50 Days to Understanding the End-Times More Accurately - Back Cover

in #rapture8 years ago

Tomorrow I plan on beginning to release day 1 of my 50 day devotional study on the end-times as recorded in the Bible.

Here is the back cover of the book.

Eschatology, or the study of end-time events as laid forth by the Bible, is often one of the most divisive, intimidating, and misunderstood subjects in modern Christianity.

Unable to make much sense of it on their own, many will simply believe what the theologians or pastors claim to be true, or even worse, they grow apathetic concerning what the Bible says about the days ahead.

This 50 day devotional gradually and systematically opens the Bible in an easy to understand and digest manner, revealing what Scripture clearly states while simultaneously exposing the folly and error of some commonly held beliefs.

Designed to challenge the reader to really read the Bible for themselves and to empower the reader to truly understand what they read!

A must-read for anyone seriously seeking God's truth about the end-times.

Hopefully, you'll join me tomorrow as I begin to share what I belief about the subject.


Thanks, @narrowminded


I'm liking the sound of this... will look forward to seeing what you will have to share. Thanks

Thank you, @wordimager. I am encouraged by your interest.

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