
This is great photography. I like the first photo the best. I haven't had a chance to visit Korea yet.

One day @neoxian, one day you should visit. Great place for solo and family travel. Thank you for your attention, appreciate the compliment 👍

I have heard so much about the amazing food in Korea, but never thought about the non-Korean possibilities! Now I have!

What is your favourite meal in Korea? I am sure Kimchi is on the menu! I have taken to fermenting our own.

Great pics as usual and thought provoking!

Kimchi's on the menu, yes. I've been studying fermentation recently and am amazed at how healthy it actually is for our bodies. I actually eat in moderation here as Korean food tends to be over-salted or over-spiced for my personal tastes. I can always eat Kimchi-chigae though (kimchi and potato with fish soup) as that's one delicious dish! Thanks for commenting @sequentialvibe, looking forward to more SEGA stuff from you :)

I am going to fire up the Genesis emulator this coming week and maybe do all Sega for a week :)

This guy is the North American guru of fermenting. His books changed our lives and now we get free probiotics all the time! Also, it's funny that the food and drink we treasure the most in our society tend to be fermented.

Ah! I love Korean food. Make my own kimchi at home. I would have a blast with different foods over there. Very cool. Thanks!

I need to learn how to make my own. There are places you can visit where they teach you and I'll get there eventually... :) Share some in a post @violinist!

That's a good idea! I'll make a post about that. I heard there's a kimchi museum in Korea. Maybe you can look it up?

Love seeing your photos. I have been using steemit to find new places I want to visit around the world. Have what is now a 2-3 year plan to turn my business into one that can be managed anywhere around the world. Want to take my kids on a multi year trip to see parts of the world that most never get to see. think these experiences will be more valuable then sitting in a classroom for that time.

Drop a comment below and share your latest posts with me

Always like to get feedback on my posts, so here is my most recent.

Thank you @thedarkhorse - everytime I see your username I think of the dark horse coffee we have in Toronto. Used to be my favorite franchise for coffee! Anyways, spending time with our kids travelling is the best thing we can aim for in this life of ours. I share the same goals in present and for the future.

I will read your post as the title is very attractive to me and I'm sure I'm in for an enjoyable read! Will wait to have my voting power to be restored and upvote as soon as :) Steem on!

Might have to take a trip up there just to get a photo of the place and make a post about it. Would like to take my kids to see the hockey hall of fame and all the tunnels that spread around the was the strangest thing to me.

I also did a post about my name for the name challenge that is going on right now if your interested in knowing the back story on my name. It's a fun challenge and anyone is free to join.

It's good to know that people notice the name. Hard to start gaining a following on here and if a name helps make me stand out I'll take it!

Your Evening Calm photo attention to my mind. its a excellent and meaningful photograph. I don know more about photography. But I explain As much as I see with my heart. there are two environment in your photo, some people waiting for darkness to take rest as sleeping. In the other side of the town, people are waiting for light. It was time for someone to become silent in this world, or to wake up. At the same, when happiness leave us then some people wait for that happiness. thanks for nice photograph.

In my opinion your post always consists great secret inputs means which have deep meaning means as you said, first time when someone read your initial lines they try deep dive into it but i will make it simple, those lines means, if you want to try to knowing something which has to be known but not be known same time. I really like to meet new people, because no one is different and everybody belongs to the same tribe and that is Humanity, in first picture we can see the innocence in the faces of people and also reflecting the life of simplicity and simplicity is greatness. And last your lines are really motivating and that is nothing is decided, go there and decide your path. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

That's an amazing B&W ❤️
Loved the snap of Suseong Lake, it really seems to be romantic.

Have a great day @kaliju

Manhole cover design there doesn't appear quite the same as here. haha. Love the first shot. What other ethnic groups live there? Are they all from elsewhere or are there still any of the original peoples of the area left?

Oh I see kimchi mentioned in a few comments. I love getting real Korean kimchi when I can. The Japanese variety isn't very spicy and often adds sugar or other sweetening. It's ok if the only option, but can't match the real thing. I've read all about the benefits and would love to make it myself (along with ume, natto, and Western-style pickles). Ah... need more space and more hours in the day. Maybe when the kids get older.

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