Road To SteemFest - After Hours And Free Time

in #roadtosteemfest6 years ago (edited)

In just over 4 weeks we will all be coming together in Kraków, Poland to talk Steem, put faces and voices to usernames and make a ton of memories I know we won’t forget. I still can’t believe we are getting so close, time has really been flying by.. and I have sooo much left to do.. but, that’s not what this post is about 😜

Eric has been keeping us all on track each week writing about our own personal #roadtodsteemfest.

the main idea of this dynamic is to get to know each other a bit more before meeting in person and then, when we actually meet it won't be awkward and we won't have weird silences but instead, it will be like two friends meeting after a long time of not seeing each other.

As I’ve said previously, I think he really accomplished what he has set out to do here already. Even me, the one who didn’t even wanna go because the idea of walking into a group of people I don’t know, is actually not terrified at all anymore. I know.. I’m pretty shocked myself.

Each week we have had a theme and this weeks theme is...

After Hours And Free Time

Talking with coruscate she came up with a great topic idea for this week. We know most of our time in Poland will be about Steem but, that doesn´t mean there´s not going to be spare time and free moments during the week.

I am actually personally really looking forward to the conference and the presentations.. well except the one I am doing .. that one stresses me out. BUT, the others.. I will be the nerd in the front taking notes.. yes, I’m that person. I wanna learn all I can! Knowledge is power y’all!

But today’s freewrite is about after the conferences and dinners.. I’m one of those that doesn’t like to plan my free time too much, or vacations for that matter.. I hate feeling rushed and just want to enjoy where the adventure takes me. BUT, when traveling there are of course things I wanna do and places I want to see. More than that though, I look forward to the experiences I will have.

Luckily.. I already found my Steemfest Soulmate (@soyrosa)! Who knew we had so many things in common we could see ourselves doing while in Poland?!? In fact I read her Road To SteemFest Post and felt like I was reading my own list.. she even said I could just copy and paste if I wanted 😉 I figured that was just cheating, but I do look forward to joining her on some of her adventures. Go check out her post!

How I Want To Spend My Free Time

For me this trip to Poland will be many things, including my first time overseas by myself and only the second time in Europe.. and I plan to take full advantage of it. I want to experience as much as I can and just totally absorb myself in my surroundings. And I will be doing all of it with my camera in tow...


Kraków is a historic gem and I want to get lost in its old town while capturing the stunning beauty, history and lovely moments I come across. I might even try my hand at some street photography, which should be interesting because I normally take photos of moss and trees and such.. so, humans huh? Could be fun. 🤷‍♀️

I have always loved historical buildings and museums and frequently find myself wandering in them whenever I get the chance, so I hope to have time to do just that.

Did I mention I love food? No? Oh, I really love food.. but more than that I love the story and culture behind the food of an area. In fact, I’ve always felt the best way to travel and experience an area is to find myself in a kitchen somewhere making local dishes and hearing of the history and memories of each dish with the generations of individuals preparing them. While this probably will be hard to accomplish in Kraków, maybe I can find a local cafe that has that same home feeling... if all else fails, I can just eat some good food and chat it up with locals over a few drinks.. I really can’t loose here.

I plan on traveling to Auschwitz with the group that weekend and while I’m not a fan of crowded tourists spots, I can’t turn down a chance to see some of the country side while we travel there plus the somber opportunity that awaits. I know Wes (derangedvisions) has some sort of plans to do a documentary there and I’ve offered to help in anyway I can. I think it will be something pretty stunning to add to the blockchain, and I know that it will be done beautifully in Wes’ hands. As with my nature, I will probably find myself wandering away from the crowd to take in my surrounds and try to document it the best I can through my own photography.

After Hours

Life is short, and this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.. I plan to not waste a minute. Which will I’m sure mean some late nights. While I’m not a fan of clubs, at all.. I’m sure I’ll tag along at least once.. because I love you guys.. and don’t want to be called old and boring.. but you will know who to come find when you’re in desperate need for coffee in the morning..


I’ll have a cup waiting for you, messy hair and all..😄

I actually love getting up early to go grab a cup of coffee, so I’m sure I’ll find some fellow early birds with the same idea. Plus early mornings are a great time to explore a bit, coffee in tow.

As far as the other nights... wine in a cafe while chatting with other attendees.. people watching while just getting to know each other. Walks along the river.. beer in the hotel bar.. debates over the future of Steem.. I’m in. Yes, I might even play some poker.. I use to be quite good.. or maybe just watch the players loose their minds while I sit in the corner and observe.. who knows.. I’m going with the flow.

Bowling.. oh man, I suck at bowling.. I mean I am absolute rubbish.. but, I have no problem making a fool of myself. So if someone takes pity on me and wants me on their team, I’ll do my best. Either way, I’m sure it will be full of laughs and a ton of fun.

I’m sure there won’t be much sleep, but.. there will be memories being made around every corner.. and I’m just excited to be a part of it.


Can’t wait to meet you guys!

Much Love,



Epic Banner By @Rubencress


Well... It's not an exact copy indeed, but yes, we sure are the same :D

The most exciting thing is I feel SteemFest will just be such a 'get out of your comfort zone' thing for so many people that we'll all be connected through that alone! In other words: we'll be better adults after November lol.

Looking forward to your shots of Krakow as well! I haven't done much street photography lately so might get back to that with you :D Or... Should I think of an activity that is not on both our lists :')


Yes I agree! I think your statement about us being a bunch of introverts (or most of us) is spot on.. so this will all sort of be our own way to get out of our comfort zone and have an awesome experience, and yes.. walk away being a bit better version of ourselves.

Oh man, I usually avoid people in my photography hahah.. but I love to watch people and see what makes them tick. So, I can see is sort of being a version of that while capturing those small but beautiful moments that we may miss otherwise.

lol I’m sure we will come up with a few that are different! maybe

:') We will! We will :D Yes - I've always thought it makes a lot of sense that I as a psychologist observing people would also take pictures of people... It's a natural 'effect' of me always looking around me and seeing a lot of tiny moments, gestures, things happening :-)

Hi Justine... rubish at bowling!? There has been some talk of pool as well if you're any good at potting the spots and stripes ;-)

I will be the nerd in the front taking notes.. yes, I’m that person. I wanna learn all I can! Knowledge is power y’all!

You won't be the only one as I am a guy who wanders about even my hometown with a notepad. I might even take a daybook to Krakow for taking notes and planning. Lol, maybe that is a little too organised. I'm starting to get super hyped for it now and am looking forward to Poland immensely but also trying not to build too many expectations so that I can just go with the flow when I get there... I'm also not one for planning everything and would be up for wandering the town with you and @soyrosa looking for sunrise photo opps. In my case, as I'm not a photographer, it would be poetry opps instead 😉 I have written some of my best in the quiet times while travelling, in nature spots or at times of the day before the city has awaken. There is a tranquil surreal feel to the city in the morning which I like. I wish I was a natural morning person but I need to push myself to get up early but am always glad when I do. Anyway, it will be cool to meet up in a few weeks.

You can write some poems to my photographs if you'd like! We could totally do a collab, I'd love that :D

Sounds like a great plan 🙂

I'm back in Liverpool on Sunday when I'll have access to discord + proper internet. I'll message you and we can get a colab on the go. I've written poetry in response to art and photography many times before so it will be fun 😎

Cool! :D Let me know your thoughts indeed - enjoy your time without proper internet ;-)

It actually sounds pretty fun! Hope you have a good time.

i will be there and will make sure of it!! love the axe bro!

Hey thanks! I think it’s gonna be a pretty fun time.. lots of business stuff but also just the chance to meet a lot of people’s whose paths I have crosssed here. Should be interesting!

i can't wait!! started thinking today i need to start preparing physically and mentally :) super cool stuff LL

Wait.. we were suppose to get in physical shape for this!?!? Does this mean I can’t eat cake there? Because that’s just not ok 😜

Thank you! Looking forward to meeting you!


Nice body

Riiiigghhttt?? 😍

I love that you knew what it was hahahah.. it’s purdy... it’s actully entirely too nice for me to have, let’s be honest.

But it goes very well with this one ....

Now if only I could learn to use them both like a pro 🤔

Yeshh, Eric has a great mind of making people engage with each other on the blockchain. That, he has proven multiple times. Meeting people can be a scary thing, but that's going to be a lot of fun! The back-up plan sounds pretty alluring! Never been to Auschwitz myself, looked it up last week. That's one intriguing place to visit!

That camera though...<3

Have fun! And don't forget the buttons ;-).

*PS: I have a coffee grinding machine.

Yes he is very good at that isn’t he?? I know the experience will be a blast, just my shyness will be fighting me every step of the way.. I am determined to overcome it though!

Yes, I don’t see myself ever getting the opportunity to visit Auschwitz in my life again.. so I felt I couldn’t turn that trip down. Plus the couple hours drive there will be a nice way to see parts of the country too.. which is always nice.

That camera 😍.. yeah, it’s my lover.. still trying to figure out all the ways to work it though.. but I’m improving. It’s so purdy though...

I could never forget the buttons!!

Sounds like most people will be going with the flow when it comes to the evening activites. I think we'll be spoiled for choices in a city like Krakow so I hope we aren't paralyzed by indecisiveness, haha. Looking forward to meeting you.

Yes it seems that way! I’m waiting to come across the one schedule person who has it all planned out lol. Yeah I feel like we are gonna run out of time before we know it.. hopefully we can get a good chunk done though. Looking forward to it as well, see you in a few weeks!

After hours, plans are done, picture taking, in the sun
Eating food, talking some, homey feeling, make me one
Aushwitz tours, films are made, wander walking, picture take
Waste no time, some late nights, clubbing maybe, coffee mate

Early birding, coffee twice, chatty kathy, poker nice
Maybe bowling, coffee thrice, river walking, paradise
Steemfest party, almost done, I'll remember, everyone
Thanks so much, we have won, see you later, it was fun!

Well this one made me giggle.. well done sir ..

❤️🤗 I look forward to your poems!

Card game 😉

the one - james bond always wins in?

Yes! I’m hoping we play with cookies though!

And i am hoping that we play for Steem Dollars! :D

Posted using Partiko Android

Lol! I don’t blame you haha.. I’m guessing you are correct here and that cookies won’t be the form of payment unfortunately.

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you been here since may, not really a newbie...we live in dog years on steemit :)

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