Vegan - veggy or straight burger, which do you like most? 🍔 Vegan - vegetarisch oder unverfälscht, welchen Burger magst du am liebsten? ​

in #recipe6 years ago

Today we were invited to dinner by very good friends and together we made awesome hamburgers.

Because the burgers were so great, I do not want to deprive you of the recipes and pictures. ;-)

Heute wurden wir von sehr guten Freunden zum Essen eingeladen und wir haben zusammen tolle Hamburger gemacht.

Weil die Burger so gut waren, möchte ich euch Rezepte und die Bilder nicht vorenthalten. ;-)


The choices today were, in order, a vegan, a veggie and a genuine normal hamburger.

Zur Auswahl standen heute, der Reihenfolge nach ein Veganer-, ein Veggy- und ein unverfälscht normaler Hamburger.




Which one do you like the most? - Welchen magst du am liebsten essen? :-)

Initially, all burger patties are prepared nearly the same.

For the normal hamburger we need minced meat and cheese.
We can also fry this in olive oil. To do this, shape the minced meat into a round shape and fry until it is crispy on the outside.

Anfangs werden alle Burger Patties ungefähr gleich zubereitet.

Für den normalen Hamburger benötigen wir Hackfleisch und Käse.
Diesen können wir auch in Olivenöl anbraten. Formt dazu die Hackfleischmasse zu einer runden Form und bratet diese an, bis sie von außen schön kross ist.



We do the same with the vegan / veggie patties. These consist from 5-6 tablespoons ground flaxseed, 150g ground almonds, 0,5 garlic clove or a bit of onion (finely chopped) for more intense flavor and also 1 tablespoons balsamic vinegar and 2 tablespoons olive oil. From the ingredients can then form super vegan patties.

My buddy swears by coconut oil and has fried it in there.

Das gleiche machen wir auch mit den Veganen / Veggie Patties. Diese bestehen aus 5-6 EL gemahlenen Leinsamen, 150g gemahlenen Mandeln, 0,5 Knoblauchzehe oder ein bisschen Zwiebel (Fein gehackt) für intensiveren Geschmack und ebenso 1 EL Balsamico Essig und 2 EL Olivenöl. Aus den Zutaten lassen sich dann super vegane Patties formen.

Mein Kumpel schwört auf Kokosöl und hat es da drin gebraten.


At all burgers you will also need salad, tomato, cucumber and some spring onions.

Cut these ingredients into appropriate pieces so you can serve the burgers.

At Veggie Burger cheese is of course obligatory ;-)

Bei allen Burgern werdet ihr auch Salat, Tomate, Gurke und ein paar Frühlingswiebeln benötigen.

Schneidet diese Zutaten in passende Stücke, damit Ihr die Burger damit belegen könnt.

Beim Veggie Burger ist Käse natürlich Pflicht;-)



And last but not least, add a shot of ketchup / mayo or sauce of your choice.

You can now put everything together, but then you have to decide which one you want to eat ;-)

Und zu guter letzt, packt auch einen Schuss Ketchup / Mayo oder Sauce eurer Wahl drauf.

Du kannst nun alles zusammenfügen, aber danach musst du dich entscheiden welchen du essen willst ;-)



As you can see, vegan - vegetarians and meat eaters can all be brought to one table with "one meal" and without any problems.


Wie Ihr seht, bekommt man auch ohne Probleme Veganer - Vegetarier und Fleischesser, mit "einem Gericht", an einen Tisch.

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I'll let the cow eat the veggy one,so I can have it all in a beef burger...😄

Fantastic idea 💡😂✌️:-) stay tuned, hopefully I will find tomorrow some time for a crazy chicken recipe 🍺

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Only the vegan one for me please! Although taste for taste I believe I've enjoyed the meat better, I feel like I'm making a better decision for myself when I skip the meat. It's really not about taste at all. If I made all my food decisions (or even a lot of them) based only on taste, I'd weigh a whole lot more than I do now. I also like not killing things to pleasure my taste buds. :-) It makes me happy.

Haha Great comment :-) thanks for supporting. I know this problem with food „decisions“ very well 😀

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I actually used this logic at a restaurant the other day. They had a vegan burger which sounded soooooo good, but it was well over 1,000 calories. I opted for the salad instead.

Only the meat one for me, I'm afraid! But I'll cook you what you want if you visit me (and bring whatever it is you want.) I'll try yours too as long as it's soy-free (which it looked like yours was.)

I loved your post so much that I chose to include it in my entry to this week's Pay it Forward Contest! Keep up the great work!

Meat and only meat. Have had more then a few friends try to tell me their "I wish I was meat" burgers taste good, but they all have been horrible. Even had a few try to trick me, like you can't tell you aren't eating meat.

😃👍 thanksgiving for stopping by and give me this cool comment. And the same for me. More meat = better 🤣

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Then we will have to cook a lot together ... I still have some recipes in my head ;-) And yes, very good choice with the straight normal burger ;-)! That was also my choice, and yes, I also hate soy, something like that does not come in my mouth.

Oh yes and contests sounds always good, thanks, i want to check out your contest later :-)

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I buy a large log of ground beef/beef mince every month. Some of it, I put in jars of meatballs and tomato sauce for spaghetti. Sometimes, I make Swedish meatballs (I should do that this month, actually, as I'm out...) But inevitably some gets made into hamburgers. I add egg yolks, onion and garlic powder, salt/pepper, parsley, oregano or whatever I have like that at the time... I sometimes add sesame seeds since I don't often have bread around these days.

I'm actually intolerant to soy - it gives me most of a week's worth of jet lag without the pleasure of traveling! So, it can be difficult buying food at times - and I have to make most of it.

I love the pay-it-forward contest. I've been in since its beginning and it's honestly one of my favorite posts of the week. Last week and this week, I have even been helping with the judging which has been fun as well.

Wow nice. I never had tasted Swedish meatballs. And I don’t remember when I eat last time a good 🍝 spaghetti... good idea :-) will be time soon 😀.

... and have fun within the contest :-) I bet you make there much new experiences and meet cool new stuff and people 😀✌️

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Whoah! Those all look so yummy, it makes me drool! 😃 I would like to try the veggie please.

Now let me ask you a stupid question. How do you eat a burger as thick as that when it can't even fit into a mouth that is very wide open? I used to press them down to flatten them a bit and my friends laugh at me. I watch them eat as they desperately bite that thick burger and stuff - cucumber, tomato, etc. - are falling all around their mouth. I wonder who looks more laughable among us. 😃

I came across your article through @viking-ventures who featured it on her post as an entry to the Pay It Forward Curation Contest. The contest is open to everyone so you are welcome to join us.

Hey dear :-) im very glad you like my burger post 😀 .

The trick is, to insert a skewer or a toothpick into it. That’s also applies for bigger sandwiches 🥪 ;-) or even a knife. Like here : you can see it very good.

Then you can eat it well with fork and knife without destroying it 😀.

.... i will check your contest definitely out later ✌️

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Oh, I forgot to mention about the toothpick. Yes, there were toothpicks in all of them but that poor stick was not able to keep everything in place. 😃

Look at that knife! You're not telling me to eat the burger with the knife on, are you? I might end up eating the ingredients separately - top bun first, then the veggies and salads, the patties then down to the lower bun. 😃

Yes yes yes you eat it around it.


Here you can see it well how the stick hold all together ( he must be a descent one) ;-)

Okay, so it is cutting around the burger, not picking it up and biting it. In the end, it is like cutting cake. 😂

Thank you for all your replies. I guess I just have to get used to eating thick burgers. 😊

I'd like to try the Vegan version... That looks delicious!

PS: I've arrived here because @viking-ventures featured you in her entry
for the Pay It Forward Contest

Thanks buddy :-) I’m glad you like it.

You are the second one who tells me this, I have now to check the contest 😀👍👍

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Both look great, but for me it's meat, meat and yes.... meat :P

I like my veggies as part of the meal, but a meat eater at heart.

Exactly the same for me buddy :-) I chose also the meat burger with cold real beer 🍺😀

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Thanks for you support :-)

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Hi @avisor as you know @viking-ventures featured your in this week's @pifc' Pay It Forward contest.

I love my meat, but both look really good. I am finding that I am more into trying different things as I get older. Plus my daughter-in-law is vegetarian so always on the lookout for things to try that she can eat.

Oh yes my wife is also vegetarian. So we have also everytime to look how to „combine“ the meals ... you should really take a look at my potatoes recipe, when you search for veggie recipes :-)

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Up before 🌄 (here) and supporting your post @avizor, due to the entry of it, by @viking-ventures, into our Pay It Forward Community's weekly curation contest.

Great job putting this post together. And in two languages, so well done. Looks very tasty, as well as nutritious!

All the best to you, moving forward, as we all work together to add value to our Steem blockchain.

Thank you roleerob for you support 👌😀

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