50 Days to Understanding the End-Times More Accurately - Day 49 - The Message to You

in #rapture8 years ago

DAY 49 - The Message to You

Since we should be able to understand the time in which we live, and since we have Biblical insight into the days that lay ahead, it is important to read what the Bible says about the end-times as if they were specifically written to you.

We know that the Gospel of Mark ends the “Olivet Discourse” with “And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch” (Mark 13:37).

If the events listed prior have no purpose in the lives of the believers other than to gain insight into things that won’t occur until after we are all gone via a pretribulational rapture, then this seems like a strange way to end this passage of Scripture.

If we are given the instruction to “keep watch” or “keep guard” (the meaning of the Greek word translated as “watch” in this verse), this instruction must apply regarding the previously mentioned events revealed in the “Olivet Discourse”.

If it does not, the instruction is irrelevant and irrational.

One important point to take notice of is that Jesus’ disciples asked “what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” (Matthew 24:3b), before Jesus gave the answers contained in the “Olivet Discourse”.

My question to you is, “Do you think that Jesus’ disciples already knew that He had come the first time?”

Since they were with Him and followed Him, we know that they did.

When they asked Him when He would come back, they are asking from the perspective of believers, awaiting His return for them.

This is the foundation upon which this question and answer portion of Scripture is built, so we cannot logically conclude that intended audience is either Jews still awaiting His first coming or “Tribulation believers” awaiting His return for the Battle of Armageddon.

The question was both asked and answered from the perspective of believers awaiting Christ’s return for them.

When Jesus begins to answer the question, He warns, “Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many” (Matthew 24:4b-5).

After Jesus mentions the “Abomination of Desolation”, He continues, “Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not” (Matthew 24:23).

Based upon what I just shared, it seems obvious to me that according to Jesus, He will not return until after the “Abomination of Desolation”, otherwise people still wouldn’t be looking for Him to arrive.

Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.” (Matthew 24:25-26)

Something else to contemplate is exactly what these believers will be getting exposed to in order for them to be so desperate that they would be willing to run off in any direction if someone simply claims that Christ is over there.

These will certainly be desperate times for the inhabitants of earth, even (and perhaps especially) Christians.

These believers will be under such oppression and tribulation and so desperately seeking deliverance that they apparently even forget what we are clearly told in Scripture about when and how the Lord will return.

Fortunately, unlike for the rest, deliverance will come for them, just as He said He would.

In preparation for these events, familiarize yourself with such passages as if they were written directly to you and heed the warnings contained within.

Point #1: It appears to be obvious that the “Olivet Discourse” and instruction for “all” to “watch” is given even to us.

Point #2: We would therefore do well to obey this instruction and read what the Bible says.


Thanks, @narrowminded

In case you missed them,

Back Cover
1 : The Foundation
2 : The Tribulation
BONUS : A Biblical, New Testament Understanding of Tribulation
3 : The Seventieth Week of Daniel
4 : Not Appointed to Wrath
5 : Wrath vs. Tribulation
6 : The Day of the Lord
7 : The Lord Alone
8 : The Exaltation of the Antichrist
9 : Promises
10 : The Presupposition
11 : 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4
12 : The Revealing of the Antichrist
13 : Same Day - 1
14 : Same Day -2
15 : Hand in Hand
16 : Overtake You as a Thief
17 : Another Thief
18 : Not Knowing the Day or Hour - 1
19 : Not Knowing the Day or Hour - 2
20 : Not Knowing the Day or Hour - 3
21 : Ignorance
22 : "Olivet Discourse": Armageddon or Rapture? -1
23 : "Olivet Discourse": Armageddon or Rapture? -2
24 : For My Name's Sake -1
25 : For My Name's Sake -2
26 : Enduring to the End
27 : The Righteous and the Wicked
28 : Dark Sun and Blood Moon - 1
29 : Dark Sun and Blood Moon - 2
30 : Dark Sun and Blood Moon - 3
31 : "Seal Judgments"
32 : The Fifth Seal
33 : Timing - 1
34 : Timing - 2
35 : Timing - 3
36 : Two Witnesses - 1
37 : Two Witnesses - 2
38 : Two Witnesses - 3
39 : Two Witnesses - 4
40 : Two Witnesses - 5
41 : Imminent - 1
42 : Imminent - 2
43 : Reasons Why
44 : The Cause of the Falling Away
45 : The First Watch
46 : Drunkeness
47 : The End-Time Call to Sobriety
48 : Signs of the Times

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