Bots are badsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #repost7 years ago (edited)

When you post your own thoughts, experiences and advice and @steemcleaners , @cheetah and @adm down vote you
This guy sounds frusturated and angry.
who can blame him?

Bots and Flaggin are bad for Steemit.
Bots attract spam..because why spend hours writing a post only to have bots vote on it unread? It's easier to post low/no quality and get the same's don't care.
And its STUPID and counterproductive to have bots downvoteing people for reacting to the problem that THEY caused..
Bots and Flaggin are bad for steemit.
Here's another example..
Like him or no...he'll tell others about his experience...
Wouldn't it have been better to just mute him if you don't like what he posts?

and another example
@trevonjb flags 3 of my posts to invisibility...


Thorny subject, but i like the picture of the big - cat like bot. It looks like it could do some damage. Imagine taking that for a walk down in the park !

This seems to be a relatively new phenomenon. I believe with the influx of new members to the community and they're working understanding of the Bots that are being used, the benefits in which they bring to the table and the counter productivity that they threaten everyone with by misuse. Unfortunately this brings to the surface the possibility of abuse and censorship without accountability. The machines taking over is the basis of most of the Sci-Fi movies that are out there today and the future could very well be very grim for free thought and expression.

I think bots almost killed steemit once. I noticed that when bots showed up a year so so ago..the price of steem took a dive...and kept going down. It finally bottomed out at about .08. I wouldn't want to see that happen again but..
bots...they're doing what they did the first time.

I was surprised to see a bot introduced last week whose only function was to re-post content from "it's parent website". This is a popular site, very similar to the Dan Bilzerian following. It surprised me see that here. Free thinkers, artists, poets, photographers, financial "prophets", bloggers, vlogers, homesteaders, off-griders, anarchists, political commentators, social champions, etc, I thought this was their holy ground, free of censorship and being ostracized for having different views. However, when there are financial rewards, and in certain cases, penalties, then we must look at the men/women behind the green curtain to find their motivation. It's easy to pull the trigger when you are thousands of miles away cloaked behind a wall of secrecy built by ones and zeros. It is much harder to extinguish the embodiment of a thought in person, belly to belly, toe to toe and eye to eye.

Bots also devalue the currency for people who do not use bots. It causes inflation.

this steemit beta is driving me bots are looking more like T2000 or whatever that mercury biotech machine was...just like at the end of terminator we will need a blast furnace to kill it...a "nuclear reactor" !! lol

you have a good point, bots fixing problem that were created by bots.... such irony.

they're NOT fixing it...they are creating a whole nuther problem.

Well I chose the wrong choice of words. Bots trying to hide (sweeping under the rug) the problem that they created.

Hi everittdmickey I do agree. Bots are not peoples and even if there is some very advanced one it is still a program. It can make errors, I don't know how efficient they are but if you already experience some downvote and flagg on a legit content it is a problem for all of us. Thank you for sharing your experience.

he he you made think that "bots are the only ones that can repeat endlessly the same error over and over again" which is the definition of self destruction

No, the human can make more error because not really logical. A bot is logical but can encounter some issue that the dev never thinks of. But today I see a few post saying the same

you are right:

  • humans overall make different kinds and types of errors
  • bots can make the same error...a Dizillion times
    untill a dev (human) adjust that error
    so in a way the dev, by doing so, virtually managed to avoid a Dizillion more errors :)

All am saying is that bots are good when dealing with each others while human needs the human touch otherwise we won't survive the bots

Hi there @everittdmickey! I was directed here through a comment @kingyus made on one of my posts. Instead of typing it all out again, here's my reaction:

I can definitely agree that bots are bad in some ways. However, Steemit is for humans and humans can be stupid/greedy. Stupids (and the bad kind of bots) will vote on greedy's posts, even when they are stolen from someone else. I think Cheetah is a great bot for pointing out potential plagiarism (no harm done when the source is cited in the article). And flagging? I loved flagging when someone stole my post and pretended it was their own. I'm pretty sure most people would feel this way.

I think bots like Cheetah are certainly doing good work. Work us humans just can't do. Cheetah doesn't even flag, it just upvotes, while notifying us of potention plagiarism. I also think flagging is needed to weed out all the bad, because people are lazy and vote without looking sometimes. People who are paying attention can battle plagiarism and such things with flags and I'm finding it hard to see the bad in that.

All the upvote bots that vote without looking, now that's something we can agree upon, those don't do much good here.

while I agree that plagiarism should be punished I disagree on the method..
I would be all for an idea of shaming steemians by badging their profile even up to their profile picture with a downward arrow or anything that clearly shows that he/she has been a naughty person. Marks like that will be also shown in their posts for everybody to see but it is not only about shaming also to engage the viewers on how that happened and if it was legitimate as per not to inflict injustice and thus maybe by popular voting from the followers and/or by the return/refund of the undeserved upvotes to the pool can it be solved. I think steemit left that flag much for our harm than the growth of itself. but that's my opinion :)

Then we agree about the fact that nasty acts like plagiarism should be punished somehow, but the preferred method is something we need to find! I'm all for showing 'naughty' badges on people's profiles/posts, but I'm wondering how that would have to work. Do we all tag someone as plagiarist, spammer and stuff like that? Do we vote on these things?

That is kind of what's happening right now. We flag posts/comments for these acts. That takes away some of the reward the post is due, but it also lowers reputation somewhat. Members with a bigger stake have a larger effect on the reputation, which means newbies can't instantly be nasty and abuse this system. The reputation number next to our name basically shows us if a member's been good or bad. If it's lower than 25, you can be pretty sure this new member was bad in some way.

Any system can be abused, so yes, the flagging can be abused. However, if we were to have seperate 'tags' we could give someone, that could easily be abused aswell.

I flagged someone for plagiarism yesterday. He was a sore loser, so he flagged me for no reason and wrote some insults on posts of mine, but he also wrote one where he said 'It provide from another site Suck it up !'. Simply to accuse me of what I called him out for. Now his flag and crappy comment can't do much to me. If, however, he were able to 'tag' me as a plagiarist (if that's an actual word), how would that work? I'd get this tag, because I pissed someone off? Or would he have less weight, because he's new? Who would be the counter weight to tell people I'm not plagiarising?

I kind of like the simplicity of reputation we have now...

good point! well ..that's decentralized social networking for somehow/sometime the good steemians will have to come up with solutions or the bots will eat us lol I also enjoy what we have I mean I never got so engaged and attached...I stopped flagging just to stop the revenge bloodshed instead I will report to a witness about misbehaviors mentioning his name without the @ ;) ..I never did it so far but if I ever will I think I will go that way, am still a minnow for a long time..I dont want no trouble :))

I understand that! I've been reporting forms of plagiarism to Steemcleaners lately. It can be a way to battle misbehaviour without putting yourself in the crossfire :-)

I appricate with you

Personally I find steemit to be more politically correct than even Facebook. At least with facebook you can delete your account. Here on steemit everything you do or say is on the blockchain forever hence you need to be wary of what you say. Unfortunately most people are here mainly for the financial rewards which is dangerous as you may post things that you shouldn't. Regular spammers should be penalized through flagging as it is a negative for their reputation score which has a knock on effect, however I believe bots are are not always correct and can damage your reputation quickly. A case of found guilty before you can defend yourself.

did you read what you just wrote?
it made absolutely no sense.

Neither did your post make any sense whatsoever. I created a comment from reading other peoples comments and your posts title.

oh come on..
at least be original rather that
that's childish.

I Don't think bots downvoting is a bad thing. But the bad is where this is going as there is no Bot that is right %100 of time. I think FLAGGING should be done only by humans... and should be done only as last-moment solution... when everything else fails.

I can't say @steemcleaners are totally wrong because most of these people they punish are going too far. the problem is, who decides the the users who went too far?! If it is a bot then that's really a problem because some people will get punished unjustly. (In my opinion letting the 10 criminals go, is better than punishing one innocent unjustly and saying it can be helped)

& Wait a sec.... @cheetah Downvotes?! I think what that bot does is a great thing, But Downvoting is going too far!!

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