Apolymask's Reviews. #1 Eaglespirit's card reading.

in #review6 years ago (edited)

Hey there.. This is something new for me I've never really done before, but I like learning and doing new things, so.. I'm happy to try it out.

What I'm going to be doing are "reviews", and I think this only happened because of The Marketplace which we just opened up in relation to our Information Finding Championship... I sorta doubt I would be reviewing products if it wasn't for this.

But.. We have close to 20 shops already, and I've made a couple deals and plan on making more to help support the merchants, so I figured.. Might as well write a review of the transactions I do!

And.. I think in time I may try to work this into my shop, perhaps I can charge people to have me review something for them, or.. They could offer me some kind of sneak peak or free items to check out and review.. There are people on YouTube for example who make a lot of money and get a lot of free stuff for reviewing products.

Who knows how big The Marketplace will get, but.. I need to keep thinking of ways that I can offer services that people might find valuable... And I think someone who reviews stuff helps you advertise whatever it is you are offering, so.. I think it's useful and something that some people may appreciate, especially if I offer my services cheap enough for people to find reasonable.

Anyways.. I think I'm starting to ramble, but I was thinking about this earlier and it seemed like a really good idea.

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and instagram


So.. The first product I am reviewing is the card reading I had done by @eaglespirit and I think this reviewing idea itself largely came from charisma's review she did already of eaglespirit's card reading which you can find below.


Also, before we get to my review, I noticed that eaglespirit had at least one additional client so far in the form of @dynamicgreentk and they also reported similar to what charisma and myself experienced.


So.. Yeah! There's some really positive words being said about eaglespirits service. Let's see how it went for me.

Now.. Much of my life I've been very sort of.. Opposed to mystical things, I was very science based.. But in recent years my view has changed a lot, and I've learned to appreciate many things before I used to not believe in at all.

Card readings was one thing I never got, and growing up in Sedona.. There's a lot of card readers! Even my mother, so I grew up with it in the house. Yet.. I always thought it was so subjective, and it is to a good extent, but there are also what I would call some "universal archetypes" as well.. Which have a pretty set meaning, even if ultimately it is all a bit subjective these are still symbols we can use to learn and understand things around us, and it can actually be useful to do it in a different way than the traditional mechanical scientific way.. There's something weird about the universe and how synchronicities work and line up, and how.. Something more random can have even more powerful attributes because of it's randomness.

By that I mean.. The sort of things in your life where the coincidence was just so strong it's hard to believe there wasn't something else going on, something in the unseen spiritual world.

And that's sort of how I look at seeing signs and symbols now, the times you see them, and the combinations they make to tell you little hidden secrets of life, are.. Almost like a hidden spiritual language of the universe.. And if you can tap into that, I think that's pretty powerful.

Okay.. Moving on!

I'm going to post a couple screenshots of my session.






So.. As you can see, I was very happy with my reading! It's been quite helpful for me to reflect on the metaphors and principles and lessons involved in the reading.. And I highly suggest anyone who might be interested in one to get in contact with eaglespirit. She's had 3 very satisfied customers so far already at least, and her prices are great! 1SBD right now for a reading, but.. I think that may change soon. People have been encouraging her to raise her prices and I think in time she might do that, especially if she gets a lot more business!

So you can either find her page here on steemit, or you can come to our discord, and talk to her and while you're here just look around the Marketplace, we have almost 20 stores now and we need more buyers! Also, we need more sellers too. :) So if you want to buy or sell something, stop by and say hi, we have a very friendly community and if I'm not around I'm sure someone else will be happy to help before too long!

Link to our discord below.

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and instagram


Yay! Thank you so much for this wonderful wonderful review and photos too! Whoa.

I am so thankful that you were able to try something with someone else, even though you grew up around it and how many people even in my Native American culture and close friends feel the same way.

More importantly, I thank the universe for you and charisma for being in my life at this time and encouraging me in every way. The marketplace is a brilliant idea and is helping so many of us. YOU are so important to us and thank you for being here.

Much gratitude,

You're welcome. Thank YOU! For the extremely kind words and for the great card reading and just for being such a great part of the community in general and for being uniquely awesome person that you are. :) It's been a pleasure getting to know you and I have a feeling it will continue to be into the future! All the best to you my friend. ._.

I"m not sure I can top what you just said before, although its not about topping But I am so very blessed to know you and charisma. honestly, now i hope the contests never end because then what will we do? i would miss the group terribly, i don't even want to think about it really. okay i'm leaving now because i think i made myself sad. lol

Card readings are like anything else in life, you get really good ones who are tapped into the right energies and not so good one who ask lots of questions to extract answers. Il check out eagle spirit!

That makes a good amount of sense! Heh. I think eaglespirit might be kinda new, at least in regards to personal readings, but she's really good.. She definitely seems to have a special knack or connection for it. in my opinion! :) And cool! I hope you do check her out, as I mentioned.. Her prices are great and she's had at least 3 happy customers so far! :D

Awesome review! I have to stop by @eaglespirit's shop and have a reading for sure now!!

whoa this is swee heeettt and i look forward to meeting you! thank you so much @apolymask.

Thanks! Glad you appreciated it. And word! That would be awesome, I think you'll be happy with her service! :)

I almost feel like someone could build an app out of it. I mean, many Steemians are basically running a business. A review on their service could be useful. Or is that redundant?

An app out of The Marketplace in general? Or a reviewing app of sorts?
And.. I am more and more thinking The Marketplace should be made into an app or a web page some day, I'm not sure discord will cut it once when get to a certain amount of shops, it'll just be too much I think..

In regards to your question, I don't think a review is redundant at all! I think reviews are important, for both the customer and the seller, or both people in a given deal if money isn't involved.
The more reviews one gets the more trusted they tend to be, unless those reviews are bad!
And, it's advertising as well which is always help to help get the word out more.

A review app on Steemit. It could easily be a Witness project, especially with the way how IFC has a marketplace.

And I agree, Discord is not enough. Maybe acting as a free customer support venue, but it's a little hard to have massive traffic going in and out of there.

Too bad I'm not a developer. :\

Sounds like a good idea! And yeah.. Same here, it's probably expensive to hire them as well! Heh. But.. I think in time if there's enough of a demand, people will help and it'll sort of sort itself out and find it's way to the right places. Hopefully anyways! I have a lot of belief in the steemit community to recognize a good idea when they see it, which is one reason I've spent so much time working on the IFC/Marketplace.. I feel like in time, if enough people use these services, that others in the community will help keep them going. Though I guess time will tell. I do have a very positive feeling about it, and so far we've had quite a few people help with the IFC including yourself, so it looks positive! :)

Well, I guess we can all ask around in the meantime.

Thanks for the information

Damn I'm going to have to get it done soon before @eaglespirit gets to popular and starts charging more haha! I like the idea with the reviews @apolymask! Then later when it turns into something bigger people can have ratings from 1-10 Digicrystals etc, and maybe as an incentive if the accounts get big enough then the shop owners will be able to get certain % dividends from the Marketplace post payouts if they hold a certain rating!

Awesome review Thank you so much for this wonderful wonderful review and photos too!

This, coming from a guy in Sedona! Seriously, you don't feel anything in that place? Sedona is a very special place and i can't wait to go back.
I will be interested to know on what can happen to @eaglespirit when she's there ;) ;)

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