild.
Pending Trade with @hhayweaver, giving 2 health potions, receiving 4 meat and 2 silver
Trade 20 stone for 20 wood with outpost.
Trade 15 silver for 3 gold.
Trade 6 gold for 2 sbi shares.

Attack the tower. I will drink a Barbarian Ale.

Weapon: (+6 dark staff 2 melee damage and +2 spell dam)

Armor: (+4 armor iron Shield)(+4 studded boots/gem)(+2 studded leggings)(+3 hide chest/gem)(+2 wizard helmet +1 spell to hit)

Items: (+1 ring)(+1 hit gem amulet)(2 healing potions)

Spells: Dark Missile, Dark Heal, Fireball

10/4 the gold is received and two shares are on the way

Sell 10 stone for fish and 10 stone for meat.

When do you post now? It used to be Sunday night, but I think it's changed since you moved.

its still Sunday a think am 9 hours in front of USA. and a post in the evening here. so mid day then a think but time zones are super confusing. am in (GMT +1)the outpost its not selling the 1 to 1 food anymore but sins you have miss a few posts. the outpost accepting your deal.


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