The Alternative to Ending Toxic Relationships / What If You Were Like a Dog?

in #relationships6 years ago (edited)


Is there a relationship in your life that's not up to par? If you're a human - which I assume you are if you're reading this, and you're alive - which I assume you are if you're reading this - then 100% yes.

In this modern age we're consistently advised to end "toxic" relationships. But are we being too flippant and consuming and discarding people as if they're commodities? What if our relationships can go deeper and be a mirror for us and our own growth?

I've been around the block in toxic relationships. I ended my relationship with my parents five years ago. My dad going into cardiac arrest in 2017 put us back in contact again, and I decided to open up the door for another way.

Ending relationships has always been the way we've done things in my family. My parents' relationships with their friends were always short lived, and twice they fell out of relationship with my grandmother. They would always find something they didn't like about people and move right along. We even did this to each other. When things get too complicated and we get too frustrated with each other we just walk away.

And I've done this same thing with many, many friendships in my own life. After ending so many relationships with friends and family I began to wonder about another way. What if I could heal and uplift and nourish these difficult relationships? What if I was powerful enough to make them into something else than they were before?

What If You Were Like a Dog?

If only our relationships with humans could be as easy as our relationships with our pets, right?

Human's relationship with dog is easy. Dogs love unconditionally. They will still love you and treat you like royalty even if you beat them and treat them cruelly. Dogs radiate pure love everywhere they go. They're faithful. When we think of them we're filled with good thoughts and emotions. Dogs are the only beings we know how to love with a true, pure heart, because that's how they love us.

What if you were able to love other humans in this way?

Imagine what your world would be like for a second.

Dogs are tapped directly in to source. They see the real you. They pay no mind to your shortcomings and your worries. They know who your spirit is.

What if you saw people that way?

Can you imagine how your relationships would transform?

Can you imagine the healing you would bring to other people's lives?

When we see another as the highest version of themselves - when we see beneath a person's pain and suffering and personality defects, healing happens. Literally magic happens. That person starts acting like the higher version of themselves.

We draw from others what we see in them and what we believe about them.

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If we can get past a lot of stories and beliefs built up from our past in our relationships, we have a broad, clean slate to work with in a relationship. A relationship can become new and blossom from that place.

It's not easy.

Most people are lazy about their lives and about their relationships. You keep doing what you've always done. You carry around the story, and you keep telling it.

But if you decide to be open to a new story - if you choose a new story for your relationship with a person - that relationship will start to change in accordance with your new story.

You see, you are a very powerful human. Humans are story tellers. Our lives play out in accordance with the stories we tell. It's very, very simple that you simply must keep changing your story to a better and better story of your choosing. People make a big deal out of this. It's true that you cannot be lazy in your thinking in the telling of a new story. And you will most certainly find times of slipping back into old patterns and your old story. But don't make a big deal of this. Just "ah. I'm telling the old story." And instead choose to align your thoughts with the new one.

In contrast to dogs, we complex humans have a love / hate relationship with the people in our lives. The hate comes from negative attachments and disempowerment.

We do love the people in our lives. We wish that relationships with them could work and feel better. They can.

What if you are the key factor in all your relationships? What if you have the power to uplift all your relationships to a higher level? What if there's a great satisfaction in uplifting your loved ones and your relationship to them?

You are powerful enough to be not a victim of the people in your life and your relationships, but the healer and transformer and uplifter of all of them.

In this modern age we're all toxic. We're all deeply wounded. You'll be hard pressed to find someone who has no toxicity. We are magnets. We draw from others what we are and what we believe. We draw from others the story that we tell about them. Draw what's not toxic from other people. Draw what's good and loving and eternal. Be medicine for other people. We're all in this together.

Maybe you need to take some space from your relationships. Indeed, I needed space from my relationship with my parents. I needed space away from the old story so that I could recalibrate. Often we need space from the old story in order to start building a new one. Let love be your guide. Sometimes it's just better to love from a distance. Your power is in love. And you are powerful. So very powerful.

This post was inspired from drawing from the Gaian Tarot Deck.

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Image 1 Source

Related reading to improve your relationships:

How I Went From Being a Judgmental Mofo to Compassionate

5 Steps to Change Your Relationship With Somebody Like Magic

Love Your Way Through Abuse and Manipulation


Relationships are generally a mirror to our own issues....I think many times its really about us and not "them".....Dont get me wrong of course there is very toxic people, but like you pointed out what if we loved them so unconditionally like a dog that we loved them to heal.......I love your angle on this, and although i fail still i am trying to be more accepting and loving of,peoples flaws because i sure had and have them.....🙏🙏🙏

I think many times its really about us and not "them"


This is a beautiful article on that problem! A month ago or so I stumbled upon something going in a similar direction:

I'm so glad that you posted that and I took the time to read it! I liked that article because almost everything you ever read about narcissists talks about them like they're not actually people, but demons with pure evil intent. Really good advice about how to deal with them and what goes on in their heads. My dad is a recovering narcissist. This is really helpful advice about dealing with him.

This article gives a great impression of what it is like to be embroiled in a non-dialogue with a Narcissist, but could also describe the situation for High-Functioning Autism. This brings us to a new insight of how such psychiatric disorders are ultimately mal-alignments on a soul level, which point to the wrong type of collective investment we make as rational beings (eventually setting in a "breed of it's own making" or a genetically dispositional order, perhaps even chromosomal somewhere down the line...). The Little Shaman is still a bit sloppy on the terminology (confusing emotion and feeling makes a through esoteric examination difficult) but we all thank her for the insight.

@brightstar this was such an incredibly inspiring post. Really...honestly... it was beautiful and I really appreciate your sincere approach here.

What if you saw people that way?
Can you imagine how your relationships would transform?
Can you imagine the healing you would bring to other people's lives?

These are are such powerful questions too. It reminded me of the importance of looking at others this way. Too often we get caught up in the mental / emotional constructs that aren't quite operating from the truth of truths.

This is just a beautiful reminder.

Thank you and... resteemed :)

I'm so glad that you got so much from it! Thanks for the resteem! <3

Agreed . Toxic relationships are always toxic because there is always interest involved in that type . But some relations which are based on no interest that are your personal relationship with your parents , brother and sister . These relations demands nothing but love .
Upvote and followed

been there. i think the only way to handle toxic people is to avoid them. yeah your right, maybe some sapce will help.

I thought I knew my decks, but the Gaian one is new to me. Very cool. Even Mary K. Greer likes it!

Sorry, voice of dissent here!

But first I enjoyed your articulate and thought provoking article.


I used to feel the same.

I no longer do.

Some people are beyond help ~ for example I know someone who is super selfish and manipulative to the point that they have no conscience about causing harm to another for their own materialistic gains. This person recently told my dog, under their breathe, to piss off.


Jessie is the most beautiful and loving creature I have ever known and was sharing love but this person was beyond even her innocent reach.

Of course we should strive for harmonious relationships but it is not our responsibility to heal others rather it is our duty to shine bright, try and lead by example, but disengage if a person displays dark towards us.

This I have been told by my spirit team.


There are many relationships I choose not to have. I'm not saying to be in relationship with everyone. But I am saying that some are worth saving and putting some healing into. This was a tarot card reading about making the choice to save a relationship. It is not a sweeping statement to stay in relationship with every person regardless of whether you like them and enjoy being around them.


I tried for many years to nourish and heal certain relationships but now see my efforts were futile as our natures were opposing. It was and remains hard to have let go of certain folks ~ I love them still and will always feel sadness.

So really we are on a similar page.


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