It is Christmas in Iulian Calendar Yahoo!!!

in #recipe8 years ago

Merry Christmas everyone!


Всех с Рождеством!


Crăciun fericit tuturor!


Hurray! It is Christmas !
Today all the slavic people and the people who follow the Iulian calendar celebrate Christmas.
More info here:
So I wanted to create a beautifull post about the foods made during this celebration.
First item on our list is răcitură or piftie (jelly in english)

The ingredients are as followes:

  • 1 onion,
  • 2 carrots,
  • 1 parsnip,
  • 4 legs of pork,
  • a pinch of pepper,
  • a pinch of salt,
  • 1 clove of garlic.
    Note the ingredients may differ for each region or country but these are the most basic

All you have to do to prepare it is just put all the ingredients in the pot of water (but dont forget to prepare separete the meat. Here I refere to the porc legs...clean them and take out the hair because humans canot digest the hair. I say this because some cooks dont do this step. I am not a legal cook but please dont eat the hairs).
Now let the ingredients to boil for 4h and cheak from time to time and see if the liquid becames slimy .

Now just leave the jelly in the cold for one day .

On the surface it formes some fat that you can just clean with a spoon.

The next item is a boef salad .
This a salad I made in the past :

Next is the Biscuit Sausage

To make this you will need:

  • 400 gr - biscuits classic
  • 250 ml - Water
  • 400 gr - jelly (sweet)
  • 250 gr - nuts
  • 150 gr - margarine or butter
  • 3 tablespoons - Cocoa
  • 2 bottles - rum essence
    What you need to do is :
    Prepare biscuits and nuts: the biscuits ii piss sitting down with the rolling pin and a nut cut into small pieces. Of the total take 30 grams crushed biscuits and ii crush and crumble them.
    Fire put a cup of water plus chopped jelly.
    Stir continuously for 10 minutes with a fork until it melts.
    Remove from heat, let cool slightly, then add three tablespoons of cocoa and melted margarine.
    Finally add the rum and nuts.(I put some coconut over the sausage)
    This delite is eaten cold!

And last but not least is a vanila cream cookie and small croissants with jelly inside and of couse a tarte with creme frishe and sprinkled chocolate.
These are preatty easy to make and I promise that I will share the recipe with you too! Now I will go to raise few glasses of wine with my friends!

I wish a warm Happy Holidays to all and I will see you all next time! Cheers!


@cynetyc Let the party begin!
So you guys actually celebrate Christmas in a different date, interesting :)

Of course I am lipovean and a part of my familiy (just my gradpa) is new rite (gregorian calendar).
So we keep the old rite (Iulian) traditions and for the new ones we just prepare like for example we made the X-mas tree and we received kids with the X-mas carols.
We respect the old tradition because...well... this is what remained...our small tresure let's say.

What time should I arrive?

Any time my frind! I have food wine, vodka, beer and more food.

Evrthng is looking so fairy
Marry Christmas holidays

Thank you very much @bandm2016 And I wish for you too a wonderfull time with your family and friends!

Merry christmas dear friend @cynetyc, the products look very delicious, congratulations

Thank you @jlufer! It is a wonderfull time today!
We whent to church in the morning , we ate and we told a lot of jokes!

Thank you for posting @cynetyc.

You are too kind and we are humbled by it...that you would present to Steemit the traditions of your part of the world in such a beautiful and thoughtful way. Lovely photographs, commentary and recipe.

bleujay appreciates being part of your Christmas. Thank you @cynetyc.

Happy Christ-mas

Here's a toast to you as well. Salute'

Thank you @bleujay!
I like showing these things because I feel that this will make people come together and forget about their worries just for a little moment.

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