50 Days to Understanding the End-Times More Accurately - Introduction

in #christianity8 years ago


Many of the things written in the Bible fall into the category of prophecy. Prophecy is more than just a guess or prediction about what will happen in the future, it’s a promise. When God reveals the future to us before the events take place, this serves as evidence that the Bible is indeed the very word of God. God exists outside of the realm of time. Therefore, He can declare events which have not yet happened for us as though they already did. “I have even from the beginning declared it to thee; before it came to pass I shewed it thee… I have shewed thee new things from this time, even hidden things, and thou didst not know them” (Isaiah 48:5a & 6b). God not only exists outside of the restrictions of length, width, and height, but also of time.

God revealed numerous events that have now already occurred many years before they ever took place. Over 100 specifically different prophecies about the Messiah were made long before Jesus Christ was ever born. Consider the following; the Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2) and called out of Egypt (Hosea 11:1). In the 2nd chapter of Matthew we read that Jesus was indeed born in Bethlehem (verse 1) and called out of Egypt (verses 14 & 15). These extremely rare requirements for the Messiah were both foretold ahead of time and fulfilled by Jesus. He also fulfilled more than 100 other specific prophecies.

As amazing as the fulfilled prophecies are, there are many more yet to come. The Bible is very clear about the events that will take place prior to the end of the world. Unfortunately, much confusion still exists. An abundance of false ideas have been promoted by many, and most people, whether Christians or not, are simply not prepared for the events that are promised by God to still occur.

This volume will serve as your guide to understanding these events more accurately so that you can be prepared for the days ahead. With the Bible as our guide, we will spend the next fifty days digging into the events of the end-times, as revealed by God. For this study I will be referring to Scripture as it appears in the King James Version. A KJV Bible can easily be obtained from many “dollar stores” for the meager amount of $1, and it is readily available online for free.

If you are reading this as part of an in-depth personal study, I would recommend reading the entire volume first, and then seriously picking it apart and doing your research and deeper study when you read it again. This may prevent you from spending unnecessary time on issues that are addressed later in the volume.

Thank you, @narrowminded

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