Electricity was down today so.. I made a Snowman

in #funny8 years ago (edited)

Hello to all Steemit friends!

Today is 06.01.2017 and tomorow it will be Christmas according to Iulian calendar and because we are "lipoveni" we will celebrate it .

But what is this Iulian calendar???


Before the birth of Jesus Christ there were two systems for calculating time a year: one of the Egyptians - who was right, but not perfect and had 365 days another from the Romans, who was 355 days. But it remained an annual ten-day time difference between these two systems, and even between each of them and the solar calendar.
After this finding, it felt the need for correcting them and putting them in accordance with the timetable heavenly. Thus, the Roman emperor Julius Caesar in the year 46 BC, Egyptian adopt a new computing system, a system that was called "the Julian calendar." This calendar was used throughout Christendom for 15 centuries. Julian calendar and all were served and the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea (325), in calculating the date of Easter.
Because between the calculation of the Julian calendar of 365 days and 6 hours and that of the solar calendar of 365 days, 5 hours, 43 minutes and 46 seconds result was that of a annual difference of 11 minutes and 14 seconds that was reached after 330 years the difference three days (how much is behind the Julian calendar).
Thus, during the First Ecumenical Council, the vernal equinox is on March 21 instead of March 24 as it was in the year 46 BC, when Emperor Julius Caesar turned the calendar. Since then, the Council took as a starting point in calculating the date of Easter, March 21, when he was then the spring equinox.
Specialists and astronomers found that, and then, from 123 in 123 years the spring equinox demote the day. This is found throughout the centuries, scholars weather:
in the East as in the West .
They have seized fact and Church leaders have proposed revising the calendar, Easter tables that do not fit the astronomical full moon day.
On 24 February 1582 Pope Gregory XIII made a reform, suppressing ten days from the calendar, so October 5 became the 14th of October. Since then schedule was called "Gregorian" or "New Style".
Another important information is that to correct manually the caledar you must add 1 day each 100 years or 1 centuary .
That's why there is this differente between the gregorian calendar and iulian calendar.

Ok so let's go back to my story now...I woke up with no electricity in my house or my town and I saw this:

So I took my breackfast and whent to dig the snow up...

To be onest I felt little bit like Louie Anderson:
Louie!! Come outside !
L:But it is cold outside!
Father:This cold? When I was your age I was playng voleyball in this weather!
L: Coming father....

My house looks awesome in the storm!

As you can see my neighbours came outside to play!

Everything looks so motionless...

Ok so I done my job and now let's play !
But how a snowman is born?
Well...When mommy snow and daddy snow really love eachother a miracle happens and it looks like this:

Then it will look like this:

Then buyahhh!!! His head appears like magic!

So this is the end of my story, I will return with the delicious food I made for Christmas so stay tuned!

This is Cynetyc and I approve this message!


Thank you for posting @cynetyc. Lovely post......the house looks especially lovely in the snow....appreciate all the photos, commentary and the snowman.
Yes...it looks beautifully still...enjoy.
Happy Christ-mas

Here's hoping you are not too inconvenienced by the power failure.
.....is the wine ready....its time.

Thank you @bleujay!

I had a lot of fun today the power failure it happens in my region olmost everytime time it snows or there is some heavy rain.
We got used to it and when it happens we either tell stories in the candle light or make a big pot of boiled spiced wine and go to sleep early.

Lovely.....good ideas. Cheers. A bientot.

Thats unfortunate, the nose of the snowman looks a lot like a penis!!! Lolo!!

HA HA you are right @meesterboom. That was actually the smallest carrot I had and the result was..well...magic !

Awesome my a friend @cynetyc narrowly cover everything, so melos take you with humor, you made a good snowman. Congratulations

Thanks @jlufer ! I was very happy that is snowed exact when the Christmas will come . Each time when it snows on Christmas everything is filled with magic and I know that it will be a wonderfull year!

Thank you for posting,

Love your neighbors seems like it would be a quite area to live. Looking like this year is going to be the usual 0 inches of snow, I doubt we ever see 1 inch, we get snow about every 4 years ish.

O my goodness 4 years?! That is quite some time to wait . I imagine the children sitting there with their sad faces on the window asking:
-Daddy why there is no snow this year?
The dad must come up with a story!
Santa Broke his legs last X-mas and he has to stay in hospital for the next 3 years!
kid: O nooo!

But on the flip side...

When it will snow there Im sure that the kids are so happy even the adults too!

lol it is the desert we don't want the damn snow. but when it comes its usually gone when the sun comes up. Also tons of fun for that short period of time.

O.o I did not know that, but I got curious and I whent to your blog!
Loved it and in short story I followed you!

Thank you, I followed you. Keep up the good work, I like your photos. They make it more enjoyable, keep the badge at the end. I been reading your post a bit.

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