Quote of the Day #77: Nobody Cares. Work Harder!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #quoteoftheday7 years ago

The harder you work, the more it pays off!

We set out on our daily mission to create a better world for ourselves and those around us, and plenty of times we will get feedback from others on our progress. Sometimes this feedback is worthless and other times it’s priceless.

When the difficult times come around as they always do, often times a complaint or a similar will cross our path, in that instance, nobody cares about the bad, negative, or the complaint, they care about the result and the endgame. The best thing to do when times are either good or bad, is to just work harder than ever before and harder than everyone else. This will get you to the destination in one piece and in great shape every time.

For instance, here on Steemit, when the price was high and the payouts were high and everything was on a high, people were busy posting, laughing and having a sweet old time, now that everything has gone down a bit, both here, and in the crypto world at large, things have quieted down and the people have gone a little more silent. These are the times we say that working harder and more focused is better than when everything is at high levels, make that noise and make your voice heard. Payouts are what they are, crypto prices are what they are, and you are what you are, so keep pumping out some mad value and represent this awesome community we have all taken pride in being a part of.

Credit to my boy @stackin for sharing this message a little earlier in THIS POST!

Did you like today’s quote? Consider an UPVOTE or a RESTEEM, that’d be cool!

Check out yesterday’s “Quote of the Day #76” if you haven’t already done so.

Work Harder!

Follow @sandstorm for cool lifestyle, travel, and food content.


Hey @sandstorm, what an awesome post you have done here...!! Totally totally correct..
When the times are bad, we have to push the envelope and out do ourselves. That's the only way to remain relevant in these changing times. Same is the case with the whole crypto market thing right now. Prices are low and I see this to be the right time to jump in and book profits later on, when the prices go out of the galaxy once again... Hardwork and smart decision making are the two traits that can take anyone far far ahead in race to success. ✌️✌️Peace..!!

Sounds like you have some big plans in the pipeline @vinyprop! Thanks for the killer comment :)

Thanks @sandstorm...! In the world of every man for himself, one needs to be always on the toes and attentive. You never know when opportunity knocks your doors. And I want be at home to answer the doorbell when that happens 😝😀

BOOM! I think I can hear the doorbell already @vinyprop :)

Lol..! Me too @sandstorm ☺️☺️... Thanks for responding.. Peace

Cheers brother! Go get it :)
Peace to you as well and Steem on!

This little baby bubble burst doesn't even phase me with crypto. You want to see quite. Go back to 2015 when Bitcoin hit $176 in January. Or when STEEM hit $0.07 during the winter. Now that is brutal!
This is still a day at the beach!

Your hardcore though BP! Most would've and probably already have crapped the bed. I've heard some stories from a few that were around at the 7 cent times and it was a somber mood that's for sure.
Any day at the beach is a good one, even if it's raining :)

Yeah I was basically here when it was $0.07 but I wasn't posting other than a few comments. People were really upset and it was understandable. There were a lot of moves that Steemit Inc made that was like WTF??? It really did look like the platform could collapse and just be a little ghost town with the ants running around for crumbs. I'm really glad it came out of it and that was a true test. Now I know there is no way it will completely die in the near term....like next couple of years. There is too much of a community here now and people have too much time and money invested to let it die. People fought hard for it in the winter but it looked like it was a dying cause but it rose from the dead.

Yeah, you can definitely feel the community growing bit by bit and can see the ones who are consistently posting quality posts & comments. You can also see the bullshit posters and those people will always come and go regardless of the platform or media.

It'll be good to see this place strengthen up and thrive, I feel fortunate as I know many others do too for being here now at this point in time.

@brianphobosoh man..
We need more people like you on this channel. Damn cryptos.
I initially found you using my machine. Are you interested in presenting more technical stuff here, in the future?

Yeah possibly. But am I talking to a bot or a real person. It says this was posted 12 hours ago via an unknown client? Makes me think this is a script!

Thanks for the trusting, haha. See
Btw. your reputation right now is
My laptop with the screening is not running anymore right now, though. But soon I'll come back.

@sandstorm It is easy to revel in the good times. How you face the down times is a real judge of character. thanks for the lunchtime read :)

Thanks for spending lunchtime on my humble posting @ck-cake.
I hope you have a nice spicy somtam as part of that lunch of yours :)

Good post!

I always figured that if you worked HARDER when times are difficult, you would come out ahead when the next upturn arrives... true here on Steemit, as well as in life all around us. I am ready to be part of the next upturn in the crypto market, although I expect not that much will happen until the uncertainty around Bitcoin settles down.

Thanks @denmarkguy, I like your train of thought!

Working harder and smarter is always the best choice I think. In these 'down' times, with just a switch of one's perspective it can look like the opportunity that we all secretly wish would happen. "If only btc prices were lower, & steem prices were lower etc..." and it is currently right in front of us. Nobody knows what tomorrow or August 1st will bring us, but we can be certain that there will be more upturns and there will be more downturns. Keeping yourself grounded and consistent will ALWAYS pay off and not just financially or rewards wise, but life wise!

It's the truth. Become more valuable in your situation by continually pushing. This will spill over in to every other aspect of your life. Got nothing to loose, so it's just effort.

You said it so much smoother than I was attempting to, thanks for that @ba-boo :)

You could work hard, but it is not the rule that you are get paid-off. You are talking about the ideal world, where a fair-play is in the root. But the World is not place for fair play, as only those who are wealthier, they win and you lose.

You are correct @zkazhmag working hard doesn't always PAY OFF financially! The world is what we make of it, and that is the world we live in. If we want to be victims, we will be, if we want to be victors, we will be. There will always be rich & poor, it's your choice which one you choose to be.

Of course, you are right at most, but what about the corruption. Yes, it could be my choice to be a victor, but what I must do to become. It could be a fair play, where I only need to comply with the rules and be the best. But there is another unfair way: if you possess enough assets, you could buy a victory. If I do not choose an unfair play, even if I can, who am I? A victor or a victim?

The world is unfair, life is unfair, social media is unfair etc... Today's quote addresses that: "Nobody Cares, Work Harder".
If life is revolved solely around assets, find a way to attain them.
If victories only revolve around buying them with assets, get assets and buy victories.
Who are you? I don't know. Are you a victim or a victor? I don't know either. Those are questions only you can answer yourself.
What about corruption? "Nobody Cares, Work Harder"

I am not right about anything here, it is up to each person to find their own truths and their own path.

Working harder is not the only way to become a victor. You accept that everything is unfair. How could you claim that your rule will work? How could you guarantee that my hard work will pay off? Millions of people is working ten times harder than you, and most of them do not get their reward. How many small businesses closed, because of crisis. Government deceives, taxes are stolen. The circumstances are much more important than your efforts.

I make no claims, because the world is as one sees it.
I guarantee nothing.
If one wants to be in the scarcity victim mindset to the world's governments and corruption and feel that their work will not equate to anything of value, that is one's choice to do so.
That is not my choice.

Ok, your statement possesses the term "value". So, you understand, that the produced product should be valuable. Again the evaluation of the product is needed by some group or organization. When you produce your value with so many efforts invested, another individual could do it much better mostly without any efforts. Your mindset is a victim's mindset, the wealthiest of this World invented motivations and KPIs to make a "hardworker" for less reward. While we work hard, our taxes go to those who are not.

If one wants to be a victim they will. If one wants to not be a victim they will.

I think one of the reason there is a slowing down of activities on the site as to do with the reason you join. If you join to make quick cash, you will be left when times get rough.

But if you join to create content that others can enjoy, with cash the second thought then you will keep posting and being active in the community

I believe if you remain committed to something, others will eventually see your hard-work.

I think you've nailed it right there @securetalk, great comment sir!
The intentions of users will always shine through, every single time.

In a society that looks only at profit and not at meritocracy, I have no idea how useful it may be to give more and more, considering that many people do not appreciate what we do and how good we are. We should break our chains and scream to the world who we are.

Then it would seem that 'working harder' to find the people who do value each others skills and what they do would be top priority.

Believe me, here in Italy, the more you work the better you get is totally false, because go on in life only who has powerful friends unfortunately. The system is corrupted at all levels!

Working hard does not necessarily equal working more. Depending on if someone wants to be a victor or a victim, they will succeed every time.

you can totally take a rest once you are dead............till then work hard !!!

You got that right @chapterclosed! Keep pursuing your goals.

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