5 Steps to Change Your Relationship With Someone Like Magic - Your Daily Osho Zen Tarot Reading for December 18, 2017

in #relationships7 years ago

Your relationships can be more fulfilling than you ever imagined.

  1. Close your eyes and set an intention to see a person at their best.

  2. Imagine that you're seeing a person at their very, very best. Exalted. Well. Strong. Healthy. Joyful. Try not to use adjectives, though. Just try to see this person so, so well. Do this for as long as you can and watch how powerful the energy gets. After 17 seconds great momentum builds. There's something really, really powerful that happens here that I can't explain. Stop if doubts about their character creep in, and come back to this later.

  3. Do 1 and 2 when you're going to see a person or talk to this person.

  4. Don't react to this person when they're not acting the way you envisioned in step 2. Just know that when they're acting differently than you saw them in step 2 it's because they have been very hurt, and they are scared. Forgive any lapse and move right on along. Treat any blunders and deviations from 2 as a healing.

  5. Repeat until your relationship with this person is completely changed. (And then keep doing it!)

This is much, much more powerful than it seems on paper. I have done this with people in my own life and have been utterly floored at what unfolds. Not only will you start to experience that person in a way that feels better to you right away, but it will get better and better, and you will witness that person heal in the process.

Be patient as your relationship changes. It may not be all roses and unicorns right away. But day by day you will find that it gets more so. The key is you. The power is in you. You change the way you react. You change the way you see that person, and then literally watch magic happen. There's something really, really powerful that happens in step two that I can't explain. I promise, it works.

If you want more help and insight on this, you can have a one-on-one session with me over messenger for $1111. Message me here on Steemit or on facebook. I happily accept bitcoin.

These readings happen every day, so follow!

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