Resisting the poisons of female-female friendship

in #relationships8 years ago

In comments on my last post, I was talking with @englishtchrivy about how difficult it is, as a woman, to maintain friendships with women. My point of view is that this directly results from the poisons of society creeping into the relationship. Body image is a fantastic example. In my youth, the only other women available for friendship were fashion non-conforming individuals who, like myself, were unable to achieve the accepted ideal due to lack of funding or religious insulation. Lucky for me, I was a dedicated reader. I was able to tune out much of the rejection in favor of fantasy worlds created by the writers I hoped to one day be. (By the way, it still has not happened.)

Infighting for women has it's own catchy name. It is both encouraged and judged.

Still, no matter how voraciously I read, I have not escaped the carrying of these poisons into my female-female friendships.

What I have accomplished is developing resistance through conscious, repeat exposure. What this means to me is when jealous thoughts or fears begin to rise, I look directly at them. I take hold of them. I talk about them with my friend if I am unable to tame them on my own. I ask my friends to do the same with me. That is why my relationships last years instead of weeks or months. It is also why they resurface after catastrophe. It has been particularly challenging to accept that they look different after all is said and done.

Different isn't always a loss.

While I have tried to be light and strong about the recent friendship loss, it genuinely hurts. I recognize the change is a positive one. I am open to it because I am resistant to the poison that would require me to stay friends with someone who purposefully hurt me--an individual who is deeply poisoned in their own way. Choosing to reflect on the non-toxic moments we shared gives me strength. I enjoy feeling strong.



I can count my true (real life as opposed to online life) female friends on one hand. We all have many things in common: independent thinkers, depression, tough-at-times youth. We scattered a bit after high school/college and regrouped. Then scattered again when we were at different milestones in our life: Marriage, kids, divorce... And came back again. The one thing about my true female relationships is that no matter how much time passes, we regroup and it's like no time passed at all. As for the rest of the ladies... Well, I don't relate very well. I don't understand the stereotypical shoe thing. I don't know why girls go to the bathroom in packs. I never got along with the soccer moms... LOL

We sound much alike!

When You Lose something
A Friend, A Pet, A Family Member
You Gain Something
You May See it Yet
You Will Gain Something
To Replace Loss

beautiful and true

to be honest, I never heard of any female-female friendship problem

I want to live where you do! :)

I think the key is to not be too attached to people, or your expectations of them. Most of the time, my frustrations with people I'm in relationship with stem from the fact that they are not fulfilling my expectations. TBH, those expectations often are not fair.

I expect this is true for many. It has been true for me.

common interests is a key to successful friendships in my opinion. If you have common interests then you can share experiences togther and there shouldnt be any competition. Friends are usually counted on one hand, acquaintances can be many ...

Who actually thinks this is worth $500?

Flagged. This is bullshit.

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