Stuffed potatoes with selfmade herbbutter / ( step by 🥔🌿 step how-to) / Gefüllte Kartoffeln mit selbstgemachter Kräuterbutter ​

in #steemkitchen6 years ago (edited)

Hello my dear steemians! Since we really grilled a lot of meat in the last few weeks, today I have chosen a delicious vegetarian dish.

Potatoes with homemade herb butter!
Also an ideal Party-Snack. :-) for your guests...

Hallo meine lieben steemians! Da in den letzten Wochen wirklich viel Fleisch gegrillt, wurde habe ich mir heute mal ein leckeres vegetarisches Gericht ausgesucht.

Kartoffeln mit selbstgemachter Kräuterbutter! Auch ein idealer Party-Snack :-) für deine Gäste...


Then lets now take a look how the herbbutter is made, and what ingredients are needed:

-Potatoes (take really nice big ones)
-1 packet butter
-Herbs (take what you like)

... I like parsley, spring onion, basil, chives and salt with pepper.

Dann lasst uns mal gucken wie die Kräuterbutter gemacht wird. Und was für Zutaten benötigt werden:

-Kartoffeln (am besten richtig schön Große)
-1Paket Butter
-Kräuter (Nehmt was ihr so mögt.)

... Ich nehme gerne Petersilie, Frühlingszwiebel, Basilikum, Schnittlauch und Salz mit Pfeffer.


First cut everything ins small pieces and then mix the ingredients with the butter. (The butter will be best when you took it 1 hour before from the refrigerator, so that it is nice and soft) - and add also some pepper and salt.

Schneidet als erstes alles schön klein, und vermischt dann die Zutaten mit der Butter. (Die Butter holt ihr am Besten schon 1 Stunde vorher aus dem Kühlschrank, damit diese schön weich ist) - und fügt nun auch etwas Pfeffer und Salz hinzu.




And now comes the special :-)

Take an apple corer and make a hole in the potato, which you can fill with the herb butter.

You also poke a few holes in the potato. So this can cook faster.

Und nun kommt das Special :-)

Nehmt einen Apfelentkerner und macht damit ein Loch in die Kartoffel, welches ihr mit der Kräuterbutter füllen könnt.

Dabei piekst ihr auch ein paar Löcher in die Kartoffel. So kann diese schneller gar werden.





Spread everything on a baking sheet and let the potatoes rest at 180 °.

No, these are not small sausages, this are the pulled out "gut" of the potato and then cut into small pieces. ;-)

The herb butter will flow from the potatoes and serve as dripping. So the little pieces are cross like chips.

Verteilt alles auf einem Backblech und lasst die Kartoffeln bei 180° schön ruhen.

Nein, dass sind keine kleinen Bratwürstchen, sondern die rausgezogene "Innerei" der Kartoffel und dann kleingeschnitten. ;-)

Die Kräuterbutter wird aus den Kartoffeln fließen und dient als Bratenfett. So werden die kleinen Stücke cross wie Chips.



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This looks delicious. I'd never have thought to core a potato, but that's brilliant!

Then I’m glad, that you stopped here by. And you could also be glad ;-) to see something new.

I saw this last weekend first time on a birthday party. 😀

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hmmmm..... I think I have some potatoes in the cupboard. :-)

Oh yes I will definitely be trying this

Great 👍 I’m looking forward to see your results 😀

Posted using Partiko iOS

YUM! This is an awesomeness potato recipe :) <333 I am snagging this one up for sure. Thank you & much love!

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Thanks for you lovely comment :-) I learned a new word 😀 snagging

Posted using Partiko iOS

Aww...something for my tummy👌..i love potatoes..and a meat lover....the dish looks quite interedtinh must give it a try....👍 @avizor

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You definitely should do it :-)

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This looks so delicious, what's more, interesting is that you used even the scooped out potato, so everything is used..maybe I can try this next weekend, this doesn't look like a time-consuming activity and love all the ingredients..
Beautiful pictures...

Thanks for you lovely comment :-) oh now it’s very fast done, and you can fill up the potatoes with what ever you like. You only need a apple corer, with this it goes super fast and easy. 😀👌

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OMG! I really LOVE potatoes 💛🥔🥔🥔

Than I’m glad, that I could make you happy with this potatoes dish :-)

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Those potatoes look so yummy! Now I'm hungry lol

That was my Plan darling :-) to make you hungry 😀

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Thank you for sharing. The pictures are very good. They are very attractive.

I’m glad you like them :-)

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yummy 🍠what a delicious 🥔 recipe😊

Hey Buddy, i see you are commenting and posting in many many recipes ✌️ When you really likes something, then it’s no problem to give the author a little up 😉

Your voting power is at 100% so not problem with this

... don’t worry you don’t give some cents out of your wallet. The coins are getting mined from steemd, in the moment you are voting 🤓

*if you need some more infos get in contact with me :-)

Hello this is looking absolutely delicious!!!we do this butter stuffing under chicken skin never thought of doing it in a potatoe!!I must try it:)everything is better with butter:)

Oh and I never made it witch the chicken :-) cool idea! Thanks for the food idea 👍

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Let me know if you try it out:)