Papa Rodin Reads With You #2 - "Secrets to the Grave" by Tami Hoag

in #reading6 years ago

Greetings, Steemians and Steemettes!

Good morning, mates! Contrary to yesterday, I did not wake up early but overslept somewhat harshly! Well, overslept is the wrong word, the amount of sleep was just right. I just claimed it a bit later than usual, so there is that. 08.51 it is at the time of me grabbing the book and starting to read the next chapter in this case.

In case you missed the beginning, you can find it here. I recommend you read it before you go on with this one.

50 Greyshades of Rodin

Chapter 3

Don't let that great price tag fool you, I grabbed the book for free out of a book case. That thumb belongs to me, don't take it away!

Picture taken with my crappy smartphone.

We start by getting some exposition on the FBI named Vince Leone. This piece of exposition starts with him vomiting as well. I am looking forward to see how much more vomit will be in this story. Contrary to others, Vince Leone does not part ways with his breakfast because of the horrific sight he had to behold.

We learn that he has a bullet stuck in his head. And apparently, it is giving him a bad time on occasion, surprising him with sudden waves of pain. It also seem to have impact on his senses. Sometimes, they get enhanced to the points where objects look sharper or colors more vibrants. Sounds are much clearer to him in these moments. And smells become so strong that he can almost taste them.

Clearly, standing in a room with a rotting corpse is not what you want when your sense of smell is overpowering you like that.

After chewing some mint flavored bubblegum and thinking about his wife, he calms down a bit and get's back on the case. He and Mendez begin to question the man who found the victims in their house. The man in question is Marissa Fordhams neighbor, a certain Mr. Alexzander Zahn. He prefers to be called Zander.

"Zahn" is a german word and means "tooth" by the way. I doubt it will become important, but in case it will, you read it here first. Proably.

We learn that Mr. Zahn has been friends with Ms. Fordham for around 4 years. They have been on good terms with one another. We also finally learn the name of the little girl. Haley. How nice. Learning that Haley is still alive calms Mr. Zahn down quite a bit.

Continuing listening to what he says tells us that he apparently really was fond of Ms. Fordham. He doesn't seem to know much about her family and even less about Haleys father though. Mr. has a peculiar style of talking, he seems to repeat certain things quite a lot. He, like Marissa Fordham, is an artist, as he claims. So I let him have this small oddity because as an artist, you are clearly allowed and required to have those.

What even is a mimosa? Him adding that Haley had none makes me assume that it is some kind of popular alcoholic beverage. Feel free to school me on this topic in the comments below!

He explained how he got to the house of Marissa Fordham in the morning. Apparently, walking there to visit them is a thing he does regularly. They used to drink coffee and mimosas. I don't know what mimosas are, but he quickly added that the little girl Haley of course had none.

He explains how he enters the house through the door that leads to the kitchen. It was open, as usual, but the usual smell of coffee wasn't in the air. Getting to the point where he found the two victims made him very agitated. In shock, he found himself unable to continue talking. Mendez and Leone left him for the moment.

Chapter 4

We leave the crime scene behind and get introduced to a new set of characters. Anne Leone is the wife of Vince Leone. She used to be a teacher but decided to quit and take on studies in order to finish her degree in psychology. We are also introduced to part of her reason for doing so. A boy called Dennis Farman. A previous student of her, Dennis lived a rough life. He was abused physically and emotionally at home, which let to him become an bully himself. It seems these kind of things happen a lot.

You may be wondering why these two are having this conversation in the first place. And so am I at this point. Apparently, Anne Leone quit being a teacher, but as I read on, I found out that she goes to Dennis place amd makes him do homework. Apparently, she is in that weird place where she doesn't like the boy yet feels compelled to do something for him, no matter how pointless it seems.

Now in fifth grade, 12 years old, he is not going to school anymore. Instead, he is in a mental hospital. Let me explain to you why. He lived in an abusive household, as I explained earlier. He doesn't anymore because his father decided to kill his mother. He finished his work by commiting suicide. Just hours before that happened, Dennis stabbed a classmate of his called Cody. Cody did survive, but clearly, Dennis did not make a good case for his already fairly screwed situation here.

Sitting in the mental hospital, acting like an unlikable kid, he answers the question of why he stabbed his friend and classmate Cody by saying "Just because".

Dennis then starts to muse that he would love to kill another former classmate of his. This classmate is called Tommy Crane. His reasoning for this is that Tommy seemed to live a good life having wealthy parents. Of course, all of this ain't as beautiful as it may seem. Tommy Cranes father is going to prison. He was suspected to be the so-called "See-No-Evil" killer. He hasn't been charged yet, though.

What he did stand trial for, though, is the attempted murder of Anne Leone herself.

Now this took quite a turn for the dark

Clearly, there will be no ray of sunshine in this story. We received a couple more figures to toy around with. The main point of this chapter seems to be the introduction of this "See-No-Evil" Killer. I am assuming that we will learn more about his history and trademarks tomorrow. Maybe he will connect the two story strings we are following right now later on.

I will see you tomorrow for the next part!

Read more of Papa Rodin!

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