Road To SteamFest - Fears

in #roadtosteemfest6 years ago (edited)

This weeks #Roadtosteemfest theme is probably pretty fitting for me right now, as I have been a bit stressed and anxious about many things and that mixed with a very hectic life schedule recently has meant its been 5 days since my last post.😐

Well, I’ve never claimed to be a good blogger... quite the opposite in fact.. but I do feel this stress has been part of the reason for the recent break.

For those that don’t know, @anomadsoul started this weekly writing challenge to bring us all together and make meeting each other a bit more relaxed.. and I think it’s done just that. This week we are asked to expose some of the things that maybe we aren’t looking forward to.. or are working through in hopes maybe we can help each other through them.

This week´s idea...


What? Did you really think it was all going to be fun and games in the road to Steem Fest?

Think again
Let´s face it. We all have fears , second thoughts, hesitations about all of this happening so fast. Threee months ago we didn´t know we were going to Poland and now it´s all becoming a reality, we have a plane ticket, an event ticket, accommodation etc... we can´t back down. We´ve reached the turning point, either we go or we go.

No backsies.

When we realize there´s no going back, it´s when fears start to become real.

Remember you have to do it in a FREEWRITE STYLE. That means no editing, no backsies, just writing what you think and no deleting anything. That´s the only way to do this post!

So in total freewrite and random thoughts fashion, here are ....

My Fears


Two weeks from today I will be landing in Kraków, Poland. I will wander into a city I’ve never been to meet a bunch of people I’ve never met.. that thought alone made me sick a few months ago. Luckily, through these posts and many discord shit talking chats I am pretty ok with meeting everyone.

I’m a unique species I guess because I really don’t care if people like me.. I know that sounds weird and stuck up.. it’s really not mean to be though, and shouldn’t been taken as so. I just am not one who feels the need to be liked by everyone.. I don’t need to be the popular kid and quite frankly am totally ok standing in a corner by myself. 👀

That doesn’t mean that I am just radiating confidence though, quite the opposite in fact.. It’s just I’m totally ok if I don’t live up to someone expectations or if I meet someone and I just don’t really do it for them. I’m me.. love me or hate me.. I’m good with either.

But as someone who shys away from crowds and popular groups normally, preferring small casual social events... meeting that many people all at once and essentially being at a very social and active event for 5 days makes me a bit terrified.

Yeah, I know.. but you just said you don’t care what people think of you. Well, no.. I said I don’t care if not everyone likes me... but meeting so many amazing people that I’ve had interactions with and some I haven’t while just trying to be ok with such a social environment will be a constant struggle for me. I will be stepping out of my comfort zone just being in a crowd like that.. but, stepping out of my comfort zone is the whole goal here.. so I will power through it and be a better version of myself after. Well, that’s the hope anyways.

After surviving that first initial terrifying moment I hope that I will find my grove and be able to take full advantage of the amazing adventure it will be.. well until day two that is...

When I’ll be doing a talk on the main stage 😱

So, months ago when the idea was brought up for someone from Curie to do a presentation about curation I thought it was a wonderful idea, and one I wanted to be apart of. You know.. figuring out topics, networking, just chatting about my passion of curation.. and of course being supportive of the chump who was actually gonna get on that stage and do the presentation.. cause god knows I’m not the person for that. (please see first fear.. crowds.. lots of people.. attention) Well turns out I’m that chump

I had talked myself into this and that it was all doable.. totally doable.. then as we changed plans and I thought others would be helping do the actual speech I sort of thought I lucked out and would only really be there for moral support while saying a few things.. well.. back to plan A.. it’s just little on me on that stage. And while my initial proposal for the presentation I think is a good one.. as we get closer to the actual date.. I’m panicking a bit.

What if I sound like a fool?

What if I mess up?

What if I forget everything because I’m on a stage in front of everyone and just have to focus on breathing?

What if someone has a question at the end that I can’t answer?

And the kicker...

What if I represent Curie poorly?


Ah, funny what our brains can do to us huh?

Well, luckily while sharing these concerns with one of my favorite realists.. he said something pretty profound even though rather simple..

You don’t have to be perfect and no one expects you to be.

And I could breathe again....

Yeah, I struggle with that.. even though I am actively working on just being myself.. the real me, imperfections and all. I still find myself needing to do things perfectly. But he makes a huge point, whatever I get up there and do is fine. All I can do is my best and no one is perfect... so how could I expect to do this perfectly?

It doesn’t mean it’s not my biggest fear about steemfest.. because It most definitely is terrifying me. And I know that until I’m done with the speech I probably won’t be fully relaxed.. but I’m trying to just put in the work, focus on what is important and just let it be. I can only be myself and talk about what I am passionate about.. and well, apparently that is all anyone is expecting of me.. huh 🤔 who knew?

But good news is.. after I conquer that baby I won’t be scared of nuttin... right?

Well, that was a freewrite if I’ve ever heard one.. hopefully I actually completed my train of thought.. 🤷‍♀️

Even with all the fears, I’m still excited to go.. (and super excited for that first beer after the speech.. cause, I’m gonna need that y’all.)

I’m excited to meet everyone, both those I know on the platform and those I’ve not had the pleasure to meet yet. I’m excited to hear the other presenters and absorb as much Steem knowledge as I possible can while exploring the beautiful city... it’s gonna be a wonderful journey.

I’m really looking forward to this adventure..

Thanks for going on it with me.❤️

Much Love and Steem On,



I'm looking forward to your presentation of Curie =), you doin a great job with it.
Let's have some great days in Krakow 🤟

Do you arrive on 7th?

Thank you! I know it will be a blast, I just have to get over that initial fear.. then fun times all the way.

Yes, I get on the afternoon of the 7th.. time to get checked in and settled for a minute bedore opening drinks 🙌🏼 See you in a few weeks!

Forget the Fears. I had also fears, infront of Volkshotel, the venue of SteemFest 1 in Amsterdam 2016. Should I go into this hotel to meet the Steemians, or should I go back home? Here is the answer

Just join the party :-)

Cheers for linking a post from Steemfest 1, good to wet the appetite for Poland :D

Lol, I think we talked at opening drinks in Lisbon for half a minute. Let's talk some minutes in Krakow :-)

I think it was at least a minute, ;) I'll see you in Krakow!

Oh I loved seeing this!! And that I’m not the only one who had these fears ❤️ Join the party I shall!

Looking forward to meeting you ☺️

I think you will do a grand job of representing @curie, and if it all goes t*ts up, I'll go find you a beer.

See you in a few weeks :D

Thanks for that 🤗 and for running the data and stressing about getting it right just to hand over to the chump presenter .. 😉 see ya soon!

Who are you calling a chump? Oh, yourself :P I don't think you are a chump, well, maybe for accepting this big task in the first place!

Don't worry though, by lunchtime on the first day it will be done and you can relax and enjoy the rest of the event :D

I kind of want to make a Brave Little Toaster meme with your face on the toaster.

Oh muh gawd, I love that movie!!! Not sure how my face would look on it... might make it creepy instead of all adorable, but great movie all the same. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thanks for the love


Haha. Before I read your line that said "turns out I'm that chump" I literally said out loud, "you're the chump." 😁
Then I'm like "chump is a great word that you don't really hear enough."
Then I'm like "well, it's a good thing I don't hang around chumpy people that I need to say the word chump a lot, cuz then I'd hate the word." So now I'm glad I don't hear it enough.
Then I'm like "I feel like a chump for overthinking things like this" 😕

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This seriously made me laugh out loud 😂.. sounds like my train of thoughts. I left you in suspense there didn’t I? who is this chumps she’s speaking of? lol

Looking forward to laughing with you in a few weeks!

ah don't worry about the speech! If someone asks something that makes you uncomfortable just change the topic hahaha. Say something like "excellent question, but more importantly...." and then you make something up!" ahahah. Just kidding. Uust look at one person in the crowd and imagine you're talking to them. Always worked for me. Congrats on having the courage to do this, public speech is not easy!

That is a great idea! Just go full politician on them.. instead of answering the question asked just go a different direction 😂 love it!!

Thanks so much for the encouragement, I know it will all be fine..I just have to convince myself of it haha

You'll do great! =) promise!

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To top the pressure a little bit, I'm looking forward to the presentation of that chump! 👍 Think you'll be doing great. Otherwise if you panic start laying on the ground, I'll join you and we'lll do a relaxing warm-up or something for the whole audience. No truth is we're all Steemians no one wants you to have fears, we'll help each other out. You'll be fine!

Hang loose 🤙

I upvoted your post.

Keep steeming for a better tomorrow.
@Acknowledgement - God Bless

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I mean someone has to say it....

You will screw up and we will have to banish you from Steem to the gulag. Or is it Golos? I tend to mix those two up.

But seriously, you will do great. The COMies will fight anyone that says otherwise. :D


I thought golos was Russian? I don’t know what gulag is.. just banish me to the darkest parts of the web.. shudder

Thanks, I’m sure I won’t totally blow it so that’s good news. And you are coming as my body guard right?

Haha. Yes Golos is russian and so is gulag sort of. Ugh google gulag. Hahaha.

Bodyguard? grabs his Whitney Houston soundtrack and katana.

Posted using Partiko Android

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