Random Acts of Christmas - Day 3 | Delivering a Big Box of Hand-Written Christmas Cards to a Senior Center

in #randomactsofchristmas7 years ago (edited)

Welcome to day three of the Random Acts of Christmas! I am especially excited for today because it feels really close to my heart.

Day 3 - Delivering a box of handwritten Christmas cards to the senior center

Today, I made 24 handwritten Christmas cards and dropped them off at my local senior center. I told the lady working to just hand them out to who she thought needed them the most.


The reason I said that this is close to my heart is because I lost two grandparents recently. If I am being totally vulnerable here… I wasn’t the best granddaughter. I rarely called or wrote them, and it had been several years since I’d made the trip to visit them. I’m not proud of this, but it’s where I am.

I hadn’t really thought about how lonely the holidays must have been for them until I was talking with my parents (who did spend much more time with them) after they passed. I should clarify that it was grandparents on different sides of the family… my dad’s mom and my mom’s dad. Both were single, living alone, and their health was so poor they could barely leave their apartments.


To think that I didn’t even give them a call on Christmas or send them a handwritten card is pretty terrible. I just donated money to the “family gift” and let my mom take care of the details.

When I started thinking about what types of things I could do for this week of kindness, the elderly population immediately came to mind because of my recent experiences.


I bet many of the people at the senior center probably wish they heard from their grandchildren more often too. I thought by sharing a sincere and handwritten card, it might help bring a little joy into their world and make them feel less alone.


Just to clarify... there were only 12 cards in each box

The lady working was really grateful for the thoughtful gesture and told me she had some people in mind who would really enjoy getting one of these cards.


I asked her if they got random drop offs like this often, and she said it really varies year by year. Sometimes companies or religious organizations will decide to purchase presents or do something for the seniors – and other years they don’t have much coming in.


Based on the positive reaction I had when dropping these off … it might be something that I start doing every year!

This one was very inexpensive, and so it is really just the time commitment to write out all of these cards.

Total Cost for this Random Act of Christmas: $2.

Seriously, it was only two dollars for all 24 cards! The dollar store had some great boxed card sets that were only a dollar each.

Thanks for following along during my week of kindness. I hope this series encourages you to think about how you could make a positive difference in the lives of those around you. I can’t wait to share tomorrow’s Random Act of Christmas with you! Until then, peace and love my friends.

If you decide to join in and do a random act of christmas, please use the “randomactsofchristmas” tag so that I can find your post and stop by to give you some encouragement and love! Also, be sure to check out and support @lyndsaybowes initiative Operation Human Angels and @hendrix22’s #thegoodnews tag. They are both doing amazing things to encourage good will and kindness. Not to mention, operation human angels is what inspired this whole series!


Someone decorated a big tree outside the senior center with colorful bulbs! Such a sweet gesture.

Other Random Acts of Christmas

Day 1 - Candycane Bombing a Parking Lot with Notes of Joy!

Day 2 - Making Scarves and Handing them out to the Homeless

A Few of My Recent Posts

Dtube - I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas - Ukulele Cover
Random Acts of Christmas Day 2 - Making Scarves and Handing them out to the Homeless
Dtube - Silent Night - Flute Christmas Cover

What an incredible selfless act! This truly brings warmth to my heart. My friends and I did something similar for a children's hospital a few years back. Nothing like giving to those that care to raise the Christmas spirit!

Happy Holidays!

Aww that’s so sweet that you brought cards to children’s hospital! What a thoughtful and kind gesture. Thanks for sharing your experience!❤️

I really think that I am going the start doing this every year. It is such an easy and inexpensive way to bring joy to someone during the holidays.

People don’t realize that there is really no cost to it! Just some of your time, which is always worth to spare for these causes.

What a beautiful thing to do @coruscate! You just gave me some faith that "the spirit of the season" is still alive and well out there!

Thanks for the lovely comment @denmarkguy. 😊 I have to say that I’m usually too caught up in my own world to really stop and think about doing things like this. That’s why it’s been so cool to make myself do something everyday leading up to Christmas. It has definitely opened my eyes and I think a few of these things are going to become an annual holiday tradition. 😊

Thanks again for stopping by and taking the time to leave an encouraging note.

You are distributing happiness on the faces of senior citizen. How many prayers and blessings have you taken from them :)
I did not see my grandparents, you lost grandparents. May God bless them a good place in heaven, amen

Aww I’m sorry to hear that you don’t get to see your grandparents. Thanks for the lovely and thoughtful comment.

We can not hold our loves one always near us. But! I am sure with help of God, we will meet them in heaven and live with them :)

@coruscate That is awesome!!! I worked as an orderly in a nursing home while I was in college. It was a hard job, but I loved it. That was a very cool thing for you to do. Quite often, where I worked, the family rarely came by. What you you did meant more than you will probably ever know. :-)

Wow, your comment made me tear up a little bit. It’s so sad to think about how lonely most of those people must be. Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a thoughtful remark. ❤️

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