Need some healing answers??? Check out our fellow steemians Eaglespirit, if you will!!!

in #review6 years ago

Monday, I messaged @eaglespirit to see if she was available to offer her healing. I am so glad I did!!! I received quite a bit of confirmation on where my path is going and how to better attain what is needed for us.

I met her through the Information Finding championship's Marketplace You can find her healing and offering a positive vibe in the Medicine card and Energy Work shop!!

I asked for a 3 card reading and my focus had to do with my family life.

image source: @eaglespirit


this is the first view of your reading, # 47 The Smoky Mirror

i felt the color purple for you while i was setting this up, i do different stones, feathers, candles for each person.

image source: @eaglespirit


the color purple and or indigo is the third eye chakra as you prob know. maybe some cleaning there is in order. get out into the sun, opening that up more, meditate. color of the Divine. filtered water.

The essence: The smoky mirror represents a state of denial, instability or refusal to see the truth. i did focus on your name, location and family. i am sending healing to you as well since im a reiki master teacher. this is all intuitive, there are things i cannot explain, i just do.

The invitation: the invitation is to see beyond your Self. aknowledging past the limits of your own perception, that there are divine workings and things we do not normally grasp with our human mind. NOW is the time to trust that no matter what, in the Hidden Realm all apects of our human journey are celebrated: beauty, darkness, misery, courage.

no matter where your soul is on your journey, some things are meant to be a mystery, meant to understand only from experience. be encouraged in that the smoke will lift and you will See the beauty and wonder reflected in the mirror.

The medicine: understanding the shadow of our human journey will require you to go deep within yourself to discover the wound that is preventing you from seeing the truth of your current situation.

if you have feelings of fear, expectations of disappointment, unworthiness these may be clouding your capacity to see the potential in yourself and others.

the smoky mirror may be showing you something due to conditioning of the mind. these conditionings make what you see real due to manifestation. we make it so. the choice is yours. the world makes us accoubtable for what we see and create.

The question now is upon you ... can you see through eyes, mind, heart, soul of truth and faith instead?

ok strange but i got the same card lolzzz for present and i shuffled 10x plus... it's a block, now on to future...


im more a live in the now kind of person ... but you asked for 3 so lets do it


you got the number 10 Corn

the essence: corn is the mother of sustenance and tangible abundance. material prosperity and stability. plentiful.

the medicine: beware of shortcuts, be mindful of feelings of entitlement or expectation. this is a time for gratitude, perseverence and humility.
be prepared to work, plant the seeds of your intentions consciously and respectfully. release insecure thoughts, scarcity, that there is not enough, or worry that someone could take what is yours. the Universe will provide, but you must be in a relationship with it in order to receive.

encouraging part here is: even if you take a step back, or plant well there is always a new season to begin again. The End.

I feel so much better after having this done!

I was given quite a bit of confirmation on my thoughts. I had just gone to my aunt's home and the things get and i discussed was basically along these same lines, I recommend if you are feeling maybe eaglespirit could help you allowing your path reach out to her through the Marketplace in the Ifc discord, I am so thankful for her reading and I home you will be too!!!


Original photo created by @yeszuzia


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Whoa!!! This is so sweet and OMG you shared it all, you are an amazingly open soul. Thank you for sharing your reading and review. I am so Wow'ed by you. :)

This deserves a Tip!

That's awesome you had such a great reading! I had a really good one too. Well worth the 1SBD in my opinion. :) I hope she does a lot more personal card readings in the future as well from The Marketplace and just in general on her own page! I think that's an awesome idea and thing she's doing. Also cool of you to do a review as well! I hope we get to see more reviews in the future. :) I think that's an important part of all this! In fact.. Maybe I should do some reviews as well!

I sent her the 1 SBD then sent another 2.5 because it was well worth that to me! She spent a hour going the reading so i figured 9$ would be worth her time!!! Most definitely in tune spirit!!

Your card reading is awesome! I guess it allows you see through what you think were couldy and further open up your state of mind. Job well done @eaglespirit

thank you so much @lightoj! :) appreciate your kind support.

Wow! How awesome. I havent had my cards read in a very long time. And how awesome of you to share, I know just how personal these things can be! I may be getting a hold of you soon @eaglespirit. What are the steps one needs to do? you can set up for a reading there or by commenting here i suppose! I'm sure @eaglespirit will hear the call!!!!

My reading was so spot on i had to share!

yay @charisma777 thank you again for this post and the hive put this up for a blast so you may get more feedback. i really appreciate your kindness and support. you and apoly have been a huge inspiration for me. much love, Eagle

hi there at @smylie2005! thank you for reading the reading and wanting one too. you can contact me on discord or through the marketplace that @charisma777 has left you a link below. i’d be giving you the reading through discord but some info about me is in my marketplace channel through ifc. :) we can do this any way you prefer. see you soon!

Sounds great! Ill be getting a hold of you soon! :)

i look forward to hearing from you, i saw you joined discord but no smylie ... doh! lol

Most people in the modern age are "closed off" to such spiritual learnings in relation to their position upon life's path.

It is arrogance in it's most extreme form to believe there is only one avenue to enlightenment on the entirety of this blue/green orb we call home. Whichever spiritual teaching speaks to us, feels right is a fabulous vehicle to use when we are in search of understanding.

You say the reading from @eaglespirit gave you the confirmation you were looking for, what better gift could have been received than confirmation and validation.

Thankyou for being so open and giving so as to share this with us, it is enlightening and more than a little spiritually satisfying to read :)

Hive Bomb!

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